The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tit K n.Yl.l.KS, ... (II'.KDIIN TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct time card 01 trains sum) boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust it, as Tin: Cmtosici.i: is kept fully in formed of revisions : 1). IV A A. N. 0. STU.VMKKS. Steamer ItcRiilator leaves every Monday, Wed nesday timl Fridny at 7:80 a. m. Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 5:30 p. m. OllKHON DAI1AVAY V NAVIGATION CO. fast mail. Arrive. Leave. No.l WeM3und'. I r I" a.m. 1 : 50 ii.m. No.2 Kast-botmd ... . 10:15 p.m. 10:20 p.m. DALLES llM.i:.N(init. No. 7 Wct-bound, leaves 1:00 p.m. No. S Fast-bound, arrives 11:55 a.m. All passcnsrertralLs stop at Union Street, as vrcll as the depot. AdvartUliig letter. Per inch. One Inch or less In Dally Jl 50 Over two Inches and under four Indies 1 00 Over four inches, and under twelve inches. . 75 Over twelve inehe 50 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per inch ?2 5J Over one inch and under four inches 'J 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 00 8100 Howard J 100. TMm rtini lira rtf tlita (vlnui Tvlll lln l . ivi.uv.u vj . . . . . .j ,r,ajt.. ..... uu pleased t.o learn unit uiere is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh C:ire is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foun dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for "list of testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. "Sold by Druggists, 75 cents. No. 2-S. Tltn Klrethin. The elections in the Ivist show Demo cratic gains in moat of the largo cities, tho greatest helm in Chicago, where j Carter Harrison was elected mayor by a : plurality of 8S.O0O over Sears Hepubli , can. There were two indepe ndctit can , didates in the field, polling toyetlu-i DO, i oOO votfs. In Kansas tho women voted, I and the result showed that tho major ity of them were Republicans. The Republicans carried St. Louis by 15,000. In Kentucky, among other things, was the election of a member of tho legisla ture to fill a vacancy caused by death. The Democrats won. Carter's phenom enal vote in Chicago was due largely to the fact that he was tho Eon of Carter Harrison, the mayor murdered a year or two ago. The use of tea in the United States has fallen off one-half in twenty years, because Americans get the worst tea in the world. People who can get Schil ling s Bestto drink use more tea than they used to. Your grocer has it or can get it. A Schilling & Company Sau Francisco 520 It Is UneiHlur.ilile. London, April G. The Constantinople correspondent of the Times savs that, as a result of the Turkish cabinet council, a circular has been dispatched to the powers, pointing out that the conditions caused by the attitude of Greece and the interminable prolongation of the Cretan crisis are unendurable. Dr. Kiiir's New Discovery fur Cosump tlou. This is the best medicine in tho world for all forms of Cougtia, Colds and Con sumption. Every bottle is gauranteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold In tho Head and Consump tion. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is always well to take Dr. King'a New Life Pills in connection with Dr. King's New Discovery, as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guarantee per fect satisfaction or return money. Freo -trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. (0; Not So Charitable Ah That. London, April G. An official denial is made this evening of the statement from Constantinople that the British minister at Athens has been instructed to make pacific ovettures to Greece with a view to enubling that country to extricate herself. A V.i Hi i It in l'ru'urlp tluu. Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Electric Bitters, and I can cheerfully recommend it for Consti pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs. !An nta Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of Electtic Bitters re--stored her health and renewed strength. (Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a IJottlo iit Blakelev and Houghton's Drugstore. " (0) Two years ago R. J. Warren, a drug gist a Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought a small supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He sums up the result as fol lows : "At that time the goods were un known in tliis section ; to-day Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is a household word." It is the same in hundreds of communities. Where ever tho good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy become known the people will have nothing else. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. CATARRH LOCAL 'DISEASE and is tho result ol colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we positively state that this remedy does not contain mercury or any other injur-' ious drug. Ely's Cream Balm is acknowledged to bo the most thorough care for Nasal Catarrh. Cold in Head and Hay Fever of all remedies. It opens ami cleanses tho nasal passages, allays pain and inllammation, heals the eores, pro tects tho membrane from colds, restores the senses of tastu and smell. Price 00c. at Druggists or by mail, ELY BKOTUEKS. 60 Warren Street. New York. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing in Tygh Valley Flouring MilN, under the name of W. M. McCorkle & Son. is this 'day dissolved bv limitation, J. M. Mc jCoikle retiring.' W. M. McCorkle will continue, anil will pay all legal claims i and collect all debts of the late firm. Tvgh, Or.. April 2, 1S97. W. M. McCoisku:, a7-lm J. K. McUoi:ki.i:. flow fibouk Your job piWTW Wo have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. AYo not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. The Dalles Real Estate Exchange IS DAILY HKCIJIVIXG INQUIRIES FROM Prospective : Immigrants From every part of the United States concerning the Resources, Products, Prices, Etc. I3NT WASCO COUNTY. ' All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or citv nropertv will find it greatlv to their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members of tho Exchange, giving full particulars, terms, etc. T. A. HUDSON, G. W. ROWLAND, THE DALLES, C. E. 15 A YARD, .1. G. KOONTZ & CO. .1. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. OREGON. Mrs. Anna Morris, in the Kraueo building on Fifth street, near the Court street school, is prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking. Suits from .f.'j no. mcl.2-'-2w TICKS 0RLICE THE WORLD RENOWN 3. ORDINANCE NO. 162. The following is a part of ordinance No. m, to provide for tho taxing and killing of dogs: The owners or persons having in charge any dog .permitted to run at large within the city limits, shall, on or before the 12th day of May of each ear, nnv into the city treasury the sum o Sl.oO for each and every male dog, anil (he sum of for each and every slut or female dog, which shall entitle him to a receipt from the treasurer, which re ceipt shall be numbered and shall des iimate the sex of thedoirami tho owner a name and tho amount paid; and upon the presentation of each receipt to the recordei, he shall issue a license to the holder i Hereof, which shall designate the owner's name and the number of the license, which number shall correspond with thit worn by tho dog or slut. The marshal will seize, kill and prop erlv burv in some suitable place outside the city limits anv and all dogs found running at largo, in violation of the above provisions; also any and all dogs wearing collars running at large on which the owner or keeper has failed to pay or renew the license. , Any person or inhabitant of this city pernfitiing any dog of which he iH the owner or over which he has the control, to go abroad in any of the streets, squares lanes or public places of this city without having first paid tho lirensr required by this ordinance, and having the number thereof stamped or engraved on the collar upon such dog, shall upon convic tion thereof before the recorder, bo sub ject to a lino of not less than $5 nor more than ifoO, or imprisonment for not more than fifteen days. "--t Null! of School lU'Urlut llnlids. School District No. 1!!), in Wasco countv, Oregon, at a meeting regularly called therefor, having voted to bond said district in tho sum of $3,000, to be in six bonds of foOO each, payable abso lutely in twenty years and redeemable at the pleasure of" said district after ten years, witn interest coupons uuaoneu, interest navable semi-annually, rnn cipal and interest payable at the office of the countv treasurer of saul county or at such place as may be designated in the city of New York, at the option of the purchaser, and the rate of in terest Hhall be such as may be desii: nated in tho bid which may be accepted, not exceeding the rate of o per cent. Therefore, in pursuance of the law in such cases I will receiye sealed bids for said bowls as above described, at my office in Dalles City, Oregon, up to the hour of U o'clock p. m. of tho -'1st clay of April, 189, all bids to ho accom panied bv certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid, the successful bidder to furnish blank bowls. Bids for less than par will not bo considered. The right is reserved to reject nny and all bids. Dalles City, Oregon, March 20, 1897. C. L. Phillips, Treasurer Wasco Countv, Oregon. m22-td NOTICE. in Your Ciifc-Jts. All county warrants registered prior to Oct. lo, 1S92, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after April 7, 1S97. C. L. Fiiillipm. County Treasurer. Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE & MAYS, The Dallss, Oregon. ItuoKicn'i) .rinua naive. The best salve in tno world for cuts, bruises, sorea, ulcers, salt rheum, fovei eores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains, corns, and all ekin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to irive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 centB per box. For sale riy Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. Notion to Tuxpuyors. Notice is hereby given that by order of the countv court, tho sheriff will re turn tho tax roll for 1890 to the county clerk on tho first Monday in April. Jt!J7, and all taxes then Hot Clam broth every a. in. to 12 :.'10 p. in. and 4 Stublingit Williams. day from 10 to 0 p. m. at mch4 Bond Issue of 820,000. School dlktilet No. I-.', of Wasco county, Ore koii (beine; tho district in which Dalle City Is located) will issue twenty coupon bonds of tho pur value of one thousand dollurs each, beariiiK Interest at tho ratoof .six per cent per milium, Interest payable i-eml-annually; said bonds be ItiK reileeeiablu at tho pleasure of wild district after ten years from their date, but duo mid pav nblu absolutely twenty years from date. Princi pal and Interest ptyablo at tho olllce of the treasurer of Wasco County, Or., or at such place as may be designated in the city and state of New York, at tho option of the purchaser. Tho board of directors of said district are lawfully authorized to Issuo said bonds in accordance tfth tho provisions ot an act of tho Legislative Assembly of tho State of Oregon filed In tho oilieoof tho .Secretary of .State Feb. Ih'JS, and providing, among other things, for tho Issuing 01 uunus dv sciiooi nisiricis. In compliance with tho terms of said uct, I, ns Treasurer of said county, will receive scaled bids for said bonds at my olllce, In Dalles City afoio I said, until l o'clock p. m. on tho l.'itl, dav of ; May, ly7. .Ml bids must bo accompanied by u I certified cheek of Ilvo per cent of the amount of ( bonds for which tho bid is made. No bills for I less than jiur will bo consldeicd, Tho buyer to 1 fnrnUll MiinL- lumdu tn I... .. viu.t, ,..,1 I... ,1... .IU. ' inei Notice of Slierilfs Sale, Notices is hereby Riven thntby vlrtuo of mi ex ecution and order of sale issued out of tho CIr euit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, on iho bth day of March, 1S07, upon a judgment made, reodere.1 and entered therein, wherein John ftaiger was plaintill ami O. U. Taylor and Sarah K. Taylor wero defendants. mid to mo directed ami delivered,! did, on tho I CITATION. I TN THE COUNTY COl'KT of the State of Ore- I Bon, lor tno county ot wateo. I In tho matter of the estate of James McGahan, i uurensui uuauoii. , To .Jacob McOahan, James Mcfiahan, John Mc Oahan, Lama MciJahan, Ulva Mcliahan, Marv . I'.llen lIUKhes, lillZHbelh McOahau and Kate Sluimnke, hcirsand legatees, and Mrs. Hannah i uaru, iCKaice, ureeiiui;: in mo nanio 01 mo htato 01 Oreaon, von are Jth day of March, Ih'J7, duly levj upon mid will, I hereby cited and required to appenr hi the ('niin un .iuuuu) , iiiu i.uiuii) ui apiu, ioj, m uiuuoiir i u luunui 1110 niaiu 01 uretjoii, lor mo county of L' o'clock p. m. of said day. at the front door of Wasco, at thucourtrooui The Dalles, of tho county courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco . in tho County of Wasco, on Monday, the Bd day Countv. Oregon, sell to tho hlidiest bidder for of Mav. 1S'J7. at o'clock in tlin nrtxrnnon nf n,.. cash In hand, nil tho following bounded mid de- day, then mid there to show came, if any there setibed real estato described in said execution be, why an order of sale should not bo imido and and order of sale, to-wlt: Comnioncinj,' at u entered heieln, directing the uxeculor of the last point on tho north boundxry lino of Noyce mid will mid testament of said deceased, to sid I the vjiuiuu s .iiiuiiiuii in nanus uiiu ij ennui i iai piupeny ueioumug ro sain estate, to-wlt mid llf teen (15) links: easterly from the north- Tho southwest quarter of Stetlon eight, Town- i, i:. i;uwici u iiNuu ti.itiiuuji, iuiu i un iii iik iiii'iiru i snip unu suuiu, uaiigu ounceii r.ast, w, M,, the itisti-ii., fuiiiiK nmii uuiku llllUMl imi:uilllil Ulli bon'sAddltion two hundred ten (210) feet moroor less, in ino western Doinmitry lino oi lot oi iiiiui conveyed by James l-'ulton and wifo to I'rlsclllii Wvtsou by deed dated February 'J7, !M), and re corded on lge2ll book "U" of records of deeds of Wasco County; theueo northerly and along said western boundary lino of said Jot so con veyed to 1'rlscllla Watson, and a continuation thereof ton point where tho line so continued would intersect tho southwestern boundary lino of the street laid out by tho authorities of I'm lies i;uy mm cancu ruiiou street, it sucn soutnwest- em Dounuary uno oi t niton street wero con nil 11 n l rl ing unpaid on the roll will be declared Dated 'nt Dalles city. Wam County. Oregon. tuts L.-JHI nay oi Marcn, iw. c. i.. pnii.ui's, 31- lw-1 Treasurer of Wasco County, or. dflimiucnt, and thereafter tho sheriff will not receive taxos until tho delin quent roll iH given him. My order of court. A. M. Kiu.sav, ml':! -ltw Clerk. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lantierberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined freo of chart."). If you suffer with headache or nervotisiies.s you un doubtedly havo imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit von for life. Oflici) in the Vogt block. Wo sell lloo Cake soup. Pease & 51 ays. aL'-ilm tlniifd to such intersection: theueo in it right lino to mid along said southwestern boundary Kill, nf I'llltntl fcfr.tnt tt tlw.finlnr ii'I'.tr,. tin. kn,.i,. The right to reject itny and all bids Is j internets tho eastern boundary lino of tho laud ownco ny weniworin i,oru, unjoining tne land of fames Fulton, and thence southeily along said lluo betwien the lands of Wentwortli Lord and James Fulton to the pluco of beginning, being the same land convo)cd by James a, and Faiinlo Ji, Iticlinrdson to Fiedeilo A, McDonald, on tho lth day of March, 10, recorded on page III, book "K ' in Deed llecords of Wasco County, Oregon, and afterwards deeded by said McDon ald and wifo to O. D. Taylor, all said premises being in Wasco County, Oregon! or so much thereof us shall bo meessaiy to sallsfy tho ev eral sums due upon said writ, to-wlt! Tho sum of $10), mid luteiest thereon since October 11, Ik'Ji, at tho ratoof ten per cent per annum, mid for tho further sum of $1000, with Interest ti.cro on from April 15, lb'.i3, at tho rato of ton per cent per annum; tho further sum of $110, attorney's fees, mid tho further sum of f.'IS, costs taxed III bal.lsiiit, together with accruing costs, and ex penses of said sale. Dated this utli day ot March. 1W. T. J. DltlVlIIt, inchlS-II filwlll of Wutco County, Or. Notice of Final Stlllcmenl. Notlco Is hereby glvci that tho undersigned administrator ot tho estato of MaryM, (iordou, deceased, hits llled his Dual report am! account hi said estate, and that Tuesday, the lth day of May, lb'J7, at tho hour of J o'clock p. in. of said day ut tho County court loom, in tho county court houso In Dalles city, Wasco County, Oie gon, has been appointed by said court us tho tiinoiiiii! place for healing said final uccouut. Dated this 23th day of March, 1MJ7. AHA .STOIi.SDIl.I,. Administrator of tho estate of Mary M. (ior dou, deceased. apr:i-il sumo being tho real property described hi tho pe- wuim oi mo executor or sain estato tiled herein, lhis Citation Is served uiioii you, tho said Ja- con jicuiiiian, jiiiues jiciiiinan, Jolin Mcliiiliaui, I .H lira Mcliahaii, Klvu Mctiahan, Marv Klleu Hughes, Kllzabeth McCiahmuind KatoShumake, heirs of James McGahan, deceased, by order of tho County Judge of Wasco County, Oregon, miulo oil tho Midday of March, lb'J7. Wunkss, tho Hon. Jlobert Mays, Judge of tho County Court ot tho Statu oi Oiegou,,for sk.u. tho County of Wasco with tho Seal of said Court afllxed this iUd day of March, A. D., lb'J7. Attkst; a. M. KKMAY, Clerk. '"-''I HyhiMKON UOI.TO.V, Deputy J. 8. SCIIKNK, President, H. M. Hk.ul, Cashier. FiPst National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREQON A uenoral Hanking Business transacted DepositB received, aubject to Sight Draft or Check. OollectioiiB made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection, SiL'ht and TeleKrnphio Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco anJ Port land. oikeotors 2' t;;r'i?"l'H0N. Jno, fi. SOHUNOK, Ed. M. Wif.i.iAWB, Gko. A, Likbe. H. M, Ukai.l. Notice is hereby uiven that wo will, on Friday, April HO, ISO", at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, at the livery stable of Ward, Kerns & Uobertson. sell at public auction, to the highest bidder tor cash, the following described per sonal property, to-wit: One bay saddle horse, about 8 vears old, branded like this : On right shoul der F, and witli letter It on left hip; lias four white feet, and star in face. To- uetlier with bridle and saddle. All sup posed to be the property of S. Patterson. This sale is under an agister's or stable keeper's lien, to satisfy the charges of the undersigned for' their reasona ble charges for the labor, care and attention and the fooii furnished said animal, amounting at this date to $:io, and for accriiinu' costs and expensey, and the expenses of thin sale. ali td Waih), Kimins & IIoiikiitso.n. jUBGoiipa Pacini Go., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEE MANUFACTUKfJHhOF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS BACON DRIED HEEF, ETC. ilORTHERN jl PACIFICjv; n s Pullman Elegent Tourist 'Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car I MINNKAPOLIS UUM1TH KAIIOO TO UANI) FOUR ClUIOKSTON WINNII'EO IIKI.KNA au ltllTTK Through Tickets CHICAOO T WAHH1NOTON I'lllI.ADKIrillA NKIV YOUK IIOSTON AN1 ALL I'OINTH IJAST mill SOUTH Bale Oven and Mitchell STAG-E LINE, THOMAS HAKPEE, - - Proprietor Staires leavn TtuWn n every day, and from Antolopo to M t- ... .......v. ncvii. For Informntton, time cards, maps and ticket cal on ur write to ' W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., JXi, iforrlsou Cor. Third, t'ortlund Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at PortUnd, lhavi:. S:G0 l'. M, ii::X) A. JI, Dally except Sundays-. 1:00 I'. JI, 7:) A. Jl, tl:l5 I'. Jl, OVKKI.AND KX-1 press, .Salem, ltose-1 huri;, Ablilimd, Sac-1 . . . . l I j iiuiiuiiiti, vjiiuii,nau i 1 Francisco, Jfnjnvc, , l.os Angeles, Kl l'aso. I rsew Orleans i I Fast Koscburg and way stA-1 tiiius (Via Woodbarn fori I Jlt.AiiRel, HUverton, i West Sclo, Drowns- vllle.riprlnglleld and I Nil troll I Salem and way stationsl,10d5A.M (CorviiIHs mid way h:a)P.M. (stations ' IJIeJtinnvlllo and If 8:25 P.M I way stiitions I ARRIVE. 'iilOA.M. 1:40 P.M cieept Sundays. 'Dally. t'Uly, except Sunday, DINING OAKS ON (K1DKN U0UTE. I'UI.i,MAN IUJFFKT SI.KEl'KRS AND SFCOND-OLASS BLEEl'INO CARS Attnclied to all Through Tinlus. Direct connection nt S'an Francisco with Ocd dental and Oriental and 1'nclflo mall steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on iij plication. Hates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu lope. Alwi JAPAN, OHINA, HONOLULU and Al'STKAI.IA, can no obtained from J. II. KIKKI.AN1), Ticket Agent Through Ticket Olhce, 131 Third street, when through tickets to all points In tlio tastcrn I.i timl Vnrn.m fiill ho nhtflllieu ' lowest lates from , J. II. ICIP.KI.AND, TICIiei ASf'ii. All above trains arrive at and depart lion" Grand Central Station, Fifth and frvius streets. YA.MItll.I. DIVISION. PahsengcrDi'pot, foot of Jetlerson street. U'avo fur OSWEOO, dallv, except Stmdir.' 7:':o n. m.; 1:15, IMS, rniio,, S:05 v. m (and p. in. on Saturday only). Arilvc I'ortlanil at 7:1(1 mill S::iil a in.: and 1:30, 6:3." and 7:i).j p. m. Leave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. o. Airlvc at Portland, U::U) a, in, Ixiive for AIIII.IK on Jlonday, Wediiesdavanl FrMav at 1): lu n. m. Arrive at Portland, lufe- dav, Thursday and Saturday nt 3:03 p. w. Sunday trains for OSWEOO leave at 8:40 a. b. and 12! 15, 1 : w, :j :S0, ft :'2. : 15 and 8 Oj p. b. i rlvuat Portland atH:20. 10:00 a. m.; 1:M 5:10, ii:3.'), 7:55 p. m. K. KOEHLEU, E. P. Iufc"?i. Jlnnager. Asst. O. F. & Pass. Ait THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 I'aBoB n Woek. 150 I'apers a V1' GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. (LOODpOISON D tract tntmvrnll tocomolierowowillcin. tlonalmiarauty. a ij.i ,?''! W our uiicomu 901 KjuuuTo Xpi0,VuAUO,Ilu20,' Nobragkn corn for ualo nt tlio Wasco warehouse Heat feed on earth. mO-t Tt atiirwlo flraf nmnnn WPfiklv" DSP" in she, frequency of publication D1 freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the lovr price o ti weekly; and its vast lu' subscribers, extending to every Btflte nH territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for tho accuracy w fairness of its news columns. It Is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features nro a fine l""1"" pntjo, exhaustive market reports, all in latest fushioiid for women and a W series of stories by tho greatest lW American and Entjlish authors, Coimn Joylo, .loroine K. ''""j,!,, Stiinl.iy WuyuiHli, Mary K. W Aiitliony llip, Urol llurte. Itriiiidnr SlHlthuwR, 13c j Wo offer this unequaled newspapw0 The Dalles Twico-a-Week Chronicle Wither one year for .f'J.OO. limw prico.of tho two papers is .f3,00. fiubscrlbo for Tim Ciikonicle.