The Dalles Daily Chronicle, TH K IIAI.l.KS, OltlJOUN' TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Uulow is published a correct time card ot trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust it, as Titn CiittoNicu: is kept fully in formed of revisions : I). V. V A. X. 0. STKAMKMS. i Steamer IteRtilator leaves every Monday, Wed - nelny and Friday ut 7:30 u. in. Arrives cwry Tuesday, Thursday mid S.itur- itny at.):.A) 1 , ill. OHEGON KAIIjWAY FAST MAIL. N'o.l Wet-b.iund Xo.'J Knst-bound . . . .V NAVIGATION CO. Arrive. Leave. . . . 1 : 1" 11.111. -t:5' U:l.i ii.ui. IOj'.V yuu. DAI.LK.X VASMlNnKU. No. T West-bound, leaves No. Ea-t-bmuul, arrives . 1 :C0 p.m. .ll:.Vi All pa-seutrcr traliis stop tit Union Street, as well us the depot. AilvertUliiB Kates. Per inch One Inch or less In Dally ?l "0 Over two inches and under (our Inches 1 00 Over four Inches and under twelve inches. . 75 Over twelve Inches 50 DAILY AND WEI1KLY. One inch or less, per inch "2 50 Over one inch and under four inches. ... 2 03 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 00 1'KliSONAIi 31 KNTION Mrs. Chaunian went to Portland this niornini: on the Ueaulator. Miss Catharine .Martin went to Moaier yesterday, where she is to teach a term of school. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Brom Portland on the Drooks returned Regulator Satur- day night. Mr. IJenkle of Antelope and Dr. C. Adams of Tvgh left for Glennwood, Wash., today." Miss Annie Thompson left for Dufur Saturd-.-.y, where she will begin a new term of school. Mrs. J. L. Story, who was called to McMinnvilie on account of the death of her father, returned last night. Council .Meeting. Regular meeting of the council Satur day niu'ht. Present, Mayor Menefee and Couneilmeu Kuck, Wood, Thompson Nolan, Ohampliu and Ross. Minutes were read and approved. The finance committee reported thro' its chairman, M. T. Nolan, that about $2500 of the city funds could be loaned, and was given further time. The committee on streets and pubic property reported concerning sewer pe titioned for by II. W. French, and was given further time. Judiciary committee reported con cerning the taxing of laundries, unfavor able to same. Committee on fire and water reported -recommending the marking of the Streets. Mr. Schanno presented verbal peti 'tion that a committee be appointed to investigate the matter of lurnishing ap paratus for Hook and Ladder Co. Re ferred to committee on fire anil water. Special committee to look sifter road tax collected by county reported that they had interviewed the county judge, who will meet them again soon in re gard tu tin1 matter. Muurhly reports of officers received, read and approved. Claims as reported by the marshal whiu allowed and warrants ordered diawu for the same, and also for ofltcers' bul.uies. The matter of the ordinance licensing drug stores, wuf iaid over to adjourned ineeiin, and on motion it was ordered that when council adjourn, it adjoun to meet April 10th. Ordinance No. in reference to house numherint:, was read, placed on final parage and lost, the vote being 3 to 3. On motion the matterof labelingstreets wa- referred to committee on streets and jm'ilic property, with power to act. The ordinance concerning street mini bfrimr was referred to judiciary com mittee to report Monday. The marshal being instructed to atop the numbering or houses until fiuthur orders. On matter of ridding the city of sur-pln- dog-, marshal was instructed to en force dog ordinance, and recorder to have the same published. Another Great Flood l'i filleted The unusual and unprecedented late miring hai made many people predict high wnP-r this summer. The snow in j the mountains this winter has been very dfttp. In the past month all previous recordH have been broken. The rain ' which lias oecn so plentiful hereabouts J IniH Iihimi t-now in the mountains and lie yy snow at that. But tho amount j of snow on the hills and on the mount- .linn doer- not alone determine the high i wntt-r. High wator is governed uv tho , rmudity with winch the enow molts ratluT than by its quantity. Some lime when tin' snow is deoii it goes oil' gradn- nlh and tho rivers do not rfrons ranidlv. Auithor times a light snow fall may go i it wini great rapidity (luring a weeK or i word." It is the samo in htimliedH of can cheerfully recommend it for Consti ngThe Hver ,fn Try much'1' Vim! t01""'itlea- Whom ever tho good I pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen iinlucvM i he belief that "tho water this ' J"lllitlce ()f Chamberlain's Cough Rein-1 oral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs. y.-ar w III be very high, is tho Into spring. ! (iiMrally before the end of March much a tie enow has been molted away and I has run oil'. This year it is all in place and is still falling un the loner foothills. Honco when the warm weather comes, if it phonlil he reasonably steady, the water will conn' pouring down froiii the hill sides in (.Meat llnods. Many believe this will be the ease this year and that the hitth water will he greater than the rfnt iloods of three years ago. They .iv t he only hope is that the warm weather will come very quickly, but nut too intense, and that some of the snow on the lower mountains will melt nwnv and run oil" before the time comes for the vast bodies of snow far back in the mountains to 1 cive way before the summer heat Klickitat Agriculturist. There is a greater snowfall than ever before known in thu country around ll.tker City. At Robinsonville it it now seven feet, in Greenhorn ninoffeet and still increasing, it snowing nearly every day. There is undoubtedly snow enough to make a tremendous (iooii, it nil de pending on the manner in which it molts. A citizens' meeting was held in the school house, Tuesday night last, to nominate candidates for town oflicers for the ensuing official term. The pres ent mayor, G. V. Johnston, called the asjembly to order and placed A. J. Du fur in nomination for chairman, who was unanimously chosen and H. S. Turner was made secretary. On taking the chair Mr. Dufur stated the object of the meeting, and called for nominations for the various town offices to be filled, which wero made as follows: Coin nienciii!: with treasurer, for which office S. H. Edmonsen was the unanimous choice. A. J. Brigham was nominated for recorder. Edward Bolina, Jos. Douglass, A. S. Dufur, H. M. Pitman, T. II. Johnston, J. C. Johnston, C. H. Stoughton, E. W. Ilinman, M. J. An derson for couneilmeu. For mayor, W. R. Menefee, Wm. Ileisler and L. J. Klinger were nominated. Everything passed off pleasantly and without fric tion. While there are only four council men to be elected, nine candidates were placed in nomination, thus anlarging the opportunity of choice. Dufur Dispatch. JSUTTKH THAN CANNING TUEJI. Japan Said to Ofl'ur a Market tor Oregon ltnuge IIniMes. San Fhancisco, April 3. It is more than probable that a now market is about to open for the great herds of range horses of the Pacific coast. Since the close of the China-Japanese war, the Japanese government iias been re-organizing its army and from now on a large cavalry force is to be maintained. Pre vious lo the war the Japanese cavalry was about 20,000 ptrong, and was sup plied from government horse-breeding establishments. When, however, at the outbreak of hostilities, drafts were made upon these establishments, it was found that only five per cent of the animals were really serviceable. Officials at Tokio have recently been considering the small, weedy range am- ( mals of Australia, and it ia said that when United States Consul Rell, at! Melbourne, learned of this fact, iie called attention to the needs of the Jap anese government. I Several Japanese residents in this city, I who are considered authorities on the ! matter, and who have made a study of Japanese horses and the Japanese horse- j men, are emphatic in their indorsement 1 ot the American range horse. President Tetsutaro Aoki, of the Yo kohama Specie bank, of this city, said today that undoubtedly the American horse will fill all requirements. "The horse most suitable for the Jap anese cavalry," he said, "should bb as tough as rawhide, not over gentle and not too dainty in the matter of fodder. I would unhesitatingly recommend that the best horses for the home government could be selected from herds that thrive so well on tho plains of Eastern Wash ington, Eastern Oregon, California and the other mountain states. It only re mains for those most interested to bring tho matter properly before the Japanese government in order to open up a big market for these animals." Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 720 Henry St., Alton, III., suffered with sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, using various remedies recom mended by friends, and was treated by the physicians, hut received no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chainberlahi'a Pain Balm, which affect ed u complete cure. This is published at her request, as she wants others simi larly afllicted to know what cured her. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Blakoley & Houghton. Two years ago R. J. Wanen, a drug gist a. Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought a small supply oi Uliamuoi Iain's Cough Roniedy. Ho anus up the result ns fol lows : "At that tituo the goods wero un i known in this section ; to-day Chamber lain's Cough Remedy linn's Cough Remedy is a household dy Deconui Known tho people will have ; nothing olfeo. Hoivhton. For salo by Blakuiuv & fiou flbout Your job "We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. We not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and comjiare quality of work. Let us have your next order. The Dalles Real Estate Exchange IS DAILY KKCKIVING INQUIRIES FItO.M From every part of the United States concerning the Resources, Products, Prices, Etc. All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatly to their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members of the Exchange, giving full particulars, terms, etc. T. A. HUDSON, G. W. ROWLAND, J. M. THE DALLES, i Supplied to United States and no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. MAYS, The Dallas, Oregon. Heavy Iuin;iK" Suit. Ilm.KNA, Mont , April!!. The decision of Judge Knowles in tlie United States court in the injunction suits of the Bos ton oc Montana Company and E. Rollins Morse, chairman of the Butte & Boston Ore Purchasing Company, in which it was sought to stop tho latter from work ing thu Michael Devitt and Pennsylva nia lodes, will bo followed, by the heavi est damage suit ever tried in the coun try. .Manager McGinnis, of tho Montana Ore Purchasing Company, stated last night that as soon as tho necessary papers could be prepared suit would be instituted against the Boston & Mon tana Company tor $2,200,000, which it is claimed is the not value of the oro ex tracted bv tho latter company through the Mountain Viow shaft from the west 100 feet of the Rarus lead. This is said to have been the principal ore supply of tho Mountain View," and it is said nearly all of thu oro has been taken out. The Montana Ore Purchas ing Company claims thu value of tho ore thus unlawfully extracted was more than W.OOO.OOO, and tho nut value is $2, 200,000. A Valuuliln l'ru4urlitlit. Editor Morrison of Wnrthington, Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Electric Bittors, and I Annio Stohle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave Chicago, was all run down, could not eat or digest food, had a hackachu which n piTipki? : Immigrants C. E. BAYARD, J. G. KOONTZ & HUNTINGTON & CO. CO. OREGON. British Governments. it lias nlrl V.17 PIT A CTT pr bold by TiliAblL & i never left her and felt tired and weary, I hut six bottles of Electric Bitters re i stored her health and renewed strength. Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a Bottle I at Blakeley and Houghton's Drug More, j ' (0) I he man who eats because ho is hun gry is, thus far, on tho level with the brutes. The man who stops eating the moment his hunger is appeasc-d is the wise man, Nature needs no more food than lie calls for. Continued excess brings about indigestion or dyspepsia, with loss of flesh, strength, sleep, am bition and mental power, and an ac cumulation of aches, pains and many dangerous local maladies. Tho stomach now can do nothing alone. Wo must appeal to some artific ially digested food which can also digest other foods. That is to say, wo must uee tho Shakor Digeetive Cordial. Tho effect is prompt and cheering. Tho chronic pain and distress ceases. Appetite presently revives. Flesh and vigor gradually conies back, and the sufferer recovers. But ho must bo care fill in future. A trial bottle for 10 cents. Laxoi is the heat medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommond it in phico oi Castor Oil. Notion or Disfiolutloti. Notice is hereby given that the part norship hurotoforu existing between Frank Gabe! and W. C. Rupert has been dissolved, to date from Saturday, April 3, 1897. Frank Gabol will pav all bills, and is authorized to collect aiid receipt for all bills duu thu firm. Dated at The Dalles. Or., this 5th day of April, 1897. Fkank Gaiihl, "5-lHl C. HlU-KUT. S,. ot School Dlntrlit UoimIh. School District No. co5nt.vV.pon, U a, meeting regular called therefor, Having vm . aid district n tho sum of .OOU, to ol x l o .is of 500 each, payable abso- telv in twentv years and redeemable tl u pleasure-of said district a ter ten "cars, with interest coupons a tach. , Interest pavable semi-annually. I r n Kd and interest payable at t be o ice of the county treasurer of said or a such place as "my be des.gna ed in the citv of New York, at the option of the mirchaser, and the rate of in tercst shall be such as may be desig nated in the bid which may be accepted, not exceeding the rate of 8 per cent. . Therefore, in pursuance !nw'n such cases I will receive --aid bonds as above described, at my nfll.-n in Dalles City, Oregon, up to the i f nf.wi- ti. m. of the lust day of April, 1897, all bids to be accom i.i i... ..m-tiili-,! cheek for 5 per cent ..C ll... nmnllhl flf till KM, I,,- trx fnrnUli hllUlk hoiltlp. Bidfl UIUUUI ; , . i f.t litsa tfititl 11)11' U'l not he conPHiuren. IW. ill"" I ' , The right is reserved to reject any and a' Dalles Citv, Oregon. March '-'0, 1S97. C. L. Phillips, Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. m22-td lr. KIiir'm ' Dl'iiovcry fur C'nxunip Hon. This is the best medicine in tho world fnr nil forms of ColltHIS. Colds and Con sumption. Every bottle is guaranteed It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal for Whoopinc Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold in the Head and Consump tion. It. is safe for all aces, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure cure. It i nlwuvs we'.l to take Dr. King's New Life Pills in connection witli Dr. King's New Discovery, as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guarantee per tVnt satisfaction or return money. Free trial bottles at Blakoley & Houghton's DniL' Store. Regular size 50 cents and .$1.00. (0J I'lir Sultt or Trmlo. A desirable ranch of KiO acres, within tour miles of Dalles City, witli one span mares, harness, wagons, plows and other property. Fine fruit land and alum dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of A. S. Mac Allistiih, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Ciip.oxici.i: office, The Dalles, Or. JSotlut; to Ta.iii yurrt. Notice is hereby given that bv order of the county court, the sheriff will re turn the tax roll for 1SS10 to tin county clerk on the first Monday in April, itvt, and all taxen ttien remain ing unpaid on the roll will be declared delinquent, and thereafter tho sheriff will not receive taxeH until the delin quent roll is given him. Bv order of court. A. M. Kki.say, m'J3-4tv Clerk. Ca-li In Your CIiccIch. All county warrants rcgi Korea prior to Oct. 1st, 1892, will he paid at my office. Interest ceases after March 0, 1S97. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. Old papers for sale at 10 cents per bun dred. A huge lot oi old daily and week . Iv CniioxicLi:s on hand, the accnniula 1 tion of 1890. Very good for putting under carpets, on account of uniform size. Do not fail to call on Dr L'.innerherg, uie eye specialist, and Dave your eyea ex inuned free of charge. If you suffer with headache or ner-onsness vou un 1 doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if 1 "."i.-iuui "in iieneni you lor lite, oilice in the Vogt block. Tfie ooluaiwa Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEE ilANUKACTUKKitb OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS BACON DRIED BEEF, ETC. Me Ora and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor Stages leave Rako Oven for Antolone everyday, and from Antolope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. LODDpoiSON A SPECIALTY llr'uiaw. tracttfn.i;.; iVr.'Y.'i" mm I cod f two wo cannot ci re. 'i'hu Tii,IX0irl" ue Clauj. sr.00,000 teinlfAl iMhRA1,,M,,fcl,,,y- eppucntton. fami T coWcr mKTlc;Wn SOI itooulo Xowpie, cWuAttu,00'' R N ORTHERN PACIFIC Ry!" s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car kT. I'AltL MINNEAPOLIS Um.UTIl i' a itno TO OUANIl FOUR UKOOKSTON WINNIl'KO HELENA an ltllTTE Through Tickets TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON rilll.ADKM'IIlA NEW YOKK HUSTON ANI AI.1 I'OINTS EAST hiiiI SOUTH Kor information, linio cards, mnps and tlcketi cal on or write to 1 W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. CHARLTON. Aeat. G. P. A., iw, Murrlson Car. Third, Portland Orcson EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive nt l'ortluid, FUOM FK11. 10, 1S07. AltSlTI. OVEU1.AND KX-1 jiresb, gnluin, ltose-1 burir. AhIiIiiikI. Sue-1 S:50 1'. M, I riiniuiito, OgdL'ii.San I ) Frunoisen, Jlnjnve, f I.dh AllKt'lus.Kl Paso, 3:10 A.M. New urlcmis una I Knit J 8:30 A. M, Hoeburc mid way tla tlnns l:tt P.M f in Wooilburn iorl I ff Atifrt.l Un,'.ftii,i I Dully except Holiday?. "1:00 1. M, 7:S0 A. M, (1:15 P. M, I West Solo, Hrowns- y except vllle,Siirlnglieldaud I Sunday (.Natron J Salem mid way stations 10:15 A. M ICnrvalll.s and wuyl ( 6:20P.M. (stations j McMiiiuvillu a n d f 8:25 P.M (way stations .. . .jj Daily. fDaiiy, exccjit Sunday. DINING CAltS ON" (KiDEN ItOUTK. I'UI.L-MAN IJUFFKT Sl.EEl'EUS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Dlrent couiioutinn nt Kim Kraiicisco with Ofci doutal and Oriental and l'aciliu mail steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Hailing dates on a) plication. nato mid tickets to Eastern points mid Eli io)iu. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and Al'STHALIA, ran he ohtnlnid from .1. 1!. KIUlvLANI), Ticket Agent. Through Tiekot Olllee, llll Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Hasten KUtes, Canada and Europe can he obtained t lowest rates from J. II. KIISKLAND, Ticket Agent. All nhovo trains arrive at and ilepirt Irom Oiaiid (;entral Station, Filth and Irvinir streets. vamiiiliTdi VISION. Passenger Depot, foot of .Icttcrson street. Leave for OSWLOO, dally, except 7:V0 a. in.; p.':lo, 1:1,'), r.:'.',j, 0:1.-), S:0j V. o (and 11:50 p. in. on Satiuiliiy only). Anivc 1'ortlaud at 7:I0and BjSO a, in.; and 1:30, l:Ui o :;;.') ami p. in. U'ave for Slieridau, week days, st 1:30 p. n. Arrive at Portland, U:::0 a. m U'nve for AIULIE on Jlonday, Veilnesdwal h-rt...... ...ii. u ... IJFtliinrt. TtieS (tiu.twii. ill. auitu i dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:03 p. w. Siindav trains for OSWEOO leave nt 8:10 a.m. and ill! , IMS, 3:50, 5:1!.) (IMS mid 8 03 p.m. Ar rivo nt Portland ut 8:30, 10:00 a. in.; 1:80,1." 5:10, r,:3.5, 7:55 p. in. K. KOKHLEU, E. P. KOQEBS, Muiiuger. Asst. U. F. k Pass. Alt HE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 rnfiuH u Week. 150 I'liper Vr It Htunds first nmoug "weekly" pape" in fiize. freunencv of nublication frenlinoan viirlofv nnrl rnllnbllitV of COfl tonta. It Is prnctically ft dally tlieI j c ncivij hum vu ' j subscribers, Pxteiiding to every state w territory of the Unioii and foreign cou tries, will vouch for the accuracy "" fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and anion Its special feuturea are a fine 1UIU0; paL'o, exliuustive market reportB, ii u lllfl.uf fnul.I.v., j f. ,,1iirlOll mid a 1"" series of stories by the ureatest liiB American and English uutliors, ...anil. Stniiley Wi))inii, Mary K. W"1" Anthony Hopit, Hrot Hurtc. Hruuilur MliltliewMi . Wft nn'ul. II. ia nnumilllnil IIOWflP8Per,D Tho Dalies Twice-u-Week Chronicle v' gother one year for ''.00. 'Iho fW" price of tho two papers is $3.00. Wo oell Hoo Cake ecop.-l'ff Mays.