The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 03, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
: :
"Holnu- ia liiililiqlinii i rarrppt. time ennl
oi traina nml boats which leave ami ar
rive at The Dalles. Travelers mny trust
it, us Tin: Chkonicli: is kept fully in
formed of revisions :
D. I. t A. N. 0. STEAMERS.
Steamer ltegulator leave every Monday, Wed
nesting n:ul Friday nt T:;W n. ni.
Arrive? every Tuesday, Thursday nml Satur
day nt 5:S0 p. m.
r.vsT mail. Arrive. Leave.
No.l Wct-bsiind -4 :4- -1:60 n.lil.
Xo.2 East-bound 10:15 p.m. lOrJO p.m.
No. 7 West-bound, leaves 1 :00 p.m.
No. fc Eat'bouml, arrives 11:55 a.m.
All pnsseuser tralrs slop at Union Street, as
well a? the depot.
AdvertUliiij Kates.
Per iticli.
One inch or less in Dally 51 SO
Over two inches and under four inches 1 00
Over four Inches and uudcr twelve inches . . 75
Over twelve ineh 50
One inch or lcs, psr inch f2 50
Over one inch and under four inches -00
Over four inche and under twelve inches. . 1 50
Over twelve incite. 1 00
Mr. T. U. Johnston of Dufur arrived
Mr. Al. Murchie, of Wasco, was in the
city yesterday.
Mr. J. A. Morrow accompanied by his
wife, is registered at the Umatilla.
Mr. Win. Harder, general freight and
traffic mutmner of the Great Northern
road, is in the city looking after the
coming wool clip.
Capt. F. H. Sherman came up on the
steamer Pilitrim last night, aud we un
derstand the captain is tiere looking for
a place fur a dock.
Mr. O. PI. Dnpiiy, at one time with
McFarland & French, hut now travelling
for a wholesale hou?e, spent a few hours
in The Dalles yesterday.
Mr. Wm. Unasen of Nebraska arrived
on the delayed train from the East. Mr.
Beasen expects to purchase a large num
ber of cattle tor tLe Eastern markets.
Col. Patterson went to Portland to at
tend the reception tendered General T.
S. Clarkson, commander and chief of
the G. A. P.. He leturned from Portland
last night.
Kev. J. C. Baker wiil preach at the
Calvary Baptist church tomorrow at 11
a. m. and 7 :30 p. m.
Lutheran services will be held at the
courthouse tomorrow as follows: Morn
ing service at 11 ; Sunday school at 12:05;
eyening service at 7:30.
At tiie Congregational church, corner
of Court and Fifth streets, Sunday
-services as usual: At 11 a. m. and 7:30
.p. in. worship, and a sermon by the
pastor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school
immediately after the morning service.
Young People's Society of Christian ;
Endeavor at G:30 p. m. Topic, Lessons j
from Christ's miracles; Matt xii :'J-C;
.Jnim j-iv:S-14. All persons not wor
shipping elsewhere are cordially invited.
is an "Aye of Soap." Whv use
any but the very best. Best soap means
Hoc Ojke. Sold bv Pease & Mavs. ::2-3m
V '.'ilutliin l'ru iritictun.
Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind.,
"Suri," writes: "You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and I
c n citufriully recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral ystem tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Annirt Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, a as all run down, could not eat
nor dit"-t food, had
i li'ii.L-'ifho ivhii.l, 1
a uacKJUie uillLli
It tired nnci weary, ,
tifWr left her and felt
nut mx notties oi Electric fitters re
wtored linr health and renewed strength.
Prit-H. 50 cents and $1.00. Get u Bottle
at Blukelev and Houghton's Drug Store.
t ti ... i hi
leiinw wasning nowuer win mane i
your clothes the same color. Avoid
tnis i.y using Soap Foam. It's pure
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
wiriiluu'D. Best feed on earth. inO-t
Notice of Sheriffs Sale,
V- , . , . i , ..1...... .1. . 1 1.... , i '
..unit.' is iieieu mvii uini u) iiiiuu in nil
executi !! and the otder of salo issucil out of the
viiviiii v i i ijiihv wi vivijii k'J I u a:vu
oiiiuy, on the 2d day of March, 1'J7, Uou n
decieu and judguivnt nude, rendered and en
te ni theretofore therein In a suit wherein
(ieorge A. i.lebe was plaiutlfl'and l.'azlo Jia.xler
and Lizzie Ituxter as mlmiuistratrix of tho es
tate of lluuh M. Uaxter. deceased, were defend
auis, J dH duly levy uion and will sell at the
front door of tho county courthouse in ilalles
Cit,us'o County, Unison, on t-atnrday, the
ai nay of April, ls'JT, at .'o'clock in tho after-1
noun of said day, at public auction to tho high
est bidder for cash in baud, tho following de
seiibcd mil estate, in said execution1
and oider of sale, and described us follows to
wit: I ho Nl, of NKli and NU of NWli and ?!.; of
NJa', see 6. Tp :i ,S It 13 K, W. M., In Wii,ra
C unty, Orrgon, together with tho tenements,'
heridituiiiciits and aptiurtenuiice thereunto 1
bclouviug, or in anywise apcrt.ilnlng, or mi
mil h thereof as shall be ucce try to satisfy tho
tiuiiiuut-due iiMjti said writ, to-wlt: The sum I
of fKXJ.IO, together with Interest thereon at tho '
into of ten er cent per annum since the th
day of February, l;i7; and the further sum of
910 cost in said suit, together with uccnilug in
terest nud exiieiiHH nf sale
IMtwi nt The Pallet, Or., this Sth day of
a roil, It'Jt-
iiicl C-ll Blicriil'of Wuico County, Or.
Dunlins: Mountains nf .South nml Central
I Afcicrlcn Tlmt Do lc:ully Work.
I The volcano of Abina, In Peru, which
for a century and a half had been eon-
I sldercd extinct, suddenly tuvolse from
' its lollET sleep the other llr.V tH'.t1. lCfrIl
potirhi? forth lava, smoke and it Iis in
such quantities us to obscure the sun
up to the date o the last report, says a
Panama correspondent of the Phila
delphia Press.
Together with this news comes an
account of remarkably severe earth
quakes in Ecuador that shook the
whole Pacific slope and extended far
into the interior. A series of rapid,
violent shocks continued one minute
and some seconds. It created the
greatest terror in Guayaquil, where at
every convulsion it appeared as though
the pilo-built structures must po over.
However, no damage to speak of oc
curred there, but several accounts of
disasters had arrived from the in
terior. At Canar seven families and
their homes are known to have been
swallowed up by the earth. One cu
rious incident at Guayaquil was the
bursting' open of the doors of the peni
tentiary. Many convicts escaped be
fore the demoralized guards could pull
themselves together to prevent it.
Then the guards ilred indiscriminately
on the prisoners, those lleeing from
crumbling walls as well as those es
caping. The city waterworks were so
damaged that a water famine was im-
I minent. This series of shocks was felt
over an area of eighty thousand square
miles. At almost the same time Coto
paxi and Turgurahua burst forth in
such a terrible activity as has not
characterized them during the last,
two centuries. The South American
volcanoes frequently ravage their im
mediate neighborhood, but it is be
lieved here is another instance that
they are safety valves that render the
continent habitable.
Reports of unusual volcanic activity
a21 along the line of the continental
backbone have been coming in since
the beginning of the year, and those
jiore receutly to hand indicate a
steadily increasing disturbance. Alarm
ing accounts arrived last week
from Mexico of the condition of
Colima, which, pouring forth vast
volumes of lava and a regular bom
bardment of rocks and ashes, had sent
the people of Jalisco lleeing in terror
from their houses. Only a few months
ago dispatches from Chili and Peru
told of lieree outbursts among the
volcanoes of the southern Ancles, and,
later yet. of the seismic disturbance in
the volcanic region of Cauca, in
Colombia, by which an entire mountain
ridge was swallowed up and a deep de
pression left, while elsewhere in that
i same region two rivers were buried by
the side of a mountain tumbling into
the valley.
On a Large Scale.
The largest of fruit plantations in
Jamaica are owned and operated by an
American company. It cultivates 44,000
acres, 25,000 of which it owns and 10,000
of which it leases. The principal crops
are bananas and cocoanuts. Last year
it shipped 3,000,000 bunches of bananas
and 5,000,000 cocoanuts, besides other
fruit, to America and elsewhere, em
ploying 11 steamers, which the com
pany owns.
Bond Issue of 820,000.
Sehoo ilhtiiet No. 12, rf Wasco rvunty, !
con (belli? the district in which Dalle- l it;.'
located) will i.'sne twenty coupon bonds oinie
rnr vjiIsk of one thciiMUid dolliir.- each, Ijeurlii;;
interest t the ruttM'f -ix per cent er aiuun j,
interest pnvuble M-ini-auiiUiilly: .-ni'l bniul m
iiur redeemable at the pleasure of t.ii 1 ilitiin
nftpr tsn vmps fmm llieir itatp. but line ami t a".
' able abiolutelv twenty avta from date. I'riiic-i-pal
anil interest payable at the ollice of ih'
i treasurer of Wutco County, Or., or at ueli ulace
as piay be rte-iKuatcd in the city and "-tatc .f
Ne-.v YorK. at tlie option of the purchaser. The
board of directors of said district are lawf ully
' authorized to issue said bonds In uccnidaiice
' with the provisions ot an a-t of the Lei:l.latie
Assembly of the State of Oregon 11 K- t in the
I ollice of the secretary of ft'tato Keb. 'J2, l'.t:j. and
providins-, anions other thui!,'j, for the U&uinK
of bmds bv .school districts.
In coDinliaiice with the terms of said act. I, as
Treasurer of .-aid county, will receive sealed bids
for uonisatn,y 0mce, in Uilles City afore
sid, until i ocloc. p. in. on the isth duv of
. ij'JT. All IjIUs iniisi ue aeconip.iniea oy a
' ceriiiied cht-ck of live per rent of the amount of
bonds for which the b'.d Is made. No bids for
I less than par will be considered. Th'- buyer to
1 furnish blank bonds to be executed by the. rlis-
trict. The liuht to reject any and all bids is
I reserved.
Dated a' Dalles City, Wasco County. Oreson,
inns -Jin aay oi jiarcn, is-j,.
O. I.. I'HU.Ml'S,
31- lw-i Treasurer of Wusco county, ur.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby oiven that under an cxecu-1
lion and order of sale issued out of the Circuit i
!(:onrt of tho SUite of Otc-xon for Wusco ,
County, uron u judctnent and decree In
favor of Mays ic Vwwe and against John
! H'wl, William Wixxl. Itachel Wood and
c w,., ... . .iiron...t .i,n,-i .
fi"'-. ; ""?" "."." "
i in, .ji iirv nr vnrii. i vi. . Him l-iiiiiiiihii iiiiil- l1
mull ilm mil hri.lrifr.r m ,
hf rvil liju leu vsmiv nvi eiii.i i ivt ijccvuuvm w i
katlifv thn nun of I'H'i and 100 attorney s fees. I '
"in l....WJi!...'"1 J V?. J.f"'i MS'.,
, , , r,, t,e I
in iv Oiia n '
i hand for
tne nour ot 1 ociock p.m., niineci
door in Dalles City, in Wasco County
w,M f.. li.. 1.I..1..... l.lil.lur In.iii.ti hi
acpurpoo '"ot sa Vfyg Vaid sumr above
named. all tho following described lands and I
piemUas. to-wit: NK'i of fewtlon ill: N W'li of i
section 3J, and the NK),-, of Section aj, iilNn
Townshlr, ono North. ! uiiL'o tlftet.n east. W. M.. 1
in Watco County, .-t .te ol Oregon.
JJalles cf ty, Ongoii, April .". IS'JT.
uprJ-ll r. J. DKI Vi:n, Sherill.
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby ghvn that bv an older of tho
County Court of tho htato of Oregon for Watco
County, inudo and entered on the 'Jd day of
March, 137, tho undersigned was duly appoiutul
v.xteutor of the last will and testament of John
(iottllcb Wagcilblutt,, All kthiiis
having claims against suid estate ato untitled to
procut them, with the proper vouchers, to tho
undersigned at Tho Dulles, Oregon, at Iho ollice
of D. II. lioberts, In Dalle- City, Oregon, within
six months from the date of this notice.
Dated March 10,'1:'J7
inlanlu lt JOHN WAOKNiil.Asr.
J-lou )bout Your
We have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. Ve not only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
From every part of the United States concerning the
Resources, Products, Prices, Etc.
All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city propertv will find it greatly to
their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members
of the Exchange, giving fuil particulars, term, etc.
T. A.
G. W
J. M.
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS, The Dallas, Oregon.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notice it hereby given that by virtue of an on
ecution ami order of Mile is-suni out of the Cir '
cult Court of the State of urevoii for aeo
County, on the sth day of Jlaieli, 1U7, upon n
judgment made, rendered and entered therein, 1
wherein John Harger was plaintitl and O. 1). I
Taylor and Surah K. Taylor were defendants,
uml to inc directed and delivered, 1 did, on tho i
jui i uy ui .nirc;i. isji, uuiy iuv i rrfiu aim will,
on .Monday, the l.'th day of April, IvjT, at thenour
of J o'clock p. in. of Mid day. at thJ front door
of the eomuy-courthoui-eln Dalle, City. Wutco
County, Oason. wll to th 1. heSt .bidder for
cash in hand, all the following
jllowuiK bounded and 'le-
tcilU'd real ettutu drsjrlbed in taid execution
and order of mle, to-wit: Couimencint; at n
point on the north boundary lino of Neyceaud
Gibson's Addition to Jialles City one (1) chain
and llfteen (13) links: easterly from the north
west corner o .-aid addition, nml ruiililiiK theme
easterly alonff mid north line of Noyce and Gib
ton s Addition two hundred ten (210) feet moroor
le, to tho western boundary lino of lot of land
conveyed by James Fulton and wifo to l'riccllla
Watson by deed dated Fchtuarv'7. 1SVJ. and re.
?"",."orV1 1 " ' -?.co f1'''1 uu"
s.iuouion leu ijiui leei moroor
ZXZmil Fuu!m,l wife o I'rli'lTla
,7. 1 Jllal , 1 . 1 V " ,
" VT.V.,Ml.. m" K -7' 1,JVJ''"V1 r?'
' "KL'.-' book "tj' of records of deeds
oi itaiico Louiiiy. inei co uoriucriv auu aio ne
mill wr..lf.rn ),,.l,r tin,, r.f tl,i Inf .n,n.
j .... ... .......
veyin to 1'riscllli Watson
,i. " f , . 1, " ... . " . .' ,, . . . .1. . i
!S,"0 '
"' I'uiiu "liere wiu unu su eoiiiiiiueu
would intersect the southwestern boundarv lino
tho street laid out by tho authorities of fialles ;
City and called Fultoii stret. If such southwest-
t-'r kiundarr lino of Fultou street were con-
"'"'''? fnc,h " hH"e0 1" " right
u t0. "", ul0K ald oittliweitern boundary
'" ot "l'f'M street to tho point wf.eio the sumo
', bf ' V? ,V-10 tid'"'-'J!1 Yn ul,irK ''"i0 01 . " "'"
owiieii by Wciitwortli lird, adjoining the laud
of James Fulton, and thence southerly along
said Hue between the lauds of Wen (worth Lord
and James Hilton to the puco of beginning,
being the snie binds eonvu)ed by .lames A. and
Fannie it. Itiehardsou to Ftederlo A. McDonald,
on tho lib day of March, ISnj, recorded on page
.11, book "K ' in Deed Itecordsof Wasco County,
Oicgou, and afterwaids deeded by said MeDou
iild and wifo to O. I). Taylor, nil said premises
being in Wasco Omnty, Oregon; or so much
thereof as shall be mcessiry to satisfy the suv.
eral sums due upon said writ, to-wlt: The sum
of iw, and Interest theriim since October 1.',
li9.J, at tho rate of ten ivr cent per annum, mid
for tho further sum of 1W0, with interest t!;ete
on from April 10, lol).'i, ut the rate of ten ier cent
i cr milium; the further sum of 1110, attoiiiuy's
fees, and tho further mm i( Jls, costs taxed hi
said suit, together with iiceruiug coits and ex
penses of stld sale.
Dated this 'Jth day ot March, 1VJ7.
, T. J. DItlVKU,
i;:cl)13-H Hhcriirof Wusco Comity, Or.
el Estate Exchange
C. E. liAYAUD,
TN THE COUNTY COL'ltT or the State of Ore
J. son, or tho County of Watco.
In the matter of the otate of James McCiahun.
oeceund Citation.
To Jacob McUahaii, James Mcfiulian, John Mc-
iianaii, ijinra .mcihiiimii, i;iva .McUahan, ilarv
Klleii Hushes, Klizubeth Jlcd'anan mill Kate
biimniike.tieirsiind IfKatets.and Mrs. Hannah
Ward, lt-'tee, Kreetiui;:
In t)i. immn n ihr, n.....
I herel rl T.f..,l rf.n,mi , , SJ' ; y?u "re
, h w?, J1 !, A' LW i e (-?".!u'
' , Ko7; , ,av -at " J i'Z'S:
r M,... , J,t . MrS.i-1 :;. :"'',..':;"
of .Mav, ls'jT, at - o'clock in tho afternoon of Unit
day, then and there to show dime, if any there
oe, wny an order ot sale slioulil not be dihiIo and
entered herein, directing the executor of the last
will and testament of said deceased, to sell the
rMl property belonirlnj,' to said estate, to-wit:
I hO SOUttlU'lHt flllHM.r nf Afntlnn nl,l.. tr
' shin one south, uaniro fouria.n i i '
, ,,; i, ,h r-! Y,,n,,,;(,l,,ll, i
"S'V" of "Tu ur ' aYd wtote Art here S."
Th s C I tut on is served upon vou. tho ml i V, .
cob Mcti .han, J unes McG fc .yohn McO iham
I ijiura McOiiban. Hlva MiS
. , .. ".,. ..;. ., ...
f" '""UVlll JIVUUlia II JUKI hatO
..-leol,,,,,hei1yoff 0m'
,.,,,,1,. thn '"jI ilnv t M,. r.i,
"la'lt 0,1 ,b0 a" of JIuK-'n, 1'J.
"NKss. tho lion. Hobert Mays, Judge of the
, , County Court pt the i-Uto ol Oregon, for
E.vM tho County of Wasco with tho Seal of
taid Court afllxed this 'JJd dny of Maich,
A. D.. laJ7.
.Vttk.-st: a. m. KEI.SAY, Clerk.
" y htMKo.s- Uolto.n, Deputy
Adiiiinistrator's Final Account.
Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned,
administrator of the estate of J. D. (iriiHu, de
ceased, bus nud his final account, and that
Monday, tho m day of Muy, 1W7, at the hour of
10 ii clock u. m., bus bten appolnuil us the time
for hearing objections thereto and tho settle
ment thereof. All helm, creditor or other ier
sons interested in suid estate are herebv untitled
to Hie their objections to said Haiti account, If
any they have, on or before the day appointed
for tho hearing thereof. "
Dalles City, Oregon, .March vj, JS07.
inc27-lt li K. A. UUlU'IN.AdiiilitUtiutor.
I Wu soil Hoe Cake goap. Peuso &
Maya. ao.3m
Snlo of Scliool lHfltrlct nomlA.
I Scliool District No. 20, in Wasco
com. v, Orecon, at a meeting regu arlv
! ailed 'therefor having wled.o bom
-aid district n the sum of $.,00U, to i.l
i is bonds of 500 each, payable absn-
I ,"lv in twentv vears and redeemable
, 1 tlSs n enaureof said district after ten
I "ears with ""nflS
.interest piwub u setni-imnuully. Inn
! i pal mid interest payable at t .e
; of the county treasurer of said conn
io at such place us mny lie J es.gnn ted
l in the city Of New York, at the option
i of the purchaser, and the rate of in
j terest shall he such as may he desm
I nated in the bid which mny be accented,
! not excelling the rate of 8 pur cent.
! Therefore, in pursuance of the law in
ueh cases I will receive Pealed bids for
. aid bonds ns above described, nt my
joliiccin Dalles City, Orejion, up to the
I hour of 2 o'clock ;. m. of the 21st day
iof April, 1897. nil bido to be accom
panied bv certified check for 5 per out.
! of the nmonnt of the bid, the Hiicccssliil
i bidder to furninh blank bonds. Bids
! for less than par will not be considered.
The right is reserved to reject nny and
.,!! I, ill a
Dalles Citv, Oregon. March 20, 1S7.
C. L. Puii.i.ii'S,
Treasurer Wnsco County, Oregon.
Ilr. KIiik' Now
fur CoHiiinp-
This is the heat medicine in the world
for all forms of Coughs. Colds and Con
sumption. Every bottle is ganranteed.
It will cure and not disappoint. It has
no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma,
Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
Grippe. Cold in the Head and Consump
tion. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to
take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is
always we'.l to take Dr. King's New Life
Pills in connection with Dr. King's New
Discovery, as they regulate and tone the
stomach and bowels. We guarantee per
fect satisfaction or return money. Free
trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's
Drug Store, l.egular size 50 cents and
$1.00. (0j
J'ur Mile or Truilu.
A desirable ranch of 1G0 acres, within
tour miles of Dalles City, with one span
mares, harness, wagons, nlows and other
property. Fine fruit land and abun
dance of water. Will trade for Dalles
City property. Inquire of
A. S. Mac Almstek,
Peal Estate and Insurance Agent.
Cnitoxici.E oflice, Tim Dalles, Or.
Nutlet, to 1'ixpii ur.
Notice is hereby given that bv order
of the cnuntv court, the sheriff will re
turn the tax roll for IS90 to the
county clerk on the first Monday in
April. 1S97, and all taxes then remain
ing unpaid on the roll will be declared
delinquent, and thereafter the sherifl'
will not receive taxes until the delin
quent roll is given him. By order of
court. A. M. Kui.say,
m23-4tw Clerk.
(Ja-li In Your Clieulis.
All county warrants registered prior
to Oct. 1st, 1S92, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after March 0,
1S97. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
Old papers for sale at 10 cents per luin
i tired. A large lot oi old daily and week
ly Ciikonicu.ks on hand, the accumula
tion of 1S90. Very good for putting
under carpets, on account of uniform
Do not fail to call on Dr. Limner berg,
the eye specialist, and have your eyes
examined free of chariie. If you suller
with headache or nervousm; vim mi.
iou!'tl'(,l' ''"ye imperfect vision that, if
Sffl in iJ vij uS yB for h
I - - -
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof BRAND
Bake Ora and Mitchell
THOMAS HARPER, . . Proprietor
Stages leave Bake Oven for
every day, and from Antolone m m i.
chell three i. a l, i.
UlrC0 Ulne8 a week
A 5PECIA&Ynl:r,imary'5
cured In 15 to3atu vn,r .manon"
ooebswe; FWoti i tocUrSaTO
cury, loaYdo ii" tail, nM W? lakon or2
ny partof iir.Vri.1 V18' ul on
out. It is this Second
we Kuaranteo to euro w.rihitRi?1 1 ""iON
ware cases and ciiiiS?"W
fo wo cannot J i to. a?,?. diJSi.S0ipI" (or
r, . uUUUO capital bbliiiirt Ji.7i'r,,",,
ipoiuiia Packing Go
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
!sT. I'AIIb "
Through Tickets
yy.W YOItK
For information, time cards, mapsand ticket,
cal on or write to
The Dalles, Orsos
A. I). CHARLTON. Aeat. G. P. A.,
l!M, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Ore?oa
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to arrive nt l'ortbuid.
ntoM run. 10, 1S97.
nrpss. tiliim. Hrtri. I
burg, Ashland, Sac-1
ramcuto, Ogilen.Sau I
Krnnclseo, Mojavc,
l.os Angeles, KU'aso, i
New Orleans mid
8:50 1'. M
I East J l
3:S0 A. M,
Koseburg and way sta-i
tions !M:W P.M
fVia Woodburn tar)
! Mt.Aiieol. Hllvcrton.
! West Bcio. llrowns-
Xittrmi '
1:00 I'. M.
7:ao A. M.
tl:I5 1'. M.
Salem and way stationslOdSA.M
jCorvallis and way) 6:J0P.M.
) stations j
(McMinnvUlc a n d f 8:25P.M
(way stations. ... ( i
Daily. tDany, except Sunday,
Attached to nil Through Trains.
Through Ticket Ollice,:!! Third street, where
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
Htntes, Canada nud liurojK; can be obtained t
lowest rates from
J. 15. K1IIKLANI), Ticket Agent
All above trains arrive at and depart Iron"
Grand Central Station, I'lfth and Irving streets.
Passenger Depot, foot of Jcrlcrson street
U-iive for OSWEGO, dull v, except Sunday, at
7:'JU a. m.; 12:15, 1:1."), o :-J.", 0.-13, 8: m(
wum ii;..u i. in. on tsaiiiruay oiuj ;. .wmv -
i'ortland ut 7:10 and S;.';u a.m.; and 1:30, m
Ci.;i', nml 7:55 p. in.
Io-'iive for Sherldnn, week days, it t:50p.o
Arrive at Portland, U:S0 a. m
I-cave for A1HLIE on Monday, WedncMlayaad
Krl Uiy at 1): 10 a. in. Arrive at Portland, Tim
dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m.
Siiudnv trains for OSWEGO leave nt 8:10 a. b.
and Vii it), 1 : 15, :i::, .'.:'.'."i (i: 15 and 8 05 p. m. Ar
rive at Portland at s-;m, 10:00 a.m.; 1:80, i:n
o-io, 0::i5, 7:55 p. in.
Manager. Asst. G. E. k Pass. At
18 races a Weak. 150 I'nnora a Y
It stands ilrat among "weekly" paper'
in eize, frequency of publication w
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly; and its vast lutoj
subscribers, extending to every state W
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy m
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its Bpecial features ore a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reporta, all t"6
latest fashioim for women and loD
series of stories by the greatest IWinf
American and English authors,
Coiihii Jloylo, Jerome K. JetatMi
Htanley Weymmi, Mury K. WHW
Autliony Hope, ltret Hnrte,
Itruiidtir Mnltliew, Kte. .
We offer tiiis unqqualed newspaper0"
pi. tv.h ns. nr ni.iiilcle bO-
iuu uiwwti j. wice-a-ueuK jiu - -getlier
on year for $'-'.00. The regoU'
prleo of the two papers is ifa.uu.
DallcM-Moro Htajre
r xi... t t .m i.m.iin 8 a. m
moycii iiiu uiimiuiti HUH -
TuuBduys, Tliursdavsand Katurdays.
Douolah Ai bi:N, I top.
Hot Clam broth every day ir" J
a. in. to 12 i0 p. in. and 4 to 0 p.
Stubling& Williams. wcn