The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 02, 1897, Image 1

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    e!)c Dalles
NO 70
Butcher WeylerDemands the
Blood of Rivera.
It Order on Immediate Court-Mar- i
tial and Execution Baccalon (
Al Doomed. I
"ewYokk, April 1. A Havana dis
patch to the World says :
General Rivera probably will be shot
soon, ns General Wnyler baa given or-1
ders that he be tried by court-martial 1
8nd shot immediately. He may be put
to death on Saturday, in spite of his j
wounds, or the Spanish may cure him, ' duces the number of claims of gilsonite
and then shoot him. The certain exe- one person may take, from four, as orig
cation of the brave, wounded prisoner inally provided, to two.
of war excites indignation and disgust A change was made also in the provis
here. No oilier alleced civilized nation ' ion for the right of inheritance of chil
is capable of such an act.
Colonel Baccaloa, who tried to carry
off his wounded commander on hie ; er shall belong to her tribe "by blood."
back, although himself wounded, will j The original provision made it "by blood
die with him. It is predicted that these or descent." The bill probably will not
executions will provoke General Gomes I l)e reported until next week. The de
to shoot all Spanish prisoners hereafter '. fleiency bill was not considered,
instead of releasing them. ; a Valuable 1 resorption.
The Cubans are not disheartened at j Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind.,
the loss of General Rivera. They say j "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable
General Roloff is in Pinar del Rio, and j prescription in Electric Bitters, and 1
will become second in command of the
whole army.
Insurgents in great numbers are com
ing from the East, and concentrating in
Havana province. They have plenty of
ammunition and good cavalry. A World
conrier from Santa Clara reports seeing
, A, ,-ivi .,i j ,..ii
one column of loOO well-mounted. well-
armed insurgents passing west toward
Matanzaa. This same courier says a
very large expedition has landed near
P.emedios, and that most of ttie arms are
for the western provinces.
General Weyler remains in Cienfuegos.
He is better, but still sick, and is doing I
notbinu' effective.
Permission asked by Mr. Marriott, a
colleague of Mr. Crosby, the correspond
ent of the Chicago Record, killed in the
fie.d, u go and secure the body and ef
fects, has been refused by the authorities. 1
Minister de Lome wired the request, !
and "leneral Lee seconded it. Mr. Mar-;
ri U t 1 .k General Lee's letter to the j
pa.a''e, but General Ahumada refused to i
PPf J. !!, uovino c c.rt im: tnt Tn I
Andrew I). AVhlto for Ambassador
Wisuinoto.v, April 1. The president
today sem ti,e following nominations
to i
the senate :
state Andrew D. White, of New
York, ambassador extraordinarv aud
minister plenipotentiary to Germany ; I pering towne north of here, and Areola,
Wiiam I-'. Draper, of Massachusetts, j Hollandale, Wayside, Swiftwater, Stone
ambassador extraordinary and minister j ville and Lelahd, Eouth and west, to
plenipotentiary to Italy ; Chandler Hale, I gether with a score of smaller hamlets,
ff Maine, secretary of the embassy at are in the same condition as Greenville.
Home, Italy ; Samuel L. Gracey, consul j sioo ltewant sioo.
at Fu Cbai, China; Anson Burlingame 1 The readers of this paper will be
Johnson, of Colorado, consul at Amoy, J pleased to learn that there is at least
China. one dreaded disease that science has
Withdrawn Anson Burlingame John- been able to cure in all its etages, and
son to be consul at Fu Chai. that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
Interior Benjamin Butterworth, of! the only positive cure known to the
Iowa, commissioner of patents, Lmedical fraternity. Catarrh being a
Treasurv Oliver L. Spaulding, of ; constitutional disease, requires a consti
Michigan" assistant secretary of the ' tutional treatment. Hairs Catarrh
trea.nrv vm- "?crer f Uie C:ire is taken internally, acting directly
treasurv; Wilham B. Howell, of Isew ; upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
Jersey, assistant secretary of the treas-1 the svstein, thereby destroying the foun
dry, j dation of the dieease, and giving the
W-Cantain Robert Crate of the ! patient strength by building up the con
Efenal mr . t I'stitution aud assisting nature in doing
fcnai corpe, to be major. I ite workt The proprietors have so much
The Hold-Over Bill.
Washington, April 1. The
committee on . appropriations
today 1
agreed to report the sundry civil and!
"lutan appropriation bills especially as
agreed to before the adjournment of the
last tessioti of congress. A few verbal
changes were found advisable and an
imnnrimit ,.1. . , , il.
vision in regard to the opening of the
m-onipaghre Indian reservation, in
This provision was presented as a sen
ate amendment at the last eesBion, and
"Breed to by the houBe. The house
'truck it out when it passed the bill at
the beginning of the present session.
Jhe senate committee again rccomends
inclusion of tlie provision, but re-
Absolutely Pure.
Celobrn(cd for its great leavening .trciieth aud
healthfulncss. Assures the food upwind alum
and nil forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Sot Aii Baking Powder Co. New York.
dren born of white fathers and Indian
mothers, so as to provide that the moth-
can cheerfully recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral system tonic it ha3 no equal." Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
?ever. le,ft her and, felt tired and weary,
but six bottles of Electric Bitters re-
d hfir heaUh and reneed Btrength.
pr;ces 50 cents and 1.00. Get a Bottle
at Blakeley and Houghton's Drug Store.
Country About Greenville, Mibs
Completely Desolated. v
Greenville, Miss., April 1. The
water continues to fall, but not so rapid
ly as during the hours following the
break in lhe levees. A train and crew
on the river side of the Division Valley
road, caught between Slopes landing and
the Stokes crevasse, is obligee to remain
there. Tim water is over the track of
the Leland branch Valley road and
trains are abandoned.
Over 10,000 people areliomeless in the
flooded districts. Three bundled towns
and cities are submerged, and desolation
waste of water covers the surrounding
country on every side of Greenville, and
the city is a desolate island, connected
with the outside world by a mere thread
a telegrapu line running east, iiauroau
communication ia cut off north and
south. Rosedale, Gunnison, Bolvar,
Huntington and a hundred other pros-
I faith in its curative powers, that tliey
1 offer One Hundred Dollars for any case
that it fails to cure, bend lor list 01
F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75 cent.
No. 2-8.
Your grocer will sell you
a package Of bCIMMlg S L6St,
and return you your money
if you don't like it.
We put him up to it.
All we, want is a chance
to give your money back.
A Schilling & Company
Sao rrancuco
Senator Mellrldo Keep tip 111 Keeord
as a lttll-Ititrnd'icer.
Representative Tongue has not been
presenting the various pension cases
that have been sent him to the pension
office, because he wishes to wait until
there is a Republican commissioner.
The Democratic commissioner is not a
very satisfactory person to deal with.
He wanted to be retained in the office,
and when he found that his request was
not. to be considered he was not. very
pleasaut in his relations with congress
men. Senator McBride keeps up his record
as a great bill introducer. He put in
another grist the other day. Among
them were tbe following:
Extending the time for the Blue
Mountain Irrigation Company for the
construction of its reservoirs and canal
through the Umatilla Indian reservation
for five jears; increasing the pay of let
ter carriers, this was a bill which Sena
tor Mitchell pushed whilo he was in con
gress; expending the privilege of bounty
land to persons who served in the Indian
wars of the United States; fixing the
time and regulating the manner in
which accounts between the public lands
states and the government may be made
for the settlement of the proceeds of the
sale ot public land3 to which the states
are entitled.
Senator McBride has made his Astoria
quarantine bill a proposed amendment
to the sundry civil appropriation bill.
It did not get consideration in the house
in tbe last congress, and in this form it
must receive consideration even if it is
defeated. This method gives it a chance.
Shortly after Max Pracbt became sure
that he was to be appointed governor of
Alaska, he went down to the interior
department to see if there were any
other applicants for the place. He
found that thirty-one other gentlemen
had felt themselves about the right size
for Alaskan gubernatorial timber. It is
hard to say whether or not it was dis
couraging to Max. He didn't seem to
be quite Eure that be was to get the
place when he found that eo many other
persons were after it.
Representative Tongue has had the
Pacific university at Forest Grove in
cluded among the institutions which
shall receive public documents of the
government. This is the alma mater of
the first district congressman.
Two years ajo R. J. Warren, a drug
gist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought a
small supply of Chamberlain's Coagh
Remedy. He Eums up the result as fol
lows : "At that time the goods were un
known in this section ; to-day Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is a household
word." It is the same in hundreds of
communities. Where ever tho good
qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy become known the people will have
nothing' else. For sale by Blakeley &
I'a&serf the House.
Washington, April 1. The Dingley
tariff bill passed tho house yesterday,
with the amendment making the duties
imposed by the measure effective begin
ning today. When the voting began
the Republicans presented an unbroken
front to the opposition. On the other
hand five Democrats, representatives
from states interested in the sugar
schedule, voted for the measure. One
Populist, Howard of Alabama, also voted
for the bill.
The vote on the final passage of the
bill stood, ayes 205, noes 122, present but
not voting 21 a maj'ority of 83.
The amendment introduced by the
Democrats providing for the suspension
of duties on articles controlled by trusts,
was defeated, every Republican voting
against It. There wag 11 great demon
stration on the floor and in the galleries
of the house when the bill was finally
IJallen-.Moro HlHge
Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a, in,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Douglas A.lkn, Prop.
Salt mackerel and
Maier & Benton's.
salmon at
BOOK-KEEPING a cyn!uut
(;oiiiilc(u u. U practical; exactly as found In
butne. My counu of iiifctructlons thor
oughly qualify you to take chargo of unci
keep. " ct of book. The highest reference
lurnWhi-d. Kor terms and full Information
addrcw, L. D. HUNTER, A. O. U. W.
Temple, Portlund, Oregon.
Newest Effect of the Season
In Ladies' Wearing Apparel.
Four and one-half yards sweep, TafFetta Percale
lined, "best Velveteen Binding.
MMf in
I of the complexion, hands, arms
and hair is found in th: per
fect action of the Pores, produced I7
Tit if the rno:1 effecUvc
SdiD h beautif'nSoaPin
Y UUfU V" the world, as well
as purest and sweetest for toilet,
bath, and nursery. For distressing
facial eruptions, dry, thin, and fall
ing hair, and baby blemishes, it is
absolutely incomparable.
floH throughout tho world. I' i;t;u
iNuCm.ji. Colli'.. Bole J'ro'.m., Donton, II. H. ,.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
g A. I. OUItf.KY,
" Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Practices In the State and Federal Court of
Oregon and Wuhhlngtou. jaii23-3mo
New York Weekly Tribune
With tlie close of tho l'reHidontial Cunipiiinn 'NIK TUIHUNK A'corilzoH tlia
fact that tho American people are now anxiouu to lvt their attention to homo and
husineEH intereatH. To meet thiH condition, noliticd will havo far Ichh epace and
prominence, until another State or National occasion duinandH a renewal of the
light for tho principle! for which TIIK TItlillJXK has lahorud from ita inception
to tho present day. and won its trreateat victories.
Everv noHmhle efi'oit will ho put forth, and money freely Hpont, to make THE
WKKIvJ.Y'TKIHUiN'K pre-eminently 11 National Family Newspaper, inturostliiK,
instructive, entertaining: and indispuiiHitbli) to each memher of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Wilte vour name and uddresa
Trlhnno Ofllco, New York City, ui:d a nam pie copy of Tho Now York Weekly Trib
une will ho mulled to you.
Kiclily and durably bound in KiiuIIhIi
thor forming the dfriyu on cover;
eeriiaiiou piatu in hiiver, k'oul and
full-pitU'o illtiBtrntiiiiiH
In half-Motocco, inurlilu edge
In full-Morocco, gilt edge, , ,
M. J.
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
on a postal card, Hand it to Geo. W. Heat.
Till'. I'lUBT HA'ITI.K In an lururcfctlUK ttry
of tho xrt'Mt political HtriiKKlu ol 1VJ0, Iih uicwt
Important uvunu unit thu iiiuny Utile Involved;
u logical Weutlku on Ill-ntutallUm un uttered hy
eminent oxtxmi'iilH, IiicIihIIiik thu part taken by
linn. W. J. Iiryun in tlmMlver iinlmilou pi lor to
the Hcniocriilli! National Convention, ami dur
ing thui'iimpttiKni thu liet examph'HOl hU won
iljrlul oratory, the moat noteworthy incident of
lil lamoua lour, a careful review o( thu political
tltuutloii, a iliKciihklon of thu election returns
and tho iu;iilllciiucu thuicof, and thu (uturu
poiilhllltleit of Ul-mctaillMii to a uolltluil Issue.
Cloth, plain edueu: portrait of thu
autouraph preface; iniiiillicunt
uiuu; contuininyr ouu pagea ami
, , . ,
$1 75
WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlo, Or.
f .
a 75