The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 01, 1897, Image 4

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    .-)V 'J
The Dalles Dally Chronicle.
"Below is published a correct tune card
ot trains und boats which lenve nnd ar
rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust
it, as The Chhonicle is kept hilly in
formed of revisions :
D. P. .t A. X. O. STEAMERS.
Steamer P.ecutntor leaves every Monday. Wed
nesday and Friday at 7:9) a. m.
Arrive evpry Tuedy. Thursday nnd Satur
day nt 6:S p. in.
Xo.l Wo-t-bsuad . . .
No.2 East-bound
Arrive. Leave.
.-S.tK.m. -tu'On.m.
lU:lip.ui. 10:'JJp.m.
iAU.n' r-is-xNosn.
No. T Wet-bouud. lve- . . .
Xo. e East-bound, arrives - .
All passenger trains stop a: Union street, as
well c the depot.
Advertising Kate.
Per fe
One inch or less In Daily .. ..tlfO
Over two inches nud under four iuches 1 0
Over four luches and under twelve Inches . . 74
Over twelve inches. JO
One inch or less, jer inch
Over one inch and under four inches. . . .
Over four inches and under twelve inches
Over twelve inches
.52 ;
Mrs. Win. Hicinbothem of Columbti
is tlie cuest of Mrs. W. H. Bic?s.
from j
Mr. W. B. Iddincs came
Hood River this afternoon.
Miss Daisy Beall returned to Portland
today by t o it, after a week's visit in the
Fred Wilson and Ed. Wincate are in
Portland and will probably fce home to-1
Mrs. J. Fazan went to Condon last j
night to visit her sister and will remain
a month.
Mr. Hush
last nicht.
Glenn arrived from Gob!e j
He reports the weather ;
down that way for the past month as 1
being described by the one word, rain. '
lhe many tnends of ilr. Charles ira- .
eer will be pleased to learn that he is i
acain able to be out, beinc down town
this morning for the firs: time in several ;
months. ,
t, r- T tj ... ., t .,'
.Mr. fc. BrooKS, who has been in ;
Portland for some time looking after the ,
OVerhau III" Of the D. i. & A. . Co. S
boats, had a light stroke of paralysis
las: Saturday, in his left arm. He is
recovering quite rapidly from it, aud is
espected home tomorrow.
Woutterful Thine Tliat Are Near.
The Philadelphia Press foreshadows : ilJTHl0' H,n 'V:,?U' insl'S
' i As-embly of the atate o: Oreson nled in the
the coming of the millennium as fol-I office of the secretary of State Feb. ?J, 1?K, and ,
, j providinr, amoiiB other thisics.for the issuing '
WS : j of bonds by school districts.
Flvinp i olved The nrineinle i i In compliance with the terms of said act. I, as
rimg i. .oiea. iiie principle j Treasurerofaid county, will receive sealed bids
known. A mechanical especient is aii ' for said bonds at my office, in Dalles city afore
.... a ... . , said, until 1 rclocs p- m. on the 15:t. day of
that is now needed to make it successrul. mhv. ist. All bid.- must be accompanied by a
Prnrticil is mil'iv not innr thin certified cheek of Sve per cent of tin. amount" .. !
rrucMcai niut is toua not more man bonds ((). whleh :he' bill f. mad(;. .,,bid-f -
five or ten vears off. '
, , , ,. , . ... ,
.i L'l jw wurni uisse; ii'piu v. un uuuui
one three-hundredth part of the force
usert in ordinary artificial light. When
men know how to make light as cheap,
street? and homes will be as light as day
ior a inert- fraction o: wiiat light non
costs. This is near. Vacuum illumina
tion without incandescence is alrendv in
full operation, and in a year or two
ehonid cut down the price of light to at
letist a sixth of its current cost, and in
live or ten years light may be, like
water, turned on in every house at
Compressed air lias long been known
to be the best way, theoretically, to
etore force for Use in transportation.
There is no waste and no deterioration.
The need is a cheap and efficient motor
to applv compressed air to citv trans-
t.nnafinn If this li ilnnu fir:i the
" ' :
tiollev pole? and wires will come down, '
. ' . . , , .
next the iiorseless, compressed-air
nintor carriaee will do 'ill the wort nf
minor carriage win uo 11 tne worK 01
citv deliverv.
., ., , . '
W hen these come tlie only use for pas
will be for cooklna if this is not done '
by electricity. Factories, also, before
niaiiy years, will lie run by transmitted :
electric power. This has begun to be ,
tinne and iu five or ten years will be
completed, and tiie factory fire and '
boiler will be a thmp of the past.
a t. ,,... ..i,.,,,
a. v.ll will te a prettv IllCe place to
live in when the first twentv vears of thei
. . ."
twentieth century are passed.
Another Level) Gl(; Way.
GiiEK.vviLLE, Miss., March 31. Last
uiuht tiiH levee broke at Selns Landing.
Tlie water is running wild in Bolivar
county, between Rosedale and Gunni
son. The levee there is about 15 feet
higher nnd the crevn-ie is now over a
thousand fett wide.
There are now four breaks on the Mis-eis-dppi
front hourly pouring devastating
torrents into this fertile valley. The en.
tire .MiH-isMppi delta from Australia
la- dint' south to Vickeburp will be over
flowed. I'iuceE never affected in former
yare will b under water in two days.
Tiiousa'iid? of livestock are drowning and
-unie fieeint; people had a close shave
lor their lives.
Nebraska corn for sule at the Wasco
warehouse. Beat feed on earth. mOt'
Sired l"p With Other-.
Sai.em, Or., Feb. 9, 1S97. '
Mr. I.J. Xurman. The Dalles, Or.:
Dkar Sin: Our intittnl friend, Mr. J
J. M. Patterson, sends your rate book '
nnd requests ours in return. Enclosed
find it. We intend to make a new rate ;
book soon, as we have made considera-;
ble changes since this one was printed, j
We see no rate in your rate book for ;
private bath tubs. What do you charge ,
, for them? Also how rnnnv fire hvdrants 1
' i
have you? Our income is about twice
! yours, although our expenses are quite '
heavy. We have to pump all our water J
j by water or steam power and keep two j
i engineers besides a superintendent, col-1
! lector and iMHik-keeper. Our expenses!
run about $6000 per year. From Mr.'
! Patterson s account you have certainly a
( ,,. ,.,.; ,,i..n,
I "vi... J'...- ..... (.......
Respectfully Yours,
Salem Watei: Company,
Pur J. M. Wallace, Pres.
I)nlle-Jioro Stuge
Leaves the Umatilla house S a. m.
Tuesdays, Thursdavsand Saturdays.
Douglas Allen, Prop.
Xo Reflection.
The festivities at the comintr of are
j ;) of the present Lord Hopetoun included
lCo,a service at the parish church, wbich
j was filled with members of the rrreat
; Hope family and also with members of
' the Hope clan. The f eeiinrs of Uie enn-
jrrrecraiion thus composed can be imng-
hied when the minister besran hi.- dis-
course with the words: "My brethren,
the world is fui! cf blasted hopes."
San Francisco Arrcnaut.
Orancrc Itolt-y Poley.
Make a light dourrh, the same as for
apple dumplinps. roll it out in a narrow
iontr sheet about a quarter of an inch
thick. Spread thickly over it peeled
md sliced oranges, sprinkle it plenti-
fully with white surar, scatter over all
a larce teasjioonf ul of prated orange
peel, then roil it up. fold the edtrcs w.ll
to keep the juice from running- out,
place in steamer and steam hard for
an hour and three-quarter.":. Serve with
lemon sa-ace. Boston Budget.
Bond Issue of S20.000.
:chixi. district No. 1C, of Vnco eouutv. Ore-!
boh 'belli? the dt?r:i,t iu which Dalle City i I
Icsj:rtl; nl j;5Ue :weiity coupon bond of the ,
par value of one thousand dollar each, bearirn:
laieoi siMwrremiwraimnm,
pal and intereat payable nt the otlice of the
VUJ aiUtU UIU. A AlitVt
trtajuier ot wasco county, ur., or at -uca oiace
a may be deaicnated in the city and state of
New York, at the option of the purchase:. The
bjHrd of directors of ?aid district are lawfully
I authorized to is-ue said bonds iu accordance
less than par will be considered. Th -buyer ti
iurnish blaiiK
iurnish blank bonds to be executed bv
;he n
'id- I-.
trict. The rii-ht to reject any and all
Dated a Dalles Titr. Wn-co Couutv. Ore-"1 ;.,
this LJ!h dav of March, IMC.
31-lw-i Trea-urcr of Wasco Count . Or.
.Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notice i- hereby civen that by virtue o: n:
esecutlcj! and the oider of sale i.-aued ut f: the
Circuit lourt of the State of Ur:uu for Wax .
County, on the 3d day of Murcr.. 1C, ujpi .
decree and judirnivnt made, rendered and ct
teied theretofore iheiein in a suit wnereii.
Oenrse A. Lieov was plaintli! and i-:zi(- lus er
and Lizzie Baxter as administratrix of (due
Wteof Hitch M. Ilaxter. decea-l. were riefeim
aiiis. I duly i.'vy uiwn and will -ell at tut
f runt door of the county conrtuouie in Dalie-
i'u . Wa-cu County. Onxur.. on Saturday, tm
day of April. 1:97. at l' o'clock, iu the after
Mmn of -aid day. at public auction to the hieh- '
i.X bidder for cash iu hand, the following de
seiibed iea! eta!e, de-criit! in said execution i
and order of sale, and de-crioeil as follows to- i
wit I
The Ni' of yv.i and NU of NWi . ani S, of i
N'j. Ti. 4 s P. Li t. W. M.. Iu Wui-o!
hertdllamenu- and thereunti
belongins, or in uny wi np)ertainliiir, or m
much thereof as shall rx-neco,, iry to suti-fy the
amounts ilue upon said writ, to-wit: The sum
0f it.v.i,. toaether with intent! thereon at the
",ltv t,iu I7 ce,lt 1-er milium since the sth
rtHJ. of February, 1:M7: and the iuriher sum of
415 ousts In said suit, together with accruing ln-
terest and expense of sale
iHted at The Dallei, Or., this 5!h day of
51arRC' ltU7-
Sberifl of Wasco County, Or
Administrator's Final Account.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
'administrator of the estate of J. D.
ceasta, nas nitu nis nnai account, ana that
Mondav. the 3d dav of Mav. li&7. at the hour of
JOu'elocko. m.,.has fcn uppoiiittd as the time
for hearinc objections thereto and the settle- l
ment tneieoi. All nelts, creditors or other iier- i
sons interested in said estate are hereby notified j
to tile their objections to said filial account, if
any tney have, on or. Lefoie the day upjiointed
ior we Hearing tneieoi
ralles City, Oregon. March 25, 1;97.
C.'7-lt ii E. A. UP.1."FIN. Adiol
Executors Notice.
Notice Is herebv gp.- i. ihat bv nn older of the
i County Court i-i -tmo of Oregon for Wasc
County, made and nterwl on the L'd day of
Mari'h, U77, thi unoerslguetl was duly uppoiuted
executor o! the last will and te.ituuieiit of John
liotilieb Wagenblttst. deceased. All t:rons
huvliiK claims against said estate un uotltietl to
present them, with the proper vouchers, to the
underlgne1 at Tfieliuiiei, 'Jregnii, m the ollice
of 1. H Itoberls. It. iMlle ( ity Uf-gon. sTlthln
six months from the date of this notice.
Hated Mutch le. ivl
inU-ulo-li JOHN WAf.ENIU.ASr.
1".. b .uau t vul,
ti.- inii m.
Subscribe for The Ciiuoniole.
lniere-t pavuDie semi-annually, saia oonus tx- ic x.i.i;iiaij;c, umii
iup re- er-'Diuble at tne plwuure of saiJ district
after tea yeais itoin their date, but due aud pay-1 T. A. H UDSON,
able absolutely twenty years from date. I'rincf-! ...
SURE rtllDC- rnn Dll ETC
-r m h , ' i vi milium die lurw.
Ti'nUAu,iS,rmv'u'M' i '.'"id the further
SffliEftrS.'ftlJrRlS.iWJsK ".F.PJ..;"-.': UuMsiiit, together w
Jtou fibout Your
We have the facilities
of Job Frintin" from
catalogue, and we are
can do. Ve not only
but would prefer to
and compare our prices with that of anv
one, and compare quality of work. Let
have vour next order.
, j Jg
. .
Real Estate Exchange
From every part of tlie United States concerning the
Resources, Products, Prices. Etc.
All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatly to
their advantage on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members
g lull particulars,
I h
I tt
J. M.
as ' ' -w q
i . . . I. ...... .
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS, The Dallas, Oregon.
.Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
. Notice U hereby civoi. that bv virtue of nn ex
' eutlon and order of tale lsiued out of the Cir
cilit Court of the SWte of Oregon for Uasco
' County, oi' lhe Mb day of Jliircli, tu7, uihjii a
' judgment made, rendered and ent-rel therein,
, wherein John-Iiarger was pluinliC and O. D.
1 Taylor iiud sarah K. Taylor were defendants,
' and to me directed and delivered, I did. on the
1 Ulh day of March. l;i7. dulv levj ujxiu and will,
I on Monday, the l.'th day of Apill, Iru7, ut the nour
j of-.' o'clock p. m. of ssid day. ut the front door
I of the county courthouse In Dalles City. Wuco
i County, Oregon, .-ell to th hiuhe-t bidder for
I cash in hand, all the following bounded nnd de
! scribed real estate des?rlbcd in said execution
' and order of sale, to-wlt: Commencing at n
j iolnt on the north boundary line of Nevce and
Gibson's Addition to Dalles City one 'X chain
, and llfteen (LV links: easterly from the north
I west corner fuldi)ddltloii,Hiid running theii'-c
; easterly along said north line of Neyceuiid Ulb
on s Addition twohundreU ten :JlO, feet moroor
les-s, to the western boundary line of lot of land
convejed by Jama Fulton und wifo to Pritcllla
Wt..on by ilw! dutwl February r 1mo, and re
corded on Pire 211 book "ti of records of deeds
oi i ouniy tnence nortneny una alons
"Id western boundary line of said lot so con-
veyed to Prhcllla Wutson, and u coiitluuation
tht.rnl 1r n i,t, ivIuka ,h,. II...-. 1
thereof too point where the line so continued
would intersect the southwestern boundarv line
oi the sneet laid out by the authorities of hallo
City and called Fulton street, if such southwest
ern boundary line, of Fulton street were con
tlnu d to such intersection- thence in a right
line to und along snld southwestern bouiiihiry
line of Fulton street to the point wncrt: the same
int'iixrcts the eastern boundary line of the laud
owned by Wentworth Lord, adjoining the land
of James Fulton, and thence southerly along
said Hue between the lauds of Wcnlu-orth l.nril
and James Fulton to the place of begiunlrg, i
lelng thessme lands conveyed by James A. und j
on the Ith dav of March. 1-so. record,;! .,,,..:
'" 11 "u!"l"n ? rieaeric a. jicionald, i
ai. b.M)Jc "K ' in Peed P.ecords of asco Ciiiin iv.
Oregon, and afterwards deeded by said McDon
nldand wife to O. Il Taylor, all said premises
iv. mil (iiviruu biiiuv uuiuuvr 4t
J'tfL ,.5,St.lLS, l1vr.n.i.r,..H."",1.m.v',"(1
on from April 15. lsys, at the rate of ten ir cent .
sum of uo. atiornev. I
ii tn of UPs, costs tuxed In I
n uccrniugcoisuiiu e.-
tx'iiaes oi saiu aie
jjunxi tuts -ju uuj u( jinicii. jRUi.
rachlMl fiheilil of Wusco County, Or,
for doing all kinds
a visitinc card to a
after all the work we
desiie to keep busy.
be rushed. Come
terms, etc.
.1. G. KOO.VTZ & CO.
TN THE Cul-.STV COI I1T of the State of Ore
X gon, for the County of Wasco.
In the matter of the estate of James McGuhaii,
deceased Citation.
To Jacob McGahan, James McUahan. John Mr
Gaban, Laufu McGabnll. Fllva McGahan. Mrr
Ellen Hughes, Elizabeth McGahnn and Kate
fehiimake.hcirsaiid legatees. and Mrs. Hannah
urd, legatee, greeting-
in the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are
neieoj cueuium requireo 10 appear III the Conn-
ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County
of thecourtroom The iJalies',
In the mtnty of Wasco, on Monday, (he d day
of May, 1-37, at -1 o'clwk in the afternoon of that
day, then and there to show came, if ony there
uk, wo) an oruer oi suie snoum not ie rnxde and
entered herein, directing the executor of the just
will and testament of said deceased, to sli the
ral proi:rty belonging to said estate, lo-wlt
lheiouttmeat (juarter of fttctlou eight, Town
snip one south, ttuuge fourteen Ehsi, W M., the
same Ujing the real ptojetly described in the pe
tition of the execulor of sufd eanue tiled herein
This Citation Is served uwjii you, the said Ja
cob Mcdahuu. James McOaliun, John McUuham,
Laura Mcuahan, Elvn McOuhiin, Marv Ellen
heirs of Jnmes McUahuu, dee-asl. bv order nl
.1... ...a....... t...... . . ; "vl 1,1
iiuKiir.i, r.iuuoeui jicuuuanana Kute&uuinake,
tlie L.OUI1IV JUdL'e Of Hum, limnlr
T,,A(f.. r... ttin '.! .Ia.. ,f..L . . jm '
A ( UPI.5JV flo..l.
mr-il' I ...
Tills Jg lour Oooortunltv.
On rpcoint nf tf.n ppoIk or.uh
frst M,mnr rfl tnh ,
lpumr iiiivrru nnu iiay fever Uuro
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon.
etrato tlio great merits of the remedy,
PT Y Ttno-rrrppK
-ttuni, mM ui uriu ruiln. iilOul,.
reeouiniended Ely's Cream liahu to me. I
f.u ciuiiiuio m Biateuicm, "it 18 a poei-
can emphasize his Btateuicut.
uve cure lor catarrh if Used as directed '
Kev. Francis W.Poole, Pastor Central Pro i
church, Helena, Mont.
Ely'a Cream Balm is the acknowledge
cure" for catarrh and coutnins no mercury
aorany iu;unDUBUrufe'. Price, CO cents.
Witness the Hon. Kobert Mays, Judge of the cocbanre.if wofailtocuro if F?inho.t0Jblll,-n( lt8 BPecial featu
County court ot the isuteot Oregon, for cury iodide iiiotoHl ami .Sib?T0 taketn "er- , ,
ffiCALl the County of Wauo wit . mlVii ,,f Piw MucoJsV'atrnL'a?!.' P.hes ana page, exhaustive
Court ufiixed thl, iidd.y of March, '.?vwi 'latest fashioiid for w
Sale of School District ltoiul.
School District Xo. 29, in Wasco
connOrecon, at a meet inc rn 1. y
therefor, navm
enmi aim imciC. t"-. : - -. , ,.
1 . .1 ..i.i.ct rtilt'ttllf HI I ML' lUUl.
aid district in the sum ot to u
in six homls of ?o00 each, payable abso-
ntelv in tweutv vears and reaeeiuau.o
Utl e p onsureoi-said district a ter ten
vears, with interest coupons attache ,
;.rL, nnvnbe stunt-annually. Inn-.
., ..l :. . .,..b!,1p nt the otbee
of the county treasurer i -
nr at nch place as may be designated
.SSthe dtv of New York, at the option 1 Pullman
of the oiirchaser, and the rate of in
, terest shall he such as may be iIusik- ,
nated in the bid which may be accepted, , Elegeiit
not exceeding the rate of S per cent
There, in pursuance of the low in
such cases I will receive seahid bid or Tou3:ist
aiil noiHis as auoe kiuii
n.iinc Pin- Orin'fin. unto tne
hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of the 2bt ii
of April, 1S9T. nil bids to he accom
panied bv certified check for 5 per cent,
of the amount of the bid, the successful
bidder to furnish Wank bonds. Bids
for less than par will not he considered.
. The rieht is reserved to reject any and
' a' Dalles Cltv, Orecon. March 20, 1S97.
i C. L. Phillips,
Trensurer Wasco County, Orecon.
. m22-td
i Dr. 1CIHB'" ''
Ill-ciMcry for CoKiimp
... . a 11'
I This is the best medicine in tlie worw
' for all lorms of Couiriib. Colds and Con- j
' sumption. Every bottle is pauranteed.
! It will cure aud not disappoint. It has1
i no equal for Whoopine Conch, Asthma, '
' Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Ln
; Grippe, Cold in the Head and Consump-!
'tion. It is safe for all aces, pleasant to j
! take, and, above all. a sure cure. It is
! always we'd to take Dr. Kinc's New Life j
' Pills in connection with Dr. Kinc's New i
Dlsnnrprl'. ns tlll'V remilate and tone the:
' , ', ... . .
stomiicii mm uj ujs. t- tum ini.v.
iect satisfaction or return money. Free
trial bottles at Blakeley & ' Houghton's
Drug Store. Kecular size uO cents and
$1.00. , 6. i
Nutlet' tt Taxpufr.
Notice is hereby given that by order
of the county court, the sheriff' will re
turn the tax roll for 1S9G to the
county clerk on the first Monday in
April." 1597, nnd all taxes then remain
ing unpaid on the roll will be declared
delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff
will not receive taxes until the delin
quent roll is given him. By order of
court. A. M. KelsiAY,
mL'3-4tw Clerk.
Cash in Your Clieckh.
All county warrants registered prior
to Oct. 1st, 1S92, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after March 6,
1S97. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
OREGON. Old papers ior sale at 10 cents per hun
dred. A large lot ot old daily and week-
iv Cur.o.viCLES on hand, the accumula
tion of 1S9G. Very cood for puttinc
under carets, on account of uniform
Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg,
the eye specialist, and have your eyes
examined free of charze. If you sufl'er
with headache or nervousness you un
doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if
curree'ed, wil' heneht you for life.
Office in the Vucl befc. "
I All Mb
I V H I9. riU oJZLL,
il AN I FACT I" rtiiKs uf
"Pi TIP T.nvrl snrl CQ,,c.0 QC,
u.u. kju, uoaguo.
(hirers of BRAND
T2 A rrfCT
Bale Ora aod Mitchell !
' mnnlr .
tlfnno 1. ., n i n ,
fttnpes leave Bake Oven for Antelopt
every dav, and from Antelone to Mil.
cheli three time" a wphI-
" eek
iy. If you prefer to comohprrtwo-ni ""
r r.o xr w- ii .i " : " " "in L-vir
mv h
Clanj. 50O.O! i l?.Eul,Af,l,Mnent pliyl
-uo liapl, (imiu
Sti-uiuor tor hule.
will sell the steamer "U'o. i
' 111 ioi, All in (fOOtl frnr
full particulars to
, Oiikoon Lumbku Co.
lento, Or.
Dalles Trading Co.
corner of :id
I andt Fedferiil streets, will pay the highest I
taSM l,rco for second-hand iroods
ui-M-tf C, D, Fleming, Agent.
. II M tills becunfli.n. iTf 7wtr."r."'nK SeriHB nf Htnrino lit' tlift L'reatesi
onranu-otocurS . iV-f..ilV" Fos . . -y-
SXS M a aQff American and English authors,
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
Through Tiekets
For iniormntion. time cards, uinjisnnd ticleu
cnl oil or write to '
C. ALLAWAY. Aeent,
The Dalles, Oiwos
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G P. A.,
5.5. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Ore?oa
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains lenve and are due to arrive at I'ortknl
FllOM FEB. 10, 1S97 Ar.EIVI.
' press, Salem, Itose-
. I burs, Athland, sac-1
s-vi i' v ' ) raniento, Ogdeu.sun !
uurR, Atbland, sac-1
1 i-rancmeo,
Moi'ave. fi,
"3:10 A. JL
I i.os.vnguief-,t.i i'hso, 1
I .ew urieans aua i
j (.East j r Itoseburg and way sta-
S.SU A.,onb M.w p jj
fVIa Woodburu fori
iiiif ' Mt.Ansel, Sllverton,
nvJilff vt solo, Browns-S except
Mindav, ! I and Sundir-
i:00 P.M.
T.GO A. 11.
isateiii isnu wav stations
1 (CorvulIU and wayi if 6:'J)P.M.
) stations ..
tj t m ' (MeMinnville and; f 8:23P.l!
M J 1 (way Ktatloiih . t .
Dally. tDaiiy, csccpt Sunday
Attached to all Throuch Trains.
Throuch Ticket Ollice.l.'M Third street, wt
thrnuch tickets to all iwiints in the Eten
sttes, Canada and turoix; can be obtained t:
lowest rates from
J. II. KIKICLAND. Ticket AKtat.
All above trains arrive at and depart liw
Neutral station, Filth and Irving sireeu.
aesenuer Deiot, foot of Jerterson street.
Leave for OSWEGO, dally, except sunday,i'.
fnt iiiSOp. in.' on Saturday' onlV Artlv it
Portland at 7:10 and 8;3u u. m." and
i ij and 7:5o ji. in.
! Inve for Sheridan, ucek duys, :0c
1 A
Arrive at Portland, '.:: a. m
i Leave for AIP.LIE on Monday, VcrinesdairttJ
: Kri"av at UH0 a. m. Arrive at Portland, lu
i dav, Thursduy and Saturday ut Z :Ci p. m.
I sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at SI0s.n
! nd l-Jilfi, 1:I5,S::0, &:'..) f.Mouud s OiP-m- At-
rive at J'orisana ut b:uu, iu:uu u. m. .
5 to, 6:33, 7:Mp. in.
Manager. Asst. U. F. i: Pns. W
18 l'Hges u Week. 150 Papers
It etands first among "weekly" pP"!
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subscribers, extending to every etate and
territory of the Union and foreign coon-
, tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidlv illustrated, andamo
res are a fine bumB
market report, all
and a
Ktuuley Wfyiuan, Mary - "
Autliiiny Hope, Uret Jlurte.
j Hrauder Mattliet,ra, Ktc. ,
1 We offer this-unequaled newepapern"
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i Itether one vear for tU.OO
The regDi'
price of the two papers is 13.00.
have Vour Oral" .
Few realize that each '(lulrre' u,,
Htrovs 1.60 worth of Kraiu annua'"
! Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher
.1 .i - IV f I M HI IIIIV-
inator is the most effective anu j
icai poison known. Price reduced
:ents. For sale by M. Z I)on,lt",