1 is. 4 5' 7 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Haily Seicspayei Ya$co Countu. ASTERS OFFICE 30 to CM Temple Court, S. Y. Citu. E. KATZ. Agent. de tunnel of this .government. Uncle Samuel may yet be compelled to spank a South American republic or two before his position in the Ameri can household is fully understood by the vonncsters. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1S97 THE HOUSE VS. THE SEX ATE. The lower house of congress has done well tn cutting short debate on the tariff question. "o one cares to hear it. and nothing can be gained by discussing it. That straw has been thieshed so many times and so thorouslily that there is no longer even chaff in it. "What the people want is action, sharp, decisive and It is said that the authorities arc alarmed lest the discovery of the at t of photographing in colors will make possible the successful counterfeiting of paper money, This may be a source of alarm to some people, but the country editors zre not apt to get unnecessarily excited over it The photograph of a greenback would be an acceptable thing no. v. 2s ot necessarily for publication, but as a matter of good faith, and for a souvenir. 123 Judge De Haven returned vester- speedv. If the senate could quite its bowing ami scraping, like a lot of da-v t0 San Francisco from Washing old rams, and get down to business t0- wheie he had been 10 iecurc his as the house has", it would be appre- appointment to the cabinet. He got ciated. but this it is not expected to J10 consulatiou. the president neither do. The old fossils will perpendicu- promising nor refusing him the ap larize themselves, steady their senile pointment. forms on their tottering limbs and talk, and talk and talk. It is passing strance that among these venerable relics the tongue and the bellows never grow old. Already Allen of Nebraska has delivered a tariff speech, and this is only the first flurry, forerunner of the coming ciclone. "When the bill gets in the senate, then the breeze wili commence and the be-whiskered pho nographs will repeat their dreary platitudes until the speculators have had a chance to import about every thing that the tariff is raised upon in quantities sutlicient to last for a year or two. Then they will act. but not ; before. j The time is appioaehing when there ' will be no senate, or at least a senate i elected by the people, unless some j B" i clas 'oupon Inside each two ounce bag, snd two cou pons inside cads four ounce bnj. of l j. lr A Srecktes Tobacco Bnjabn?of this celebrate loba-'ca r.ad r J the coupon TOUOO gives allitof valuable presorts nuancwiOEcsme;a. : Genuine Buil4 Wfllilt PAPER! WAItli PAPERI i Just Received 5000 Rolls of Wall Taper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. You Get the Profit 0f, Rjp' ASent Jobbers ana miaaiemen uy rayind red from the manufacture. sever 75 cts- 3-50 Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph-: ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50. j FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. No better vlicel made than the 4cme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, the best material and the mcs: finpr jved machinery. We kai'3 r,o aqer,k Sold direct from factory to rider, fully warranted. Sri-- . anvwhere for examination." WRITE FOR Our interesting Oltcr Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, hi. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a services- j irassactagesekalbasking busines ble suit of MEVS CLUTHlMi. Hie best Black Diagonal for $12.00. ELT'5 CltEATtt BALM is a positive euro. App'r into the nwtrLi. It U qaufciv cbjor'eC. 60 certs ar Drazrisis or br nail ; sainp.ei ice br ir.alL ELT BROTHERS. S6 Warren S:., ew Tork City. Ladies' Cloaks. Remember, all these sroods are latest iceable and fashionable, and at prices proached in The Dalles. An elegant assortment of 3 i9S styles just received, a part ot which may be seen in show window. made, warm, serv never before ap- Letters of Credit issued available in the i Eastern States. Sicht Eichance au Transfers sold on New St. Louis, San Francisro, Portland Ore con. Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and V ashington. Collections made at all po'nts on fav orable terms. "The Reffuator Line" VorsSiTlifi Dalles, Portland and Att Navigation Co. Tije n:an wi.o eats because he is hun gry is, thus far. on the ievel with the; brutes. The man who stops eating the , moment.hi: hunger is appeased is the ! wist; man. Nature needs no more food than lie calls tor. Continued escess ! brings about indigestion or dyspepsia, with loss of 3esh, strength, sleep, atn- chanoe come; over the spirit of that bition and mental power, and an ac-: antique old remnant of by-prone by. 1 cumulation of aches, pains and mam laws. ! dangerous local maladies. The stomach now can do nothing than SO. Wholesale. MflLiT LiIQDOHS, ' THROUGH CUines and Cigars. E H S T I FrBlOUt aun Passenger uqe It i; said there are more 000 appiicatio federal oflice: uient;. If half that number are there alone. We must appeal to some artifie- ns for appointment: to j iall-v a?s5ted food which can also diaest - r.l : ,i r. other fjods. Ti.a: is to sav, we must ', ; on file in the depart- , ... , , , . . . i use the shaker D;-.-e-tive Cordial. The' THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEEB on draught and In Dottles. Choice of Transcontinental Routes -VIA- Spokane Denver ! Until further notice, the i Steamer Regulator will leave cneermg. The enect is uromj)t and 1... . :j iuc jjienueut is uui ruuiiuin: un " chronic Data anu distress ceases bid of roies. "We hope, thoucb. Apjetite presently revives. Flesh and that tho nreeirW mnv ;ph hi; vrnv I vicor gradually conies back, and the clear to act speedily on the appoint ment of Mas Pracht. We thinU Alaska yearns for htm with an ex-' Laxol is the best medicine for chil- ceedinir "real vearn. and the people ren' ors recommend it in place of - ... i Castor Oil. ot uregon would like to :ee the sight . v.-hen Max's mouth and the Yukon's 1 two. aet in perisee. , A de:r ab'e ''.1G0 a."eE' w!t"5n ' tour miles of Ddiles City, wnh one span Another cvclone is reported down i mares' l,a. wagons, Piows and other sufferer recovers. But he must be care ful in future. A trial bottle for 10 cents. For Sul- or Traile. Anhenser-Bnseh Malt Nntrine. a non-alcoholic beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic. STUBLING & VILLIAMS. Minneapolis St. Pan! Omaha Low Rates to all Eastern Cities The Dalles on Mondays, "Wed nesdays and Fridays at 7:30 Kansas City ' a mj anci ieave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays anl Saturdays at G:30 a. m. OCKAS in Oklahoma Territoiy. which wiped out the town of Chandler and killed a hundred or more persous. While we are finding fault with a sprinkle or two of snow nnd a few biusterine March days, it might be well to take a calm view of our climate as com pared with that of the Eastern states. ""e look out of the windows and prowl, while they flee for their cy clone cellars, and failing to reach them, die. Oregon is all right, and her climate the best in the world. i dance of water. Will trade ior Daiies City property. Inquire of A. S. Mac Ali.i-.ter, Real Ectate and Insurance Ayei.t. Chuo.sicle office, The Dalles, Or. Hot Clam broth every a. m. to 12 ;30 p. jr.. and 4 Stublint' ; Williams. day from 10 to 6 p. m. ai mch4 Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, STEA.MEKS Leaif I'ortluuU i Every rive Dais for i SAIST FRANCISCO, CAL., I'ASSENGEK One way Pwound trip KATES: .(2 CO . 3 CO and all kinds For full details cell oa 0. P. A Co. e Acent Th DuJes. or address ' W. II. HVP.LBLT.T, Gen. I'os. Agt Portland. Ortffon E. JTJiEILL President aud Mana er New Schedule. Train "o. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 -Ab i a. m aud leaves 4:50 a. m. 1 Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :15 p. m., and leaves 10:20 p. tn. i Train o. S arrives at The Dalles 11 vin p. ra., and west-bound train Xo. 7 leaves THE DALLES, at 1 p. m. j Train 23 and 24 will carrv pr.ssencers ueiween ineuauesana L matilla. lenv- Frei Rates Greatly educed. ' Shipments for Portland received i i any time. Shipments for way landicp ! must be delivered before o p. in. Li . stock shipments solicited. For rates call j on or address W. C. ALLAWAY General Agent - OREGON of MILL FEED ing The Dalle? at 1 p. :n. dailv and ar- Headquarters for "Byers Best?' endle- uS, This Flour is manufactured expressly for familv use; every sack is t'uaranteed to irive' satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think eo call and get our prices and be convinced. Governor Lcrd has at last deliv ered his message, and as there was no legislature to deliver it to, and this condition was Inruely due to the able efforts of the Oregonian, lie very appropriately delivered it to the Ore yonian instead. It filled twelve col umns in that paper, and we should judge would weigh almost half an ounce. Jt is to be hoped that the Oregonian, bavintr receive.! the full dose, will not fail to proGt by it. ton Trinnr liucKleu'o Arini'u autre. , The best salve in tne wend for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, Ealt rheum, fevei j corns, and ai! skin eruption-, and posi- Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats ' tively cures piies, or no pay required It is miaranteed to cive perfect satisfac. tion. or money refunaea. Price 25 cents ' per box. For eale oy Biaheley and , Houirhton, druu'triste. Portland. E. E. LvrLE, Agent. J. S. CCHENK. President. II. M. Beau., first National Bank. Tom McCov has opened his new barber shop opposite the CSarenden restaurant on Second street. m4-lm BLAKELEYSc HOUGHTON I THE DALLES OREGON Tu. conzinri, ;'LE MI.U.EK IN THE TjALLES OF ' Marble Burial Vaults 175 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon I A General Banking Business transacted J Deposits received, subject to Sight j t Draft or Check. I Collections made and proceeds promptly j remitted on dav of collection. ; Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Eold on ! .New ork, San Francisco and port- Countrv and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. ew York Citv has at last com pleted the monument to General Grant so long overdue, and is to cel ebrate the event in the near future. ; yew York i insisted on the body of A Perfect Protectiou from Water and 1 There is a tide w the affairs oj men winch, taken at its flooa Dampness. Preserves the Bodv bv Ex-' r " eluding the Air. ' " teaas 07i to fortune. It pos-esses every merit claimed for i the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute , security and durability, thus making a The poet unauestionablv had reference to the land. directors. ?' Thommok. Jno. S. Sche.vck. hv. M. illiaxb, Geo. A. Liebe H. M. Beaia. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. EC. O IL. IE IN" ET- the great chieftan being buried there, permanent and imperishable where fitting honors could be paid it, place for the dead. and finallv erected a monument on ThiE vault is made of six niece 1.1,. ...I.S..1. ,... t... i: I.. .1 money collected from the people of gethei with cement, thns making them other states. ew York is generous air and water l'ht- 1 to herself, i(llosiBf Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets igp! Eofinar-' U I v awwiant, r. M. hc-mon, in tJ All Kinds Cemetery Work; at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BP.IOK. . . U'IO RT. TN THE f lliCl'lT COL'HT of the state o Ore-! x eon lor Wuhoo County. urt I. K. iialiiw, I'luiulitr, ' vt. Tbos. M. Denton. Victor E. Sandoz. Louis a , Vj virtue uf an execution itsucrt imi .i, i JudKinunt made, uarv li. imit. in tllC above nmru-rt The Peruvian government has )lnced a good sized chip on its ' Mr. Comini has on hand a large sop- j " .fchotilder in refusing to release Ra-! ply ot tirst-class Marble, to be used in x w 4- . . ,4 nn April, wr. at tbecourtl'ouVe'doSr In Va M't? WTiS A .Mild IHiyfcTr. k.llh T" L. ..tit.. UUI. WUWiJ Wmm :"' k,htC fuBKc u ffeiniiAr. Titer cur Wcufi1r'T(ii vuner rne nor icu. rj DR. GUM'S jjij-i:oved LIVER PILLS One PHI, fr J!2n mill ch dj be bowe mail iuunil tree, or fall 'i ti JjJii .UUUUUiri me, an American sailor, upon the 1 Portland. i ne north om..hw ,.f .v, For 8le. . Yearliug eheep (1000 bead.jeoond in prime condition. Price 1.'0 J. M. IM"i dreee, mew ii tberift oi WwcoVuia1,,. w-mltf Sberara Bridge, Ot