The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 31, 1897, Image 4

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    rU2 z
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Below is published a correct time card
oi trains and boats which leave and r.r-
rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust
it, as The Chronicle is kept fully in -
formed of revisions :
P. P. A. N. 0. STEAMERS.
Steamer r.ecalator leaves every Monday, Wei
nesday and Friday at 7:3) a. m.
Arrives evpry 'fuesdny, Thursdsy and Satur
day at 5:30 p. 13.
rAs? xail. Arrive. Leave.
j;0.lVe;.b.-cad .. ..-1:45 a.m. 4:o0 n.m
No.2 Eat-bound
DALLE? rA?K.vonE
No. T Wet-bound. leave?
No. : East-bocnc. arrives
10:20 p.m.
11:55 a.m.
AU paj'eacer t.-alLS stop at Union Street, a?
well ns the depot.
Advertlslnc Kates.
Per inch
. n so
One or less In Daily
Over two inches and ssndcr four inches. .
Over four inches and under twelv inches
Over twelve inches
One inch or less. jer inch
Over one inch and under four inches. . . .
Over font inches and under twelve inches.
Over twelve inches ...
. 50
.52 CO
1 CO
Dressed In 3I:ile Attire. Mie Helped Itob
Slierp Camp.
; Ruby Smith, daughter of Alderman
Miss Christiana Lecaff, who recently ; Smith, of this place, and Albert Thomp
came to the city, relates a wonderful ' 503( a vonnB man who wa accompany,
story oi her life and adventures, says iae her fr03) Era :o thJ d.
luc ,a"a "ai,a statesman, a iew
wee ago .uis; i,-cau came to w alia
alia under the
name of Mrs. Anna
ical treatment. She
McDoaaid, for medi
had been workintr for
several months
past, so sne states, lor a .Mr. r.. .
Pence, near Waitsburg, until her failing
health compelled her to came to this icago, .uarcti ou. r ilteen hundred
city. She attended the Salvation Armv men emP''.ved in the tanneries, struck
meetings, which resulted m her conver-'. todav- Tne Etr5ke is cver tbe 1ae?tion
Eion a week aco Saturdav evening. 1 of bonrs of labor' lhe emPloyers insist
Since that time she has been burdened . ing on ten ho!lrs a worki:!S d?-.v instead
with the conviction that, to be entirelv ' of ei?ht' " Et Pre-ei- In.v bosses, it
free from sin, she would have to make "a ' h cli:nf:'1 have decided not hereafter to
full confession of her numerous mis-' reco-n5ze lhe unions, and to put tbe ten
deeds. Miss LecafTmade this confession bour da-v into effect nest week,
to the army officers, and related her ex- Mectiuc of Stockholder v, v. & a. n. Co.
penences to a Statesman reporter,
which is better told in her own way:
I was not quite 15 years of age when 1
ran away from li&me with a Mr. Mc
Donald. My home was in Cariton,
Mont., in the Bitter Root valley. I left
home with McDonald because I nspected
to find life easier. My iatber made me
work out on bis farm, and did not give
me the advanteees of schooling that a'
.girl of my age should have had. Mv 1
-stepmother, too, abused me, and when 1
. UcDonald, one of my father's hired .'
men, suggested that we run away. I '
naturally supposed he meant for us to '
get married, and I agreed to go with
him. This was in 1S92." We went away,
but were never married, and for the first
year t.fter leaving home we wandered
.from place to placs in Montana. I
donned male attire, and we made our
Jivins tlif tirst year by robbing sheep ,
Once McDonald planned to rob '
an oid man m the mountains. We
rarneu out tue plan?, but did not get
-mnt-h fur our trouble. A watch, that
McDonald a'terward sold for i30. a fine '
-overcoat worth 50, a saddle, a fine re
volver and several duilars was all we
- -t r. f ft-iTolrt 1 . 1.1 .1 '1 ...... .1 -. .1,1. '
oA man's head, while he was sagged.
This rotary occurred in the" old
bacueior't hut, and we were never ar
rested for tne crime. This was the big
gest naui we ever made, and the revol
ver was siven to me by McDonald. We
burglarized two bouses in Missoula,
Mont., and were arrested on suspicion
lor one ot tne onrgianes, out escaped cash u. hand, an the fuii'.vnns boundtd and !c
conviction frcMUed real estate de-;ribed in taii execution
i u... .i. :u . i 'and order of mle. to-wit. C'ommencinr a: a
l gave oina to my oiuesi cnuu la wie
poorbouse at Helena in J393, and there
McDonald and I were arrested. Mc
Djnild hired an attorney to defend us,
giving him a bill of side of some horses
we had near Helena for his pay. Tbe
lawver succeeded in securing "our ac
quittal, and tben advised us to leave on
the brst train.
We left, and, getting Off
the train at a small station near where
the horses were, we took them with us.
Our robberies were confined to Montana,
and since coming to Washington we
have done nothicg wrong outside of liv
ing together without being married. In
the spring of 1595 McDonald and I came
to Walla Walia from Anatone. I was in
poor health, and came here to be treated.
We attended tbe Adventist campmeet
inc then in Bestion here, and both be-
cam converted, but J don't thinfc it was 1
VftT ;.,,.. i.!iA t.,
genuine. .My youngest ctnia was uorn
ijere about 16 months ago, and is now in
care of a MrE. Gantenbein, of this city.
I have three children living.
A Valuable J'rencrlptlou.
. Editor Morrison of Wortbington, Ind.,
".Sun," writes: "You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and I
cm cheerfully recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral fcystem tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Annie stehle, 2025 Cot'age Grove Ave.,
Chicago, waE all run down, could not eat
nor dk'fi-t food, had a backache which
n-ver left her and felt tired and weary,
but iris bottles of Electric BitterE re-
, . , 1 , rt . 1 , . 1 .
rtoreu tier neuiwi nu rriiewcu ruciiKni.
T1-! r.fl , 1 1 tV fltxt a P.nllln '
triers ou Lnur nuu i.vj.
t Blakeley and Houghton's Drug Store.
Nebraska corn for Bale at the Wasco
warehouse. Best feed on earth. ui9-t
Snbacriba for Tuu Cuuonicle.
Crimp of a Negro, j
Trk.vto.v, X. .1., March 30. The city i
' detective department has yent a descrip-1
tion of Isaac Martin, a colored lad, who (
as or Vt'ar5 keen nu nl :,che of Trenton
MUd?, iiuu , uuuj ttitrt vttt.iv crw- j
in? his venpenee upon Clara L , his .
brother-in-law's wife. ,
Martin attended the inaugural in
. Washington, And cn his return he heard I
stories of Clara's doings. Going to the
I girl's house he found her in a bed. He
cut all her clothing into ribbons with a!
I razor, and, as this did not extort a con-
! iession, he striped her like a zebra with ,
j iodine. He then took care that she was ,
j securely fastened, and, kissing her, left j
1 IV. L( fcC t.CV " ... .I .ilW I VU lilt. U4tk- I
' j
i ture dried it burned the girl's flesh, and ;
her screams attracted the attention of
neighbors, who released her. '
Frost In California Fruit Belt.
sax Feancisco, March SO. The local i
office of the United States weather!
bureau has received advices from the;
various fruit sections of the state to the ;
! effect that dnrine the last two nichts i
killing frosts have seriously damaced the j
fruit crop. Prunes and apples are not ;
sufficient! v advanced to receive so much j
harm as apricots and almonds, which in '
sections have
been totallv de-
! stroyed, while peacb trees and vines
. have also oeen injured, though in less
: decree. '
I Drowned at n Ford.
! Gainesville, Tex., March 29. Miss j
drowned last night fire miles
west of
here in attem mine to ford
nreek that
had become a racing torrent, as a result
of the unprecedented rainfall of vester-
flfir ft Till lncr nlwVvf
Chicago Taurers strike.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a stockholders' meeting of The Dalles,
Portland & Astoria Navigation Co., at
their ofSce Saturday, April 3, 1S97, at 2
p. in., for the purpose of electing seven
directors and transacting such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting. By order" of tbe presi
dent. Tbe Dalles, Or., March 1, 1897.
mS-td Secretary.
Steamer lor .isle.
We will sell the steamer ''Wanna,"
thirty-five feet long, eight foot beam,
built in 1S93. All in good order. For
full particulars apply to
Oeego.v Loiiiee CO.
Vieato, Or.
The Dalies Trading Co., corner of 31
and Federal streets, wili pay tbe highest
L'aslj Pric5 ior second-hand L-oods.
ml'4-tt C. V. tuvxiSG, Agent.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notice If hereby given that by virtue an ex-
i V.UbAVU Uilil. vy .-(94V 4TUi;U I'll ' I .
' cutt Court of the state of Oiro;. r ir
ouoty. on the h day of March, ", tj i
;udsment made, reuderei und entered thsre i.
. whereiti Johu ilarpor wa jiiaintifl ut.d V
Ta; lur and arah K. Taylur were defyudu: ..
aid to mv dirt-cted end delivered, I did. on tat
a:h cay of March. 1:JT. duly lev ujxji, uiid wi..,
on Monday, -he Uth day of April. l!"T, ut the ..our
of z clm't -t. m. of said day. ut the front door
t the county cotsr:hnu in Imlies City, uer.
fnintou the nunh boundrr line of Neve. hA
oibsiu't Addition to liulles City one (I chain
cud fifteen '15 links easterly from the no-tfc-west
corner o fui& addition, and running theiire
easterly alone i-aid north line of Neyce and Gib
son Addition two hundred ten (iiu, fee; moreor
less, to the western boundary line of lot of land
conveyed by James Fulton and wife to I'rlsciSla ,
fcteon by deed dated February 7, lu, and re
corded on I'ece 211 boot '-j of records of deeds
onvaieo (oucty thence northerly und alone
veyed to PrisclUa Wation. and a continuation
thereof to a point where the line so continued
would intersect the southwestern boundary line
of the street laid out by the authorities- of belle.-,
City and called Fulton street, if such soutb.wci.t
ero boundary line of Fulton htreet were con
tinu'd to uch intersection thence in a right
line to and uione said southwestern boundary
line of Fulton street tn the point wcere the same
Intersects the eastern boundary line of the land
owned by w entworth Lord, adjoininc the land '
of James Fulton, and thence southerly alone
said line between the lauds of Wentwortb Lord
and Jame I ulton to tbe place of beginning.
fes,n8,tb.e "?mt u?ds cnveyed by James a. and
FamileU. P.lchardson to Frederic A. McDonald,
on the -1th day of March, lw. recorded on page
3i, uook k in need Kecorus ot uuseo county,
Oregon, and afterwards deeded by said McDon
ald and wife to O. D. Tu lor, all said premises
being in Wasco County, Oregon: or so much
thereof as shall be uecesa-y tosa'.lsfy the v
eral sums due upon said writ, to-wlt l'he sum
of J ICO. and Interest tberron since October 1J.
at the rate of ten l-er cent ir annum, and
for the further sum of tlWj. with interest there
on from April 15, IsSS, at tbe rate of ten per cent
rer annum; the further sum oi 1 10, attorney's
fees, and the further un. of JJlt, costs tased in
sail suit, together v. ;:t. iircrulng costs und es
lenses of said sale
Dated this 9th day 01 March. 1-97.
nchl3-ll r.herit! of Wasco County, Or.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that bv an otder of the
i.ouuiy uiuri uj s.meui u;txuu jur usco
tbe a sate of Oregou for Wusco
couuty, roude and entered on the '.'d day of
March, lc'r, the undersigned was duly apiMlutt-d
executor 01 tne last win unu teaiumeiu 01 jouu
Gottlieb Wagenblust. deceased. All persons
having claims against said estute are notified to
present them, with the proir vouchers, to the ,
undersigned ut The Dulles, Oregon, at Jbe ottict
oj D. JI. P.oberta, iu Dulle fit) , Oregon, wlthlu
six mouths from the date of this notice.
Dated March 10, 1'J7
xalJ-ulu JoHN WAGENBLAsf
flow pibont Your
We have the facilities for doing all hinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. "We not only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have vour next order.
Real Estate Exchange
From every part of the
Resources, Products, Prices, Etc.LfzrV
All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatly to
their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members
of the Exchange, giving full particulars, terms, etc.
J. M.
Supplied to United States and British Governments. It has
no superior. Best Dip for the Wool. Sold by PEASE &
MAYS, The Dalles, Oregon.
Bond Issue of 82U,
Hchoo. district No. l, of 'aeo countv. Ore
con beinrthedi.trift in which Dalle City is
located will issue twenty coupon bonJs of tne
t'or value of one thousand dol!ar each, bearing
interes' wt the rate of six per cent ier annum,
interest jiavHble semi-annually: said bonds be
Ins re-'.teriabie at the pleusuie of saiJ district
after ten year from their date, but due and pay
able absolutely twenty years from dat Princi
pal and interest payable at the otllce of the
treasurer of Wasco county, Or., or at such place
us may be designated in the city and state of
New Yorfc. at the option of the purchaser. The
iajhiu t.i ui.viu.a u Emu ui,,iit;t uiviaiuum
. ..,1 . .1 . . t ...!.. . . 1 . , .... . 1
with the provisions ot an net of tbe Legislative
Asembly of the state of Oregon Wed in the
oihee of the secretary of slate Feb. ?J, ls33. and
providing, among other things, for the issuing
of binds by school districts.
in compliance with the terms of said act. I. n
Tteasurer of salQ county, will receive healed bids
fur satd bonds ut my omcc. iu Dalles City afore
said, until 1 o'ctocK p. in. on the 15th day of
jiay, 1597. aU bids must be accompanied by h
certified check of live tr cent of theamount of
bonds fur which the bid is made. No bids for
less thau pur w ill he considered. The buyer to
furnish blank bonds to be executed by the dls
ty the dls.
uilbids is
trict. The right to reject any and
Dated at Dalles City, Wasco County. Oregon,
this :"Jlh day of March, WJ7.
31-lw-I Treasctcr of Wasco Couuty, Or.
Administrators Final Account.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate of J. D.
ceastd, hus Iiltl his tiuul aecouut. and that
i Monduy, the ul day of May, IsW, ut the hour of
I 10 u clock a. m., baa Ixen appointed us tbe time
, for hearing objections thereto and the settle
: ment theteof. All heirs, creditors or other jer- 1
' sous interested iu said estate are hereby notitied
to til fhefr rihietftlnris Id suld flriHl iiceoiint. ii
Bny they have, on or Lelore the day apiioluted
for the hearing thereof
Dalle City. Oregon. March 25. Is97.
inc-.T-ltll E A. GP.IrFIN, AdmillUtiator.
mtmr 44 UiibI. ilitmitit.r r erat,a.,ib Pit, ..l., &t
United States concerning the
TN THE rOfNTY CO CUT of the state of Ore- i
X cou.fortheCouuty of Wmco. ;
In the matter of the estute oi James Mc'i&'uau,
deceased Citation. '
To Jacob McUahau, James Mc'jaban, John Mc I
..V.n In..... tnr;..V... LM.... t..r i . '
Ellen Hughes, Elizabeth McOahau ana Kate
shumake, neirsand lecatee,and Mrs. Hunnth
Ward, legatee, greeting:
In tbe nurne of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby cited and required to anr-enr in the ( .mn.
ty Court of the state of Oregon, for the County
l.t U'...hA ... . k. ...... .... ... . U ....OTL a....
of Wasco, at the courtroom The Dalies.
iu luc i 'juiuy u: n&L-u. on JtiouuBv, inn aov
. . I II... , . . .- . . ' 1 . ,.1. I . . . L . . . . 7 -
of May, 197, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that ,
day, then and there to show cause, if anv th.T-'
oe, v ui ua oruer oi saie snouiu not Vv ninde and
entered herein, directing the executor of the last
MnllliMKe m and Mitchell
wui una testament 01 st
reI property belonging
The southwest nuurter i
ship one south. Kanee fourteen Em,i. W m . tho
fcHfTtA Vainer tVlu t.r., d....(V.I I.. .1... -
tltlon of tbe executor of safd estate tiled herein. '
inis i itation is served uikjii you, the said Ju
cob McOahan, James McGahan. John McGaham, , T50M A R TT A WW
Ltttra McGahau, Elva Mi-Gahan. Marv Ellen l J ,flj5 O-a-firLh,, -Hughes.
Elizabeth Mclichan and Klitf. hnrnwee .
. heirs of James McOuhaii, deceased, by order of;
the county Judge of Wusco iunty, Oregon,
made ou tbe'.Kd day of March, ls7,
W:i.sESe the Uon. Robert Mays, Judge of the chrfl tV.rii t l.nJ Anwiope to Mlt
I ciunty court ot the state 01 Oregon, for Lne" turee tiiaee a week.
1 seal the County of Wseo with the seal of.
1 saiu umn amxwi mis -SM ay of Mutch,
Attest: a M. K ELS AY, Clerk.
m- U By alMEO.v Dolto.n, Deputy
Tlda It Vour Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, catii or stamps,
a generous tarnple will bo mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
etraie the great merits of the remedy.
CC Warren St., Kew York City.
Rev. John Reid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont.,
can emphasize bis statement, "It is a pi
uve cure ior catarrh if ued as directed.1
, Rev. Francis W.Poole. Pastor CtntmlPr,-
.i 1.
, ,
Ely's Cream Balm is the aeknowledged
for. catarrh and conbdns no mercury
' Boranrinjunouedrug. Price, 50 cent.
oi School nistrlct Bond.
j Sale
School District No. 29, in Wasco
iiiet'iiKu .-
-V .11 t. ,...1. oc mnv hf flP-le'
terest snu i-" - : j
nated in the bid which may be accepted,
not esc '"dir.? the rate of S per cent.
Theu:,.re,in of the law n.
snch cases I will receive sealed mas ui
said bonds as anove ufMTiun., ... .....
.ir rt.llps Citv. Oreaon, up to uie
. ,nr r,f " nVInck Ii". 111. Of the.
1st day
of April, 1S97. all bids to be accom
I panied bv tertitied check for o per cant,
'if the amount of the bid, the successful
i bidder to furnish blank bonds. Bids
I for les than par will not be considered.
I The richt is reserved 10 T-m um, m
all bids. , M ,
Dalles Citv, Orcson. .Marcn -u, ici.
C. L. PhiLLiPS,
Treasurer, Wasco County, Oregon.
Dr. Kmc'.' New I)lcoirrj- fur Cofanip
This is the best medicine in the noild
for all iorms of Coughs, Colds and Con-
isnmnllnn. F.vtrv bottle is cauranteed.
j It will cure and not disappoint. It has
no equal for Whoopinc Cough, Asthma,
I Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
j Grippe, Cold in the Head and Consump
, tiou. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to
, take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is
' alwav; well to take Dr. King's ew Life
' Piil i:i connection with Dr. Kinc's New '
DUivivprv. a? thev regulate and tone the
stomach and bowels. We guarantee per-
lect satisiaction or retnrn money.
trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghtou's
Drugstore. Regular si.e 50 cents and
Notice to Taxiiajerf. i
i of thl' ronnty6 wwtf "be sheriff wHUe'
turn tbe tax roll for 1S9G to the
'. countv clerk on the first Mondav in
i April. 1S97, and all taxes then remain
ing uupaid on the roll will be declared
: HcTinnnfnt. and thereafter the sheriff
quent roll
' A ,,. rY'y.
I ii. I . 1 VIV1 Ii
Cash in Your Check.
All county warrants registered prior
to Oct. 1st, IStf?, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after March G,
1S97. C. L. Phillii-s,
County Treasurer.
Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hun
dred. A iarce lot oi old dailv and week-
. ly Chkonicles on hand, the accumula
tion of 1890. Very sood for puttinc
under carpets, on account of uniform
Do not fail to cail on Dr. Lannerberg,
the eye specialist, and have your eyes
examined free of chart"1. If you suffer
w itb headache or nervousness you un
doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if
pjrrec'ed, wih beuerit you for life. I
Offife in the Vost bl.'cfe. "
Tie OoiuniDle PacKJog Co.,
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
ik mi Karaii
lUlllI) llliU JJ lluUlii
Dried Beef, Etc.
- Proprietor
Stat-ee leave RnW nr, tn. a . ,
, , a,e en for Antelope
tlaryTiLooij IX?! u e f L,ona4r' &rTe
loucan tetrcaif-rt.t
W tfii . rj.',"' ""M nere we willed
. Iodide' pritaaKT 'nM SPK"""" Wr
weifiiaiSn."""?..""" FOlsofi
ri iu 1 itM
Barecatei n "y"lUiO most ob.rJi
&&t rau. .i r.--.-. " """mi UJO most cil.aH.
m wUUil2lJ If H 1 1 atA aaf . . I -r -
Fwe!annotcure. n7,7.:,V." r"
m we einndt cure T. I,V wH.rl1 1
, ffitond of Oeach. payable absc,,
nie v in twentv vears and redeemable
i pleasure of said district after id. , j
rear, with interest coupons attached,
'fnteren pavablc semi-annually. Pnn- ft
. Sa and interest payable at the offi e
; of the county treitsnrpr of sfid county ;
or at such plm'e a; may be designate
in the citv of New York, at the option Pullman
of the ourchaser, and the rate of in-1
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
, .
; Elegeilt
hT. I'AVl.
Through Tickets
Tor Inlorantlon, tine cartli, taapt and tlckeu
cal ou or write to '
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
The Dalits, Oregoa
' da CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
255, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oresoa
EAST and SOUTH via
. rpg gag
j SOUthS!!! PdClf IC COIDO'V.
r i
! Trains leave and are due to arrive at Port!i!
I from rrn. 10, 1W7.
S 1 T.rpni,. Shlpin. Hose.
press, salcm, Kote-1
I burp, Afehland, Sue-1
I. M.
1 Franciseo, Mojave, ( i,,.
1 1 ii
9:10 A. X.
lm Angcies,t.irBso,
I New Orleans and
:30 A. M.
Ro(eburc and war sta-i
tions il: P.H
(Via Woodburn for)
i Mt.Ancel, oilverton, .
i Went Scio, Browns- ) except
' ville,Sprlngiield and satuUfi.
I Natron ... . J
Salem bikI way stations r10.15A.J(
ICorvallis and wayi t 6:J0P.X
stations !
MeMlnnvflle a n df 5S5P.JJ
jway stations ... .
I. M.
A. M.
t4M5 P.M.
Daily. tDatly, eseept Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Tnrnugb Tictet Oflicc, 11 Third street, where
throuu-h ticket to all points in the Futtra
btntes, Canada and turojie can be obttlnei t
lo et rates from
J. B. KIHKLAND, Ticket Agrot
All above trains arrive at and detrt Iroc
Grand (Jeutral station. Fifth and Irving strecu.
j Passenger Dejot, foot of Jeaerson street.
I U-ave lor OSWEGO, dally, wept sunday.
TrJO a. Hi.; 12.15, 1:J3, 5:2o, k:Bo v. B
(and 11:00 p. rn. on Saturday only, Anire u
io.-t!aud at 7:10 and &;30 u. m.: and 1:9), M
I 6.35 cud 7:55 p. in.
j Leave for Sheridan, week days, 4tl:C0p.c
j Arrhe at Portland, 9:80 a. in
I Leave for AIKLIE on Monday. Weduesdr at
Friiav at6:iait. in. Arrive ct Portland, in
dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. nt.
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