The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 30, 1897, Image 4

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The Dalles Daily Ghronicle.
Below is published a correct time card
ot trains nnd boats hich leave and ar-
rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust
it, as The Chhonicle is kept fully in
formed of revision; :
Steamer r.cnlator leave every Monday. Wed
nesday aud !-tiliy a: 7:9 a. in.
Arrive? every Tuesday. Thursday and Satur
day nt 5:9) p. in.
just mail. Arrive. Leave.
"0.1 Wt-bound .. ,4:45 a.m. 4:J0a .
COuS East-bound p.ra. H:Si p-tn.
K. T West-bound. leave-
'o.S Bttsi-boanc, arrives U:J6a.m.
Alt paenre? traits stop at faioa"
veil a the depot.
rnest. at
AdvertUintr itate-
One itch or lea in Daily
Ovtc two inches and under four inches. . . .
Over torn inch? and under twelve inches .
Over twelve inches
One inch or le-s. per inch
Over one inch and under four inches
Over four inches and tinder twelve inches.
Over twelve inches
1 CO i
itkmjnai. MC.vrio.v
Mr. J. M. Bheilev is in the city.
... n TT ... !
Miss Cora B.Hays arrived trom tu-1
gene last niciit.
Mr. Joseph Sherar came in from the
Deschutes last ai'.'ht. :
Dr. F. C. Brosius of Hood River was
ir ti.i ins, i
W. S. Geary, the piano tuner, arrived I
last nitrh:, and will be here for several
ca;ri' . u , . , . t ' Police of Sheriffs Sale.
Mr. crank iee, ot the Pacific Farmer,
passed uirongn the city today on his; Vo:iceU he:eb ;ha: bv v, of
way to ins iviickilct ranch. esecutim and the order of sale issued out .; the
i , T, , . . . , Circuit Court of the STate of orKrn fT Wae-.
J. ii. i-.anrtm. proprietor o: the riooo county, on the 3d day of March. uj.n a
Hiver-White Salmon ferrv, and A. H. . decree' and judgment 'made. iend;red ai.d !
Jewett oi the Wh'tp -"ai-non nii-rv tee1 theretofore therein in a -ui: v. he-em
jene-t. oi uie ue wAimon nu..ry, lttfo--;e . Liete was plaintiti and i.uzie
are m the city. jaiidl.ljzie Baxter as administratrix of the e-
r tate of Hush M. Baxter, defeased, were defend
Blir.S, I ants, I did duiy levy upm and wi.i sell t the
, . . , r , ' front door of the countv courthouse in Djlie-
In this city, Monday. Marcu 29:h, to cit. Wasco county. O-tttor.. on Saturday, the
the wife of Jatnes P. Benton, a son. -id day cf Ai-ril. l;s.. at o clnct in the aft"
I t.oon of said day. at public auction to the l.igi.- i; ,nnr C. ' -r in hi spntinn bidder for cash in hand, the foll..wir.p d
iner. is more W.a.u in .nis section iJC:ibed ".estate, descriied m slid executton
of the conntrv than a'.i otbe diseases put ' ud order oi sale, and descrirwd as f (.lions t.-
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure witti local treatment, pronounced i
. . , . . , . '
U incurable, science ha proven catarrn
to be a constitutional disease, and there-
fore requires constitutional treatment. '
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market. !
It is taken internally in doses from ten J
urops to a teasDOontul.
on rli( h.nnit ?lfl mnpni-s ziirrmaz nf the ,
system. Thev offer one iiundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. .Send
clrcnlurs and testmoniais. Address,
Ior '
r- T ' ; rr . .-.
x. o. ut-.n cv co., io:eao. u.
j&Sjd by Dragirists, 75c.
Ailmlrr.l- Call for .Mure Tronjis.
, '
Casea, Matcii 29. In orcer to insure '
:hesecur.tyoftheo,-cupied towns, the "
admirals have teieirranhed to their re-1
' j
Sfective t:overniaeutS for additional men. i
They have decided to occupy Akrotti.
, , 7. i
A "Valuable l'rH.cniitiuu. f
t-j: ir : , . '
x.unor .uorr::oa oi i, orinuiKton, mu.,
'ana, writes: "lun have a valuable
prescription in Eiectric Bitters, and I
oin olieerfnlly recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor uisrst food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
but sis bottles of Eiectric Bitters re
stored tier health and renewed s re i it.
Prices 50 cents and ?1.0j. Get a Buttir
at Blafcelev and Houghton's Drug Store.
i6 ,
At the Greek Cabinet .Meeting.
Athe.vs, March 29. At a caMnet
meetint: today, important resolutions
were adopted relative to making pro
vision against the contingency of coerc
ive measures upon ttie part of the pow
ers against Greece.
The Dalles Tradinp Co., corner of
and Federal streets, will pay the highest ',
casn price ior seconu-iianci goods.
C. D. Fleming, Agent.
l)ulle-.Moro hinge
Leaves the Umatilla house 6 a. m.
Tuesdays, Thursdavs and Saturdays.
Doug la b Allen, Prop.
Hot Chin) broth every day from 10
a, m. to 12:30 p. ir.. nnd 4 to G p. in. at
Stuhling & Williams. uich4
Tom McCov ha- ojwned his new barber
(hop opposite the Ciatenden restaurant
on Second street. m4-lm
Bulk pickles, Limburscr cheese, Swiss '
nil vein and creamery butter at Maier A
Kebraaka corn for sab nt the Wasco ,
nireheudtr. Best fetfd on earth. niG-t j
Subscribe for The Chko.viole.
Interrupted ly llontllltlrii.
Athens, Mn'ch 21. A dispatch from
Retimo, Crete, as British, nnd Rus
sian officers, with n si rone detachment
ol murine;, arrived there to;iay to notify
the insr.rcents of the decishn '' the
powers to grant autonomy to the island,
While the officers were j ark-yin; with
the insurgent chief under a tlac of truce
hostilities between Tuiks and Christians
in the town reopened and the detach
ment retired.
Meruner mr Stile.
We will sell the steamer "Wauna,"
t'iirty-five foot lone, eistht foot bean ,
! bail:' in 1S08. All in good order. Pr
full particulars apply to
i Oulgo.v Li-musk Co..
mch2-lmd Viento. Or.
TK THE . ut.s-;Y O..I F.T of the State of Ore- ;
L sou. for the County o Wae.
In the matter cf the estate of James McOabac,
deceased Citation. t
ToJcib Mciahan, James Mcaban. John Me-
uahan. Laura Metahnn. Meoahan. Mary
Ellen Hushes. ElliatM-.h Mciiabnn and Kate
SbtinuUe. heira!id legatees, and Mrs. Hannah
Ward, legatee, pieetiar:
In the name oi the State of Oreson. vouar?
' t herebv cited and required to aprr tu the i. un
- JO ty Court nf the State of Oieeon, for the Connty
! of Wa-cc at theeonitrona: thereof Mi The f;ie.
! in the C-un:y o Wasco, on Monday, the 3d dnj
.12 30 of May, 1!7. at - o'cl'-fc in the afternoon of :hnt
2 i) day. then and there to show cau-e. if any there
7 s(. be. why an order of ale should not be H-ui nxi
1 entered herein, directins the extcutor oi the lat
. i CO wi31 and testament of said deceased, to s"U the
i rl property tjlonrinc to -idd rstate. tf-vrir
' The southwest quarter' uf Ssetion eirht. Town
' ship one s.m:h. r.anee fourteen East. W. M.. tnt
, same beinc thv real property dsscribed in the k
1 titfon of the csecutor of said estate riled herein
I This Citaiior, is served uim you. the suii Ja
, e.--b Meiaban. James ilcrahan. John Miv-aHrr..
ijtura Mc.tahan. EKts Mcdahan. Marv
Hnches. Eluabeth Mcuahan and Kate Shunial.-:.
heirs of Jame Mcoahan. decea-id. by order -f
the County Judse of Wusch county, urs-so.
made on the 23d day of March, lvjr.
WrrxE-. the Hon. Robert Mays. Juiise of thi-
"onntv c-urt ot the State o- ore-jut. fur
Jseal the County of Wa-eo with the -ea; of
saw court atusefl this Xia a-y ot )ia:it,
A. D-. liST.
ATTEST: A. M. KELAY. C'.ert.
By siueon Bolton. Depu:
!- of KE'j. and S"1- of NW! . nui S: :
X'j. Sec . Tp 8 S P. IS X. W. M.. in w use.
(. unty. Oregon, tccether with the tenements.
her- diiameau and appurtenance- tfcereunr.
beioufinr. or in anywise appertain!;:!:, "r
mU' h thereof as shall be nece-s-iry to satisfy tLe
, amounts due upon said writ. ti-wit: Trie snn
. of SlOA'.lt.. ti,2ether with interest thereon at tut
rate of ten per cent per annum since the -tr,
day of Februarv. l-ST: and the further sum o:
costs in said suit, together with accruiur 1l-
"KiS" 5eSnS.leo.-.. this 3th dav o!
iiarch. i;r. t J l?Tvr.
raciii Sherifi'ofWa'scotouuty.Or
Tsotics of Sherin s Sale.
J. eon for Wa-co County.
Sandta and Charles E sandoz. Defendan s.
By virtue of an execution issued out f th-
above entitled court in -aid above entitled cau--
the luth day of March. UnT. on a judrment mad.
, entereu anc Oici:etea on January H, l-c n.
favor of ulaintirV and azain-t the above nui;itd
defendant. T. M. Jfeoton. ir said circuit (,-i:r;.
commandli.t me to ievy on the property of
T. M. Dentun and seil turlicient thereof in Tea-
Uerhe sum of i.vand the co-ts of and ,.n th:-
Bt thecourousedrwr in Daiies- ii:. .
a;ef' Coumy, Oregou. 1 wli: li at pub.n1 uur-
tion, to the hi?htst bidder, for cash ii. hai.u.
the luowin? Ce-cribec premises, -ituati. u..c
beinr in Wasco county, Oregon, to-wif
inenorrn one-nait ot :ne northwest quarter.
and th northwest quarter of the noi-.heast.jucr
ter of -ection K, id 1 X R UI E. W. M.. or -
nmcn thereof as will be sutiicieu: to j.y said
sum and accruing coil:.
Sheriff of Wa-eo Cuuntj. Oregon.
Executor's Ivotice.
Notice i- hereby rtven that br at; order of the !
rouuty '.iurt vi tne state uf Ort;un fur Wsco
i ouniy. trmde and entered on the -M day uf ,
Mjrcn. l-sic. the undersigned wa. duly atu,ied
executor of the last wiH and testament of Johu ;
Gottlieb aseiibia.-it. deeeu.-wt. All persons,
bavin claims asainst said esute are noticed to 1
lireieiit them, with the protr vouchers, to the
'tnder'ined at The D&iles. uesnn. at ibe oiflce '
f l. II Roberts, in Dalies Citv Urezors, within '
six months from the date uf this notice. ;
Dated March lo, l;!7 i
mla-alo-il JOHN WAGENBLAST. i
Administrator's Final Account.
Notice U hereby given that the undersigned, I
administrator of the estate of J. D.!
; ceasd. has tiltd his final account, end that !
Monday, the ad day of May. l-, at the hour of
' 10 o'cloci: a. m.. ha- fcen appoint-:d a the time
for hearing objections thereto and the Mttle- j
. ment thereof. All heirs, creditors or other ir- ;
I . ,. . i ..j. In euIH T . . .....V rin.inij, ,
' 1 1 1 .j ,-;i ... .am cawiv nic t. u' iiu.iiteu
to rile their objections to taid nnal account, ir
foV'the hen -inV" thereof Uf'e ?ht" da m"im j
Dalles Citv, Oregon, March i. 1;3T.
rncJTHtii E. A. uP.Ir'FIN. Adminlstihtor.
This Is Your Opportunity. (
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, ;
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most popular Catarrh and Hey Fever Cure
(Ely'6 Cream Balm sufficient to demon
etrate the great n : its of the remedv. j
5G Warren St., New York City.
T.ev. JobnPieid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mout., 1
recomweuded Ety's Cream Balm to roe. I
can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi- J
tive cure lor catarrh if Used as directed." ,
Bev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Prea.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh aud contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents.
pWrANs'pi'LE REMEoVr":
.t. JTllPf W tU if L.llll. X1 f ,tr; ... f . b
Terrible Explosion.
The Burning Fluid Falls all Over Mrs. Nora E. Hill.
She is Fearfully Burned-Inhales the Flames
and is Seriously Injured, but Proper
Medical Treatment Saved Her Life.
From the Chronicle, Chicago, Jit,
Perhaps in no ease as yet recorded has the
efficiency of a popular remedy been found
so clearly as in that of Mrs. Nora E. Hill.
While her condition, caused hy a frightful
and distressing accident, places her beyond
the pale of perfect recovery, she has received
euch marked relief that the story of the ac
cident and the sutierincs resulting from it,
will be of more than ordinary interest to
thousands of invalids.
Mrs. Nora E. Hill, before September 15S3,
was a hale, hearty and strong woman, past
the middle age of life.
She tells the following story :
"September 1, lc93, while attending to
my duties about the house, a gasoline stove
which I had used for some time, suddenly
exploded, throwing the burning flnid over
me. Before my clothes which were on fire
could be torn off, my right arm and hand
were fearfully burned. This however, was
not my most serious injury, as I had inhaled
some of the flames, and 1 found the inside of
my mouth blistered. My hand and arm to
the elbow were burned to the bone, and my
physician lielieved amputation necessary,
nut after weeks of great suffering, I was
spared the operation, and I have fairly good
use of my hand and arm now.
"Shortly after the process of healing of
arm and hand, my stomach commenced to
rive me trouble. I did not then realize what
ft meant. After each meal I was seized
with a cramping sensation, and then in a
few days there were frightful pains, which
threw 'me into clammy perspiration. For
eieht month I wa. under the care of my
physician, battling hard with death. I had
lost 93 pounds, was becoming a mere skele
ton, my appetite was gone, and my nervous
synem'completely shattered.
"I lost confidence in everything, was
totally discouraged, and determined to co to
ny former home, Grand Puipids, Michigan,
and have my old physician make an exami
nation of my condition. He did so nnd
found that castric ulcers of the stomach had
formed, which he said were incurable, aud
were liable to produce cancer at any time.
While in Grand JBaplds the ulcers which
had formed in the stomach broke, which
produced vomitinc of large quantities of
blood and pus. This confined me to a sick
bed for several weeks. When I became
sufficiently strong to get up I came hack
here to die, as the doctor told me I might
lass one week, possibly one month. But I
determined to make as strong a ficht as I
could, and get all the medical aid there was
in Chicago."
"I wai taken before a class of one of the
most not-rd and celebrated medical colleges
here for examination. This examination
proved what my physician in Grand Kapids
told me viz. that there were gastric ulcers ot
the stomach. The opinion "of the collece
physicians was that my chances of a cure
were not one in one thousand. This was in
May in June I was taken down with
castric fever, caused by fresh ulcers forminc,
and I lay in bed nine weeks. From June to
September in that year I also suffered ad
ditionally from thirty abscesses forming on
my arms and shoulders, produced hy the con
dition of the stomach and blood circulation.
After this I cot a litrle better, and this im
provement lasted during the and winter
till January isy", when"I had another siece
of castric fever. I took a creat many drucs
and opiates under the physicians directions
jiovi Ibout Your
We have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Priming, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. We not only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
roye pubs)T)! ?o.
. durinc all this time, which had the effect of
' completely upsetting my stomach and nerv
ious svsteui.
"from January to July 1595,1 sufiered
frightful agonies, resulting from the troubfe
inniv stomach, and was again thrown into
' gastric fever, which kept me in bed thre
i weeks.
"A vear aco last October I commenced tc
take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pal
! People. After I had taken two Iwxes they
broke the gastric fever and enabled me tc
eet up. I found also that they cave ni
strencth, and my appetite came back. 1
' found that I .could dirreSt the food I ate. and
the pains disappeared". I also noticed thai
I became les nervous; in fact my general
condition improved very much.
"The followinc March (in 1EP61 I wai
' acain troubled with the abscesses, hut to a
i niuch less decree than formerly. This ftai
due to the emciency ot the pills, which un
doubtedly had broucht my blood to a muck
better condition. I "want to explain here thai
the doctors said that the cause of the appear
ance of abscesses was due to the ulcerdted
condition of the stomach, which vitiated the
biood throunh my entire system.
"The pills have alloyed my nervousntfs,
they are putting my blood into better condi
tion, they have cleared my brain, andhav
given rue an appetite which I can cratify by
eatinc licht food without causing the terrible
pain which formerly almost drove me insane.
The pills are doing for me more than any
medical aid I have ever received, and they
have stopped my suffering to a very great
extent. I do not think "nor do I expect
that they will cure me, because all physiciani
are asrreed who have examined me that it ii
impossible. Past experisnce howevtr hai
shown me that they will to a great extent
make my life bearable. This I believe it
doing wonders, and I feel that if they have
done" this much for me, there must be many
people who are suffering whom they can
surely cure.
" I wa bora and raised in Michigan, end
1 came to Chicago some ten years ago. i
know quite a number of people on the wei
side, and have told them of the marvelous
relief I have gained by takinc Dr. Williams'
Pink Pill for Pale People ; and if any one
should like to hear more of the details ot
my suffering and more of the details ol
the relief gained by the Pink Pills, I shall te
glad to have them call at my home, 46 Wal
nut Street, Chicaco.
Shjned " Mrs. Noea E. Hill."
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
twelfth day of January, 1507.
A. F. Portjia Ii. yotary Public.
The proprietors of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilli
for Pale People state that they are not a patent
medicine bm a prescription ued for many
years by an eminent practitioner who produced
the most wonderful results with them, curine
all forms of weakness nrisinc from a wnterj
condition of the blood or shattered nerves, tw'c
fruitful causes of almost every ill to which
flesh is heir. Th-p5!!s are abo a specific foi
the troubles pcnlia'- - i- males, such as sup
pressions, all form v.k knes. chronic con
stipation, bearinc d-vr. rains, etc.. and in th
case of men will ci ?r-edy relief ami effect t
permanent cure in all ca-es ari-ins in in men
tal worry, overwork, or excesses of whatevei
naturo. They arc entirely harmless and car
1 siven to weak Rnd sickly childrf-r. witt
the graiet fowl and without the slit-hus1
danc-r. Pink Pill' are sold by all (balers
or will )tv sent paid on receipt of price
sf- cents a box, or six boxes for S.n the''
are nver rld in bulk or by the H' by ad
dre5sing Dr. William,:' Medicine Coti.fnry
Schenectady, X. Y.
pnlc of School TlUtrlct ltoml.
School District No. W, n Wmco
court v. Orecon, at n meetine regn arlj
a ";V 'therefor', havine to bond
iid district in the sum of 3,lw, to ot
ir bond- of 5M each, payable abso
Tite'v n wentv vrars and rcleemablo
1& "easureof said dl.lrlct fter ten
vears, with interest coupo -,ey':
ireret navnb e semi-annually. 1 r In-
pal tini interest payable at t he oil, e
A the county treasurer of swdronntj
or " such place as may be designated
a the citv of Xew York, at the option
t l e mirchnser, and the rate of in
er est shall be such as may be desig
nated m the bid which may be accepted,
not c-scedinE the rate ot i per cent-
There - re, in pursuance of the law 1.1
s uh cases I will receive sealed bids o
Slid bonds nlwve described, at m
r.tljce in PAlles City, Orezoti, "Ptothe
lonr of 2 o'clock p. m. of the -1st d.u
of Ap-il. 1397. all bids to he accom
pai.ied by certified check tor o per cent.
,,f the amount of the bid, t he sucee-sfnl
bidder to furnish blank bonds. Bids
for less than par will not Ik? considered.
The richt is reserved to reject any atitl
a' Dalle Citv, Oreuon. March 20, 1S07.
C. L. Pnii-urs,
Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon.
nr. King's "ew mcoti-ry for Cnump
tlon. This is the best medicine in the world
for all iortns of Cougrifc. Colds and Con
sumption. Every bottle is cauranteed.
It will cure and not disappoint. It has
no equal for Whoopinc Couch, Asthma,
Hay Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La
Urippe, Cold in the Head and Consump
tion. It is safe for all aces, pleasant to
take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is
always well to take Dr. King's New Life
Pilis in connection with Dr. King's New
Disc, very, as they regulate and tone the
stomach and bowels. We guarantee per-
u-ct sat: -f;.;".!on or return money. Free
trhi! bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's
D-ng store. P.egnlar size oO cents and
1.00. :6
'tlce to Taxpayer".
- , .. .i i. 1
NOliee IS Iiereov given i;iui v uiuci
STM" ' IST ,o"
county clerk on the firs: Monday in
April. liVi, and all taxes then remam-
no- imimi.I nn tliM rnll will be declared
delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff!
wi.', not receive taxes until the delin- j
uent roll is c-iven him. l?v order of i
l , T- .... I
COUrt. A. Al. ELt?Ay,
Cu-li lu Your Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
to Oct. 1st, 1S92, will be paid at my
oSice. Interest ceases after March G,
1S97. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hun
dred. A large lot ol old daily and week
iv Cnno.vicLES on hand, the accumula
tion of IS9G. Very good for pnttini:
under carpets, on nccount of uniform
Do not fail to ca:l on Dr. Lannerherg,
the eye specialist, and have your eyes
examined free of churcc. If you suffer
w :th headache or nervousness you un
Joubtedly have imperfect vision that, if
corrected, will benefit you for life,
Olfic-j in the Yogt block. "
'ork aod Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Bale Oven and Mitchell
- p
; Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
I "tyVCSSi 1 lMr,l , W?l Wot.
i v r , y uut-cr flame Iran rn
tocbsnre ,if wefafil i,nle?aboiolbiii,aod
out." It UiiSiAtpfiiK
elan HSOO.OOO capital b?hfnrtfJ?!Ut Vttytl.
tlonalpuarantT. AlworufoSof.r
TH8 Golumfiia PBGRlnoOo.,;
lis ii
! S
! Pullman
, Tourist
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
T. V.XVL. ' "
Through Tickets
For Information, lime cards, maps and tieiea
! cnl on or write to '
I W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
, The Dalles, Orew:
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
j Morrison Cor. Third. I'ortlund Oreya
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
, P 'I' f I
; Southern Pacific Comp y.
; Traius leave and nte due to arrive at Porti
rr.oM rr-n. 10, l?97. ytixn.
i preis, Salem, Itose-'
t uuii;, .-IS.X1IUUU, sue-
;-vi m J rumento, ugoeu.ban .
;.oO I . ii. Krauclseo, Mojave, f ...,A . ,,
, I Los Angeles.El Paso, '
I New urltuns and )
I .Eiist j
cm , t ltoseburg and way ta-
i.30 A. Jl. UnDlj ,v& p jj
' f Via Woodburu for'
n.n. I Mt.Asicel, sllverton,
nv.. .,t ,- West scio, Urowns- except
:Sfi I vlllciprtugUeld aud Suadiit
unuuys. tXatron j
c-ro j t .Salcra and way stations "I0.15A.X
' 1 " m" (CorvitUU and way i 6 P.X.
,.JO A. jhtlUlons (
t m iMcMinnville and t S-JSP.K i . 1. jvrHV bXatlonb t
Duily. J Daily, except Snnaay.
Attuched to all Through Trains.
Through Ticket Third street, wba
,,"h r. .,11 Tuilnrc In lhr Ell!"
1 HWtes, Canudti nnd Euroje can be obtainsi U
lowest rates from
J. h. K ikk LAND. Ticket Anst
All above trains arrive at and depart Ira?
Gruud Centra' station, Fifth nnd Irving strrifc.
Pa'sencer De)t, foot oi JeSerson street
' Leave for OSWEGO, dni'v, except Snniiy.i
7:J0 n. m.; 1. 15, 1:1, .Vii, C -U - 16 V a,
. (ana 11:30 p. m. on sitturday ou!y . Arriie t
j Portland nt 7:10 and b;V) a.m.. aucll:3?,i:A
i 0.35 uud 7:5o p. in.
! I.-ove for Sheridan, week days, 1:3) h-
Arrive ut Portland, 0:93 a. in
' linvft f n A TlT T IS 1.1 Tnf11'
Kri-nv nt9:IOf!. m. Arrive at Portland, IS-
i dav, Thursday and Snturdny ct 0;05 1. rn.
! Sundav trains for OSWEGO leave at S:W.c.
I and 12:1., 1:,B:30, 6:25 0 15 nnd & 05 p. K. A.
! rive at I'ort'.anrt atfcta), 10:U) a. ra.
j 5 10, 0:35, 7:55 p. in.
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