J ft-" S fit j ;:'. '!.' St f t-j, " 76- ," " T. The Dalles My Chronicle. 77i onfy JJfjK?4ican Daily yeictpapcf n Watco County. TUESDAY. - - -""MARCH 30. 1SW JIE UNDERSTANDS THEM. Commander Booth-Tucker, leader of the Salvation Array, has been in Portland for some time, and has been in demand as a revivalist at several of Uie churches. A gentleman of our acquaintance last night was tell ing us of attending services a night or two before conducted by him. city. At first most of us were skep tical, but all Omaha rises up now to ! insist that the airship is seen every night cavorting around through the upper regions. What detracts most from the statement is the fact that it is seen over Omaha. Anything would get around that famous burg if it could, even if it had to zo over it: so it may be an airship, and it tnay be only the recent moral wave that has flooded the country, flying hich over Omaha. BLACKWELL'5 Major-General Thomas II. Ruger. commanding the department of the He did not understand why he made East, ivili be retired from the active any impression at all. and was as-! hit of the army next Fiiday. when tonisbed that any sane person could be reaches the ase limit. 64 years, desire his assistance in church work He has made a eood record and re He describes him as an animated tires full of honors, to the enjoyment jumping .Tack, with the gestures of a of a serene old ace. French dancing master, without an original idea, and of an intellect far Representative railroad men have below the averasre. perfected a scheme for building a GENUINE DURHAM ' :ll'ritfa: jUJW " I t i i w w . n7).JWis$z wtw vzssz? ! Ton will find one conjiou Inside each. Rto ounce lmg, and two coupons inside encli four ounce bag of Black well's Durhnni. Hay n lias; of this celilrntcd tobacco nnd renil the conpon which t;lves a list of valuable jrrs- ents anil how to c-t tbeci. Wfllilt PflPERI Wflltli PAPER! Just Received . 5000 Rolls of Wall Taper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice , of Paints and Oils. Any 1 color or brand supplied. You Get the Profits f, J1", Aemts, Jobbers and Middlemsn by buying q. reti Hum uic manufacturer. No betr '.-Iieel made thanths Acme Bicycle ! Built in our cvn fa:torv hp skilled v,-orhnien,ur,. .':abea material and the ir 1 p'-.ovftl machinery. iVe fian o cs-f. Sold direct from It takes just that kind of a man to magnificent car. hieh is to be pre ri n the Salvation Army business, sented to the government for sthe use and that accounts lor his success in of the president. It will be the fin that line. Henry "Ward Beecher. est in the world, and the expense of with all his great' mind, could not building it will be borne by the lead appeal to the class Booth-Tucker "g railroads of the country. reaches half so strongly. The clap ping of hands, blowing of police whistles, beating of tambourines, and all that conglomeration of noises that seem almost desecration to a re fined mind that contemplates relig ion rationally and soberly, are just the thing that catch the rabble. Con versions are made under excitement, and are more or less lasting, gener ally being less. The Salvation Army is not recruited for life or during the war. bat. outside of the officers, the common soldier; generally get tireel in a short time and quit: but in their place come many new recruits. Booth-Tucker is picluresque.cateby. and well adapted to the task he Las set himself. In church he woui.1 prove a failure : in the barracks Le has demonstrated his ability as a leader of that class who seek the spectacular in religion. -o;ice is nereiy given tnat mere win e a stockholders' meetin? of The Dalles, "1 5 AT 1 'ortland ct Astoria Xavlcation Co., a: I QfllP'Q I IOiivrQ iieir office Saturday. Apr:i 3, 1S97, at 2 JL-CI VxJLVw'O V-XVJCIXVO. 3Ieetliir of stockholiler- 1). V. & A. N. Co Notice is herebv civen that there will b Po p. m.. lor the purpose 01 ectins: seven directors ai;d transacting such other basine- as may projeriy come before ?aid meeting. By order" of the presi dent. The Dalles, Or., March 1, ISiT. Onio.v KlNEKSLY, m?-:i Set-retarv. 3-5 o 'Soi)e!(iiffi I FRENCH & CO, j BANKERS. ' Is ail C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea-1 irassact a general ban-king busings : ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The, .n A. . . .... . t. i i. ti i t-- -l r .i.Tnn Letters oi Credit issued available m the I V- Lo. ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50. An elecant assortment oi !S'96 styles just received, Eastern States. rider, fully warrrxt!. anywhere lor esamr.: i... WRITE FOS Our iRteresting 0!T;r Acr.io Cycle Co., E'kh-t, ir, Ik Reffuator Liie Eh"n5ev. ."ndv ,Jete"'ciTlie Dalles. PortlanJ fiiiii km . . , J. 4 aUSif i 5 SJIU UU ic A Jt n., w.4.i.v- , MUtViU a part oi wmca may ; St Loni5i San Francisco, Portland Ore-, :ccuwjiuu v.Ji4UU. CQn gentte wash., and various points; . ... . i , , i j in Oregon and Washington. ! Eemember. all these goods are latest made, warm, serv-1 collections made at :i points on iav-1 loeahif and iashionable. ant at nrice? never beiore at)- orab.e terms. proached in The Dalles. Navigation Co. mm 6! Wholesale. MAhT LIQUOHS, EI.T'S CREAAT Is a positivpeure. Apply into :he nwnLi. It U qci: al-oritl. 60 cenu a: DrazcUts o: by Eiaii ; srunples Iw. call. ELY BROTHERS, 6 Wsrei: S-, :Jew Yozt C::r. LUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED -rmrm ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER ! IEMS I THROUGH T!'FreigtanOg&ilif GIVES THE ! Choice of Transcontinental Routes! iA- on draught and in oottles. SDokane 1 ' Minneapolis The Sew York Herald. Tltres. Tribune and Evening Teleerarn. the Lig four papers that were behind the United Press Association, have with drawn their support after losing nearly one intllicm dollars, and the association has collapsed and will go into the hands of a receiver. The United Press was created for the pur pose of making a great news trust, of freezing out the Associated Pres and controlling the entire news field. It was the intention not only to cor ral all the business, but actually to control politics and manipulate the government. 2sews wa; to be fur nished such as suited the association. and that that run contrary to their property. Fine nsiirt; n os In 1 sunnrftKftrl T tr; dailCC 01 WSIer. an unholv alliance, and its destruc- Daugtr- of the Grip. The createst dangers from La is oi it reacting :n j nenrnoaia. Ii rea sonable care is used, however, and ChaaiDerhtin's Corcb Remedv is taken, al! dancer wis! be avoided. Among the ten of thousands who have used this resjedy for la grippe, wo have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pnenmonia, which shows conclusively that this remedv is a certain preventive of that dread disease. It wi affect a oerciauent cure in less time tLan any other treatment. The 2o and 5U cer.t sizes for sale bv Blakeley E juehton. Anheuser-Btisch. Malt "Nu trine, a non-alcoholic! Grippe beverage, uneqnaled as a tonic. Tf rpn. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Until further notice, the Denver I l-teamer Regulator will leave ; jThe Dalles on Mondays, Wed Omaha : , , . , ' , - nft I neua'5 ana r riaays at i :ou I St. Paul Kansas City !o nA lonvo Pnrflnnd I on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Low Hates to aii Eastern Cities ! 5otlirrlovc af ft.on n OCEA.N STIIAMEIls Leave Portland Eierv Five Dajf for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. I Saturday I'ASSENGEI! It.VTES: One way 2 CO Round trip 3 M F.T fu!! detaii' c!l oa 0. P. & Co. s Agent Taa Ialles. or address W. H. HUEL3CP.T, Gen. Ffiih. Ag: Portland. Oregon E H EILL Presideu: aud Mana er Frei Rates Greatly educed. I'or aalf or Traile. Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. A desirable rinch oi 160 acres, within """l ""t lv-'J- J- victixi Ui an .llius. 'ZISZZ Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail Mnds. Shipments for Portland received ai anj-time. Shipments for way lsndit? must be delivered before 5 p. in. Li stock shipments solicited. For rates oil on or address W. C. ALLAWAY General . .''-' . OREGON City property. fruit land and abun Wi":I tnvJe for Dalle; Inquire of A. . Mac Ai.MTri. lion i; a matter for general rejoicing. ReaJ Eet8te aQti lnsurance T . , r, , Cheo-vicle ofiice, The Dalle, Or. Little Greece still pursue; the even tenor of ber way. and sticks to her determination to amies Crete. Her actions are such that the British ad miral in Cretan waters informs bis government that "Colonel Vassos. commauder of the Greek armv in New Scihedulf, Train "So. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4:45 a. m.. and leaves 4:50 a. in. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:15 p. in., and leaves 10:20 p. :n. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :55 p. m., and est-boand train No. 7 leave" ' THE DALLES, at 1 p. m. I i Train 23 and 24 will carry prs:enyrE ' between The Dalles and Umatilia, leav-1 I insr The Dalles at 1 n. m. dr.il v nnrl nr. I Headquarters for "Byers! Best" Pendle-jS&51; bVJLL -L7 iU Hi. . .:-r".t':-f"- Airent TTpQflrmQTitavC! -frkT "RtQTI R"hn-PC? and all kinds w.v.. ,w tvi r-j. uuj of MILL FEED iiK' The Dalles lincKlen't Ariiici aalre. Tue best sa'.ve in the worid for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains cornE, and al! skin eruptions, and posi tively cures pii-;s. or no pay repaired It is i:uaraniel to t:ive ferfeet satisfac- Crete, has practically declared war per x. Kor pale ov B aheiey and against the powers." That is what Hoocbtos. d'i:.-2!sts. use; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction, i We sell our coods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so ! J. S. Scue.sk, call and get our prices and be convinced. " j President. i Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. H. M. Ueall, Ciistler. 1 Fifst National Bank. - THE DALLES OREGON be has done, and that is what Greece is doing. The plucky little nation sees tbnt the powers cauiot aree, and understands that in this lies her protection. Consequently she oes right alonir. knowing that none of the powers dare interfere, for bringing on a general Lurope subscribe for TfiE Cl?i.' N:ctE. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. "s DRUGGISTS. -LE t..i-EP. :.V THE tALLKS Of r 1 Marble Burial Vaults 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon X3T"Countn' and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, j Sipht and Telesrraphlc Exchange sold on ! LIME CEMEN 1, ew Vort.&an Francisco and ort- ' WJ-i'-" i Window-Glass and i ! Picture Moulding. Banking Business transacted received, euoject to tight Draft or 0im1-. Collections made and nnx-ceds nromntlv remitted on day of collection. The prospect for the speedy pass age of the Dingley bill, nd the con sequent placing of the tariff on wool, has greatly stimulated the wool mar ket. Millions of pounds have been. a r Dsnjune eluding the Air. It poriefejfs every merit claimed for the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute security antl durability, thus mafcsn: a land. DIRECTORS. D. P. TapwHOjf. Jxo. S. Sckencc. .d. M. 1LLIAX8, Geo. A. Liehe. H. M. Bkall. No!iee of Final Settlemeuf. and other millions of pounds are permanent and imperishable resting ..... . HTT. " j".- j? rr i . -- -eriect protection irom water and j net g is a nac in inc ajjairs oj men wnci, taken at its flooa bw.ntra mess. Preserves the Body by i.:- ; J onrt of the state o orec.m ir vL . V?.?V, ) r .... J . J- j.. t' i n s t nil nivM.iin .. .v. . .i'7. . : vvumj. wuiii v?i to j or tune . , Vh"i ?u,0,n's!'roi tbe-i Tno poet unauestionablv had reference to the SSmtri! fi.trt As the V tt nd ilT'y li SaAh ' Siifei0" "If," $ the uAhi being imjxtrted, to avoid the duty, and the local market already fee's place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble M'hinh ran lif. firmlt- fnut..nr.! in. the effects. There ii but little wool t-ethet with cement, thus" making them i for sale by the wool-growers, but al-' a!r and water tight. ready there is a demand for it, and . ' several sales have been made of wool All KinOS UBITIBtBry WOrk still on the sheep's" backs. ! j Mr. Comini has on hand a large sop- Citizens of Omaha insist that thev I f'j-v ot uret-class Marble, to 1 used in , . , , . , . , . Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in nightly see an airship flying over the Portland. ni .. .. Aj n l n u j i n i srs ilfivl Tiff II T Q a AT HHPniTlirn Oiu 'nimnto CX n y u L hi m i' ii nun i n r. , ai i"r"-. Aamlnlstrtttor. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BP.I0K. . . UNIONS BT. DR. GUMS JMW.0VE3 OVER PILLS One PHI. fnSSw . A .HUH I'll! hip. OH 'M'J',.Srtii' ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE ' W.tySSS'- WilViJi . Buikt II tutelar 'll.t mm U4dcbe. PflMii. State mc .fJ;1' 'lnm u,.e or as till cull muii. Irm. or fall wi 'wriioa.! mitt. PU, iloSAWKO MfU. cu, m'f0 . . I w.v.it u Unlit I IIV llrui, .1 Job Prri nt no at Thi nffi' l8r For Sl. . Yearling eheep (1000 headjeoondtf in prime condition. Price tl-'5 dress, J. M. Dati w-mltf Sherare Bridge, On08,