?r is'1' The Dalles Dally Chronicle. THK DALLES, OKKKtlN TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct tune card o: trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust it, as The Chkonicle is kept fully in formed of revisions : D. P. v.'.- A. N. O. STEAMERS. Steamer Regulator tertve every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 7:9) a. m. Arrives evy Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day nt 5.39 p. m. OREGON RAILWAY & NAVIGATION CO. fast mail. Arrive. Lwve. "o.l WtMt-bncml .. .4-15 a.tn. 4:40 a.m. No.2 East-bound . . .10.15 p.m. 10:'A p.tn. BALLS PA8OXII. No. T Wet-bound. Usave? KO p.r.1. No. Eiut-btiuud. arrive 11:35 a.m. AH paizer traits stop at I'nlon Street. s well as the depot. AtlvertUlns Kate. iVr lack ...?t cY ... 1 to Oneliich o: le-s- Sn Daily Over two inche and under four inches. . Over four luohe and uuder twelve iuflhe Over twelve inches DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or le?s. per iuch Over one Sneh and under four inched Over four inches' and under twelve inches Over twelve inches . . .2 eO 2 CO . 1 .V) . ICO From the Heuil of the Ditch. Mrs. Frank Davenport, who is super- i broken "by the watchman. At the same intending the boarding house, while ( time that the bell rings, on an annunci-cnlitthij- kindlin? las: Mondav. cntoff!ator alxve is shown the number of the index tinker of her left hand. The hatchet made a clean cut JUSt at the root of the nail, and the portion cut oh", wjth solid gteel tor5 the fioors andceil could not be found. -aJr do not nave to be made of steel In rolling loss down the hill towards j,lates, throucrh which the criminal can the mil'., one day last week, a bic lo? ! often cut his way or on which his move got the best of the men and rollincr too ' raents in the cell keep up u continuous ttr,-ni- nri i a m .-.t s : h u) ! noise sufiicient to make the cellroom it. Two pL's were billed, while four others escaped to the woods and it was two or three days before they could be returned to the pen. ilrs. Shnck, who has given good satis-1 faction ks mistress of tbe boarding house for the past three months, left for her home at White Salmon Monday. A good cook is wanted to take her place. The roads are so bad between nere and town that one team is steadily em ployed in hauling supplies to keep the work going. M. M. Davenport is working a large force of men on the lower end of the ditch and is hiring alt the teams that can be had. The work is progre-sing finely and several hundred feet of ditch have been completed. He has several men and teams from Portland on the work. It looks like people of Hood Eiver valley ought to be able to do this work, instead of going outside for men and teams, but Mr. Davenport has not been able to procure from here all the help needed. He would prefer to cive employment to our own people. Frank Davenport has the contract to build tbe ditch and fiume from Arnold's , them must be a perpetual aggravation, place to Joe Purser's and expects to i They sit and laugh and talk, and take have the work completed bv the 1st of no notice of the uncomfortable fellow Mav. He has sub-let the ' building of ! I"1 h'b aloft and in vitnv-2,-400 feet of tbo fiume to GeoV..e is there for four hours every night. Stranahan and Dock nine at Jo Purser's Gibbons, bejin- i south, several thousand feet of lumber are alreadv on the ground for the work. !Nf.iis and other supplies were taken 1 out Mondav. Thev started Tuesdav and 1 will push the work to completion. Any parties wishing to build any portion of the ditch or flume should call on Frank Davenport, as tie has plenty of work lei; to give out, but don't put it off too late, as he is contracting every day. Glacier. Matrimony and .Hague tUm. Owinc to the deep and increasing in terest in the illustrated lectures at the Baldwin opera house. Dr. Del-Mac-1 Claire, the eminent Brahmin adept, has yielded to the earnest request of many Baltimore, a cigar salesman, at the interested in human development ana 1 Metropolitan, to a Washington Star re will give four more lectures tonight ! Irter. "And there is probably no line and tomorrow night at 6 o'clock for . f ?01.S in "'ch ,somers hln.dk i.i. - ,,i , .i w i a ' the dealers with ao hit e compunction lad es and gt-ntiemen, and Wednesdav - . . , , , . , ; of conscience. Ihere are SO eitrars m at S o clock p. m. for women only, and n box of ordinarv but lhe dealer at S p. rn. for men only. The topics ex-, seldom irets paid for 50. even though plained and illustrated embrace "mag-' he credits none and gives none nway. netiam," marriage," "contagion," and j "A man buys a cigar, taking it out of the prevention, as well as the cure, of the box with his thumb and forefinger, matrimonial misery and manv special 1 at the Siarae limt' closing his other fin-, and contagious diseases and weaknesses. I PT w nnothor which rests in the t, . . . palm of his hands. He gives the dealer Bring qnestions for the question box at i ,,imf. nml n,mftMt .l,,,,. the door. If a,ked the question "Have you got a EtomachV" it would I safe on general . 's sum principles, to answer "Yes." But, lil'T l? aflk bT "T' Crt' "'"I!1' H 1 lu- uul1 " and to give out just what are called yon are ,ure of it, that is, if you ever for. but it is doubtful if this is wis,, n, ..v. .0.. ui ..ij., , pains of w hatever description in the region of the stomach, you have got , , . , . . , ,. an orumary, fcion.acb ; in other words you have got a i diheased stomach. The stomach is a powerful muscle, aud the proper remedy for a tired muscle is rest. Try the Shak-; u- DiKc-nive Cordial, for this product , not or.lv contains digested food, which ... .... will nourish tne rystem without any. work outh-part of the diseased organs, but it aidri the digestion ot other foods 1 ns well. You can test its value in vour rase for the triflinc sum of 10 cents, i Sample bottles at this price are carried bv a. I drnceiits. 12 Laxol is the best medicine for chit-1 dren. Doctors recommend it in place oi Castor Oil. ! WADE SECURE BY WATER. r. or C'elU Iteailcretl Imprcttnabli j Acat.ns All Attempt to It cape. ...IT-- .a on txhinitioa in itoston a . .nv'. of a cell for prisoners from . hteh a criminal would find it practi a.ly iu;pslble to attempt to e.cr.pe .thout civsntr an alarm that would '. :ufr n guard rushing: up to his door J :eforc either the lock or the door or j stvel tubes of which Lhe celt is com- j oxd v crv- broken or even cracked, ; -.y the Philadelphia Xews. The pro-! -..tior. :s not afforded primarily by elec-1 riolty, although electricity plays a J Ktrt in the device. The chief pro tec- i .:vc nsrent is water, which fills every 1 cngth and every joint in the steel ! ubts forming" the entire cell. The wa- J j ;er te maintained m the tubes at a cer-; i :r.in pressure, indicated on a gauge n the watchman room, and Lhe . slightest decrease in pressure of i this water, such as would be made j bv the crnekinc of a tube so that ao ' more than, a cubic inch of water could ; ' ..-scape, would release the pointer on j i the rause, allowing- it to turn slightly ' and thus make an electric connection with an electric bell. The bell then : rintrs eontinuouslv until tlie circuit is i th cel1 tbe Tater is eaplnsr r-i:i n.U ,.ll t,nt. nil too noisy lor tne watcitmaa to near the slicrht sound of a saw or an auper in a particular cell. This new cell Is a cacre. The sides, floor, ceilinc and door are all made of steel tubes. ?et so closely .oc-nher that they could not be sprung apart to any advantage, tven tne hinires and the lwlts of the door are filled with water, always ready to give the alarm if its pressure is changed in the slightest degree, yet inclosed in tich a manner that the prisoner can- not make any attempt to break or cut m way out of the cell without chang- ins the pressure. St. Loui Republic. AN UNCOMFORTABLE MAN. Hundred. Wltnes UH Wrlthlngs nd Show No Pity. On a narrow platform, close ro the glass roof of Hammersxein's Olympia roof garden, may nightly be seen, says the Xew York Herald, oneof the most un comfortable men in New York. He is the man who operates the calcium lights which play upon the stage. He has barely room to stand up, so he kneels most of the time and stares at the stage before him. Below ere persons trying to look so cool and comfortable that the sicrht of ; r .ua i. - of hi? lers. He sits, kneels and some times leans back against the big iron ! cirder behind him. He sees the show over and over arain. He listens to th fineness splosh ot the water on the cry? tal roof and sees tbe fame little come- dies nightly enacted around the round tabies beneath. Sometimes a sirn of human interest is shown in a bonding forward as some woman with a more towering hat than usual, or a boy with a more resplendent hat band than common parades through the garden. SMALL PROFIT IN CIGARS. Dealer. Complain That They Make Very Little .Money. "There is not n large percentage of profit in cigar.-)," said D. B. Talb-rt, o) nickel in change. Or he may buy a quar- worth and gets one too many in u uuhnjoier iikps to neip iiiinsen, una goes where he can do so." j r.,TTT . . Iildn't I'ay to He runny. r Clelftle. iirffeet of thi. flfnnHmoni 0f the Bouches du Rhone. hnh just lost i his place for trying to lie funny official. ! ly. At a meeting in Marseilles the mayor of the city, who is a socialist, ,nuI a sI'eec 'n which he declared that , " oae l" M.,?.M c0 have ","-v con' fidence in the Mellne ministry. The pre- fwJt Jn njJgwep aa,d Umt h; foundh. touciied )V this ovhw... m' respect for the ministry. j-lou ibout Your JOB Ye have the facilities for doinc all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. "We not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have vour next order. The Dalles Real Estate Exchange IS DAILY r.nCEIVI.VG INQCIKIKS FKOJf Prospective : Immigrants From every part of the United States concerning the Resources, Products, Prices. Etc. WASCO COUNTY. All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatly to their advantage to call on or write at once to anv one of the undersigned members 0f the Exchange, civing full particulars, terms, etc. " R,v,on ! T. A. HLDsO.N, C. E. BAYARD, G. W. ROWLAND, J. G. KOONTZ cc CO., J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. THE DALLES, FIRST RIDE ON THE ELEVATED. I It Impre4tw Stransor Now a It Did New I lorkerx Twenty Yearx Ago. Every day there are among the pas sengers- on the elevated roads consider- able numbers of persona who are rid- ing there for the first time visitors from out of town. To the stranger un accustomed to such structures, says the .New York Herald, the elevated" road must be one of the sights and sensa tions of the metropolis. Here on the platform of an elevated station, wait ing for a train, stood a little party of people from out of town, whose bags and traps indicated that they had come from a distance. A train approached rapidly. "N'ow," said a lady in the partv to the boy whom she held by the hand, "you are going to ride on the elevated railroad." At the fcame time it wa? clear that the lady was herself much interested as indeed she might well be. for it is certainly a striking experience, the first ride through the varyinjr scenes of a great city upon an elevated trak,. with the endless traffic of the streets weaving in and out below, looking down upon the heads of the throngs uuoa tne siuewauts ana in upon the varied occupations or unon the horn.! life of workers and dwellers on lloors anove tne level of the streets. It mav be remembered that all these things seemed very interesting to the people in the city when the roaa'swere opened, i An Appropriate Motto. Upon the Temple clock in London is a singular inscription, the origin of which is said so have been a lucky ac cident. About two hundred veers'-atro a master workman was employed to repair and put a new fact; upon the clock. When his work was nearly done he Baked the benchers for an ap propriate motto to carve upon the base. They promised to think of one. Week after week he came for their de cision, but was put off. One day he found them at dinner in commons. "What motto shall I put on the clock, your lordship?" he asked of a learned jmlfe,c, "Oh, go alwut vour busineBs!" : his honor cried, angrilv. -And very , u5taWl-' for a dawdling gang:", the clookmakur Ik vii.l tn hm m,,t i 1a ,?.B -L.' d ?.ae "".V 1 that he carved: Go about your busi ness" on the base. t 1 "I!ad state very bad. Eels got after him. He was all covered with eels." , O, my dear John covered with eels! , How many were there?" "Over two hundred eels hung to ' turn. "Two hundred eels on John?" gasped the tarouvud woman. "Yub, two hundred." "Two hundred! O, dear well, set him ngainl" PRIfOW OREGON. FACTS IN FEW WORDS. Yknicf. is built on eighty islands. The uexnlored area of Canada is over one million .square miles. Mrs. Eva Blackman, who is a mem- ber of the police board of Leaven- worth, Kan., recently removed two po- iicemen because tney were oacneiors, and appointed married men in their places. One of the appointees is her husband. The diamond is not among the ear liest gem known to man. It has not been found in the ruins of Nineveh, in the Etruscan sepulchers nor in the tombs of the Pho.-nicianb. A present of a hundred repeating rifles and eight thousand cartridges has just been made by the Austrian ministry of war to the Freeland asso ciation, which has started a socialist colony in Africa to preach and practice the brotherhood of man. Thkp.e are in Austria 2&0,000 persons receiving state aid. Bkp.UN charity hospitals receive an annual subsidv of S3o0,000. The cutting of the Kohinoor occu- ' pied thirty-eight days with steam pow- ! er and cost -10,000. The Regent re- ' quired two years and cost S-5,000. d In India 25,(j0h,ouO acres are made fruitful bv irrigation. In Egypt there are about C.OUO.UOO acres, and in Europe about 5,000,000. The United ."states has about 4,000,000 acres of irrigated lands. NEWSPAPER WAIFS. I know of several Afro-Americans ! wot don't keer fo' fried chicken but i dey have bin daid a long time. Puck, j When some men lose their tempers it ' would be well for them if they never j found them' again. Philadelphia , -Now Mary, stand up and tell the school what causes an apple to fall to the ground." "Worm bit." was the quick but un expected reply - - - 1 -Mr. Spinks-"Well, Willie, has vour isw:r maue un ner rn ml tr ,n ... eVn?rt w,th meV" w "Yep. -" p-" w lmi; She's made up her mind and she's nmk- m uji nrr juce now. ajie'll be down in a minute." Great Divide. Lady or thk House "Why in the world don't you take a bath, man? Cleanliness is next to irodliness. vou Know.- itaggeu mutam "I cultivate jiu nvuuwu-wiuao jrtue, muuam. - J.lt- Hits. It.Ullt: What VOU nut rtrnnnd n , .. . .V , . . 3 Mctiartc.itwofAir,A.-.."ica.nu'eiDiiii.aLi price oi tne two naoers IS JJ. ill?; li j iirivnr lilt, nttinri i. w,uiu. urn nnvAiL....: - .UNiTH-n, A quadruped living in R'MSfrfs . tne interior of Africa. (Si A kind nf orpwtof tho toor liuirr J W','1"' u'c on nave vour orm. wind. kind of .nuiliiiQ. Few realize that each nSiJJmii siroys fl.GO worth of Brain annwW; Sale of School DUtrlct ISond. chool District 'o. 29, in Wasco countv, On-con, at a meettne recu.arlv CHlled 'therefor havinp voted .o bond i tl,o oiiiii Ot to.WU, to 1 in "is bonds of VoOO each, pnyubie abso-, ' ntclHn twentv vears and redeemable, U thVpleasureofsaid district a ter ten ivears, with interest couns nttachtd, interest payable Kmi-BiinunHv. Inn- : cipnl and interest payiMe g of the conntv treasurer of said count 2s or at nch t'iace as may be designated FnthVciVv of New York, nt the op.tion Pullman of the nnrchaser, and the rate ot in terest shall be such as may be desiif ' nated in the bid which may be accepted, Elegent not esc-edinc the rate of S per cent ' There! .re. in pursuance of the law in uch cases 1 will receive sealed bids for rponr;st laid bonds as above described, at my, IOUj.151 otbeein Dalles City, Oreaon, uu to the ' hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of the -'1st du 01 Apn.. loyi. n , panied bv certified check for o per cent. S0f the amount of the bid, the successful bidder (o furnish blank bonds. Bids for less than par will not he considered, i The ritht is reserved to reject any and ' all bids. , ! Dalles Citv. Oregon. March 20, Is9i. J " "" C. L. Pnii.LU-s, I Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. : m22-td nr. Kinir',. New Dlciiver for Couini- ! This is the best medicine in the world ' for all forms of Cou.ti. Colds and. Con - . sumption. Every bottle is gauranteed. lit will cure and not disappoint. Ic has : no equal for Whoopinc Couch, Asthma, Hey Fever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La i i Grippe, Cold in the Head and Consump , tion. It is safe for all aces, pleasant to 1 take, and, above all, a sure cure. It is ' always we'.l to take Dr. King's New Life j ' Pills in connection with Dr. King's New j Discovery, as they regulate and tone the j stomach and towels. We guarantee per fect satisfaction or return money. Free trial bottles at Blakeley iv. Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. 0 Notice to Taxiiajer. Notice is herebv civen that by order i oi the county court, the sheriff will re-1 turn the tax roll for 1S9C to the j countv clerk on the first Mondav in April. 1S97, and all taxes then remain-; ing unpaid on the roll will be declared: delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff! will not receive taxes until the delin - quent roll is eiven him. A. M. By order of Kels.vy, Clerk. court, m23-4tw Cash iu Vour Checks. All county warrants registered prior to Oct. 1st, 1592, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after March 6, 1S97. C. L. Phillips, County Treasnrer. Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hun dred. A large lot ot old daily and week ly Chronicles on hand, the accumula- ' tion oi laaG. ery cood for puttinc u.uuer rpeis, on account or uniiorm size. ,i Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of chare. If you suffer , .. :,u i1(.!,p,f. or nervousness vou un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, wil benefit you for life. Office in the Vogt block. " THe coiumlJia PaciQDgGO - PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MANL'FACTCitEhft OK Pine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND L Dried Beef, Etc. i Bate Oven and ffitcheUI.'iffl STAGE LINE, Twrur Ac ha -DttT-T i num. ad nAttrEIl, - - Proprietor Sta8fs leave Bake Oven for Antelope 11571; l a.nd frora Antelope to Mit-! - "ccr. GOOD HORSES AND WAGON LDDDPQISON 6PECIALT Y ,'"m"? ury "IOUO loiSflV r.oiU,V.. Mrenini.-.tnH... y-- nuw irTitVWiSF21 ratODofraii;Hf5??H0.T,,?.w Icon. n n Sil ORTHERN PACIFIC RY Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT. taitl .MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH f'AKGO OK AND I'ORK CKUOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA an ItUTTE TO Through Tickets , r,,,cA(t) ' ivASiiiNfiTON iMiiLAnELPiiiA . i. V It lit-- ItOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST nud SOUTH For information, time cards, mapi and Ucieu, cai ou or write to VT. C. ALLAWAY. Aeent, The Dalits, Orczos OB A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G P. A., i5. Morrison Cor. ThlrJ. Portland Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tralns leave and are due to nmve at Portliad. 1 leave. ntou fee. 10, i?9T. ABsrrz. f OVERLAND EX-1 press, Salem, Hose l burs, Abhland, Sac-1 s.oO 1 . 31. KriUlclie0i ilojuve, f .... Los Angeles. El Paso. I .New Orleans una : t Eust i r T.oseburg and wuy Pta i.JJ A. -5i.,tl0I1!) .4 4:tt P.H fia woodburn lor) n-.i- ! Mt.Amtel, Silverton, eVri ,.t West sci0- Browns- except sr.T.H,,- ' viile.sprlugfield and ' Simdsjj. j -rv, T t uiem unu wuy siuuuus -iu.w.a.ji aud wuy l ' 6:20 P.X. P.M. (McMinnville andf f &:35P-M (way stations . I Daily. fDully, except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAES Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Oliicc, 1SI Third street, whew throiiL-h tickets to nil points In tbe EutOT Stutes, C'Htiuda and huroie cun be obt!r.ed i". iowe.it rates irom J. H. KIRKLAND. Ticket Aswt ,!: All above trainn arrive nt and depart Iro? eutral station, Futn nud Irving suu- YAMHILL DIVISION. Paienger DejKJt, foot o Jeflersoc street. i Leave for OSWEGO, dailv, except Sanday.it 7:-.U b. nt.; 1L':15, 1:15, 5:2j, S'ta p. n ( .'and 11:J p. m. on Haturdav only, Arrire t. I Portland nt 7:10 nud S;30 a.m.; and 1.3), las, I and 7:5o p. in. i ; I-enve for Sheridan, week days, stl:3)p.c I Arrive at Portland, n. m ! , Lesvc for AIP.LIE on Monday, Wednesday rri'iaj- ntuuua. m. Arrive at i-ornanu, iur dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3.05 p. m. . .....II.... . I WwHVU " ' nnrt I'l'l 1 . 1 o.?o r..o r...,-. ...H & n m. Ar rive a"t Portiun'd at o:3U, 10:CO u. in.. 1:9), 1:15 5 10, C:.i, 7:ij p. m. P.. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. F. i Puss- THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 .Paced a Week. 150 Ppcr ?'u It etands firat ninoni? "weeklv" pap'J ' !n nnr. t .. Ul trn nd price o a weekly; and its vaet H""' subscribers, extending to every state od ' tertory of tbe Union and foreign conn- triee, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. I It is splendidly illustrated, and amonf its special features are a fine buroor J page, exhaustive market reports, all tbe latest lashiond for women and a ioi series of stories by the greatest liM - American and English authors, Conuu Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome Stanley tYeyiuan, Msry K. WilW0' Anthony Hope, Jlret ilnrte, llrainler Matthew, Etc. TIT . . n . . .1 .H.nJirlllll ,n, .. " . 7 . i1 to iIie uaiiee Twlce-a- Weetc unrom.- - 8her one year for .00. The regu ...... ' .