.tax U1 if" The Dalles Daily Chronicle, onbtawc coi. couia be persuaded J to write the life of ictona. He :i remarkable degree. The only Republican Daily Sewtpapei Wasco County. MONDAY, - MARCH 29, 1S97 PASTURAGE WASTED. 'Hon. W. C. "Wills, at the request of numerous citizens of this county," says the Prineville Review, "wrote a letter to Governor Lord askinc him to intercede in behalf of the people: of Eastern Oregon in their fight to have the Cascades thrown open for the pasturing of stock this summer and asked the governor to make a special request of the president. 'The governor immediately re- ferret! the request to Hon. John Minto. a man who is familiar with the situation, and in a replv to the governor he said : ; I believe Mr. "Wilis statement as ' to the effect which uiay follow cx-1 elusion of Eastern Oregon stock. , possesses, in the power to damn with faint praise 1 and surfeit with overdoses of the same taffy. His fulsome descriptions of Lincoln detract from the grcatuess of that graud and rugged character, j Hay would call Mt. Hood "cute" and the Columbia river "pretty." j laud indulge in sesquipedalianism in, tellinu about Babv McKee or Ruth. . BLACKWELL'S j All indications point to a good ' harvest and fair prices. "Wheat will ' not be less than 50 cents a bushel. ! when the crop comes in : that much is sure, and it is probable it will not ' fall much below the present prices. With the combination of good crops i and prices. Eastern Oregon ought to have, as Sandy Bowers said, "Money ' to throw at the birds." DURHAM fcg, Ay irj I GENUINE DURHAM . i I .-rrtT .JAM . 'II SEE? Deaf Smith count. Texas, made sheep in particular, from feeding on , , . - the Cascade ranee all of the summer election. Mclvmley got tnree votes, and fall season they can safely keep whereas Harrison did not get any. there, is not overdrawn. I heartily j , nrrrno tn lintti liic nrnnniitinnt. fircf 1 Meetluc of Stockholder I). I'. A" A. Sf. Co. J sonable proportions, in the interest Ton will And one coupon inside encH two ounce lag, and two coupons Inside each four ounce bag of Black well's Durham, Buy a ling of tills celebrated tohucco nnd rend the coupon which gives a list of valuahle pres ents and how to get tht-m. WALL PAPER! 1 WAltli PAPER! Just Received 5000 You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying, rect from the manufacturer. The' mo?t Eolls of Wall Paper, best patterns. The beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paint? and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. H r pf Q Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Sieph- ""N v- LO ens.' Intermediate price? un to 4.50. A 1 ' Notice is herebv civen that there will be a stockholders' meeting of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navication Co., at their office Saturday, April 3, 1SP7, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing seven directors and transactmc such other business as may properly come before said meeting. By order" of the presi dent, i The Da'.les, Or., March 1,15) 7. OniOX Kl.VEKsLV, mS-td Secretary. , of the people, and. second, as the cheapest and best means for protect ing the plant growth on the summit of the Cascades from destructive fire; thai is. as a citizen of Oregon. I believe the setting apart as a per manent reserve the Bull Run reserve to the care and management of the city of Portland, under the guaranty of the state, in order to secure the purity of its water supply, is a liberal and good act. Second, is to set apart 350,090 acres, including Mt. Hood and as much of the summit ridge of the Cascade range southerly from the Columbia river as that area would cover. Third. 30.000 acres, to include Mount Jefferson and the summit ridge- northward. Fourth. 900,000 acres, to include Crater lake and cover the summit ridge from the California line northward. This, ex cluding the Bull Run reserve, would ainrrecrate 1.200.000 acres for the use of the sentimental summer-resort people, who. in Oregon, are the prin-J Dancer or the Grip. i cipal advocates of this reservation. The greatest dancers from La Grippe1 It would also be an act of liberal is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea j provision for a class who would in-1 sonable care is used, however, and! crea:e with its population. i Chamberlain's Coutrh Kemedv is taken, $3 o Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal fur Si 2.00. Sflipes-Kwly Dn Co.! . i FRENCH & CO,; BANKERS. ntASSACT A GESEHAL BASKING BU5INES No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own Lctcry by skilled workmen, usi'u, the bast material and the most improved machinery. We heve r,o zqafc Sold direct from factory to thj rider, fully warranted. Shirred anywhere for examination." WRiTE FOR Our Interesting Qffe. Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. Letters of Credit issued available in the j Eastern States. , "The Relator Line" Ladies' Cloaks. Telecranhic . fTTkn Tlnllnn DnntlnTirl ntiil 1 (!. 1S96 styles just received, ff nn NW York. Chicaeo. ! 111D UOUDB, lUIUlluU Q11U MU An eie?ant assortment of ; S5ch: Exchange and a part ot which may be seen in show wmaow. CATARRH local'sdisease and is the result of colds and sudden climatic changes. For your Protection we fOsiuve.y state thai thii remetiv does not contain mercarT or acy oUier .njar- Ely's Cream Balm i icknowleded to be the most thor3h cere for Nasr.; taann. Co.d in Ilead and Har Fever of ali remedies. It open anri ciean-es the nasal paia;e'3, aUarj pain ana intlammatior.. hea.3 the sorei, prc t the membrane Irom coid, reitorea theaen-ei of taj te and smell. Price JOc. ar Dmrcists or bv mall. ULY BKOTHEIiS. So Warren Sueet. New Ycrk. Eemember. all these goods are latest made. warm, serv iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap proached in The Dalles. St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- con, Seattle Wash,, and various points j in Oregon and Washington. j Collections made at all points on far- orable terms. Navigation Co. Wholesale. MflLtT MQUOHS, (Xlines and Cigaffs. THE CELEBRATED Mi ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER 1 "through Freii anil PassniioeiOi EMSTI GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes -Yi.V on draught and in Dottles. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine. ! all dancer will be avoided. Among the ucvi;iciSc, uiiuiLiaicu as a uumu Havin? seen these refnrpt',tirms ! ten of thoasands who have used this -- - - coirnr on nil that time : bavins spent i remedy for la grippe, svo have yet to money and labor to check it on lands learn of a sinele ca5e havlD? resulted where the cattle and sheep were eon- 5n pneumonia, which shows conclusively taiitlv kept, in mv own exnerience ! that tbi; remedy is a certain preventive in a non-alcoholic , : Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Denver Omaha Low Rates to ali Eastern Cities STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Until further notice, the Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles on Mondaj-s, "Wed nesdays and Fridavs at 7:30 Kansas City a mj auci ieave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at G:30 a. m. TASSENGKi: KATES: sizes for sale bv Ulafcf lev & Houchton. For salt- or Traile. nnd nlwprvntir.n in thp vnllpvs nnfl i ot that dread disease. It will affect a on the mountains. I am constrained ' oermanent cure in less time than any to believe that the nrnzin" nf Wn ! other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent and cattle m Eastern Orecon. as far in the Cascade ranue as the- will feed, will be a protection, rather than au injury, to the forest growth there, nnd to hara-; stock-owner; and their employes for feeding their stock where to leave what they take would be an easy means of detruction to the timber, is a needier prosecution, to the injun of citizenship. The letter of Mr. Wills and Mr. Miuto's statement have been for warded to Congressman Ellis urging that the matter be promptly brought I One way . . , Eound trip , .12 W . 3C0 Wasco Warehouse Company A desirable ranch of 100 acres, within tour miles of Daiies city, with one span Headquarters tor beeci Gram Of all kinds. mares, harness, wacons, riows and other t-i n - property. Fine fmit land and auun- Headquarters ior Feed Gram Of all kinds. uance o: water, u ill trade tor Da;ies City property. Inquire of A. S. Mac Allister, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Chronicle office, The Dalles, Or. OCEAN STL'AMEliS Li-are Tortluud Every Ylvv l)uya for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. For full details mil on O. R & Co. s Agent Tea Iialies. or ndd:tss '.V. II. KCP.LBCET, Gen. Pns. Atrt Portland. Oregon E. M'i::U. PrssWewt aud Maua er NfW Srliedulf. Train 'o. 1 arrives at The Dalle' 4 -Ah stock shipments eohcited. For rate:(3. a. in., and leaves 4 :50 a. m. , on or address Train ICo. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :15 ! w r A I I AWAY p. ni., and leaves 10:20 p. m. i MI-l-MWMT Train Xo. S arrives at The Dalles 11 :55 General Anf p. ra., and west-bound train N'o. 7 leaves ' THE DALLES. - OREGON at 1 p. m. i Train 23 and 24 will carrv nr.s.apncprs 1 between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav-, Frei Rates Greatlj educed. Snipments for Portland received a: anytime. Shipmeuts for way landicjs rnupt hf dflivered before 5 D. tn. Llti Uucklen'c Arnica salve. The best Balve in the worid for cuts, lw.wr. n-.-i.t ' uruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever with the hope that action would be Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. WoprlrmQffoT'C fnr "R-rQ n RVin-po and ail kinds MUUlUU Lt,UlX UWA KJ J-WO. Jfl. U.J-L, UO. n lullt I IT rr tr r : .. T.l . T. . 1 1 . - ., . .. w ik iuc u.uies ai i p. :n. uauv ana ar- nvmc ai me uaues I p. ra. dailv, con necting with train Xos. S and '7 froir Portland. E. E. LvrLE, Acent. taken looking to the relief of East cm Oregon. A petition asking that i the reserve be reduced in size, signed by the governor and members elect to the legislature, was forwarded some time ago to congress. It is hoped that this matter will be settled at an early day and the stockmen then can teli what is in store for them. sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblainE corns, and al! skin eruptions, and posi- Headquarters for "Byers' Best'5 Pendle ton FlOUr T's F'oar 15 manufactured expressly for fami'v use; every sack is guaranteed to give'satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't ttnnk so call and get our prices and be convinced. J. . Schene, President. H. M. IiEALL, Cusbier. tiveiy cures piies, or no pay required , Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. It is L'tiarniitfeed to five nerfeot satiefan. 0 . tion. or nionev reianaea. per box. For sale dv Houghton, druggists. Price 25 cents B.akeley and Fifst national Bank. Kalama is huving a religious re vival, caused, it is claimed, by a mi racle. The strange event that has set the community there to arguing, debating, nthimiiig, denying and doubting was the suddenly-accjuired ability to read of a Mrs. Hoggatt. The lady claims that she was practic ally unable to read, which statement is endorsed by her neighbors ; but that devoutly praying to be per mitted to resd her Bibie, the gift came to her, and she was enabled to read, and that well. I. COMINI, s'.LE DEAL.EP. IK THE 1ALI.ES OK Marble Burial Vaults BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon A-ARTISTS MATEBIALS. iT"Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. A Perfect Protection from Water and Dampness. Preserves the Body by Ex eluding the Air. It possesses every merit claimed for - - --- . - ; - - - the most expensive vaults, viz: absolute ' d andrtrSishabiem,SmS I "77 is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its flooa place for the dead. j gflffr on to fortune." This vault is mudeof six pieces of mar-, ble which can he firmly fastened to- The poet unauestionablv had reference to the getliei with cement, thus making them air and water tight. THE DALLES - - - OREGON I A General Banking Business transacted ! Deposits received, subject to Sight ! . Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dar of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on ew York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRECTORS, j D. P Thompson. Jno. S. Schick. : En. M. illiams, Geo. A. Liebe. I H. M. BEAI.L. The appointment of Col. John Hay as minister to England we fear is based more on sentimental grounds than on merit. However, the most bitter enemy of England could rot ask a better appointment if the re. I All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Comini has on hand a large sop-1 ply ol tiret'clase Marble, to be used in MonumentE, etc. Prices lower than in ' Portland. SURE CURE for PILES J WO ill l4 HillLj HlwJiai f MUlin Pit liMllairVj DR. SO-SANKOS PILE REMEDY. t Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at C RANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatlv-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK. - UNIO RT. Job Printing at This Offiee. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding- Notice of Final Settlement. h-ioe, .ls ht,-'l),;' KlvcT that the unfler.lsnl ' hh tlun! ceou it ni U.J ndm iu., V"f tatBOf t-mte M. buuhanj, dvcw l Tan 1 that by tn order ot the County Court, mod. and 2n ' tertd on tho lath tiav U n,ii.Vii.,.7 iPl ' county courthouse In' Dallw cTty reiomww there,'!: ' m1 ,lr"11 urj,u."V.,Iir,dloB'' dtfiil Admlnlntrator. DR. GUMS IMPROVED LIVEB ' A MiU nii hJr. One Pi"A0' 5Sr ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. IsSrSSf&Sg Notice Is hereby Ktven th Uen dulv iii,i.r,int..,( t Viililiv Ul .11. Htnr t fi.rm At.ri r . . . " In.olve, t dYhtorr All y Zm hkiuWi ' uBnltm Lotr , or either, 0 .old" nwlvcnt dcbtSS hereby .TrTThat the nderMned te'ffLTSS Tor Bale. ine Daiiok. ii.o i.v. Yearling eheep (1000 bead,)80D 0 j In prime condition. Price ip- J. M. KLerara Bridge, Or" prime dress, w-roltf 61 L's DAVIS Atalsnee.