The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 29, 1897, Image 1

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l)c Ortllce.
Expedition Is Successfully
Landed on the Island.
famine In the District uf Saticti Sjitr
itu, Due to the failure of
SuBr Crops.
Havaxa, via Key "West, Marh 27. An
onrl hpavv field nieces has been landed
mirressfuilv at Boca de Jarnco, to
northwest of Havana. It is reported
that a well-known Havana merchant,
Colin de Caidenas, was among those
landed with the expedition.
The outskirts of La Paste were raided
dj-me msu. KCIu0l uUi.-"
ed a number. of houses, retirinK after a,
light sfeirinisn wku me government
with tne
soldiers. Numerous insurgent forces
have been gathering at a point about
eicht miles from Canajuani, under di
rect orders from Maximo Gomez.
La Lucha yesterday attacked the mili-
tary censor at me pa.ace, claiming ue
, . 1 1 1 i i
"knocks out the news under any pre-;
tense," adding that the censor's policy
of keeping the papers from printing
nevve will "go against him."
Famine has commenced to invade the
district of Sancti Spiritus. The failure
of the sugar crop is the principle cause.
The planters have abandoned all hope
of grinding this season.
Laurada In the Delaware.
Philadelphia, March 27. The fa
mous filibustering steamer Laurada
passed the Delaware capes at 6:30 to
night. The Laurada, after having had
her boilers examined and pronounced
in an unsafe condition, sailed from Bal
timore, ostensibly for Wilmington, Del.,
for repairs, about FeDruary 20 laBt. It
wae reported at the time the filibuster
had gone on another expedition, but
Captain John D. Hart, her owner de
nied the story emphatically.
Sincathat time, however, the Laurada
has been reported but once. Gurley,
which arrived here Wednesday, March
24, from Jamaica. He etated that he
had seen the Laurada, March 10, off
attiing's island, one of the Bahamas.
He said she had a cargo of Eome kind on
board, and was heading to leeward. The
captain of the Garley was positive in his
identity of the Laurada, saying he was
near enough to read her name.
A Crisis. 1'rerailH at OulncyNews From
the Lower ltlver.
Ql-i.nx-v, 111., March 27. A flood crisis
prevails here. At G o'clock, the Mis
sissippi passed the 14-foot mark, and is
still rising at the rate of one-third of
an inch an hour, in spite of the fact
that the river is from three to eight
miles wide above and below here.
Ferry-boats mo red a number of families
and droves of stock from Horton's
island, which is now almost covered
with water. Resldente on the opposite
side of Quincy bay were forced to
abandon their homes.
Farmers have been fighting the rising
water night and day on the levees north
f town. It is feared that all the levees
will go by the board tomorrow, unless
toe rise ceases. The first break will
"ean the flooding of tUoueands of acreB
ol valuable farm lands.
Hunger Threatened at Vicksburg.
Vickbuuro, Miss., March 27. The
use in the river threatens most serious
damage to the levees. The latest re
Ports from as far north as Greenville,
Miss., and from both sides of the river,
are that the levees are being held at all
A special from Lake Province, La.,
wmpiains of lack of tools and material,
wblch large quantities, however, are
now en route from thta city. It is hoped
wey will arrive in time. The situation
s daily becoming more grave, and a
seems near at hand. Thu people
My where are displaying the most de
I cour'so a,,d endurance. The
j r "erb rose six-tenthB in the last 24
fee""' The 8Uage "l p' m' read8'18,1
Te Situation at Cairo.
Ca'o, in., March o7iTlje etua,ion
Absolutely Pure.
. Celebrated for Its prrent lpavenliic strength nud
healthfnluess. Assures thp fruvl cr,,in..t oinm
! nati 1111 forms of ndulterailon common to the
eneap uranas.
EoYAi. Baking Powder Co. New York.
here continues to improve. The guage
shows a fall of about an inch. It reads
51 feet tonight. The winds last night
were very severe on the levee in this
neighborbood At Beard,g . tfae
gItuation .. .
Twenty-five or
thirty houses there have been washed
from the foundations. A large amount
of the Cotton Belt tracks have been
washed away, and from 75 to 100 yards
of the levee thre is enne. This pvpninu
however, the water stands on both sides
of the embankment
rowers Demand That All Trootig Be
Recalled From Frontier.
Athens, March 28. The Crown Prince
Constatine has arrived at Voli. During
the passage of the canal Egripos, Prince
George went on board and bade his
brother a touching adieu.
ine ministers ot tne powers neia a
conference today and it is stated drew
up the terms of a collective note to the
Greek government, requesting that the
Greek troops be recalled from the fron
tier. It is understood that a similar note
will be presented to the porte, and that,
if either power refuses, its principal
portB will be blockaded.
A meeting of the Cretan delegates will
be held shortly at Athens to draft a
renlv to the admiral's proclamation of
Alleged to lie Greek Strategy.
London, March 28. The Daily Graph
ic understands that the British proposal
to Greece and Turkev to withdraw their
armies from the frontier actually origi
nated at Athens. The Turks now occupy
all the passes in the mountains, and the
best strategical positions. According to
the Daily Graphic, the Greeks proposed
a simultaneous withdrawal in order to
be able to capture these positions by a
rush attack after making a feint of com
pliances Heady to Take Constantinople.
London, March 28. A Times dispatch
from Vienna says that, owing to the
keen anxiety felt at St. Petersburg, as to
what may occur in the near future at
Constantinople, or in the vicinity, the
pzar has ordered the concentration of
200,000 troops in the four governments
ot South Russia. The Russian volunteer
fleet is now available to transport troops
when evere required.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind.,
"Sun," writes: "You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and I
can cheerfully recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
but six bottles of Electric Bitters re
stored her health and renewed strength.
Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a Bottle
at Blakeley and Houghton's Drug Store.
Will you buy a package
of Schilling's Best tea and
have your money back if
you don't like it?
Your grocer will do that.
We pay him to do it. He
makes his profit, whether
you like it or not.
You see we know before
hand whether you're going
to like it or not.
A ScliMliifT & Company
San rraticisct)
The Dead Lie Unhuried by the Road
side. London, March 2S. The Daily Mail's
correspondent says that Admiral Cana
viro, commanding the international fleet
in Cretan waters, lias wired to the
Italian government to send immediately
a large land force, which is imperatively
necessary to cope with the Cretan in
surgents. Admiral Canaviro, it is said, asserts
that conditions in the interior of the
island are so terrible as the result of
famine that even the lepers are leaving
the lazar house; the inhabitants are
panic-stricken, and the dead lie by the
roadside unburied.
A Times' dispatch from Athens says
that when it became known Saturday
that Crown Prince Constantine would
leave the city in the evening for the
Greek camp at Larissa, to take com
mand of the Greek armies in the field,
a large crowd gathered on Constitution
square adjoining the palace. As the
evening approached, the crowd increased
to a multitude, and the stree's adjoin
ing were filled with au excited throne,
cheering, singing patriotic songs and
firing revolvers. The populace shouted
"For union and war!" and cheered
continually for the crown prince and
the army.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseaees put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doBes from ten
drops to a teasDoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred ddllarB
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testmonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7
Cornered the Onion Market.
Kansas City, March 28. James Mc
Kinney, a produce dealer of this city"
is credited with having cornered the on
ion market of the country. Within the
uast month the price of onions has mov
ed up from GO and 80 cents per bushel to
$1 50 and $1 75 and the person reaping
the lion's share of the profit is said lo be
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is lierebv given that by virtue of an ex
ecution aud order of sale issued out of the Clr
cult Court of the State of Oregon for Wuseo
Countv. on the 6th duy of March, lfe'J7, uiion u
judgment mude, rendered and entered therein,
wherein JOQii iiarger wus planum mm u. u,
Taylor and Surah K. Taylor were defendants,
nnrl to me directed and delivered. I did. on the
9th dav of March. 1&U7, duly levy upon and will,
on Moiidav, the 12th day of April, lb'J", at the hour
of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door
of the county courthouse in Dulles City, Wasco
County, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for
cash In hand, nil the following bounded and de
scribed real ettate described in said execution
and order of sale, to-wlf. Commencing at u
point on the north boundary line of Neyceuiid
fjlhsrm's Addition to Dalles City one (1) chain
mid fifteen (15) links; easterly from the north
west corner of said addition, and running thenre
easterlv along said north line of Neyceand Gib
son's Addition two hundred ten (2iOJ feet raoreor
less, to the western boundary line oi 101 oi iana
conveyed bv James Fulton and wife to l'riscllla
Watson by deed dated February 27, 1SA0, and re
corded on Page 211 book "G of records oi deeds
of Wasco Countv: thence northerly and ulong
said western boundary line of said lot so con
veyed to hriscllla Walton, aim a conuuuuuoii
thereof to a point where the line so continued
u-niiM lnhn,Mt thn tnuthweutern boundary line
of the street laid out by the authorities of Dalles
City and called Fulton street, If such southwest
ern boundary line of Fulton street were con
tinufdto such intersection: thence in aright
line to and ulong said touthwestcrn boundary
line of Fulton street to the point where the same
Intersects the eastern boundary line of the land
owned by Wentworth lxjrd, adjoining the land
of James Fulton, and thence southerly along
lm line l.PtuK-ii the Innds of Wentworth l.ord
and James Fulton to the pUce of beginning,
being the same lands conveyed by James A. and
Fannie U. KIcbardson to Fiederlo A. McDonald,
on the 4th day of March, lbUi, recorded on page
31, book "K" in Deed Kecords of Wasco County,
Oregon, and afterwards deeded by said McDon
ald and wife to O. D. Taylor, ull said premises
being in Wasco County, Oiegon; or so much
thereof as shall bo ufcessuiy to satisfy vie sev
eral sums due upon said writ, to-wlt; The sum
of UCM, und Interest thereon since October 12,
M3, at the rate of ten ir cent icr annum, and
fr ihn further sum of J1000. with interest tSero-
ou from April 1&, lbt3, nt the rate of ten per cent
fees, and the further um of 121. costs taxed in
said suit, together with accruing costs und ex
penses of said sale. r
iiaveu iuio viu uu v j ' j
Kichl3-U Sheriff of Wasco Count', Or.
1CCOIUP Taught by Mull by
l.nrrrlrllf Knrt A mi taut
")iniIteiiirpructlcal: exactly us found In
business. My course of instruction thor
oughly oualfly you to take charge of und
keen a set of books. The highest reference
furulshed. For terms und full information
address L. Q. HUNTER, A. O. U. W.
Temple, FortTund, Oregon.
We Sell the
Call and see what
50C will buy
in our
Shirt Waist Dept.
secret of Beauty
fj) of the complexion, hands, arms,
and hair is found in the per
fect action of the Pores, produced by
lUIlj skin pUrifyinjr and
Ofl Ah x beautifying soap in
UUnT V the world, as well
as purest and sweetest for toilet,
bath, and nursery. For distressing
facial eruptions, dry, thin, and fall
ing hair, and baby blemishes, it is
absolutely incomparable.
fioM throughout the world. I'ottkk Diti'o
Ann Ciiksi, Coup,, Hole Props,, Uo.ton, U. H. A.
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly atteaded to,
and warranted.
g a. it. oimr.KV,
Attorney anil Counsellor at Law,
I'riiftlces in the State und Federal Courts of
Oregou and Washington. Janl-3uio
It's lo your interest
to know
where to 20 for
Where to get the value, the stylo, the kind that fit,
at the lowest possible figure. :::::::
Which for their strict correctness cf stylo, perfection of tit nnd real
value of material, easily gain the title of "THE WAIST." Wo show
a la rango of entirely new fabrics and designs.
A. Dfl. WII1I1IMHS t CO.
New York Weekly Tribune
With the cloHu of the Presidential Campaign THE TKIISUNE recognizes tha
fact that the American people are now anxious to (five their attention to home und
business interests. To meet this condition, politic will have fur less space and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the
fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception
to the present day. und won its greatest victories
Everv possible effort will bo put forth, and money freely spout, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently ft National Family Newspaper, ititeresthiB,
instructive, entertaining und indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name und uddresH
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Richly and durably bound in English
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In half'Morocco, murhle edge , . , , , , , , . . . 2 25
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on u postal card, send It to Geo. W. Best.
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Till: KMtHT H.VITi.K In 1111 In'LTOKtliiKHlory
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lmirlmit uvciitN ami the iiiuny Ukueti Involved;
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eminent exponents, IiiuIikIIiik the part taken ly
lion. W. J. liryuu In the tllvcr uKlmtlun prior to
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