-. m mm r4: 1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle, Snle of School District HoiuU. I TUB HA1.I.KS OKEUtl.V ! Register of School Officers for the Year Beginning the 1st fffonday in JVIarch, 1897. TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct time card ot trains and boats which leave and ar-, rive at Tiie Dalles. Travelers may trust it, as Tin: Chronicle is kept fully in-! formed of revisions : j D. V & A. X. 0. STEAMERS. j Steamer Rtsulator leave every Monday, Wed Iie5i!nr nuil Prtiiay at 7:30 a. m. Arrives cvy Tuesday, Thursday anil Satur day at 6:0 p. in. No. Dlst. OREGON RAILWAY FAfrT MAIL. fo.l WVn-biunrt... Jk NAVIGATION CO. Arrive. Leave. . .1:15 a.m. 4:40 a.m. Xo.2 East-boutul . . 10.15 p.m. 10:C0 l.ni. DALLB TAS-'EKOBB. No. T West-bound, leave- I:t0p.m. No. t :-:'t-bmiiil. arrive 11:45 a.m. All pn5;encer traits stop at L'ntou street, as well a- the depot. All vurtUing ltute Per fcA One Inch or less in Daily ?1 SO Over two inches mid under (our inches 1 CO Over four inches and under twelve inches. . To Over twelve inches SC DAILY JL.VD WEEKLY. One inch or less, per inch J2 JO Over one inch and under four inche 2 (0 Over four inches aud under twelve inches.. 1 JO Over twelve inches 1 CO S 9 10 11 12 13 1-i 15 16 17 IS 19 :o 21 ! l'EUSONAl. JIKNTION Mr. .. C. Pease left yesterday after-1 noon on a short visit to san Francisco, j Mr. P. Loy and Hans Lace were upi from Hood River last nitrht. returninc ' on the boat this mornim:. ! A. J. Friday and Willis Brown came in from Cross Keys yesterday with a couple of carloads ot cattle for "shipment to Troutdale. HE CHURCHES- Lutheran services will lie held at the courthouse tomorrow as follows: Morn ing service at 11 ; Sunday school at 12 :Qo ; i evening service at 7 :30. j At the Congregational church, corner i of Court Mid Filth streets, Sunday j services as usual : At 11 a. m. and 7 :30 I p. in. worship, and a sermon by the j pastor, V. C. Curtis. Sunday school : immediately after the morning service. , Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6 :30 p. m. Topic, Christian ! heroism what it is and does; Luke' is:i& lib; ol-t). All persons not wor shipping elsewhere are cordially invited. 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 -1 42 43 . 45 16 47 4S 19 50 51 so 56 57 5S 59 60 61 62 Natn of School Clerks. Time to serve, 1 year. W M Fraine V H Perrv M H Xickelsen C E Markham C U Henrich 'O Fredenburg iJ C Porter V; T McClurc A Y Marsh Michael Doyle James Cameron 'Geo P Mortran Andrew Steele M M Cttshinsr Autritst Deckert Wm Brookhoiise Myron Farrincrton Ja. C Johnson No report J T Adke.-aon C H Southern O K Cotinellv T F Gray D Creichton David D XeUon Lewis Anderson J W Xolan W J Harriman iGeo "W Johnston Henry Hudson W H StirnweU A Cauneld W R Havnes O K Butler James Kelly Ja LeDuc " G W Jordoti Geo M McLeod F M Warner Chas Adams W A Stark H F Woodcock J P Hillstrom S G Ledford B L Forman H T Cortim R W McCorkle Asa Stocrsdiil W S Kelsay Frank Irvine Name of Director? Time to Serve. Rostolllee Address. Three Ve.ir- Twc Years. IJ H Aldrich Win Potter IS H Cox (John Wilson !J W Henrich !H H Tomlinson F M Jackson lAinos Root Perry Van Camp. :W A Davidson tC E Samloz IGeo A Liebe 'W M Cate-s ;W H dishing 'Wm Shelly .James Elliott R B Gilbreth J C John.-on 'Wm Ha.stincs. C S Smith iThos Leabo Geo Rtmyon Alex Franier Albert Walter jPeter Ometr V.m T Vatidcrpool A B Moit tM Heisler B M Rothery !J H Stirnweis F C Clausen Tlios Harris Polk Bntler Henry Hilltren Elmer Green !j K Wool M K McLeod (Chas Bullev t W E Huskey ;H H Johnon iC P Knapp iW M Kinney :R A Lainrhiiu 'W W Little 'M A Huston C V Durham F S Fleming- T G Condon Kenneth FMcDonald.Donald McRae L Lamb Chas Gossen F J Reese H C Rooper S W Curran J C Whitrrield E K Russell W C JennisOn Xo report C W Reed 2so report J P Carroll !Chas Smith 'Thos Brojran ,R Hocklev jC H Ellsworth E M Harriman iC "W Emerson .John Harrison SHenry Pri-g-e iC G Hickok Edirar Locke C M Wolfard John Parker L D Boyed W H Rodenhiser Virg-il Winchell 'Geo Sellinjjer A Sechler 'Geo Arnold Andrew Urquhart 'S B Adams James M Benson F Wickman Gabriel Deckert J R Brookhoiise S R Brooks D O Davis L P Boiton W L Ward G W Patterson J R Cook O W Cook J R Hall Victor Xorbv F T Hill E Doyle W L Vanderpool 'Geo Otey J A Fawcett T Ramus G S Wiilard J W Moore Thos Glavev X P O'Brien .B C Brown Chas Fralv W A Hunter C F Bonney X P Sturg-ess B Savage ,J M Lenze J Prout Vene Lewis O L Paquet 'Homer vS'hite Geo Kayler Geortre Borstel W Bolton Roland McDonald R F Hardwick Peter Facan Grant Ashbv H W Cook P H Warren W J Davidson C C Enlibh Sanford Shultz .J I Miller One Year. D L Cates J J Luckev X C Evans IC L Morse Alfred Wood IGeo Perkins ' W V Johnson Frank La Pierre ijohn L Koontz .Joseph Hanna ,John Morton 'O D Doane !B C Low jWm Floyd 'Wm Fulton .J W Allen fL D Bolton jA S Roberts ! jG W Rice .Jas Darneille W H Williams C F Wa-enblast IJ W Elton Jacob Obrist L A Dalev !m C Painter IE R Ecrbert IC H Stouphton SP J McGrail :H McCov !W Gilhousen ill C Cooper W C Adams "Mike Callasrhan .Edgar Burling-ame ,J S Corson iJa L Gordon IJ H O'Xeal (C J Van Duvu V C Youncr " 'W H Farl5w iC W Murphy 'Nat Jones '.Frank Jessup !L Delco (Albert Ullery iR Beattie Henrv Wakerlig .E M "Shutt Henry McGreer M Dichtenmuller Chas Matney D S Kimsev :F A Yountf M F Bird Geo Smith !C W Morse .J H Garrett iChas Chandler 'Cascade Locks IHood River ' do do i do !Mt. Hood :Hood River Mosier 'The Dalles ( do I do j do l do do do do do do Boyd Bovd The Dalles do ! do ; do I do jDufur The Dalles Dttfur Dufur Bovd Boyd Xaiisene 'Xansenc Kinirsiey Dufitr iKinjrsley iKixig-sley 'Xansene 'Tytrh Valley Mosier ' Waniic Tucker Wamic Wapinttia do do Tygh Valley Bake Oven lAntelope iClarno Mosier ,Tlie Dalles Antelope Ridtreway Vieuto Endersbv The Dalies Cross Keys Hood River CUy Sideways Demurs. To tht Committee of Thirteen Indignant liamiels: As I was not credited on the posters or .programs of our late minstrel show with the honor of living in Dufur, nor did I make any such pretensions, being too modest to assume a virtue when I had it fertile imagination located me in your , city. Perhaps he is someone insanely enamored with mv irresistible, bewitch- . ing loveiiness, and seeks to win me with extravagant adulation, fancying no more fitting abode for such a cynosure of beauty. On the other hand, he may be eome rejected, disappointed, lovt-sick swain, whose affections some member of your "sweet sixteen" did not recipro cate, and feeling for the first time the panas of "despis'd love," vowing the melodramatic revenue ol the rejected euiior in 'Calamity Jane," he doubtless thought it sufficient reventre for his in jured feelings and unrequited love to place my domicile in your city. "Cissv Sideways," so well pictured in your "whereas," suL'2ests to his mind a Dufur longed to some of your number. Such a conception could not have arisen in his mind unless, fired by the "green-eyed monster," he had found that what he had considered in his inamorata to he the personification of etherial beauty and celestial bliss, was only the incarnation , of snap, ginger and brimstone. Sordid ' the taste of the gourmand whose ideal of Dufur's female honeyed lusciousness is ; ' aroused at the semblance of a singer nap: mv fancy rather craves some un- ; discovered ambrosial delicacy, whose in vention awaits the birth of some iuture , Edison of epicures. Your informant is ' still farther unhappy in his conceits 1 when ids fancy tells him that one capa- ble of being encircled with fishing rod , : cases as substitutes for pants, hails from ! among the sweet sixteen of Dufur; no, j such lingerie, if rumor can be relied on, ! j has ever done flag duty on the clothes- ' j lines of Dufur on washday, while the ' playful zephyrs from Tygh Kidge vainly I attempt to solve the problem of asrial I navigation by inventing bifurcated hal-'. loons. ) ! Though Cissy wishes she had the ahil- j ! itv, yet she will never essay the counter : feit presentment you so justly resent Alas for his poetic fancy! "A I no, not even if the lost arms were re- Venus damsel! lone, lankv individual with a mouth like ! stored to the celebrated statue of 15-mile creek and a foot like the foot of de MHo to furnish the desired, and, to Mt. Hood," brings to his disordered ' In.v notion, inadequate model. Before I brain visions of a maiden from your num-1 would he so bold as to attempt to act ae ber! What a perverted taste, hideous : 'our prototype I should learn Tii")iMTmrf mrl ilutrirtr) inmniniil inn ' "To slid xellneil sold, to mint the Hlr, niBntaiare ana uistortea imagination . f To throw perfume on the violet Mv fancv, to be thus aroused, demands' Tr smooth the ice. or add auother hue . " . . , t i -i .i- I I'nto the rainbow' Biui ui uue ui w iiuiu uurke ::uu : ure ly never lighted on this orb, which she hardly seemed to touch, a more delight ful vision." Long and lankv? No; the maiden from Dufur. no matter what your size is, is just tall enough to reach your heart; and her mouth, with lips distilling nectar, resembling lo-mile creeK only aa possessing a voice ot ex quisite music attuned to the limpid purl ings of this stream in its mellifluent meanderings. "A foot like the foot of Mt. Houd" suggests to his imagina tion that Cissy is from Dufur; if he re gards the snowy whiteness of its ermine covering, he may be right in thus recall ing your "Trilbies." Since your com mittee in your "whereas" whereased that one without a moustache, and as hairless as the ordinary door knob ie disqualified from properly assuming to be of your number, 3hould it ever be in cumbent upon me to portray by proxy any one of your committee, I shall not neglect to cultivute the proper hirsute appendages and change my facial orifice from the state of a hairless door knob to that of a bristling cocoanut. Whoever informed vou that I hailed from Dufur also permitted his imagination to sug-! cest that a "body and legs like two matches slues ill a ginger atiap, an impossible task. "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." Though I do not know who informed you that I came from Dufur, yet I aug gest that you take one of the matches above metitioned, split the same into quarters, shave them as thin as the fibres will allow, submit the gincer anap to j hydraulic pressure, insert the quartered i match for legs, then resolute on the res- ' idue, await the result. Which Nemo tenetur divinare. Yours, more sinned against than sin-1 ning, Cissy Sideways. jou Ibout Your job ?miw Ye have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. We not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have vour next order. ropile publish ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman TO Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car j ' ' ST. I'AVL MlNNKATOUs ci.rrii PAitun OKAND FOUR CKOOKSTON WINNIPEG n ELENA an ltVTTE School District Xo. 29, in nsco county, Orecon, at a meeting BiilrU called therefor, having voted to bond said district in the sum of ,-0,000, to U ! in six bonds of -500 each, payable abso 1 lutelv in twentv years and redeemable iat the pleasureof said district after ten , ivears, with interest coupons attached, , i interest pavable semi-nnnuallv. Irin cipal and interest payable at the ofl.ee j !of the county treasurer of said rount )or at such place as may ue uesigin in the citv of New York, at the option . .1,.. nn..h-. ami the rate of in- Ul HIC I'uivu..- . . .... terest shall be sttcn as may oe ne- ,md.d in the bid which may be accepted, Tniopent ; not exci'edins the rate of S per cent. . i Then '.re, in pursuance oi the law in such ca.es I will receive seaieu ok s .u , molirist. 1 1 I- r K.-T-. .1 UilTI nJl . 31 L 111) . otliee in Dalles City, Oregon, up to the hour of '2 o'clock p. m. of the 21st day of Aprii, 1S97. all bids to be accom panied bv certified check for 5 per cimt. of the amount of the bid, the successful bidder to furnih blank bonds, bids for less than par will not be considered. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dalles Citv, Orecon. March 20. 1SP7. C. L. Pim.ui's. Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. m22-td Dr. ICiiirV New I)lcivi-rj (r Cusuinp timi. This is the best medicine in the world for all forms of Coughs, Colds and Con sumption. Every bottle is gauranteed. Tf w ill cure and not disappoint. It has no equal for Whoopinc Contrh, Asthma, K , Hbv lever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La , 1I()13TS AST , Grippe, Cold in the Head and Consump-1 T j.il'n t.A- n inn: tiUvmntif tn I take, and. above all, a sure cure. It is alwavs well to take Dr. King's Xew Life Pills in connection with Dr. King's New j Discoverv, as thev regulate and tone the , i stomach and bowels. We guarantee per-1 feet satisfaction or return money. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Kegulnr size 50 cents and 1.00. (Oj Notice to Tuxiiaycri. of the county courtthe sheriff will re-j Snythgm PC f P COmD V turn the tax roll for 1SSXJ to the c 11 ' OWlllO UUIIIJ Jf. countv clerk on the first Moudav in , April. 1S97, and all taxes then remain ing unpaid on the roll will be declared delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff will not receive taxes until the delin quent roll is civen him. Bv order of Through Tiekets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON riui.AnKi.rHiA A 1.1. mill SOUTH Fur informntlon, time cards, mups and ticket, cal on or write tn W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregoa OR A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G P. A., ioo. Morrlhon Cor. Third. Portland Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE- Trains leave and nre due to arrive at Porl t court. A. I. Kelsay, m23-4tw Clerk. Cash iu Vour Checks. All county warrants registered prior I to Oct. 1st, 1392, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after March G, 1 1S97. C. L. Phillips, 1 County Treasurer. Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hun dred. A large lot ot old daily and week ly Cuno.vicLEs on hand, the accumula tion of 1S9G. Very good for putting under carpets, on account of uniform size. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of chart:'. If you suffer with headache or nervousness vou un- 'douhtedly have imperfect vision that, if I corrected, wil! benefit you for life. 1 Orlice in the Vogt block. " LEAVE. FROM FEB. 1Q. 1507 AREITI. :50 P.M. i:10A. iU f OVEHLAND EX-1 , press, Salem, Hose-1 1 I burg, Ashland, Sac-1 j ramento, ORden.San ! , 1'ranciseo, Mojave, ( j... i.os Angeies.ciraso, i I New Urleaus aud I l l East .j . , iltoseburg and way tta- (lions i f Via Woodburu for') ,,,, ' 1 Mt.Ancel, Silverton, , ..v,..,,.r wcst Scio, Browns- i- except Sm,ri,K- ' ville.S'.irluglleld and Sunlayi. -U"U"!J' (.Natron , j.m p -v Salem and way stations '10.15 A..H (Corvnllis and wayl 6:J)P.M. u ii v m (McMinnvilie and t S:25P.M M1J way stations . . i . 4:W P.)! Daily. f Dally, except Sunday. DINING CAItS ON OGDEN P.OL'TE. I'L'LIJUAN BUFFET SLEEFEH3 AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAES Attached to nil Through Trains. Tie Goimpa panting Go., PACKERS OF Pork and Beef Through Ticket Olllcc, 131 Third street, where throuch tickets to nil points in the Eisten SMtes, Canada and Euroix; can be obtained i! lowest rates from J. B. KIItKLAND, Ticket Agent All above trains arrive at and depart lr (j.-aud Ceutrul station, Fifth i;nd Irving strwu YAMHILL DIVISION. I'atsenpcr Depot, foot of JeCerson streeL MANUFACTCKEKS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND U:ae for OSWEGO, dailv, except sundar.it 7:20 n. in.; 12:13, 1:15, o:'S, C -15, P- f fund 11:20 p. in. ou Saturday oiily Ariire Portland at 7:10 and S;S0 a.m.. and 1:30, C.3o and 7:55 i. m. Iiive for Sheridan, weyk days, it 1:5) p. n. Arrive at Portland, 9:r a. m Uave for AIKLIE on Monday, Wednesdays FrMoy at 9: 10 n. m. Arrive at Portland, Tu dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. ffi. Sundav trains for OSWEGO leave at S:0.p. and 12: 15, 1 : 15, 3:30, 5:25 li: 15 and 05 p. m. Ar rive at Portland at b:3U, 10:10 a.m.; 1:30, l:w 5:10, 0:35, 7:55 p. in. It. KOEIILEP., E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. F. Pass. Azt THE Dried Beef3 Etc. The Dalles Real Estate Exchange Me 0m aai lm Ov; STAGE LINE. IS DAILY P.ECEIVIXG I.VQCIEIES FBOM STAGE LINE, mr Tmr i m m Prospective : Immigrants PopitM From eory part o( the Unl..d Stales ernlE the ! evSavIS From AntelSYo'tit' Resources, Products. Prices, Etc.! UUUD HORSES AND WAGONS. NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 rases a Week. 150 Paper Yr $ wm bemai led of S o fff !".. to call on or write at once to any one of thindi.enemGe b r Catarrh and Hay Fever C.iro of thu Change, giving full particulars, terms, etc. Tills J Your Opportunity. On receipt of tt. cents, cash or stamps, & geoorous e most popular Catarrh and Hay f Ely's Cream Dahn) sufficient to demon. T x ht'ikov Btrato the great merits of the remedy. r w TJnu-i v ELY imOTIIEHS, u 1'"IL. CO Warren St., New York City. Uov. John Hcid. Jr.. of Great Falls.Mout.. 'THE DAI I Ffi recommended Ely's Cream Itolm to roe. I 1 -"i-t-C.3, can emphasize lu statemeut, "Itisaposi- tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." ltev. Francis . Foole, Fastor CentralPrea. Church, Helena, Mont. ia w asoo ooTJWTy. tVIl peraoiiH desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it creatlv to J. M. C. E. BAYARD, J. G. KOONTZ & CO., HUNTINGTON & CO. OREGON. H It etands first among "weekly" papers in size, frequency of publication and freshnees, variety and reliability of con tente. It ie practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast l"t o subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coon tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and amon Its special features are a fine buroor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fashiona for women and a Ion? series of stories by the greatest HvinS American and English authors, Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jeronw. Stanley Weyuian, Mary K. WlU"" Anthony Hone, JSret JJartc, Krauder Maltha w, Etc, , tlarrr oi7rrfl!T.,.,."..OQ11r7orTor. v u" huh uneuuiucu irr" hRt0tiiSSA The Dalle8 Twice--Week Chronicle i- getherone year for i..00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. i a ,. x npoln. ntlifMTO F)W "alhe that each squirrel w- TTTTV nn nil Irinrle nf THT3 'DDTTVT- ?troys n.50 worth of gran, annua jr. A M U aAA KinClS 01 J V-'-5 irRIlS T- ! ftM Wakelee's Scjn.rrel and Gopher txterj v -w ING at this office. rrzAatS, LODDPOISON A oPECiALTY73 toSirtfti.uisl,N PormanemT, n,".oucanbetre3tc - iniciiopa' uu.uarire,ii wo tail tornrn i7. " u,u,,'.9na cury, fouidfi ,ti.?.ur?-"yHliavo taken iilcf Ely's Cream Holm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh aud contains no mercury j,0 l nor any iujunoue drug. Price, DO cents. m bodr. 1 1,. i JS on -piu,WmcAU0--. , A8ej '