r 9 To Dress Well. Is more the result of good judg ment and taste than mere lavish use of money. Our new stock of Spring Dress Goods Is adapted to fill the wants of all. FANCY SUITINGS All Wool, 30-inch, 15 cents per yard. English Cheviots and Etamines, All Wool, 34-inch, 25, 30 and 35 cts. per yard. You Must Eat. Since it is a self-evident fact that you must Eat to Live, or Live to Eat, whv not trv some of that delicious Breakfast Food, Flaked Hominy, at 5c per pound. WE CAN RECOMMEND IT. We have it. $3. SO The GORDON HAT ! r Bieyeles, Bieyele Sundries, Point to the do so with confidence if it's a & & GORDON ! J can ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. fishing Taekle, Steel Ranges. The Dalies Daily Ghronieie. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1S97 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Knixlom Observations unci Local Events lf l.thBlT ."MllRIllttKle. Dumr holds its town election Monday, April 5th, The weather forecast for tomorrow is rain and warmer. Sa.t mackerel and salt salmon at .Maier & Benton's. m27-lw Rev. E. B. Sutton will lecture tonight at the court house, on the A. P. A. and the public school. The insurance adjusters will-estimate the amount of damages caused by the Friday morning fire, this afternoon. Mrs. Carrie Ray, medium, gives a cir cle Sunday night in the ladies' parlor of the Columbia hotel. Admission 10c Bulk pickles, Limburpcr cheese, Swiss cheese and creamery butter at Maier & Benton's. m27-lw Rev. E. B. Sutton of Seattle will speak at the Christian church Sabbath morn ing. Subject, "Infidelity Among Church Men hers." The Dalles Trading Co., corner of 3d and federal streets, will pay the highest tash price for second-hand poods. m24-tf C. D. Fleming, Agent. There will be a union temperance meeting at the Methodist church tomor row at 3 o'clock, addressed by Rev. E. B. button. Topic, "Personal Responsi bility, or Who Is To Blame?" Twenty right-of-way deedB were filed 'or record this morning, they being made to the Valley Improvement Com pany, and are for the big ditch and flume now being built in Hood River vailey. The examination of Taylor Iilevins be fore Recorder Phelps terminated yester day afternoon in the holding of defend ant under bonds to appear before the Krand jury to answer to the charge of larceny irom a dwelling. Clab Cooper was arrested yesterday afternoon, charged with larceny from a dwelling, the alleged offense being the stealing of a gold nugget from a room in Columbia hotel. His examination '9 being held this afternoon. On the fourth page of this issue will be found a complete register of school officers of the several districts in Wasco county for the year commencing the first Monday h, March, 1897, compiled by bounty School Supt. 0. L. Gilbert. If you 8ee anything goptl in this paper today you may know Lhat it is because 'e editor left at noo6 and gave the pa- pe! "a chance. Heyfcent to Hood River to hatch a eettinsrof sagejjen eggs in the Congregational rcburcb there tbia eve ning. The dead body of an unknown man b found near Lake Washington, King wjunty, Thursday, with a ballet hole in , 'Ple. A revolver was clasped in lue flKht hand, and it is believed to be a case of suicide. The man had been dead j a Delightful Kveniiic Trip. , several weeks. ( m. -j, ,-. ,, . .,, , A few davs aeo someof the voung men The Eastern Oregon Champions will I . - . . , . ... . , of our town weie liiv&tified bv receiving , cross bats with a special picked nine ot . - , . . It,, r, ,, r. , -.r , np icn- invitations to make an extensive trip in The Dalles on Sundav, March 20, 1S9, . . ; I . ., . . , rm i t I the United States,, the starting place at the fair grounds. This being the i . & ; l r . . .. , .;. being The Dalles, ami the time to leave i first game of the season, no admittance,, , .. . , , , ,, . , I :4o p. m. March 20, 1S9(. Some of the win ue cnargeu. ctame caneu at p. iu. ... , , . . . .t , ! unsophisticated youths thought it only I The La Grande Chronicle notes that ;a joke; others, who could never forget j "a ball is to he given at Perry Friday j the apparently favored rival, thought it ! evening, March 2Gth, in honor of Miss ' might be an answer to their challenge, 1 Lydia Hug, whose term of Bchool will j 0 worded as to avoid incriminating ! close on that date." That name, and a the writer; others, of possibly more ! school marm too! It is too great a com-, gumption, seemed to understand it as i bination to even permit thinking about. intended. Also a Scow-load of DRY FIR WOOD JUST KECKIVED AT MAIER & BENTON'S John Grille and another by the name of Matthews were examining a pistol in Roseburg the other day. The pistol, which was in the hands of Mathews, in As the invitations had been issued by Micsps V.rlvtho T?nnrl!il1 niil Tjlfi Tmi. bank, the young men, as the time of de parture drew near, naturally sought the some way was discharged, and the ball home of these young ladies for an ex VinMria Mint f?ril1o nlanation. There thevfound the house was wearing, and glanced off, doing no arranged to represe:i a railroad train damage. with Eeports from Pendleton, Spokane and other points east show that there are heavy and sudd.'n rises in many of the tributaries of the Columbia, which indi- r . ., ,.,. .i,( i,oni, u . cate a rise here of several feet, while i . . ,. . , .r.aiPS n,i others equally as helpturto people truv- notices and restrictions on the walls, etc. Mr. Randall aeed as ticket agent, handling aeather punch with a dexteritv which showed years of service. The notices informed,them if they had the we have been shivering through the chillv davs, a few hundred miles east of us Chinooks and warm winds have pre- eling. Vr, .i.i lirmr n mnrn Hia vniiiiu 1nrluu i-.i - il - vaneu, cuiung inBonuM ci j..,i.u.,. were congpiCUOus because of their ab Cissy Sideways in the Dufur Dispatch i sence; but just when the young men replies to the indignant 13 pretty dam-1 were beginning -to wonder if men only sels of Dufur. Cissy is all right, and if were allowed on the train, and Eome i,a rSnfni- wirls nniilrl nnlv iiave Eeen how ! were looking toward the door, uncon- charmingly sweet, hnw innocently "cute" scious mayhap, but nevertheless long she appeared they would have had no j ingly, wondering where the fair one, kick coming. We recollect that one of j "out of Eight, but not out of mind," the boys "lost his head" at first sight of could be, the door opened and a bevy of the gentler sex got aboard. The up roar was so great, and so little attention paid to the rules of the road, that the conductor had to distribute special tickets mentioning the peculiarities of some of the different stations and offer ing a prize to the one who guessed the most names and a booby prize to the one who nuessed the least. There were her. and sent it up to the stage to her. School district No. 10, owing to a change made in its boundaries, loses a quarter section ot land, and district 11 gets it. In the matter of the petition for a new district to be cut off of 42, there is a variance between the petition and the map filed, and while the dis . . ... i 1 1 ... i .. .i . i. . trlCt Will DrOUauiV ue cruaieu, mu uiai- i , i. , iriLi i , eJllt tietj for.ti,e booby, but in drawing ter ,a temporarily unB up umu , M p JC, Dem wa(j fhe (ortu. seen whether the petitioners have asked 'u,a f 6 ,, ... seen wneuier m i ,nate (or unfortunate; one. Mr. Chipp for just what they wanted. , or m(jgt The Columbia felt the effect of the up- The dining car, presided oyr by Mrs. country warm weather last night, and pltuuai( gave an opportunity for all to this morning is a couple of feet higher enj0yoiie of the be6t luncKes imaginable, than yesterday. One of the effects of, After a very pleasant trip, the passen the rise was to form a bar around tlie ' j,ere alialited lrom the car, and ae there little steamer Pilgrim, and this morning were no reports to the contrary, we feel she was like a fish in a puddle could ' fcUre tj,e following arrived liqme safely : move around but could not get out. She Misses Edythe Randall, Loa Jiubank, worked away in the attempt until the juise RmcIi, Mabel RjUdell, Illva Dalles City pulled out, and gave her a Creighton, Ethel Deming.A'ulle Sylves hue and a pull that landed her in deep ter( 'ettie Fredden, Lizie Schooling, water. ' and Messrs. Edwin IJdl, W. S. Chipp, a uin r.in la Mib sinnHard remedy for Frnafee Sanders. C. O. Bunker. Frank weak lambs on the Scotch mountain j Wood, Mehin Murchie and H. D. Par runs. One teaspoonful of it has an er-1 kine. V cellent result in supporting the little round Good lioijiua. thing through a dangerouB crisis. A hot water bath and a dry piece of blanket to j Mr. W. Gardner, superintendent of wrap a chilled lamb in baa saved many j the Boys' ana uiria' Am hociety oi rort him and Patsy takes liiB place. James Robertson, aged about 1(5, returns to James Kelley, with whom he has lived for nearly two years. Sometime ago lie was sent by Mr. Kelley to Portland to be treated for a diseased knee, from which ho has entirely recovered, and Mr. Gardner says the boy is delighted at the prospect ot again getting back into his old homo. Amelia Beruth, aged about 1G, will find a homo with J. L. Kellej. Last night the fouith of the lot, Peter Van Stratton, was sent to Castle Rock, where lie will bo met by Mr. J. C. Falkner of Ella, who will pro vide him with a home. Having provided homes for these, Mr. Gardner will alsoJay in a stock for future care by the society, lie taking the Wol forth children from here. They are three, in number, aged respectively 7 and 5 years, the third being a baby of 5 months. Death uf Mm. S. AVIlkliiNon. Died, In this city, this morning, March 27th, Mrs. Ellen Winkinson, wife of Samuel Wilkinson, aged 51 years. Mrs. Wilkinson was born in Lanca shire, Eng., coming to tills country in the year 1 SCO, and has been a resident of The Dalles for the past three years, during which time she has made many warm friends in our city, who now mourn for her and deeply sympathize with her husband, who has lost one who for the past thirty-two yearH has been his constant and beloved companion. About six months ago Mrs. Wilkinson was compelled to undergo a very serious eurgical operation, from which she never recovered, the physicians informing her husband at the time that she could live but a few months at most; but al though expecting this sad parting, the loss is doubly felt as Mr. Wilkinson is childless and has no relatives here to whom to look for comfort. The funeral will be conducted by Rev. J. H. Wood tomorrow (Sunday) at 2:30 p. m. from the family residence on Washington street. And thu Captulii Until'.' V The steamer Xachoochce, which ar rived in Boston Thursday night from Savannah, reports that when passing Cape IJutteras she was hailed by two men in an open boat. The captain, sup posing they were shipwrecked, stopped his steamer. The men rowed alongside and calmly afeked who won the fight at Carson, saying they had been out a week fishing and had not heard from the battlefield. an after waru vaiuaoio euco. ub same remedy is used on the ranges of the Northwest, but the trouble here it that the eheepherder gets the gin and the lamb takes the chill. Pacific Farmer. land, arrived here yesterday, bringing with him four children, for whom he had iound homes. They are Patsy Moody, who goes to E. J. Kelley. Mr. Kelley has had a boy named Frank Palm, but the boy's father lias sent for Do you know the mean ing of Schilling's Best? It means tea coffee balclnr powder flavoring CKtracti and kplces of as high grade as can be maintained without extravagance. i :: Wo have secured tho services of nn experienced bieyele repairer from San Francisco, and aro bolter prepared to do this class of work than we have over been before. We will guarantee all bicycle work done by us to bo lirst-olass, and satisfactory to our patrons. We have on hand about. 25 wheels, '90 patterns, of different makes somo new and some second hand. To closo them out, to make room for '97 wheels, wo have decided to oiler them for sale at very low prices, many of them away below cost. This is your chance if you are not. particular as to whethoryou ride a '90 or '97 wheel. They are all good wheels, and in good shape. MAYS & CROWE. Remember We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES Phono 25. . JOS. T. PETERS & CO Northern Grown Seeds. Fresh Garden and GrasH Seeds in I?ulk. Seed Wheat, Sued Rye, Seed Oats. Seed IJarley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed. Alfalfa Seed, Timothy Seed. Hcd Clover Seed, Millet Seed. Crimson Clover Seed, lllue Grass Seed. White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed. J?eo Supplies. Fertilizers, Oil Meal Cake. Hay. Grain, Feed and Groceries. Harly Roto Potatoes. Poultry and Eggs bought and sold at J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store. Goods Sold at Itedrock Prices for C.ioh. Store open from 7 a. m. to I) p. m. GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Successor to ('lirltmmu & Coreun, FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. A;ain in busi dchh at tho old stand. I would bo pleaeed to Heo nil my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. 7VL Z. DONNELL, PESClPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THK DALLES, OE. for tale y W. K. Kahler Jefyool Boos, Stationery, 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,! AT Jacobson Book & Music Co. No, 174 Second Street, New Vogt Blook, The Dalles, Oregon, Lumber, Building Material and Boxes Traded ior Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO.. The Dalles, Or,