fit, r The Dalles Daily Chronicle. AVllilc wc d0 not ngrec with tllc m in most things, we do not for a mo- TTk only Republican JJaily Sewspapet Wcuco County. ment believe that it would print , knowingly that advertisement. Some-1 body was careless, that was all, and neither editor nor business manager, knew anything of the nature of that advertisement until after it had been printed. The editor has enough sins to answer for without being com pelled to father that one. s SATURDAY. - MARCH 1S97 EAST OREGOSTAS RIGHT. The East Oregonian. commenting on the Northwest Dramatic 2sews. a paper ljust started in Portland, and whose title suggests its objects, tells The question of calling a special some vnry'plain truths in its usually session of the legislature is still being plain and straight-forward way. It agitated. AVe sec no use in calling takes the ZS'ews to task for giving the it unless some guaranty could be Carnita company a tlowory send-off. ' made that it would meet. Such as and very properly points out' that Us it was. the people had enough of it influence will be nil unless its state- to last them a life time. It was like ments can be relied on. "We confess the boarder's criticism on the beef to having been derilect in our duties steak, when he smilingly told his in this line, and we hope to make a landlady "There is enough of it such better record in the future. "Ue re- as it is. and it is good enough what alize the hard lines some of these ' there is of it." companies pun in, as well as cue hard lines they play, and well we hate to kick a man when he's down. $250,000 To Be Givsn Away s I. ifilnii 1 v--iZIIZJ this year in valuable articles to smokers of BSackwell's Cenuina urn am Tobacco Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco war ehouse. Best feed on earth. ml)-: ' S The Best g SmokingTobacce sVJatle You will find one coupon in side each 2-ounco bag, and two coupons inside each 4-ouuco bag. Suva bag, readthecoupou r.nd sec how to .c: vour share. g 0 e c f 6 0 a 0 e c o G $ 0 e e & ts o 6 e e o o o a a a Wfllilt PflPERI ; WAIiIt PAPERI ! Just Received 5000 Rolls of Wall Paper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice j of Paints and Oils. Any ' color or brand supplied. You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di. rect from the manufacturer. ened his new barber i rT" areinle.: restaurant' J W Lv? Tnm MnPrn line nrinfj ai tue same nine, e purpose uere-, ah alte the C,D after being honest to our own people t 0u Second street. lmfMA liraitirr rrnnnpnili: tr nil l mnvn juiun. utiiij; " "'viv .lll'ft incr of ?tlicUIIllllL-r. I). I". .V A. Un. sr. snide companies. j Notice is hereby given that there will VL i i , , .. ' be a stockholders' meeting of The D.dles, JJ m V Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50. iSnipes-tely Drug Co J . . - i FRENCH & CO.,1 I BANKERS. No better v.t.eel mads than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen, Ui!.: j- the best material and the most improved machinery. Wo have r.o agcr.k Sold direct from ft. .-.cry to tl;: rider, fully warrantea. Si.ifr.'J anywhere for exminalor..' vrite r os Our Interest? Oie Acmo Cycis Co., Hlkhc t, Jnd. 3Iet-tllicr of StucUliolilfr-. Portland x Astoria Navisation Co., at that a show visiting a town comes their office Saturday, April 3, 1S9T, at 2 . . , e i . P- ni., for the purpose of electinc seven indorsed by the papers of such towns , girect'org ad 1 trafn5acune auch other Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for $12.00. nu::sACT a gexehal basking as it has appeared in nil editors beinn bicr-hearted. the . press notice; are not substantiated l)y the facts. Consequently the local paper can only give, before the show. ! the opinion expressed concerning it by some of its contemporaries. We intend to assist in correcting this evil, and by so doing aid also in set ting a better class of entertainments. Our notices of shows that have ap peared here can hereafter be relied upon by our exchanges, and we sin-cerel- hope that the balance of the papers in the state will take the same view of it. so vie can rely on theit';. A little concerted effort on the pait of the Oregon vess will go a long ways towards tinning some talent! that now bums from town to town ', into the channel it is more httecl tor, that of hard and unskilled labor. Unfortnnatelv. business as may properly come before said meeting. iy orde- ot the presi dent. The D.i!!e, Or., March 1, 1S07. Orion Kiseksly, ir.S td Secretary. Ladies' Cloaks. An elegant assortment oi 1S9G styles just received, si part ot winch may be q Letters of Credit issued available in the i Eastern States Iloffoator Line icht ENchanire unci Telegraphic l ihn n nn Uftpt QTiri nnri 1., licuiro. xiiu xjuuuuj iuiuuuu uuu auiUllQ Transiers sold or. Sew York. Chi seen in show window Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap proached in The Dalles. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore-, iron, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and aslnntou. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Navigation Co. Wholesale i rr-: f MTf JVIJ-LU1 UlUUfb, THROUGH alines and Cigars. IBM ST! FfBlt 1 ELV'S CREAM BAXM is n posltlvocure. Applj into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. SO cents at Drni3ts or br mail ; sano!e5 10c. br mail. ELY BROTIIEHS, So'Varrec S:.."New York City. I Judge Marque t Kean. in the suit of Susan v. "William Marquet for Dancer- oT the Grip. Tne greatest dangers from La Grippe is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea s enable care is used, however, and L'hamoerlain's Cough Remedy is taken, alt danger will be avoided. Among the i -tens of thousands who have used this ! THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes on draught and in Dottles. -VIA- Spokane j Minneapolis !St. Paul Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic i beverage, unecjiialed as a tonic. Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities nullification of their marriaae, i remedy for la grippe, wo have yet to ! "Wednesday held that the marriage of ' learn ' a 5int-lt' case havin" resulted a partv 'divorced in Wa;hinon , inu Pnentnoni, which shows conclusively , . . , " that this remedy is a certain preventive within six months ot the divorce, is : of that dread disease It .vili nfftsct a void, and that whether the marriage nermanent cure in less time than any took place outside of the state or not. j other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent lie cited the decision of the supreme ; S!ZtiS for sale by Blakfley & Houghton. court that the divorce is suspended and inoperative to the extent of the STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Until further notice, the Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles on Mondays, "Wed nesdays and Fridays at 7:30 a. m., and will leave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at G:30 a. m. I'ASSENGKi: One way Round trip KATES: Fur or Trade. A desirable ranch of 1G0 acres, within marriage prohibition clause, and con-; 'our miles of Dailes City, with one span seouentlv at the time of the morrial'ol wares' aess, wagons, plows and other niltiflf nf tlio stntf. o flivovnr.l ivovM. ... , , 11 dance ot water must still tie considered as having a husband or wife in the state. There is no doubt but that this decision is correct, and it will cause considered ble of a Hurry, as there are hundreds of such cases in the state. Fine fruit land and abun- Will trade for City property. Inquire of A. a. Mac Almster, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. CiiKOXiCLE office, The Dalle, Or. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds, j Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, .$2 CO . 3 CO and all kinds of WILL FEED ,1Ve are in receipt regularly number of Hawaiian papers, all of which are strongly in favor of an uexing the islands to the L'nitcd States. ""e confess to n decided change in opinion on this subject since reading their presentations of it, and we believe that if the Ameri can people understood the question fully such a sentiment would be awakened as would force congress to accede to it. The "Pearl of the Pa cific" should belong to us, and when some other power captures it, or at- Huclcluu'c Arnica naive. Die best saive in the wend for cuts:, i bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei 0f a J sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruption', and pos; lively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to aive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 'J5 cents par box. For sale dv Eiaheley and Hou'.'hton. druituiats. TTciQ.-lrniQ-PCST'C! fi-VP ""Rtto-pcj' Poef TDn-nrTlr i "vine at The Dalles In. m. daily, con xauwuuu,! uv-y-Ltj -lw-l j vj. j J-Jstz u a. tjLU.iC nectinf with train Nos. 8 and 7 froir OCEAN STrAMEKS Leave I'ortlnud Everv Five 1)Vk for SAN FKANCISCO, CAL. For full details coll on 0. K i Co. s Agtint Tho Dulles, or itdiirt.5 W. H. HUltLBCr.T, Gen. I'bm. Agt 1'ortland. Oregon E. jr.Np:iI.L President mid Mana er V....- Knl....l .. 1 Trnin Xr. l nrriv-a Tho niinc .1 . is ! stock shipments solicited. For ratescaJ a. m., and leaves 4:50 a. in. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:15 p. in., and leaves 10:20 p. m. T..iti Vrt c .i-:. ... . pi... tit - j. mill .iu, u lllliicsui 1I1B iJUHUH 11 ;oo ' r-xrM p. ni., and west-hound train No. 7 leaves THE DALLES. - OREGON at 1 p. m. Train 23 and 24 will carrv iir.sppncprE between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. :u. daily and ar- Frei Rales Greatly educed. Shipments for Portland received a: any time. Shipments for way landing must b delivered before 5 n. ni. L" 1 on or address W. C. ALLAWAY General Afrenf ton FlOUr ThisTIour is manufactured expressly for familv " use; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our :oods lower than any house in the trade, and if vou don't think so call and et our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Portland. E. E. LvrLE, A cent. J. i , SCHESK, President. II. M. Beau., Cashier. Fifst National Bank. L. COJYIIltfl, BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON i!.E AiXI; TIIK 1.ALI.K5 01" lilniinlft 110 1) Joria ants 175 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon '.-ARTISTS MATERIALS. A Perfect Protection from Water and n.iniTiri(.-. T'rf-Hr iva thn Mnrlv iiv Kit. trim ri . i r..;i !ii tempts to, we will insist on having Jiudlnii the Air. m WU1 roraP' attention. it. I THE DALLES - - OREGON j A General Banking BuBinees transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight ! . Draft or Check. I Collectione made and proceeds promptly j remitted on dar of collection. ' Biu a?.d Telegraphic Exchange sold on I New lork, San Francisco and port I land. I DIREOTOHS. j D. P TllOMPBOS. J.NO. S. SCIIENCK. ILMAK8, iiEO. A. LlEEE. H. M. Ebau.. "We can get it now peacefully;' to accomplish it. It nosses-es everv merit claimed for , " then it will probably require a war the moat expensive vaults, viz: absolute j ' Sml j " " ' ffirs oj men nhich taken at its flooa place tor the dead. rn (logs. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can ho firmly fastened to. gethet with cement, thus making them air and water tight. Pendleton levies a tax and collects it on fifty of them. Eitlier Pendleton is short on dogs oi lier collection department needs re modeling. A tax on dogs here would at a dollar a head raise reve nue enough to light our streets, fur- . . . " , , , 55 , Mr. Commi has on hand a large sup- nish us water and construct a sewer piy 0j iim-class Marble, to be used in Monumente, eic. i'rices lower than in leads on to fortune." The poot unciuestionablv had referenco to the All Kinds Cemetery Work DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby l'Ivcm that the nniiirii.n ha, Illcl In theollfceol the t"k !, ' ot" mntl , I ourt of the htnto oi Oreon for Vast 'c ct i imo oi j noete il. Itunhuin, ( eceiufed, nnd that c m v"Sn ' re,h , 5. ;? the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets!! county comthniuo In Da I Ji. Ci y d egon,' w tlxwl as the place anil the 1st dny of Mrc i"o7 J I .."IV. .10''r ,jf..-.o 9k m. iuho ti n" r t, i TD hS ' um ",ml "'""t mid ohjeetioo- I. II I.Cwl Aflmlnltfr,;.. system, and then have dogs enough left to rim the pound. Portland. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatlv-reduced rates MICHELBACH BF.IOK. . UIO BT. i ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. ! hiiiLce.,s ,K;fCby slVeu ,n,lt theunders!?iic(l 1 !1f.M(J'nil,lt!'l"l A. ile.idrlcao n. IVMIR. of tho bow DR. GUSH'S IJiri'.oVED LIVER i .Vt' VoeDiori.. All peiKons imvlni HhiYhV SS'hM'm1?"'" l"lvpi dchto beltU. Ttiwa pill- npy whtthr'b5ii E,nd clear thiL'uinpl on '"''noT" nwB iiwr njKi nor nemu "gold iter Considerable comment has been made over an advertisement appear ing in the Oregoniau a few days ago, SURE CURE for PILES tumor a.l Hlml a,.ilir fniftliaiPlwa ,UHil.... j w, u-Dan-r.U u I-IUE REMEDY. . , 1 erly eriliwl, a hy law reniilreri wirl, V, JhV.' B UAVIS Asilgnee, For 8le. , Yearling eheep (1000 bead,)om d in prime condition. Price 1.6 drew, J. M. Da- w-mltf Sherars Bridge, 0rn'