The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DAI.I.KS, OUKHON TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct tune curd ot tniins and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers uiny trust it, as The Chisonici.e is kept fully in formed of revisions : 1). l & A. X. O. STEAMERS. Steamer Iteuulator leaves every Monday, Wed nesday nnd Friday at T:SU n. m. Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at o:tu p. ui. OUEGON RAILWAY & NAVIGATION CO. fat mail. Arrive. Leave. No.l Wet-bjutul 4 :13 a.m. 4:40 a.m. No.2 East-bound 10:13 p.m. 10:Su p.m. dau.e:- i'.vbmjkr. No. T We't-lxmud, leaves 1 :C0 p.m. No. S Kat-bounit, arrives 11:53 a.m. All peneer tralEs stop at I'nton Street, n well n the depot. AiHurtUInc t;itti'. Per inch ....?1 W One liieh or less In Dally Over two luche and under four inche-!. . Over (our Inche" and under twelve inches Over twelve Inches DAILY AND WEEKLY. One Inch or lets. ier Inch Over one inuh and under four inches. . . . Over four inches aud under twelve Inches Over twelve inches- 1 CO o 80 .W SO 2 CO . 1 50 . 1 CO I'KliSOXAL .HKNTION Judiie Fee of Pendleton arrived from Portland last uifrht, and spent the day in our citv. Mrs. Hinkle came las', n'ght, and left morning. in from Pnneville for Portland this Mrs. Simeon Bolton went to Golden- dale todav to visit relatives. Mrs. J. M. Patterson left on the noon train for Salem, where she will visit her parents. T. J. Ward of Kincslev is in the city. A. R. Lyle came up from Portland last night, and expects to leave for Prine ville in a few days. Mr. W. R. Harrison, the genial opera tor at the frefght office, went to Portland this morning. Miss May Enright is manipulating the lightning during his absence. Nausen Goe to Frniice. London, Marcti 25. The Norwegian explorer, Dr. Nansen, left this city today ior Paris. He will be welcomed at Bou-logne-sur-Mer by the municipal author ities. Story of a Demure Schnolnila. A bachelor teacher who was in the habit of punishing refractory pupils by using a ruler on the hand, recently Jiad occasion to chantie a pretty miss of lti summers. The mischievous girl advanced to the desk, and the teach er said: "Give me your hand. Nellie." Her black eyes twinkled, us she de murely said: "Mr. 15 , this is so -sudden; you will have to ask papa." Gorman lit tlio United States. In 1S01 there were only 250.COO per sons in the limits uf 'he United States who spoke the Oerman tongue; now over 7,000.000 of our people, Germans or descendants of Germans, read and sneak rhot Inncuace-. Mice of Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of mi execution nnd the older of iMe i.-siied out of the Circuit Court of the atatu of Oregon for Wa'co t.'otmty, on the :M day of March, l-JT, uidij a decree mirt Jiulsrmvnt nude, rendered und en tered theretofore therein in u uit wherein Ueorce A. I.tebc was plaintiff mid i.:Ie Haxter and I.Uzie Uaxter a.- lidminiitratrix of the e- , tJituof Hush il. Uaxter, deceased, were defend-j unt, I did duly levy upon aud will sell it the i front door of the county courthoiiie In Dalles Citv, Varo County, Oiejtun, on sutnnlny, the Sd day of April, li'JT, at J o'clock iu the after- noon of -aid day, ut public auction to the high- 1 eit binder for cash In hand, the following de scribed real e-.tate, decritieil iu said execution nnd order of sale, und de;criDed as follows to wit: The N . of NE'4 and N1-' of .VV!4 awl 51; of J),, sec . Tp '- a It U T:, V. il., in Wasco County, Oresun, together with the tenements, hertilitarnents and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or In any wis-i appertuinlns, or so much thereof as shall b.' neces iry to satisfy the umcimts due upon said v;rit, to-wlt : The sum of ?iiJl'.l;, together with Interest thereon at the rate of ten er rent ier annum since the stb day of February, b'iT: and the further sum of ?16 costs in said suit, together with accruing in terest aud expenses of .-ale Dated nt The Ualiev Or., this 3th day of iiarch, lbVT. T J. DKIVKR. Sheriff of Wasco County, Or mcl6-li Ljfnuplli , 4JAYA1.XW ) HOLE DEALER IN THE DALLES OK Marble Burial Vaults A Perfect Protection from Water and Dampness, Preserves the Body by Ex cluding the Air. It possesses nvery merit claimed for i the most expensive vault?, viz: absolute 1 security and durability, thus making a permanent and imperishable resting place for the dead. This vault is made of six pieces of mar ble which can be firmly fastened to. (.'uthui with cement, thus making them air and water tiyht. All Kinds Cemetery Work Mr. Coinini lias on hand alnruesup ply ol (IrHt-chm Marble, to be used in , Monuinwite, etc. Prices lower than in ! Portland. I E okderof "MULES.j Peculiar Anti-Crime Organization i of Kentucky and West Virginia. It linn Uecotue a Terror to Murderer and Cuttle Tlilovc unit KyII-Ijoum of Ilvcry Ie-rrlptiun Its 1 Origin iiml Conduct. Unquestionably the most unique or der in the United States is the "Mules," a secret organization of farmers in this county and the several adjoining coun ties of this state and West lrginin. ( Organized just after the close of the j war, and on somewhat the same plan as the regulators of the far west, or j perhaps more after the fashion of the; rangers of the Texas plains, the order ! has constantly grown in favor until 1 now the membership is estimated to i reach well on toward J.000. I Following the close of the war there j was for a number of years in the im- l mediate neighborhood an alarming run j of lawlessness. The principal occupa- tion of a great majority of the back j county communities appeared to le horse stealing and general thievery, j Something had to be done to si op it, ; as the authorities were wholly tillable j to cope with the offenders. In this ex-1 tremitv the resourceful mind of one of the best known physicians in the coun ty evolved the idea of an organization for the mutual protection of the farm ers. The result was soon felt in the presence of the Mutual Protective so ciety, of which only the most resrwust- ble farmers and citizens, regardless oi J occupation, were eligible to member- j ship. j The first proclamation of the nw or-1 der was a, candid statemtnt of its pur- j noses and conditions, and a warnimr ' j terselv worded for the benefit of all i transgressors of the laws of the cnun- 1 ty and state. A promise, of the early breaking up of the several bauds of j horse thieves then operating in this ' and the Dig Sandy courtry was also j made. This latter provision was the f source of considerable sarcasm on the j part of the gangs named, who resorted , to the white cap manner of placarding their answers of defianee. When the , first raid was made on the farmers' stock it was of a more general charac ter than had ever before been attempt-1 ed, presumably to show the small es-, teem in which the ofiicers, and the , lodge as well, were held. i The members of the order turned out en masse and speedily ran down several of the gang and so closely chased th leaders that they were comp-lled to flee to the mountains. Convictions soon followed, and the order became recog nized as an important factor in the county .crovernment. Similar experi ences followed, and the membership of the order increased at a rapid rate. Xew lodges sprang up in adjoining counties, and each community had a branch, with an organization nnd a code of signals sufficient to enable the warning of the entire membership to the field in the shortest possible order. Whenever a case of horse stealing was reported the order would turn out -100 or 500 stronir and scour the whole re gion until the animals were recovered or the thief captured. Other and similar offenses were given attention equally substantial. Under these conditions the gantrssoon became seat tered, their work most hazardous and the morals in general of the count v as ood as could be asled. Through out the past 20 years the unceasing watchfulness and energy of the ordei1 have maintained the same effect in the mountainous country. Only recently the ".Mules turned out nenr'y SOO strontr in Lawrence ooutitv to investl trati; tne supposed murtler or an .vraii peddler from Cincinnati. They soor. rtohed the case into oiu of pure spite work, in which the victim was an inno cent sheep, and the object the desire to cast a suspicion upon one of the ntitive ns would --iuse him to leave the coun try. A warning was left publicly posted for the benefit of the conspirators. Down in Greenup. they are still w orkimr on the mysterious case of the murder of one of their nemlwr.s whose body was found nearly two yenn; ng in a creek with a rope around his neck nnd unniistaknble evidence of violence They will never leave the trail until something tangible is developed. Here in this county bub a few mouths ago the order sent a representative almost to thei Atlantic const to bring back a man wanted for breaking the law. The man. was produced for trial at the time originally appointed. Over in Wayne originally appointed. Over in Wayne county. W. Va., two convictions vero I nmde ut a recent term of court as a re-1 While the work of the order has ben ' j most ncreptnble, and most of the mun-1 ' l . .... . , bers arc- sincere in their intentions ot 1 their joining, it has also been n.nde the i ' tool of politics to some e.tent. X inner-! I ous men have become membeis simply I i to wield n littlf nnlitirml lull I... ,..1... . i.f i , . i uiuui, 10 iiieir MThuuui weueiii, or1 in the interest of r their friends. Still. I it is steadily growing, nnd surprisingly j-o in the tov us uloutr the river, wh re , . I j their hold formerly was very insifM.Ui , c'ant. The peculiar designation, ''Muh i;," j conies through the adoption some years I ngo of the outline of an attenuated nnile as the emblem of the order, j Once a year tin; ".Mules" hold a meet- . I ing of their grand lodge, and this will i im neiu tins year ut ureentip, cany in the coming month. Last year the meot ! ing was held at LoekwoodH, in hawrunce county, and it was. estimated that 10, 000 people were present during the two days' session. The order .s yearly adopts ing more revised rules, and it will prob- flow fibout Your JOB "We have the facilities for cloins all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. "We not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with thai of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. The Dalles Real Estate Exchange IS IJAILV I'.ECKIVI.VG INQUIKIES 1'ltO.M Prospective From every part of the United States concerning the Resources, Products, Prices. Etc. IKT T7A.SCO COTJKTTY. All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatly to their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members of the Exchange, giving full particulars, terms, etc. T. A. HUDSON, G. W. IJOWLAND, C. E. BAYARD, .7. G. KOONTZ & J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. THE DALLES, ably eventually emerge ictn a full- I fledged secret society of the old-fash ioned order. Though they :-till turn out en aud ride over the country in the fashion generally accredited the moonshiners of the south, thevare un alterably opprwd to violence, in nny fashion and strictly adhere to the in forcement of the law along the ordinary lines. Ashland fKy.) Cor. Louisvill'. Courier-Journal. Experiments with a sealed rubber bottle containing water have shown that the rubber is not ab solutely watertight. The iilled bottle weighed 17 ounces 4 drams; at the end of one year the weight was 17 ounces 2 drams; nine years, 10 ounces; eighteen years, 1 ounces 2 drains; twenty-three years, 10 ounces - drams; twenty-five year.s, 7 ounces S drams; twenty-eight years, 3 ounces 11 drams; thirty years, 3 ounces 12 drams, the water being en tirely irone. Hanger.-, of the Grip. The greatest dangers from La Grippe is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea sonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the ten of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, wo have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pnenmonia, which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventive of that dread disease. It will affect a permanent cure in less time than any other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale bv Illakelev & Houghton. Nebraska i eoraska corn for sale at the Wasco warehouse. Best feed on earth. mO-t ?1H?.S,r?!M,R "I F?R.P" E S netting liftnl, uiella or frotrnlio Pti jitM tt mtm PR:,?9:?AN"KO,SlPlLE remedy. .t. .u,,liii)iu uon xi.ciW'i v jr . if u.ira mi fret, friM uuai-uotaut. ou.uoa.nko, ivjiu., Tbta Is Your Opportunity. On receint of ton cents, cash or stamns. n nflriArntia cnmllla will lift nntl.1 rf ilm ' " b"'""" .....j..- ..... mnat popular Catarrh nnd Hay Fover Curo j if - .""" J", !UIUU"- i etrato the great merits of tho remedy OBAUftU IUU L'lLlll. 1 llll L. 1 Ln 111 Ull IJ I CO Warreu St., Kow York City, Her. John Iieid. Jr.. of Great Falls. Mont.. ' recoinmeudc-d Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can oiuphasizo his stntuinent, "It is a posi tive curo for catarrh if used as directed." Key. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre church, Heleua, Mont I Fly's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged i curo for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any mjuriouu drug. 1'rico, ol) centa. Subscribe for Tub Ciiko.nicle. PF?IMW w vmm i rr w A. AAA JkihA AK aMIS, CO. OREGON. A boy of 14 and a girl of 11 were mar ried in Johnson county, da., the other day. The parents of the children inter posed no objection to the marriage. A Chesterville (Me.) couple recently celebrated their golden wedding in the very house into which they moved on their wedding da- 50 years before. Mr. Jacob Kremier, of Madison, Wis., died recently while completingarrange ments for celebrating his golden wed- I ding. lie was buried on the 00th unni hermeticaliv I vrsry of his marriage. Lewis and Amelia Darwin, of Black itivcr Falls, Wis., have been husband and wife for o years. His age is lu7 and hers is 101. They have five living children, whose ages range from GO to 70 vears. The Law Times, of London, callr at tention to the fact that tin privy coun cil, of which the er.Vnet iV r.vreiy a committee unknown to the law, has entirely censed to hold ntectimrs for purposes of deliberation and has be come a body of a merely ceivmoninl nature. So completely, however, have the functions of the two bodies been dissociated that whereas the pr'vy coun cil cannot meet except under the presi dency of the sovereign, the sovereign cannot constitutionally preside nt a meeting of the cabinet. When Marshal Berthier was in l-STPt with Xajxileon he was insanely in love with Mme. Viconti, and commit ted so many absurdities that among his intimates he was known as Chef de la Paction des Amourcaux. Among his other follies was the erection of a tent, next to his own; he converted it into a temple to the madame; erected an nltar to her picture, before which he burned inwn-sc every morning. Ktitldun "Sir," said the citizen, "the car I rode home, on Inst night was so crowded thn'. people, myself among them, had to hang on by their eyelids, so to speak." The street railway mngnato went on writing. "So crowded, in fact, that the con ductor was unable to collect all the fares." The magnate's pen dropped to the floor. "What was the number of that car?" he asked, eagerly. Indianapolis Jour"al- "Bulls" of it I'arllmnuntariun. m . nvo rainer good "mills ' are at- .u l.V"lJ:u l" wtl m ft,r ''rge t amp i. I i it. i.i rf . bell. On one occasion he had been call- 'H inHiuiniu in im; iiuiint in viiiiiinuiis to some abuse In Indian administration, and proceedetl to observe that he had further revelations to make concerning other scandals, in comparison with which this one was "a mere flea-bito in the ocean." Another time, when speak- Ing about military ..ITairs in India, he declared that "tho pale face of the British soldier was the backbone of our rndlnn ormv " I Sale of School District Itonil. i School District 3fo. 20, in Wasco ' ' comi v, Orctron, at a meeting regu arly ailed" therefor' having wted to bond nid ditrict n the sum of o,UUU, to ue I f; " lion us of 50D each, payable abso I "s.u. .7 .on e vears and redeemable ! thVp en ur 'of-said district after ten vea ! w th interest coupons attached ' interest livable semi-annually. Prin 'ciia am interest payable at the office 'of he "ountv treasurer of saulconntv or s d lace as may be designated 1 in the citv of New York, at the option !of i he mirchaser, and the rate of in terest shall be such as may be desur anted in the bid which may be accepted, not exeeudine the rate of S per cent. , . There, .re, in pursuance of the law in such cases I will receive sealed bids oi 1 -aid bonds as above described, at m ; office in Dalles City, Oreuon, up to the I hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of the -1st of April, 1S97, all bids to lie accom panied bv eertitieil cliecic ior o pu. ..v. of the amount of the bid, the successful bidder to furnish blank bonds. Lids for less than par will not he considered. The rieht is reserved to reject any and all bids. , . ... . en- Dalles Citv, Oregon. March 20, IStb. C. I-. PHILLIPS, Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. m. 2-td Sutler to Taxpayer. ... i... i. Notice is Hereby mven um y uo nf the countv court, the shenll will re - turn the tax roll for 1SIN3 to the ( cotintv clerk on the first Monday in April.' 1SD7, and all taxes then remain-' ins unpaid on the roll will he declared ilui'inniiitrit. and thereafter the sheritl ..ill imt rneiive taxes until ttie delin- nnent roll is civen him. By order of i court. A. M. Kelsay, mL'C-4tw Clerk. I'lnitiiRriiiiHi. Photos. 50c, 75c and .fl per dozen, for a short time at the only first-class studio in The Dalles. Everything first-class lessons in retouching by the artist. H. E.Hammond, mlo-tf Manager Herrin's Gallery. StMiiinor ior rtalr. We will sell the steamer "Wanna, thirtv-live feet long, einht foot beam, built" in 1S93. All in L'ood order. For i full particulars apply to Ohegok Lamcn Co mch2-lmd Viento, Or. Cu?li In Your checks. All county warrants registered prior to Oct. 1st, 1S92, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after March G, 1897. C. L. Phillips, County Treasurer. Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hun dred. A large lot ot old daily and week ly CmtoxiCLKs on hand, the accumula tion of 1S9G. Very good for putting under carpets, on account of uniform size. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charce. If you sutler witli headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit vou for life. Office in tiie Vogt block. " Hot Clara broth every day from 10 a. m. to 12:H0 p. in. aud 4 to 0 p. in. at Stubling ev: Williams. mch4 Tie coimfiia PacKino Co., PACKERS OF Pofk and Beef MAN U FACTU HE KS OF Fine Lard and Sausages, Curers of BRAND Dried Beef Etc. Oven and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HARPER, - . Propriety Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. LODDpOISOM A SPEC Al TY iFHS,. nary i.uoi irricfr rr' w' " ondaryorTen ifV;r '"'""niuorsamoKunrun. cttopnfw lTroadIHrea?d,0o!!lco, SurTlfS lV&W&&Z2ffih InVpfttoh KfcAn.'i?c'" SS&Ktt ESu!eTt?r - faoo,oo8 wiwffft'hMS?! W Miuonio Imyio, MB. D iORTHERN il PACIFIC RY s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car MINNEAPOLIS nui.irxu KAItGO TO GUAM) FOP.K8 CIIOOKSTOX WINNIPEG HELENA an IlL'TTE TuwotiaW Ticket; , 1 nrOUgn lieKCCS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW VOHK ItOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST unci SOUTH For Information, time cards, mnpsnnd ticket! cnl on or write to 1 W. C. ALLAWAY. Acent, The Dalles,, Oregcs A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G, P. A., J55, Morrison Cor. Third, 1'ortlnnd Orejon, EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at PortUnl FUOM FEB. 10, 1S97. ! ARRIVE. LEAVE. ' f OVEKLAND EX-1 a. Salem. Hose-1 iiirs, Abhlaud, Sac-1 mniiiitn. Oi?riii.Siin ! I' m J ramento, Ogden.San i s.M Frunci!ll;0 Mnjave, ( . I Los AlieulL'.s.El 1'nsn, i 3,1 3:10 A. M. I I New Orleans and 1 I I East j ;.-n i t Kosuburg nud way ta- a.oO A. .t,ims ,M:40 PiM i f Via Woodbura fori r).l!K. 1 i Jlt.AiiRel, Silverton, i ',.n,.f We!it Scio Browns- y except tmwi.R.- ' vtHe.Siiringtield aud Suuiafi. Sunday,. , Nlltr;m' j j.nn p r Salem and way stations10.15A.M -'"Ti I'm' (Corvallls nnd way) t 6:a)P.M. ..o0 A. M.. jstltlon!l 1 i v' (MeMiunvillo a n d l( 8:aP.M nwj i . .n. jwuy stations.... ( , Dally. fDiitiy, excejit Sunday. DINING CAHS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEl'EI'.S AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAE3 Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Ollicc, 181 Third street, where throuch tiuket.s to all points la the Eastern St'ites, Canada and Europe can be obtaiueii t lowest rates from J. 11. KIKKLANI), Ticket Agent All above traiiiH arrive at and depart fnw Grand Central Station. Fifth and irviug streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Patsengcr Depot, foot of Jetlerson street. Leave for OSWEGO, dull v, except Sunday,! 7:'.'U a. m.; Li:15, 1:13, 5:'ii, 6M5, p. n., (and ll::xt p. m. on Saturdav only;. Arrive t'ortlaud at 7:10 and h;3u a.m.; and 1:30, -1:15, G;35 and 7;m y. m. I.ive for Sheridan, week days, at 1:30 p. rx Arrive at Portlaud, 9:iM a. m I?ave for All'. LIE on Monday, WednesiUrand Krioav ntUMOn. in. Arrive at Portland, Tu dav, Tliursdny and Saturday at 3;05 p. m. Sundav trains for OSWEGO leave at SiIOn.B and 12:i.,l:l.l,3:30,6:'.:i fi:l5and6 05 p.m. Ar rive at Portland at 8::J0, 10:00 a. m.i 1:30,1:13 3:10, 0:33, 7:56 p. in. P.. KOEHLEIt, E. P. ROGERS, Milliliter. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Ast -THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 l'ueen a Week. 150 Papers a Ver It etund's first among "weekly" papen in size, frequency of publication and fruehneas, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast liat of subscribers, extnnriiner to every state and territory of the Union and foreign conn- tries, will vouch for the accuracy u fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reporte, all the latest fashiond for women and a ID series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Connu lioyle, Jerome K. Jeroiiii Ktijuley Weymn, Mary K. WIIWn Anthony Mope, liret lllirte, Hrmuler Matthew, Etc. . We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Dalles Twico-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for $.'-'.00. The regoW price of the two papers ie $3.00. Have Your Grain. . . rew realize mat eacn biiu" ; stroys $1.50 worth of cram annually. Waltelee's Squirrel and Gopher kiet Few t. 1. amllrrAl uo- inator is the most eliective an" Vl"""in icai poison known. Price reduced to w cents. For sale by M. 2. Donneiii Agent.