The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 26, 1897, Image 3

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    To Dress
Is more the result of good judg
ment and taste than mere lavish
use of money. On r new stock of
Dress Goods
Is adapted to fill the wants of all.
All Wool, 30-inch,
15 cents per yard.
English Cheviots
and Etamines,
All Wool, 34-inch,
25, 30 and 35 cts. per yard.
You Must Eat.
Since it is a Self-evident fact that you must
Eat to Live, or Live to Eat, whv not trv
some of that delicious Breakfast Food,
Flaked Hominy,
at 5c per pound.
We have it. $8. SO
Point to the
do so with
confidence if
it s a &
I Jr can
The Dalies Daily Chronicle.
MARCH 2G, 1S97
Itaiidom Observations and Local Events
of I.i'MHer rtlusnitude.
The city marshal baa several hoboes
at work on the streets.
The weather forecust for tomorrow
eays there will be more rain.
The regular monthly examinations
were held in the schools today.
The latest weaveB and coloring in the
celebrated "Jamestown" drees goods at
A. M. Williams & Co.'s
The local did not get in until after 2
o'clock today, being detained by the ac
cident to the freight train at Viento.'
Four carloads of cattle will be shipped
tonight to Troutdale. Part are shipped
by the Fultona of Sherman county, and
the balance by A. R. Lyle.
Lewis Porter drove up street Ibis
afternoon with an incipient Maud S in a
sulky. It was the strongest evidence
of spring that we have yet seen.
The Dalles Trading Co., cornor of 3d
and Federal streets, will pay the highest
cash price for second-hand goods.
m24-tf C. D. Pluming, Agent.
The fund to erect a monument to the
victime of the Sliver Lake fire, in Lake
county, now amounts to $1500, and ne
gotiations for the marble have been en
tered into.
Train 21, a freight, leaving here last
night, met with an accident in the ehape
of a broken axel near Viento. In con
sequence the west-bound passenger was
held at Hood River for several hours
this morning.
The engineers employed to survey the
route for the railroad from Biggs to
Wasco are in the city, They will go to
88 tonight, and begin work Monday.
It is expected the survey will .be com
pleted in about two weeks.
The meetings in the Christian church
are still going on. Saturday night aiter
preaching services the ordinance of bap
tism will be administered. Sunday
n;glit Evangelist Pierce will give some of
ms early history aB a "wild boy of the
The bowling medal, for which the
ladies contest every Thursday jifternoon
at the club, has been going the rounds
at a lively rate, no lady having captured
t two successive weeks. It will I e given
to the one who wins it three successive
t mee. Mrs. Chas. Stephens now wears
At the Stuhling Greeuhouse you will
"'id strong, well-rooted geraniums,
luchaias, white and yellow marguerites
and heliotropes, from five cents up.
Bes in bloom, 15 cents, or two for 25
Jn; calla lilies in bloom, 25 cents;
Pansies 25 per dozen. Appropriate
"oral designs furnished on short notice.
t)f.ecf(Ier Phelps baa been busy moBt
tin y 8Ul,orlntend!ng the examina-
0 of rftVlr BlevlnB, charged with lar-
, ceny from a dwelling, the offence being
J the alleged taking of a Winchester rifle
from the house of A. J. Osborne. Pros
ecuting Attorney .Tayne appears for the
Btate and J. L. Story for the defendant.
The examination will hardly be closed
at press hour.
mi. l i .;.. ... r
iUC BCCrrtl "fUuu,1 BIUIC flithS( cllstomSi habit8, manners, rules,
Roney Bros., in Uoshen, Lane county aw8 and euperc.tjtions; each difforit)g
uuaemeieu uv uurKmiB nisi mBui, huu . ..lrnnrUtifB in pvorv
quite an amount of goods taken. In all, I h d . d a f , '
Lilt; IUH3 is uuuut ?.uu. xiic pusiuiuuu IS
in the same building, and some stamps
were taken, but it is not known how
It is quite natural that mankind
should divide and disagree on every
proposition that comes up. It is per
haps for the best that this is so. In all
countries there are sects in reiigion nnd
politics; creeds religious, creeds moral,
many. This is the sixth time this store
has been burglarized.
Suit has been begun at Eugene by
portion of their own people. What is
I religion in our country would be eacri
' lege in another; what is good morals in
one would not be tolerated in another.
In no one thing is there so great a var
iance as in the belief as to what consti
Laura A. Harris against the board of ; tutes morality. The worship of Baal
would, even when robbed of its religious
character, be claimed by all of us as the
judges at the late school election on ac
count of their refusal to allow women to
vote. It is attended to make a test case ; m03t gross immorality. Yet to those
of this suit, for the purpose of getting a r(lj8e( umier tnat religion there is noth
decision as to the constitutionality of the jng immoral about it. It was right, cus
law which provides that women taxpay- tomary and proper. The idols were
ers may vote at school elections. , broken long ago, but alas! the woiship-
A series of hitherto unpublished let j pers are still many. Then again, who
ters written by General Sherman to a j even in these days has the same stand
young girl who applied to him anony-, ard of morality ? Each of us looks upon
motisly for information regarding an ar- our pet vice and most of us have at least
my officer of whom she had once been ; one) as being trivial, while the pet of the
the correspondent, is the most novel fea- j same brood of our neighbor is abomin
ture of this number of McClure'a. There j able,
is a touch of humor and a touch of ro-1
mance in the story the letters unfold, We cannot sea ourselves as others see
and one is moved both to sigh and to j us, nor can wo judge ourselves as others
laugh at the posture to which the gen-1 judge us. We can, though, see others
eral's good nature finally brings him. j and judge them, and that's where we all
The opening of spring millinerv by have a chance to even up. Outside of
Mrs. C.L.Phillips was well attended .your regular criminal we average about
and the stock displayed contained many ! alike. Some pass a good examination
beautiful and artistic creations in both ! on veracity and honesty, but fall low in
hats and bonnets. The spacious horn ne other mentality; some stand high
was crowded all afternoon and evening, 1 In their honor of woman and barely
but a poor chump of a reporter knows scratch through on some other propo
nothing about "loves" and "dreams" "tion. Bnt in the grand total average
and all that sort of thing, except what j for the term there is not a great deal of
he heard the ladies say, and he won't difference. It all depends upon the point
repeat that. j ol view and the
We thought there was a pretty stiff i ,,,'
breeze here vesterday, but it was only Let us illustrate : An old fellow named
the tail end of the storm from the other ' "Jimmy" Hand used to haul charcoal
side of the mountains. At Oregon City from Pine Nut to Carson City. Nevada,
the wind swept down on the suspension j having a contract to furnish that coin
bridge and moved it on its piers some nudity to the United States mint located
eighteen inches. At Portland much there. Ho was without doubt the dirt
damage was done to electric and tele- test mm in the state (always barring one
phone wires, and much annoyance was . of the greasers;. His grizzled whiskers
c.iueed by their crossing and breaking. were matted with tobacco juice and char
From all reports it was one of the heavi-. coal dust from one year, and ear, to the
.... a,mu v.,pr!,,f.i..l in Western other. He got into a way station one
Fishing Tackle,
Steel Hanjes.
Also a Scow-load of
Pine Nut don't know enough to lift their
hats to a woman ; and as for manners,
one would think that they had never had
mothers." The recollection seemed to
affect Jimmv's eyes and consequently his
nose, as his thoughts went winging back
wards to his boyhood's days, and his
feelings overcame him. Slowly his right
hand sought mechanically his waist
band and he plucked forth tho lower end
of his bluo woolen shirt and wiped his
eyes. Then he blew his nose, and re
turned his impromptu handkerchief
again to its case.
A SiiihII Fire.
The alarm of fire turned in about !5:30
this morning was caused by a small
blaze starting in the Pacific Corset Fac
tory, corner of Washington and Second.
Night Watchman Wiley discovered the
fire and at once turned in an alarm.
The fire started from a lot of ashes taken
up in a wooden box and left in the room.
Tho floor burned through for a distance
of seven or eight feet. The worst dam
age was done to Van Norden's jewelry
stock, situated directly beneath the fire,
which was filled with cinders and dirt,
and got s thorough dranching on top of
There is a legend that the first brush
wick-e-up built by Adam after he left
the garden of Eden was destroyed by
fire, Eve having carelessly taken tho
ashes up in a soap box on wash day.
Since that time the same thing lias oc
curred many millions of times, but there
are some people that seem to bo incapa
ble of learning that live coals will set
fire to a wooden box. Fortunately the
damage is light, but this is entirely a
matter of good luck.
Ad vertlneil Letter.
Following Is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffice at The Dalles un
called for March 27, 1897. Persons call
ing for the same will give date on which
they were advertised :
Allen flattie
Conoway J C
JJempsev Uora
Elliott JaB F
Flock Miss Katie
Graham Frank
Golden Mrs Emma Havey Zed
liasrings Daisy Hughes b u
Bailey Chas M
Clover Jas
Engman Martin
Fish Rhodes
Fowler Luella
Gomez J F
Oregoti in years.
DuUen-Muro Stuce
Leaves the Umatilla huse 8 a. m.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and6aturdays.
DovglasAj.le.v, Prop.
It is worth the trouble of
trying every one of Schil
ling's Best
baklnjr powder
flavoring extracts
and spices
if you find only one that
fits you. They fit so per
fectly. IX
night, kept by a most estimablo lady
, who had just arrived from "the states."
; It was quite late, the cook and servants
were in bed; but to "Jimmy's" request
; for something to eat she could not turn a
deaf ear, to she placed a lunch in the din
ing room and waited upon him herself.
"Jimmy" was polite as a French danc
ing master, and at once struck up a con
versation. "I suppose," said he, "you
find society quite dltlerent bere from
that you have been accustomed to in the
East." The lady gave assent. "That's
what I miss more than anything else,"
he continued; "I could stand the work,
the dirt, the inconveniences and all
these, but I do miss those social relations
by which as a young man I was eur
rounded. Why, theeecoal burnereoutln
Kershaw S G
LaMotte Frank
Levy Vivian
Morgan E
Oldfield Aimer
(iu inn F M
Rob.trts W S
Rhodes A li
Hanford Mrs Effa
Keevaney Mrs A
Lane John
Mayhcwer II J
Nygrist Mott
Pnelps Eugene A
Robineon Mrs Ida
Robertson Agnes
Ryan Tim
Smith Miss Maud
Wren Edna
J. A. GitoKSK.s, P. M.
Wo have secured tho services of an experienced
bicycle repairer from San Francisco, and are better
prepared to do this class of work than wo have over
been before. Wo will guarantee all bicycle work
done by us to be first-class, and satisfactory to our
We have on hand about. 25 wheels, '90 patterns,
of different makes somo now anil some second
hand. To eloso them out, to make room for '07
wheels, we have decided to oflor thorn for sale at
very low prices, many of them away below cost.
This is your chance if you are not particular as to
"... :.i.. 'r( ... 'n- ...1 1 mm. ..11
good wheels, and in gooti shape.
We have strictly. First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
Northern Grown SeedB.
Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk.
Seed Wheat, Seed Rye, Seed Oats.
Seed Barlev, Seed Corn, Flax Seed.
Alfalfa Seed, Timothy Scud.
Ked Clover "Seed, Millet Seed.
Crimson Clover Seed, Hlue Grass Seed.
White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed.
Bee Supplies. Fertilizers, Oil Meal Cako.
Hay. Grain. Feed and Grocories.
Early Rose Potatoes.
Poultry and Eggs bought nnd sold at
J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store.
Goods Sold at Iledrock Prices for Cash.
Store open from 7 a. in. to U p. in.
Hucceitbur to Clirltinmn A CorMin,
Again in business at the old Nta:id. I would be pleased to
see all my formei patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams it Co.,
The crown of rows aud the title of
the Itoaarlu for one year is given an
nually as a pri.e for virtue in Home of
tho provincial towns of France, notably
In anterie, u little iown near Paris.
The city confers the crown of roses and
other ffifts upon the fair maid who has
been pronounced worthy by the muni
cipality, who have met In solemn con
vocation to consider tho merits of all
the maids of the town.
Red irritates oxen because It Is the
complementary color to green, and the
eyes of cattle being fixed so much on
herbage, auything red impresses their
sight with hugely Increased intensity.
Jetyool Boos, Stationery,
AT . . ...
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
No. 174 Second Street.
New Vogt Blook, The Dalles, Oregon,
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded for Hftv, Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
The Dalles, Or,