The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 26, 1897, Image 1

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    ' 5 I-
el)c Oallco
'1 v,
NO 04
Last of the General Discus
sion on the Tariff.
Slmi""" "' Iin,",n'' Entertained the
limine Semite Uufers CrudentlalK
of Henderson nf Florida.
Wasiungton, March 25. This was the
last day of the general debate on the tar
iff bill in the house. Talbert, democrat,
of South Carolina, in the presence of a
scant audience, opened the debate. The
house rapidly filled. Talbert talked a
great deal about robber barons.
Cliauip Olaik, democrat, of Missouri,
followed. He said aB a democratic poli
tician he rejoiced in the passage of the
pending bill, because after it had become
a law every storekeeper would be obliged
to make a democratic speech every time
he made a sale. The passage of this
bill, he said, would give the democrats a
hundred majority in the next congres
sional election.
After brief remarks by Maguire, dem
ocrat, of California, and Gunn, populist,
of Idaho, Tawney, republican, ot Minne
apolis, member of the ways and means
committee, took the floor for 20 min
utes. Tawney defended the lead sched
ule, which had been attacked by Gunn.
The latter said he had no criticism to
make of the rates. He onlv asked that
they be collected.
Tawney asserted that the classification
of this schedule was such that the duties
could not be evaded. The purpose of the
framers of the schedule was to give Am
erican labor employment in smelting
Mexican and Canadian ores, and at the
same time fully protect the American
lead miner.
Simpson, populist, of Kansas, enter
tained the house for five mintrtes. He
read from McKinley's Bpeech at the
Minneapolis convention a declaration
that the foreigner paid the tax, which he
ridiculed. The last congress he said in
creased the appropriations $50,000,000,
and now, nccording to McKinley's the
ory, taxes on foreigners were to be in
creased to pay for extravagance. The
foreigner should be glad, he Baid, that
the last congress had not been a two-billion-dollar
congress. If the taxes of the
foreigner could be sufficiently increased,
he observed sarcastically, the surplus
would be distributed among our people
and every day would be Sunday here.
Simpson said he was himself a farmer,
who fanned farms, not farmers. If the
republicans had desired to do something
Practical for the farmers, why, he asked,
had they left hides on the free list?
Simpson announced himBelf a tree trader.
Ice Georges Block the River at Man
kuto, Miuu.
Ma.vkato, Minn., March 25. The
fiver has, rison slightly. The gorge has
become firmer and the pressure of ' the
water above has forced the cakes of ice
to stand edgewise, giving the river a
't'ange aud wild appearance. Ineffect
ual blasting with dynamite was done at
one gorge.
The officials of the Omaha road paid
the city a visit to see the river and its
effect on the embankmeut on which the
'oadhas built aloug the river front.
Jniswork is uninjured and it is not
thouRht to tie in danger. The onion de
Pot is five feot above the water. The
water lms backed into the basement of
'he city hall and flooded the heating
apparatus so that stoves had to be plac
ed In the various offices.
A mighty flood courses through the cen
ter of North Mankato, and more people
nave moved out bringing their hotise
'oid goods to the bridge in boats. The
e m the liyor above the city Is still
Two Vote Were Lucking.
tMKiANKK0Ur K-v" Mroh 23. The
""H ballot for United States Senator
p taken today. Humors of bribery
ave been afloat all day. It was said at
io clock the Hunter forces had brought
"O jtenuullcan bolters in lino and Hunt
Dart n,1,I,iee. cortalnly win.
lnK tn0 voting, Representative Nance,
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength mid
llCilltllfllllieSS. Assures tllG fnnrt llPnlllvt nlnm
and all forms of .adulteration common to the
uuunn uninas.
Eovai, Baking Fowdkr Co,, New York.
a bolting Republican, arose and hotly
denied he had been bought, bribed cr
monkeyed with. He eluded by voting
tor Hunter, who, however, received only
G7 votes, 69 being necessary to choice
Blackburn (silver Democrat) received
49; Davis (sound-money Democrat), 13.
Cue Is Killed and the Other Radly
Gkeensauhg, Ind., March 25. George
and Calvin Holmes, brothers, 'fought a
duel to the death near Moore's Hill, yes
terday. They were twins 22 years old.
They were members of a prominent and
wealthy family.
Miss Higgs, over whom they fought, ie
20 years old, the daughter of one of the
wealthiest families in the country.
About a year ago George Holmes began
paying attentions to Miss Higgs, and
was favorably received. Last Christmas
his brother Calvin returned from college
and met the young lady at a neighbor
hood dance. They at once seemed
smitten with each other, and tins arous
ed the jealousy of the girls lover. Noth
ing was known of his feelings, however,
until Sunday night when MIbs Higgs
jilted him for his brother, and a quarrel
YeBterday the brothers met in the
road. They .quarreled and struck each
other, when Calvin fired. Several shots
were exchanged, when George dropped
dead. Calvin is wounded over the
A Vuluuhln Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind.,
"Sun," writes: "You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and I
can cheerfully recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, bad a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
but six bottles of Electric Bitters re
stored her health and renewed strength.
Prices 50 cents and .$1.00. Get a Bottle
at Blakeley and Houghton's Drug More.
l'racht May Oo to Alaska.
Washington, March 25. It is given
out pretty straight that Max Pracht will
bd appointed governor of Alaska. It is
also understood that Prachl's nomina
tion will not be charged to Oregon, but
will be on account of general services
rendered the party. The intimation is
made that no other selections will be
made for Oregon outside the state until
existing differences are adjusted.
HlNUiarck'g Condition.
Friedkichseuh, March 25. Prince
Bismarck is still confined to his home
by nervous depression and a gastric dis
order. He receives few visitors, but bis
condition is not regarded as serious.
Confucius said to his fol
lowers: " Be good and courteous
to all, even to the stranger
from other lands. If he say
unto you that he thirsteth,
give unto him a cup of warm
tea without money and
without price."
A Sclillllnjj Si Company
ban iTanciscu
Spain Will Shortly Withdraw Ion
Thousand Men.
Washington, March 25. According
to advices received at the state depart
ment, presumably from General Lee,
there will eoon follow a big withdrawal
of Spanish forces from Cuba in order to
satisfy the constant demands for addi
tional service in the Philippine islands,
where the present force is said to be in
adequate to cope with the insurrection
ists. These advices say that Weyler has
been directed to dispatch 10,000 of his
best soldiers to Spain, whence they will
shortly afterward bo transported to the
Spanish possessions in the Philippine
The demand for troops there is said to
have been so incessant that the cortes
has been compelled to weaken its Cuban
forces in order to meet the demand.
There are Eaid to be no troops at home
that can be spared for duty abroad, and
thejarmy in Cuba is the only source of
supply left for it to draw upon.
General Weyler, according to reports
received here, has protested against the
witlidrawal of any part of his force, but
orders from the home government are
believed to be imperative and must be
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseases pat
together, aud until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally iu doses from ten
drops to a teasnoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by DrugglstB, 75c. 7
Traus-MlHSourl Decision.
Omaha, March 25. Frederick R. Cou
dert, one of the receivers of the Union
Pacific, is here. In speaking of the
court's decision on railroad associations
he said :
"There can be no doubt but that the
effect of this decision of the supreme
court, declaring the Trans-Missouri
Freight Association illegal, will be very
far-reaching. It may be that all freight
and passenger associations will be die
solved because of the decision.
"It looks as though the Union Pacific
and all other railroads in the bands of
receivers will be most keenly affected by
tho decision. The receivers of a rail
road are really a part of the court and no
part of the court can take a position ad
verse tn that of the supremo court.
"The whole matter is of such very
great importance that I should not care
to give an opinion until I have read the
full text of the decision."
If asked the question "Have you got a
stomach?" it would be safe on general
principles, to answer "Yes." But, if
you are sure of it, that is, if you ever
feel any distress after eating or any
pains of whatever description in the
region of the stomach, you have got
something else besides an ordinary
stomach ; in other words you have got a
diseased stomach. The stomach is a
powerful muscle, and the proper remedy
for a tired muscle is rest. Try the Shak
er Digestive Cordial, for this product
not only contains digested food, which
will nourish the system without any
work on the part of the diseased organs,
but it aids the digestion oi other foods
as well. You can test its value in your
case for the trifling sum of 10 cents.
Sample bottles at this price are carried
by all druggists. 12
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place oi
Castor Oil.
Early Rose seed potatoes at The Dalles
Commission Co. rochl5-lw
i omplutc ii. u practical; exactly as found in
business, My coimu of Instructions thor
oughly qualify you to tiiWu charge ot mid
keen a fcft of books, Tho lilKhust reference
furnished. For terms mid full information
uddrcss L. D. HUNTER, A. O. U. W.
Temple, Portland, Oregon.
Just added another lot of this season's neatest, nobbiest and most stylish
No. 2010 I.ndics' Jacket, in cither
Nnvy or Prussian Hlue llrond
cloths; Satin lined; lly front;
strapped tenuis, same us cut.
This garment must be teen to be
Price, $9.75.
No. 2056 Tlluck Covert Cloth
Jacket; style similur tocut; uu
lined; ltuislicd scums.
Price, $6.00.
WM j ) ' "iff
4 A
"When mv little, girl was tins month old.Mio
had a scab form on hor i.tco. It, kept siiread.
iiiU until liu was completely covered from
head to foot. Then she had bolls. Sim had
forty on hrr head tit one time, mid mom on her
body. When six mouths obi sho ilid not weigh
seven pounds, a pound and a half less than at ,
birth. Then her skin started lo dry up and
cot so bad she could not shut herews to sleep,
Gut lav with them hair open. About tills
time, I started using (Ttk i iia Kr.Mr.wiM,
and in one month the uui comjilttett cured.
The doctor and drug bills weio oier oe .;
dretl dollar, tho (.'I i ii l iia bill was not mora
than tire dolltn i, .My child Is now strong,
healthy, and largo m any child of her ago ooo
idioto.), and it is all owing to Cl'ticuu.v.
Yours with a Mother's Jllesslng,
. .Mm. (IKO. ll.T rCKKH. .fit.,
Walker St., .Milwaukee, W U. Cchk TurTMnsT AVnrm baths
with C'dieuitA Soai', centlo applications of Cu.
TK'UliA (ointment), and niltd do.ei ot CUTICUIU
Hksoi.vent (bioo 1 purifier).
Jftr" How to Cure Kveiy s-kln DUer.BO," Xreo
Sold throughout tho woild. I'orTBa Dnuo Is
Cuem Com'., Hoi Tron . UoMon, If. ti, A.
111 II hlllL'll)
C.tic-Jia Plaster
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
slid warranted.
'Attorney aud Coniisellor at Law,
Practices In the State aud Federul Courts of
Oregon aud Washington. jauU3-3ruo'
Some of tho number'! you should not fall to seo in
our Spring Capes.
No. 27fl Muck Dlngonnl Worsted Cnpo; scallop
pod collar; tilmmed In Soutache llrnld. 1.7a
No. 37:i A lino Prussian llluo Covert Cloth Cape,
notch collar and tevcras; tilmmed In lllaek and
Hold Soutache lltnld Only Sft.oo
No. v!70(l A very rhlc Tan Covert Cape; scallop
ped and braided collar; a specialty at .
No. 70! lllaek (lout I up Serge Capo, with fancy
notched pollm ; collar and cape trimmed In mhi
tnchcnml lleieules Hralds wn.r.o
No. 'JTH'Ji.Y plain Cape; no trlmmim;, notched
collar in Cruvslnn III tu- and Dow llioadelotli,
front faced with silk of contiastlns; color. This
number 80.50
No. 8780-Ol'U IIKAI'TY New shades of (ircen
Covert; notch collars; full sweep . . .. W7.00
New York Weekly Tribune
With thocloeoof tho Presidential Citm piiiK'i TII10 TKIHUNK ecognliseB tha
fact that tho American peoplu ure now uiixIoiih to civo thulr iittuntion to li'oine and
huehieee interests. To meet thia condition, politic will huvo fur Ichs epuc ami
prominence, until another State or National occiihIod demands a renewal of the
light for the principles for which TH K TRIUUNIC has labored from its inception
to the present dav. and won its greatest victoriea.
Every pooHihle effort will ho put forth, anil money freely apont, to make THE
WEEKLY T1UBUNE pre-eminently a National Family NewHimper, intoreHtinK,
instructive, entertaluiui; and indinnenHah!u to each inemher of tho family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and addreBH
Tribune Ofllce, New York City, uui a
une win no muiieu to you.
Kichly and durably bound in Enirliah
inor lormiuK ine design on cover; itiitonrnpii preiHco; ina'iiiilcent pre
sentation plate in fcilver, uold and blue; containing 000 pugca and 82
full-nauo Illustrations il 75
In half-Morocco, marble i-diro
In full-Morocco, h edge
Space will not penult us to dwell on
the description of inoro than a few of
our Ladles' Heady-made Bklrts.
Wo show an extensive line ot lllaek
Skirts lu Fancy Mohairs at
$1.45, $2.40,
$2.90, $3.75,
and $4.50 oaoh.
SKlcniC SKIItTH in Navy mid Illuck
at i.r.o, a.7fl and 11.1,00 each.
Hpt'clnl Nnvy Cheviot Nklrt, er
fcet ilttlnu mid iiimlulii tho best manner,
only wn.oo.
Finn llrncniln Kliiok Nut III HklrU.
newest designs; strictly tailor-made, at
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters.
All the Family.
on a noHtal card. Bend it to Geo. W. Heat.
sample copy of Tho Now York Weekly Trib
TJ1K KIHST 11ATTI.K Is an InteruntliiK Btory
nf tbu great olltlcal utrilKKlu ol 1KW, lu uioht
hiipottuut ovcuta Kiid the inuu"Uauu Involved;
u IokIchI truullmion iU-mctiilllimi us uttmtl by
eminent exiMinciiiH, Including tho piirt taken by
Hun. V. J, llryun lu tliubllvvr ukIiuiUiii prior to
tli (i Deiiipcrutlo Nutlouul Convention, mid dur
IllL,' tllU CllUlplll.'Ui tllulll'HtCXUUlpll-Mhl llU Willi-
dvrhil oratory, tliu imitit notmvortliy Incident o(
lilk fiinifitiH tour, a ciiichil ruvtuiv of tliu political
tituutloii, a dUciuMou of tliu election returns
mid tliu IkuIIIchucu thereof, mid tliu luluru
posbllillltleH of llI-iiiutullLni it. u polltloU Issue.
Cloth, plain edges; portrait of tho uu-
2 26
, 2 75
M. J, WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or.