The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OKKOON I MINE ACCIDENTS. XII K IlAI.I.KS, TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS How Disasters iu Coal Minos Aro Brought About Tlohnv is published a correct time card ot trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers uiny trust it, as The Ciikonicu: is kept fully in formed of revisions : D. P. kt A. X. O. STEAMERS. Tho Minors "llo tlio I'liliir.V or Sup portrt unit Su Ijs: 1 1 ut i! Timber U'liluh Ciiunot Stand the Troinun tluui Strain. Steamer Regulator leaves evcrv Monday, Wed nesday ami Friday at 7:00 a. in. Arrives evory Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at u:S0 p. in. OKEGOX RAILWAY FAT MAIL. Xo.l Wot-bjuml Xo.U Kat-bound NAVIGATION CO. Arrive. Leave. 1:15 a.m. -1:50 a.m. .10.15 p.m. 10:'JU !.m. dalle. paw.nciki!. No. 7 West-bound, leaves No. s East-bound, arrives . 1:00 p.m. .11:55 a.m. All passenger trains itop at Union Street, as well a the depot. Ailvurtliiliii; Kates. One inch or less In Dally Over two inches and under four inchei... Over (our inches and under twelve inches Over twelve inches rer inch ....n 50 1 00 CO DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or less, per inch $ '50 Over one inch and under four inches 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 5") Ovt'r twelve inches l 00 Speculat or-. Continued from third page. into tli(! world, jinn Hip nnlr rpi?rnr tlm ' wretch seemed to have was that he could not remove his hide and wager that. The nickel-in-the-slot machine, tiie grab-bags, rallies, and the thousand difl' erent schemes of the kind, all show, and show conclusively, how strong the gamb ling spirit is. The toddling boy com mences playing marbles for keeps, and finds no amusement in a game for "fun." The c.ird, billiard and other games of the saloons add the epice of gambling, by making the stakes the price of the game. Isor does it stop there. At the clubs, even the ladies follow this rule, and it j may be found generally in some shape ' even in the church sociables. Gambling I is a vicious habit, it is true, just as prize ' fighting is a low and degrading one; but wL at are vou going to do about It? The great majority of the people will gamble in some form, and nine out of ten, no matter how much they may deny it, take a ueep interest in the result ot such a prize fight as that of Fitasimmons and Corbett. Gambling, prize fighting and all that sort of thing will be stopped when the.devil is chained up; but as his Satanic highness seenia to be enjoying the freedom of the world most heartily extended, that day is in the very remote future. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it It is time that the truth about these accidents in the anthracite mining re gions should In; told. Year after year they have been occurring with appalling regularity. The list of the dead and crippled, the widowed and the orphaned, grows from month to montli, while ihe public, intent upon its own pursuits, learns but little about it until some frightful accident like that which lately plunged tin town of I'lttston into mourning concentrates attention upon it. ar.d tip. n Uiere is a universal outcry. It is iU instinctively that there must 1'.iir.c wrong with the condi tions under which tiie mining of coal is carried on when disasters of that kind can occur in a state which haw wise laws regulating both the ventila tion of mines and the conditions under which the coal itself can be taken out. 15 ut what is the evil and what the n-m-nly '.' Common sense as well as common humanity prompts the discovery of the one and the application of the remedy. The law under which the present system of inspection is carried on has' worked many reforms. It has done away with many of the evils wh'ch operated so disasterously in the early days of anthracite mining. It has given ! to one of the hardest working classes of labor in the state comparative v nine , air where previously no one could breathe any but vitiated atmosphere. I It has done even more than this, im- iwtant as this achievement has lwen. Under its provisions no shaft, slope or j other mine can be worked without hav- 1 ing at least two avenues of exit the J usual entrance and the air shaft, the I latter for use in case of disaster in j gangways near the mouth of the mine. Nor do its benefactions stop even here. Inspectors authorized by law to inforce I the law's provisions are regularly np ! pointed and paid to do nothing else. How, then, does it come that even after it is in operation there can be such a disaster as that which recently horri fied every resident of Pennsylvania? The answer to this question has al- ready been hinted at in these columns. When a mine is opened all the coal in the eins is not taken -out. Portions of it, which are called pillars, are left stand ing to support the tremendous weight of the ground above. As mining be--comes more expensive, however, and the supply of coal dwindles, thw owners fre quently order the "robbing of the pil lars'that is, the removal of the nat ural supports which were originally left standing. They know from past experience that this is a dangerous pro ceeding. Thousands of victims lie in premature graves as the re.sult of its adoption. Put competition isfierceand to compete successfully some chances must be taken. So one by one tho pillars come down, until few, if any, remain to support the mountains of earth above. Hough timcers placed at irregular dis tances ajxtrt are expect d to uphold wiiat in the wfse provision of nature J-lou; Ibout Your JOB pFJIfltyCi Wo have the facilities for doinc all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. We not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to bo rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have vour next order. 5?fyroi?i(;le publisf?ii ?o. The Dalles Real Estate Exchange IS DAILY ItECEIVING INQUIHIKS I'ltOM pective : Immigrants From every part of the United States concerning the Resources, Products, Prices. Etc. "XSS WASCO COUNTY. All persons desiring to sell or rent fnrms or city pioperty will find it greatlv to their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members oi me ixcnange, giving mil particulars, terms, etc. Snlc nf School IMfltrlct j School District No. 20, in Wasco county, Oregon, at n. meeting regu arh called therefor, voted to bom , paid district in the sum of $3,000, to be in six bonds of ?5UUeacn, piiyiwim Intel v in twenty years and ledeemablej at the pleasure of said district after ten . with interest coupons attached, 'interest pavablc semi-annually. I rtn- ciual ami interest im" , I of the county treasurer of said rountv i or at such plane as may be designated in the citv of New York, at the option of the purchaser, and the rate ot in terest shall be such as may be dusig I nated in the bid which may he accepted, ' not exceeding the rate of S pur cent. I TheieMre, in pursuance of the law in ! such cases I will receiye sealed bids for said bonds as above described, at my ntlice in Dalles City, Oregon, up to the hour of - o'clock p. m. of the L'lst day of April, 1S97, all bids to lie accom panied bv cot tilled check for 5 per cent, of the amount of the bid, the successful bidder to furnish blank bonds. 15 ids for less than par will not be considered. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dalles Citv, Oregon. March 20, lStb. C. I.. Puii.i.ip, Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY" m'J td bv order sheriff will re- u n s Pullman Elegent Tourist TO otlcu to Taxpayer!. Notice is hereby given that f .1 ....... ...I.C. tl.L. Ul IIIC LUlWIt tlit M wi- 4...... ..... . . . ." .. inn . .I... I turn tiie tax roil ior iouo we countv clerk on the lirst .Monday in Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT. VAIH, MINNEAPOLIS IUI.UTir I'AltOO a hand forks CKUOKSTOX WINNIPEo IIKLRNA mi 1SUTTK Through Tickets TO CHICAGO April." 1897, and all taxes" then remain- Washington ing unpaid on the roll will be declared I i'Hii.a dklpiiia delinquent, and thereafter the sherilll" POINTS KAST and SOUTH A. M. KlM.hAY, Clerk- will not receive taxes until the delm ouent roll is given him. Hy order oi court. IU. ItW PlintoKiaiilii. Photos. 50c, 75c and $1 per dozen, for a short time at tiie only first-class studio in The Dalles. Everything first-class lessons in retouching by tiie artist. H. E. Hammond, mlo-tf Manager Herrin's Gallery. For in formation, time curds, maps and tlckeu oil ou or write to 1 W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon OR A. D. CriAKLTON. Asst. G. P. A., J.Vi, Morrison Cor. Third, t'ortland Orejon T. A. HUDSON, G. W. KOWLAND, J. M. C. E. BAYAKD, .1. G. KOONTZ & CO., HUNTINGTON & CO. THE DALLES, OREGON. a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to I solid masses of coal had held in place euro with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teasnoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars ami testmouials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. fflJ"Sold by Druggists, 7oe. 7 when a number of uoioreiianu, men tnet;ut.y or tiiiom- 31 ay rm Into Uih Courts, Kansas City, March 24. rhe result ot the supreme court'a traffic was shown today local firms ignored the branch office of the Western Freight Association in bill ing their cereals East. Heretofore all this business has been transacted through the local office of that associa tion. In future these firms will present their billings to the different railroad companies individually. Should the roads refuse to transact business thu3 of fered them the unlawfulness of the or ganization of the Western Freight As tociation may be brought to the atten tention of the federal courts. an absurd proposition unon. its free Once the mine starts to "work," ns we have frequently seen, the number of the dead is to be reckoned usually by the number of men employed at the time the crash occurs. So much for the primary cause. The secondary cause is that which grows out of a. faulty systom of inspection. The average cave-in does not occur in a day or a nipht. Ifature, as if to display her kindness to those who have rudely nierced her heart, pives repented warn ings before she asserts her mastery. There are ominous sounds throuphout the gangways and breasts. The timbers creak and groan under their increasing weight. The rata desert the dangerous places lnjfore the timlers pive way al together. These indications of the decision 1 strain are often perceptible for weeks I spector is to intervene his duty pose for which his oflice was created sand. The theory has been advanced that the sand is taken in as ballast, and is rejected when shallow water i to be returned to. The sand often differs in color and grain from that of the bot tom where the fish are found. It is claimed that this sand mav sininlv a guide for the fishermen. N. Y.Ledper. A man who crossed the Cascade mountains, Oregon, by the military route March 1.0 and May 1, found feet of snow on the summit on the first trip and 20 fect on the second, and May 1 it was still snowinp. It is said the- first match was the product of the ingenuity of John Fred erick Komeror, who early in this cen tury imprisoned in the penitentiary at Jfohenasperp, in Germany. lie in vented the lucifer match while in his ploomy dungeon. In all Christian art the serpent is emblematic of wisdom. tb! oripin of this emblem being the Tiible expres "!! vo therefore wise as ser pents." Dangurn of the Grip. The greatest dangers from Li Grippe is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea. sonable care is new!. Imwuvnr nml If he performs .,, wini.,0 rv.,.i, ....i.. : ..' . , i , ....... '.VI ...... U UUIILII i.etucur IO UlKCIl. with an eve sinirle to the nur .... . ' ,is office was create,! ! ,,uner wm uo V0luetI Nimv Salllnt; lteconl. San FiiA.vciHCO, March 24. The Mer chants' Exchange has a dispatch from Loudon announcing the arrival of the British ship Miltiaden, which sailed from this port on December 29, making tho trip in S4 days. ThiB is the fastsst timu on rfcord for a sailing vessel be tween San Francisco and London. The Miltiaden was grain laden, chartered by G. W. McNear. he will either compel the owner of the mine to make it safe or empty it of those whose lives are inieriled. If hrs is the creature of the operators, as some of the inspectors are said to lx. he may le indifferent to the condition of tiie mines or willing that operations shull lxi carried on after they are unsafe. His reappointment depends upon his ability to pleaso the owners of the mines, not the men whose lives he in nnnnncdfl tn inin.fl TM. f.i .llaiwr.ic ' in the state in which the corporation ' w-uel'0U3-operating the colleries dictate the nom- " umtion of every in8jx?ctor. Philadel phia Inquirer. Among the ten of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, wo have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pnenmonia, which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventive of that dread disease. It will affect a nermanent cure in less time than any other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Nebraska corn for sale at the Wnsco Best feed on earth. mO.t 3Ici)tli)K ot HtoolllioltliirM I). P. .V A. N. Co. Notice is hereby given that there will he ii stockholders' meeting of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co., at their oflice Saturday, April .', 1S97, at 2 p. in., for the purpose of electing seven directors and transacting such other busbies" as may properly come before said meeting. By order" of the presi dent. The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1807. OlIION KlNEllSI.Y, mS-td Secretary. FUh tm Deep U'utor. A highly original observation upon the behavior of fish in deep water, so remarkubie us to deserve special no- I tice, is to a loiig-experi-! ' enced captain of a steam-fishing ! smack. The fishing boats belonging to ' the southern portions of the North sea l found in their catch lutely a dispro portionately small (junntity of cod fish. The captain maintained that he SURE CURE for PILES UU.UUaA.Mio, VUUvil Tills Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, a generous eamplo will bo mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fuver Curo (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon, etrato tho great merits of tho remedy. ELY BROTHERS, CO Warren St., Now York City. Hot. Mm Pnlrl .TV nrr!.)rniis IT 1 had foreseen this for eight days, be- j recommended Ely's Cream Balm to'me. I can emphasize ins statement, "It is n posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Rev. Francis W. Poolo, Pustor CentrulPrea. Church, Helena, Mont. cause most of the fish caught had sand In tiieir stomachs. He claims to have observed that, just before the fish left ! the shallow water of the southern banks, they took sand into their stom-! nchs, and soon after fish caught in J deeper northern waters showed the same peculiarity. Then, when fie time j for migrating from the deop waters comes again, the fish dispose of the Compunlon of tho Doff Star. , Sirius, the dog-star, which is the brightest to our eyes of all the fixed i stars, has a very remarkable companion, i never visible except, with powerful tele scopes. It was first seen in 1SC2, and in 1S0O it disappeared, the reason of ins disappearnce being that it had moved - so close to Sirius as to be lost to view in I the overpowering light of that preat , star. IJurinp the time of its visibility ! the fact had been ascertained that it was j revolving about Sirius at a rate which would carry it completely around in some o0 years. The shape of its orbit, which is an ellipse with Sirius situated 1 in one of the foci, being calculated, ah ! tronomers felt certain that in a few ! years the vanished .star would reappear ! as it moved into a part of its orbil more ! distant from Sirius. This expectation t has now been fulfilled, for recently the missing star was seen again at the (llagstaff observatory in Arizona. Al-j though it is probably half as large as j Sirius, it is butone-ten-thoii.sandth part i as luminous as "louth'sCom panion. Students of history nre inclined to believe, from the commonness of the dragon tradition in almost every coun try, that a serpent-like animal with feet probably once existed. SIkiih of Longevity. The primary conditions of longevity nre 'that the. heart, lungs and digestive I organs, as well ns the brnin, should be large. If theso organs are large, the trunk will be lonp and the limbs com paratively short. The person will ap pear tall in sitting and short ia stand ing. The hand will have a lonp and somewhat.heavy palm and short fingers. I Tho brain will be deeply seated, as I hown by the orifice of the ear being j low. The blue hazel or brown hazel ' eye is n favorable indication. The nos trils being large, open and free, indi cates large lungs. A pinched and half closed nostril indicates small or weak lungs. San Francisco Argonaut. Pattl Pear IlurKlnrft. Burglars nre the great terror of Mme. Tntti's life at Cruig-j-nos castle, and she has had nil her window shutters fitted with electric bells, which start ringing at the slightest touch, while by the same machinery a gun is fired iind a number of dogs are let loose in tho grounds. Special watchmen are told off every night on. "round" duty, it Is udded. Cassell's Journal. Steunnjr tor .Suit!. We will sell the steamer "Wauna, thirtv-five feet lone, eight foot beam built in 1S93. All in good order. For full particulars apply to Oiikgon I.UMiinn Co., uiuh2-lmd Viento, Or Curh iu Vour Clitidoi. All county warrants registered prior to Oct. 1st, 1S92, will be paid at my oflice. Interest ceases after March 1897. C. L. PitiLLirs, County Treasurer, Old papers for sale at 10 cents per bun dred. A large lot ot old daily aud week ly Cmtoxici.Es on hand, the accumula tion ot lbOu. erv good for puttin under carpets, on account of uniform size. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of chame. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit vou for life Ollice in the ogt block. Hot Clam broth every day from 10 a. m. to 12:.J0 n. in. and 4 to (i n. m. nt mch4 Stublingil- Williams. tab Columbia pacKioo Co PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MANUFACTUHEHS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. Bake Ora and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPER. . . Proprietor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antolone every day, and from Antelope to mK chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains Icnve und nre duu to arrive nt 1'ortUnd. fhom ran. 10, 1807 S:C0 1 '3:50 A. Dnlly except Humliiy.:. 1:00 I. SI. 7:S0 A. it. ARRIVE. 'JllOA. M. OVKHLAXD KX nrcsh. Salem. Kose- l)u fk. Anuluml, Snc-1 rnmuiito, Ogilmi.Snn I FrmicUeo, llojavu, , i.ijs AMKL'iu.1, i-.i, Xew urk'ims und Last Koteburc una wav fta-l 'Itions M:40 P.M f Via Wnodlmrn fori I Mt.AiiBul, Hilvcrton, iWest fecio, jirowiis- except villu.Sprlnglleld mid j Sundays. Xatron J 1 balem and way stiitlotislMO.lo A.M JCorviillls mid wavHl 6:20P.M. McMliiu'vYlle' and! If 8:25P.M way stations ( "Daily. tDuiiy, except Sunday. DIXING CAHS OX OGDEX ROUTE. 1'Ut.l.MAX J1UFFKT SLElil'KKS AXD HKCOXD-CLAS3 HI.KEPIXG CAP.S Attached to nil Through Trains. Through Ticket Ollice, I'M Third street, wbCB throuch tickets In nil uolnts in the Kastera Status, Canada and Europe can be obtained nt nmcai ruies iroin J. 11. KIUKIiAXIl, Ticket Afrent. All nbnvo trains urrlvn nt mill diMiari iron1 Grand Cuntrul Station, Fifth and Irving streets. YAMHIM, WVZSIOX. Pauenger Depot, foot of Jeilersou street. I-euvc for OSWEGO, dallv, except Sunday, t "i'-'O a. m.; i'j;i3, 1:15, 5:'.'o, G:lo, 8:05 p. m. laim u:;aj p. ni. on Saturday only;. Arrive i Portland at 7:10 and ,S:W) a in.: and 1:50. 4:15, 0,3o aud 7:55 p. in. Ix'uve for Slierhlmi. wmt ilnvs. it 4:S0 V. B. Arrive ut Portland, u::;o a. m. I.enve for AI11I.IK nn ilimilnv. VIiiedav and Krinav at 'J: III a. in. Arrive? nt Portland. TUfS- dav, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m. Sunil.iv tmliiv fnr tvtwvnn Iluvo nt SrlOa. ra. oiul I2!i.,),i:i5,3:aj,fi:a") 0:i5ondS 05 p.m. At livo at Portland nt K:"j). inim a.m.: 1:30, 4:15 5:10, (1:35, 7:55 p, m. It. KOEHI.EII, E. P. ROGERS, Jluuuner. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Azt THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 1'HBen a Week. 150 Papers fr Ely'H Cream Balm is tho acltnowledged curo for catarrh nud coutaius no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. fiubscrihe for Tjii: Chkoxicle. Tun older wo become the more tho wheels of time seem to huveheen oiled. Wj: cniniot nil he tho iiiekel-plated pitrtH of the machinery. Ihuleavor iiuraiu. D u LOODpQISOM A SDmi HITV Prlmarr'SL tlarylI,T(TO7yl,soV?",'fTe wo (ruarantoo to euro Wn ,?iiiHlm 1 OlSON cae wo ouniint o ri fi,',10 world for a Milled thoaklK rrS:i?.?o has alnv. Tin: man who expects to outrun a n UonaMaTtV.'T ... "w imn AAib.n i j -a : '""' luuiiiNHnnf anni.i .: had hotter not uturt with lumo feet.-. Vilftlk, uum t. iii ry. 1 'luinikl..'fA'' X. UIK. vwvAUU, AUm It stands first among ''weekly" paper' in size, frequency of publication ana freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the loff price 0 aweeklv: and its vast hat of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the atest fashions for women and a ! series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Con mi iUyiu, Jerome K. Jerome. Htnuluy Weyman, Mary WW Anthony lloiie, It ret llarte. JliHinlir Mattliewn, Ktc. We olTer this unequaled nowspaperand Tho Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to gether one year for $U.00. The regular price of tho two papers is $3.00. have Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel ' atroys .n.CO worth of grain nnniial ). Wnkelee'H Squirrel and Gopher hxterw iniitor is tho most eHective and econoin ical poiuon known. Prico reduced to cents. For ealo by M. Donnehi Agent. "