-.it' The Dalles Daily Chronicle, TIIK 11A1.I.KS, OKKUOX TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct tune card ot train? and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust it, as The Ciiiioxtci.u is kept fully in formed of revisions : l). V. it A. N. 0. STEAMEK3. Steamer llCRtilator loaves every Monday, Wc nesdiiy niul Frlilny nt 7:30 n. 111. Ai rives cviry Tuciiay, Thutnlay mul Satur dny nt 6:S0 ji. in. OKKOOK KA1LWAY & NAVIGATION CO. vast mail. Arrive. Leave. No.l VeMj3tiiid !:)') a.m. 1:50 a.m. No.2 East-bouml 10:15 p.ni. IOi'JO i.ui. dalle lupMixncu. No. 7 West-bound, leaves 1 :00 p.m. No. S Eat-bouiul, arrives 11:55 a.m. All passenger trails slop at Union Street, as well a the depot. AllVIM tUlllS IlillU.M. Per inch One inch or less In Dally ?1 50 Over two luche.1 mid under four Inches 1 CO Over four Inches and under twelve Inches. . 75 Over twelve Inches 50 DAILY iXD WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per Inch ?2 50 Over one Inch and under four inches 'J 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over twelve inches 1 00 Aiieut 1'ree Heeil. Continued from third page. will sprout in two weeks, when a wooden block should be inserted in the calyx of the flower, the blocks being changed and a larger one inserted daily, until the slips Lecome the rL'ht size for your pil lows. When the pillows slip into them easily, they may be pulled and the bed spaded for a new crop. The variegated seeds are said to produce if planted in the bed an ele.'ant crop of bed comfor ters. By sowing in patches, the crop of course will show the artisticness of the patchwork, and as they grow in p.uterns as they are planted, this permits an in finite variety of design. By putting a few quires of paper between the rows, the bed will be provided with sheets, which may also be used for shams. Some experts bury a piece of hose in the bed and by coupling this onto the hyd rant the bed can be provided with springs. A cheaper and perhaps more satisfactory way is just to make the bed in the spring and be done with it. A few castor beans planted at the corners of the bed will provide cheap c.istors and permit the bed being taken in when it rains, without disturbing the plants. The department requests that you report the results of your experiment." We confessed our inability to throw any light on the subject, and, for a won der, our better half did not insist on try ing the experiment. That's what we object to about this seed business. Why Ehould the toiling masses be taxed to furnish vegetable bacteria to burrow in the earth's epidermic? Why should the unwary husbandman be made to bow his back by the enthusiastic husband woman in a futile attempt to raise blue roses from mustard sed that cost the government .9 an ounce, Troy. Why should he be compelled to delve in the earth in a vain attempt to grow figs from dandelion down, and smile and smile, as though he liked it, and yet bo a vil lain? Why should he be compelled to undertake to grow prize pumpkins on a city lot tiiat cost him $1U0 a front foot, and blow himself for $7.75 for garden tools to do it with, when he can buy all the "punks" he wants in a year for a quarter of a dollar? We tried a whole package of these seeds once. We worked like a .Senagambian helot beneath the lash of his Spartan master, for onti i whole summer and produced the finest crop of jimson ever raised in the state. We alsu produced nine other varieties of useless vegetation unknown to these parts that stumped all the botanical sa vants. These were also accompanied by an abundant crop of mixed profanity new to this rejiion but indigenous to Ne vada. Down with the seed scheme! If our congressmen cannot bo re-elected without the aid of a dudo agricultural monstrosity in Washington, I). C, let them stay un-elected. An agricultural department that gets up a scheme of Eiibsoiling for those who plow the raging canal, is not calculated to superintend j the selection of seeds for the unin- j formed. And tho suggestions sent out by it, that by planting almanacs a good crop of dates could bo raised places it be neath contempt. Tills In Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, i tlie oyo specialist, and have your eyes a generous sample will bo mailed of tho examined free of diarize. If vou sufVer most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Curo ... , ,i.1j1 n. ,...,,, I ,. (Elv's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon- witli hfmlacho or nenonsnes, you un etrato tho great merits of tho remedy. j doubtedly havo imperfect vision that, u ELY BHOTIIEltS, ! corrected, will benefit you for life. CO Warren St., Now York City. Office in tho Vogt block. Uov. John lleid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., , recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I win fiimiliRsizo his statement. "It is a nosi- 1 livo cure for catarrh if used as directed." J Kev. Francis W. Poolo, Pastor Central Prea. , Church, Helena, Mont. j Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged1 euro for catarrh and contains no mercury wor any iujurious drug. Price, CO cents. ACROSS THE SEA. The Deserted AVlto Won tbo Baco b Four Hour. A race across 2,0UO miles of water for a wife was recently ended at Kills Island. The race was between Mrs. Tram: Moliucaux, a deserted wife, and a young frirl. Bertha Xeibling, the hus band's! sweetheart. The wife won the race by four hours and, incidentally, the erring husband. Molineaux had been wealthy in Bcr Iiu. lie had married the daughter of a rich grain, merchant. When he failed in business he quarreled with his wife, fur she made some remark about his poverty which angered him. He left her, saying that he would go to Amer ica and begin life over again. They were proud and she permitted hini.to go alcne, although in her heart she loved hitn. The man came over here and by hard work established himself and was in re ceipt of a good salary. He thought .sometimes of the woman over in Berlin. She was; living with her wealthy lather, who war. very fond of her. In a spirit of pique the husband sent across the sea for another woman to share the home he had made here nt 1SG0 Lexington avenue. Mrs. Molineaux heard of the other woman and embarked in all haste on the steamer Lahn. bound for New York-. The other one, Bertha Neiblinfr, was a steerage passensrer on the Yenetia from Hamburg. The Venetia sailed first, yet the fast steamer Lahn beat her into port by four hours, with Mrs. Molineaux in tlie first cabin. She had little difficulty in interesting the authorities in her case. Detective Peter (iroden found her husband and in formed iiim that a woman was at Eiiis Island waiting to see him. Molineaux was taken there and the commissioner of immigration asked some very search ing questions. Then he dismissed him to another room and talked to Mrs. Mol ineaux. Neither husband nor wife know of the presence of the other on the island. ! Thej were brought into the same I room.' The wife at the sight of her hus j band threw her arms around his neck i and fainted. She recovered opportunely and told I him how cruelly she had misunder stood him and that she would willingly share poverty and a crust of bread with him. No man could resist talk like that. I Molineaux kissed her on the forehead and vowed he would be true to her to the end of time. So tht'y went to 1SG0 Lexington avenue together, where they will dwell. The other woman? The story is prac tically finished as far as she is con cerned. The immigration authorities came to the conclusion that as she had no friends he re now and was likely to be come a public charge the best thing they could do would be to send her back to Germany. Chicago Record. "Well, you're home at last, are you," said the mermaid, angrily. "And whrre have yen been, I'd like to know? Do you realize ijiat it is nearlv 24 hours since I last saw you? A pretty iUfJ. j band you are!" "But, my dear " the merman bgcan. I " 'But''but' don't say 'but' to me. i No doubt, you've an excuse. You'd be j a poor sort of a man if you couldn't think of one by this time. But I know where you were. You've been hanging around those bathing resorts again.'" Chicago Tribune. Huriul Utile In Kiisclniul. In England no physician may legally give a certificate of the cause of death unless he ha- prescribed for the person at least IS hours before death. Without such certificate no undertaker is ikt mlttod to bury the body. Chicago Tribune. If asked the question "Have you trot a stomach?" it would bo safe on .neutral principles, to answer "Yes." But, if you are sure of it, that is, if you ever feel any distress after eating or any pains of whatever description in the re;;ioitof the stomach, you have got something else besides an ordinary stomach ; in other words you have got a diseased stomach. Tho stomach is a powerful muscle, and the proper remedy for a tired muscle is rest. Try the Shak er Digestive Cordial, for this product not only contains digested food, which will nourish the system without any work on the part of the diseased organs, but it aids the digestion ot other foods as wen. ion can test its value in your case for tho trifling oum of 10 cents. Sample bottles at this price are carried i,v an dru""ists. 12 Laxol is tho best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, lM c,.un broth every day from 10 to 12 :I10 p. in. and 1 to (J p. m. at Stubllngit Williams. inch-l i)allc-.Moro suib Leaves tho Umatilla house 8 a. m. Tuesdays, 'Uiurpdays and Saturdays, Douoi.ak A.lun, I rop. )-lou I bout Your job "We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. "We not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, 'and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. ropiqle publisf?ii o. The Dalles Real Estate Exchange IS DAILY r.KCJJIVIXG IXQUII'.IKS 1'ItOM Prospective From every part of the United States concerning the Resources, Products, Prices. Etc. All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatly to their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members of the Exchange, giving full particulars, terms, etc. T. A. HUDSON, G. W. ROWLAND, C. E. BAYARD, .1. G. KOONTZ & J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. THE DALLES, hale ot School District Itnmls. School District No. 29, in Wasco county, Oregon, at a meeting regularly called therefor, having votfd to bond said district in the sum ol 3,000, to bu in six bonds of foOO each, payable abso lutely in twenty ve.irs and redeemable at the pleasure of said district after ten years, with interest coupons attached, interest payable semi-annually. Prin cipal and interest payable at the office of the county treasurer of said county or at such place as may be designated in the city of Now York, at tho option of the purchaser, and the rate of in terest shall be such as may be desig nated in the bid which may be accepted, not exceeding the rale of S per cent. Therefore, in pursuance of the law in such cases I will icceiye sealed bidb for said bonds as above described, at my ofliee in Dalles City, Oregon, tin to the hour of 2 o'clock p". m. of the 2Ut day of April, 1S97, all bids to be accom panieil by certified check for o per emt. of the amount of the bid, ihe successful bidder to furnish blank bonds. Bids for less than par will not bo considered. The rinht is reserved to reject anv and all bids. Dalles City, Oregon, March 20, 1S97. C. L. Piin.i.ii's, Treasurer Wasco Countv, Oregon. Hi22. td Notion to Taxpayer. Notice is hereby given that by order of tho county court, tho sheriff "will re-j turn tho tax roll for 1S9G to thei county clerk on the first Monday in I April. 1S97, and all taxes then remain-! ing unpaid on the roll will be declared delinquent, and thereafter the sheriff will not receive taxes until the delin quent roll is given him. By order of I court. A. M. kuLSAY, m2.Vltw Clerk. I'lioloKraphs. Photos. 50c, 75c and $1 per dozen, for a ehort time at the only first-class studio in Tho Dalles. Everything first-class lessons in retouching by tlie artist. ' II. E. Hammond, iiilo-tf Manager Herrin's Gallery. Hteamur lor haln. We will eell tho steamer "Wauna," thirty-live feet long, eight foot beam, built in 1893. All in good order. For full particulars apply to OltKOON LUMIIUH Co., inch2-lmd Viento, Or. Vmli In Your ClieeUh, All county warrants registered prior to Oct. 1st, 1892, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceases after March 0, 1S97. C. L. Pmi.ui'S, County Treasuror. Old papers for sale at 10 cents per hun dred. A largo lot oi old daily and week ly CiiitoNici.KS on hand, the accumula tion of 189G. Very good for putting under carpote, on account of uniform ei'o. Subscribe for Tin: Oiikokici.k. piTijtfQ; s Immigrants CO., OREGON. I Companion of the Uos Star. i Sirius, the dog-star, which is the brightest to our eyes of all the fixed 1 stars, has a very remarkable companion, never visible except with powerful tele scopes. It was first seen in 1S(52, and in Is'JO it disappeared, the reason of its disappearnce being that it had moved .o close to Sirius as to be lost to view in the overpowering light of that great star. During- the time ot its vjsioility the fact had been ascertained that it was , revolving about Sirius cit a rate which j would carry it completely around in some SO years. The shape of its orbit, 1 which is an ollip.-e w ith Sirius situated in one of the foci, being calculated, as- tronoiners felt certain that in a few year.s the vanished .star would reappear 1 as it moved into a, part of its orbit more ' distant from Sirius. This expectation i has now been fulfilled, for recently the mis-ing star was seen again at the ! lllagstiilT observatory in Arizona. Al-' though it is probably half as large as Sirius, it is but one-ten-thousandth part as luminous as that .star. Youth's Com- panion. Students of history are inclined to believe, from tho commonness of the dragon tradition in almost every coun try, that ii serpent-like animal with feet probably once existed. .SIkiih of Longevity. The primary conditions of longevity are 'that the. heart, lungs and digestive rirfmn ji wall lir lir.nin clitiM !. ' large. If these organs are large, the trunk will be long and the limbs com ri , j .... .... .'....., .........ii u paratively snort, rue person will ap pear tall in sitting' and short in stand ing. The hand will have a long and soniewlmt.heavy palm and short, fingers. Tho brain will be deeply seated, as shown by the orifice of tho ear being low. The blue ha.el or brown hazel eye is a favorable indication. The nos trils being large, open and free, indi cates large lungs. A pinched and half closed nostril indicates small or weak lungs. San Francisco Argonaut. I'attl Kears IlurKlnro. Burglars are the. great terror of Mine. Tattl's life nt Crnig-j-nos castle, and she has had all her window shutters fitted with electric bells, which start ringing at the slightest touch, while by the .same machinery a gun is fired and a number of dogs are let loose in the grounds. Special watchmen arc fold off every night on "round" duty, it is odded. Cnssell's Journal. The oldor we become the mora tho wlieel.s of time seem to have been oiled. Wi: eannot all bo tho nieltol-plated parts of thu machinery. Kndeavor Herald. Tin: man who expects to outrun a lie had hotter not start with lame feet. Ktim'u Horn. tMinrmiilttiiK Noblemen- Some curious stories can be told about . thousands of ful- diamonds sold yearly in Lor don. A working go smith says be has seen a good ileal of the trade in imitation stones. People of all rnk l.uv them. A nobleman is .n inline dhlle want of cash and must find it some how. He will, perhaps, turn to bin fam ily diamonds. I'oibly c l0,:nn could h(i raised on them. He lakes the jew elry off to the flc diamond provider. Iuh the real stones removed and false ones put in, and deposits tne actual gems with some one as a security for a loan. No one is a bit the wiser. Iliswife appears in her jewels just the same as usual, f f she didn't her husband would be made bankrupt by his creditors the next week. The HIrii t,,( SlUHiiRe. A curious custom is made known to in bv a correspondent in Berlin. 'I he butchers of that town are in the habit of informing their customers oi me days on which fresh sausages are mi bv nlaeing a chair, covered with ade large, clean apron, at the side ol the shop door. Soul Their imhy. A baby a few months old was sold for one shilling in the presence of wit nesses to a dealer in England recently. The parents were wandering minstrels, and glad to get rid of it. Sanity J'rmeil hy X Ituyn. A Hamburg young man has just had his sanitv proved by the Koeutgen rav s. lie declared ten years ago that he had a bullet in his head, which he fired into it trying to commit suicide. He com plained of pain, and, as lie attacked his keepers and the doctors could find no trace of a wound, was locked up as a dangerous lunatic. The Boentgen rays lnve now shown the exact place of the bullet. Curious Natives. Tho Benozy, who occupy a densely wooded country among the hills of Beuiaraha, jump from tree to tree just lilt- morJ-eys, and are not easily f(d lowi'd, inasmuch as their territory in exceedingly rocky. They are very timid, and it is said that they die of fright when captured. A Now Hurtflcal instrument. An instrument which, as the name de notes, is intended for the arrest of bleeding in surgical operations, has been perfected by Lawson Tait, of London. A platinum wire, arranged to carry a current of electricity, is inclosed m the blades of a pair of steel forceps or any other requisite instrument, the wire be ing insulated by a bed of burnt pipe clay. A current of suitable voltage is turned on, the artery seized and com pressed and in a few seconds the tissues and arterial walls are so agglutinated that the passage of blood is rendered impossible. The temperature employed is about ISO degrees Fahrenheit, so that it will be seen that the principle is fun damentally different from that of elec trical cauterizing instruments. It is stated that by Mr. Tail's instrument the necessity of a ligature is removed, and a new and completely effective method is placed in the hands of the Mirgeon for the treatment of surface oozing'. PACKERS OF MANUFACJTUKKKS OK 1 T , i 1116 -bard and SatlSageS. j Ctirersof brand 0 Dried Beef Etc. Bale Orai and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAKPEK, - - Proprietor Stages leave llako Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. LOODPOISON A SPECI AB"T V I'rlmaryS ina6ifl85day.TY5unra,nff.,ll r.f . v M iLiur i i mnin rmr .u i . curj-, loillUo iiotusii V, I, l"u ", Hier fa", wo cannot c! ro. nW V.'" wo.r'' ("r a ujiiiieu tiioKldli f the inist m?S...r . wa?a J u r.""5f? """' capital bchln.i : i?."' m ooismfiia PacKinu Go Pork and Beef i TT in mm h h -5.J.UULU UilU JJ D 01 UiMiiuie asmuliVwiiiiiA'.fA'O HORTHERN jj PACIFICRY s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car bT. I' AlU. MINNKAI'OI.IS UltLVTII I'AlCGO GltANl) rtlllKH CllOOKSTON WINNII'Ko IIKLENA nil ltUTTK TO Through Tiekets UIIIUAOO WASHINGTON 1'IIII.AIJELI'IIIA yt:v YOKK IIOSTON AN1 Alilj l'OINTS EAST mid SOUTH Tor Information, time curds, nuipsnnd tickets, cnl on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oroa on A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. G. P. A 2Y, Morrisou Cor. Third. I'orlland Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF THE- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are duo to arrive nt Portland. FltOM FKH. 10, 1S97. AP.sivr. OVERLAND EX-1 press, Salem, Hose- i burg, Ashland, hue- S:50 1'. M. ramentn, Ogdcn.San 1 KrnucUeo, Mojave, Los AliBole.s.Kll'flso, '3:10 A. M. New Orleans una i I East. d:S0 A. M. ltoseliurg and way ta lions 4:40 P.M fVlii Wooilburn fori I -Mt.AiiKel, Silverton, i West Hclo, Drowns- except ville.tiprliigtieliluiid Sundays. Natron J Salem and way stations '10. 15A.M ICorviillIs and way t 6:30P.M. j stations j , IMeMiiinvillo nnd f S:25P.H (way stations j I Daily except Sundays. 1:00 7::;u V. M. A. M. 11:15 P. M Daily. fDaily, except Sunday. DINING OAKS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN I1UKKKT SLEEPERS AND SECOND-GLASS SLEEPING CABS Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Olliee, l.'S! Third street, where thioueh tiekets to all points in the Eastern States, Canada ami Europe can he obtained at lowest rates from .1. 11. KIR1CLAND, TicketAgent. All above tralna arrivo at and depart Iron1 Grand Central Station, fifth and Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jeilerson street. Leave for OSWEGO, dallv, except Sunday, at 7:'J0 a. in.; VJ:15, 1:15, Tii'-'O, 0.13, 8;(0 f. (and llj.'W p. m. on Satiudiiy only). Anire t Portland at 7:10 mill b;aj si. m.; and UA i'M C.33 and 7:3.3 p. in. U'ave for Sheridan, week days, -it LSOr.n. Arrivo at Portland, 0:;M a. m Iavc for AIRL1E on Monday, Wnlin-uaysnl Kri'iay at U: 10 a. m. Anlvc at Portland, ! dav, ThuiMlay and Saturday at ;i.03 p. m. Siindav trains for OSWEGO leave nt 8:10 a. p. and l-'iV, 1:I3,!1;:;0, ft:iH ii:l5ands 0.i ji. ni. rive at Portland ats:aj, io:uu a. in.; iw"' 5:10, 0::i5, 7:5.3 p. m. It. KOEHLER, Manauer. E. P. ROGERS, Asst. G. l' iV Pass, .ttt THE NEW YORK WORLD 18 I'aces a WooU. , 150 l'njiors a Ye It stands first among "weekly" pape" in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast lt' subscribers, extending to every etateand territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for tho accuracy ana fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine lmmor page, exhaustive market reports, nln latest fashiona for women and ft IB series of stories by the greatest HvW American and Knglish authors, Uonun Doylu, Juronm K- ,U'r"l!n, Stanley Wuyuiau, Mary K- ",1K Anthony ll, rot llarie, llirtinler AlattliuwDi Ktc. . ., onnpranu we oiler this unequaieo iiuni-r-- 11,0 Da"B Tw ce-a-Weok unroii. Aether o vMr for L'.O0. Tho regd ' - year price- of tho two papers is $3.00. Hwvu Your Oram realize that each Bqiwrei de- Few annual')'' s troys owuyw ifi.ou worm ui ' ,iprni. Wakeleo's Smnrrel and Gopher Miw $1.50 worth of Kraiiii inator is the moat effective and """"30 foul poibon known. Price reduced to .sunt-. For sale by M. .S - -".vr, l,Cllt.