eljc Stolks VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24. 1897 NO 02 SITUATION IS SERIOUS Ilising Waters Threaten the Levee at Australia, Miss. LANDS ARE ALREADY FLOODED l)elprnti KllorU .Unking to Prevent n SeriniiM Itrenk--U'ntisr Still Kcceil Iiir In TcniiCHsno. Uosedai.e, Misa., March 23. The riv er lias risen along the extreme end of th lnn-pr levee district lit Australia, Mise. "0 miles north of here, and the situation s critical in the extreme. A large stream of water is coming in under the Invpi' ami has increased to such an alarm ing extent that Major Sterling, the chief engineer, was sent for bv wiro. Later another call was made for 20,000 sack! and 700 ehovels, all the hands thatcoult wield a shovel to come quick or the le vee would cive way. A anecial train has loft Greenville with the material, and is picking up all the hands between Keulah, Miss., and Kound Lake, tlio latter point being opposite the threatened place. Should the levee give way it would flood many of the finest plantations in the state, and a stubborn fight is buing made to hold it. Keport Won I'romnturo. Memphis, March 23. Authentic in formation comes at 10 o'clock today that the report of a break in the levee at Australia, Mies., was erroneous. Tele grams say the levee can be held intact for several days. The river here shows a decline of .02 in 24 houre, which taken with today's bright sunshine, makes the outlook en couraging. llelief boats have ceased run ning, but there are 3000 homelees people on the Chickasaw Bluff, for whom aid is asked. one ih;nii:ki weke killed. liesult of the TurkiHli Attack on ChriH tluiift at Toka. CoxsTAXTixopiii:, March 23. Authen tic details of the outbreak on Sunday at Toka, Asia Minor, where the Turks at tacked the Armenians while the latter were in church, showed that 100 Chris tians were massacred. The Armenians' houses wore given over to pillage. The representations of the ambassa dors of the foreign powers regarding the condition of Anatolia have made little impression upon the sultan, who. rely ing upon the support of Russia, is con vmced he has nothfng to fear from the so-called concert of the powers, which is continually harped upon, although it is believed it is little or no concert beyond a desire in some quarters to postpone war really exists. Diplomats here are said to be once wore turning their attention to the con duct of the sultan. It is somi-oflicially intimated they are again of tho opinion the system of friendly representations on the subject of Armenia, which have hith erto been followed, must be changed for sterner methods of dealing with tho evils complained of. The sultan, however, consoles himself with the-bolief that he will survive this new fit of righteous in dignation, as ho has tided over others of 8 much more serious character. Kiifjllsli Shliis May Huu Blockade. London-, March 24. The Chronicle prints a Rumor that Lord Salisbury and the cabinet discussed yesterday the sul tan's acceptance of the proposal of the king of Greece to nominate Prince George as high commissioner. The Chroniclo prints also another lobby lamor to the effect that Great Britain "as declined to be a party to the etorv iR of innocent iCretana in tho interior f the island, and a report that British snips intend to run tho blockade, con Ending that the blockade is indefensible "ndor international law, inasmuch as neither Turkey nor Greece has openly declared war. I'mnoo May Withdraw. London-, March 23. The Times' cor 'espondent at Paris calls attention this horning to the article in the French con stitution which debars the French presi dent from declaring war without the s EeJ'(t of Parliament, and says. Europe muit be prepared for the withdrawal of Franco from the European concert in the event the Cretan diffl- w UlI POWDER Absolutely Pure. f!plphrntod fnr rrrnnt lmivniitun- JlPJlltnfllltipss. Assurpw Mw fn..H i.r..l... . -1..... - ,, , ............. "feiuiisi mum Mia nil forms nf nfiultrnflrm rmiifnn,i tn m. uuuup uruuus. IlOYAIi llAKIN'O l'OWDr.R CO., NKW YOl'.K. culty should require more severe meas ures than the chamber of deputies will sanction. A KKPIUEVE IS GRANTED. I'rnglclent Extends Clemency to "Hutton Gang" Lender. Santa Fe, K. M., March 23. Prepara tions for hanging Francisco Borrego, An tonio Borrego, Lauriano Alarid and Pa tricio Valencia were completed this morning. A troop of cavalry and a com pany of infantry were ordered to guard the prisoners from the penitentiary to the jail, and guard the jail where the gallows was erected. The execution was to have been private, only 24 persons be ing present. As the prisoners started from the pen itentiary, about a mile from town, Gov ernor Thornton received a dispatch from the attorney-general stating that the president had granted a reprieve of, 10 days to look more into the case, the press of business having prevented the full consideration the gravity of the case demanded. Governor Thornton immediately dis patched a messenger to Sheriff Kinsell, and the prisoners were taken to the ounty jail under escort, the warden of the penitentiary refused to receive the prisoners again. The message from Washington was as follows : "To Hon. W. T. Thornton, Governor Now Mexico The president reprieves the defendants in the Borrego case' for 10 days, to have the question of jurisdiction settled. He requests you to do likewise. This reprieve is made necessary only by the press of business which has prevent ed the consideration the president deems necessary in view of its gravity. Answer immediately. Joseph McKenna, "Attorney-General." The governor at once issued a reprieve making the day of execution Friday, April 2. This makes the fourth time the execution of the prisoners in this celebrated case has been delayed, and there peoms some grounds for the belief tho sentence of the law will never be carried out. Frank Borrego, the principal character in the tragedy, says he dreamed last night a reprieve would reach them just before the execution. Kumors are rife that a governor more friendly to the prisoners will be appointed before the reprieve expires. Dangers of the Grip. The greatest dangers from La Grippe is of it resulting iu pneumonia. If rea- sonablo care is used, however, .and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, wo have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventive of that dread disease. It will affect a permanent cure in less time than any other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale bv Blakeley & Houghton. Unci Itallway Accident. Si'iitNGFiELD, O., March 24. The fol- owing were injured in a wreck on tho Do you get the right tea ? Do you make it right ? Directions m the package of Schilling's Best If you don't like it, your grocer re- ;urns your money in full. Schilling it Company ban rrancisco 609 Big Four at the Southern Ohio crossing last night: William Kinsley of St. Louis, both legs crushed, back injured; Edward Kinslpy, of St. Louie, legs hurt; Frank Faye, of St. Louis, head cut, right head and shoulder injured ; William Siney, of Jersey City, shoulder hurt. It is feared that 10 others are buried in the debris of the train. The train wrecked was a through freight, No. 71, due at Springfield at midnight. It broke in two on a down grade, the parts coming together again, and almost totally destroying 20 cars. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Electric Bitters, and I can cheerfully recommend it for Consti pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of Electric Bitters re stored her health and renewed strength. Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a Bottle at Blakelev and Houghton's Drug Store. (0) ItLOCKADK A FATXUKK. A Krpnrt That Great Itritaln ltefuses to Take Tart. London, March 23. The Daily Chron icle's special correspondent at Athens says the Greek government has learned from official sources that Great Britain refuses to take part in a blockade of Greece, though she has no objection to such measure being taken by the other powers. The government also learns from simi lar sources that the admirals of the in ternational fleets in Cretan water have informed their respective governments that their position is no longer tenable, and that they must receive definite in structions or be recalled. One or juaine'8 Widows. There is now living- in Hartland, Me., at the ripe old age of 75 years, one of Maine's notable widows. This is Mrs. Ellen Phillips, relict of George, a brother of Wendell Phillips. Her hus band was a graduate from Harvard col lege, a member of the famous class of '28, among his classmates and intimate friends being Dr. O. W. Holmes and .Tames Freeman Clark. Mrs. Phillips has in her house several iintique relics of great interest and historical value, among them bong u marble top table and drawer which belonged to John Brown, of Harper's Ferry fame, and a copper ewer and sideboard, once the property of John Phillips, the first mayor of the city of Boston. She tells many an interesting reminiscence of Wendell Phillips, with whom she was intimately acquainted. Jfood of Iliifito. Mrs. Lakeside (rushing into a Chicago court) Where's the judge, quick? Bystander liight there. What's wrong .' "I just ran away from my husband, and he's after me, not three squares behind. I want to divorce him for deser tion before he gets here." N. Y. Weekly. A Jupanuso Monument. The Japanese, in order to celebrate their recent victories, are going to erect a gigantic statue of Buddha. The height will be 120 feet. The metal will be sup plied from the ordnance captured in the late war. The monument will cost about 1,000,000 yen, and is to be erected at Kioto. X. Y. Sun. in the family, and she is always engaged for visits months in advance. It is all on account of her unselfishness and ready sympathy, and because one has the power of adapting herself to modes of life that belong to others rather than to herself, and finds every situation fraught with human interest. N. Y. liecorder Can't See Your Own iiye Move. A curious and slichtlv known fact is that it is impossible to move the eye while lookimr nt its reflection in a mir- rnr. The eve is the most movable nart of the face," yet if you try to look at It and move it a tnousanutn part oi an ncli you will be miiKeti in your purpose, rim moment vou endeavor to nerceive the motion of the eye it becomes fixed. That is why n person's expression ns he kpps himself in the arlass is entirely dif ferent from the one by which his friends recognize mm. Early Rose seed potatoes at The Dalles Commission Co. incb.15.lw BOOK-KEEPING " rt aLIu U1 i5 complete una practical; exactly as found In biiKiiti'M. My couTM) of instructions thor oughly uunllfy you to take charge of unci keen ti set of books. The hlghust reference furnished, Vot terms and full Information Kinross L. D. HUNTER, A. O. U. W. Temple, I'omand, Oregon. Just added another lot of this season's neatest, nobbiest and most stylish CAPES. JACKETS M REHDT-TD WEflft SKIRTS. JACKETS. No. 2010 Ladles' Jacket, in cither Navy or Prussian lllue llroad cloths; Satin lined; ily front; strapped seams, same as cut. lids garment must bo teen to bo appreciated. Price, $9.75. No. 2050 Black Covert Cloth Jacket; style similar to cut; uu llued; llnlshcd scams. Price, $6.00. v I' r t - I imp 1 1 IX m - vr When my llttlo Kir v.-is one month ohl.s'.io had a scab" form on her Lice It kept M.m.d liiK until Bhu wis couii l:'ie!v covered lioin he.id to foot. Then the had bolls, fjlio h:id furl ii on htr html at viie time, and moio on her body. Whon six niontlnolds-liH did not wuih seven pounds, a pound and a hall l.-i lh:; at birth. Then her skin stared to dry up and got so bad shucould no' slm l In-r eye s t oiecp, but lav with them hair o;o i. About tm.i time, started ii.hjk (Tin i ka lii:Mr.nio, and in one titonlU " i imphuly cured, Tho doctor anil df'ig bilU v.i .J owl ; e .'. . dteil dollun, tho CfTjft u I. '11 v.t i.ot niorj than lice dolltti. My thM to now hirone, healtliv, and largo iu any child of her ag i. j lihoto.), and it to nil owing to Ci ricuu. yours with a Mother's iiloxing, Mils. (ii:tj. H.TI'('Ki:il.. lit., CJ.' Walker St., Mijv.-aul:ee, Wi'J. Speedv Cunn 'J'ufatmjivt W'vnx bat'aa with C'CIICI'IIA rioil', gem In ujip lrniiiuu of Cl'. TieuiiA (ointment), ml mild Uuio ui Ui'iicviu Kksoi.vk.NT (biood puntiur1. tft-"lat 10 Cure lively 1 1:1:: !):.-:sr," frco Bold throughout Iho woild. 1 :. Dr.uo li Cuem. Colli'., t"'lo Jto'ih , Ufn'O'i, I' S. A. - INSTANT BELIEF Jl IniiiilnKlo U C litiK I'AW F1"l!I Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A. J). GUItLKV, 'Attorney and Counsellor at Law, AKMXGTON. OHKUON. Practices In tho State und Federal Courts of Oregon and Wubhliifton. Jun23.Smo 4' MUMblf We maker jeweler SPRING CAPES. Some of the number you should not full to see In our Spring Capos. M. jJToO lllnek Dlajroual Worsted Capo: scallop peil colltir; trimmed in Soutache Hrald. SI. 75 No. 37(13 A fine Prussian llluo Covert Cloth Cnpe: notch collar ami reverns; tiimmeil in lllnek ami (iold Soutache llralil Only W5.no Jo. 2700 A very rliic Tan Covert Cnpe; seiillop pod and braided collar! a specialty at . 5.00 No. S70I1 lllael: Oimtlnp Perse, Cape, with fancy notched collar ; coltnrand capo trimmed in Son tachcaud lleretlles Uriilds S5.50 No. 278'J A plain Cnpo; no trliumlm;. notelud collar In Prussian llluo and Dove llroadcloth, front faced with silk of contrasting color. This number SO. 50 No. 789-OUK ltKAl'TV New shades ot Green Covet t; notch collars; full sweep ST. on mm IIP A. Iff. WIXiUAlHS CO. New York Weekly Tribune With tho tilosu of tho I'rosiiiuntiiU fact tintl tho Amoricttu peojilo aio now unxioiiH to tflvu tholr iitlonlion to homo uml busiiiueH intcrcstrt. To moot thin condition, politics will huvo fur Ions epuuo mid ! .11 il CI...,. n k. ..!....! I.. ..! .. 1 l .1... jiruiinnuuuu, until iiuuiiiur .iiilii hi xiuiiunni iii:i:ne:iiiii uuiiitiiiua a luuuniu tit iiiu fight for tiio principles for which THE TKlillJNK Inia lulorud from its inception to tho presoiit diiv. arnJ won its trruutoat victories. Kverv pofiflihlo ofTort will ho pnl forth, and inonoy fruoly apunt, to mnko THE WEEKLY TKIHUNE pro-ominontly n Nutloiml Family Nowepapor, IntwreBtiiiK, iiiKtrnctive, cntortuiniiiK anil inilisiieiiHiiblo to each member of tho family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Wrlto your naino anil addreau Tribune Oflico, New York City, andl a eainplo copy of Tho Now York Weekly Trib une will ho mulled to you. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. j , . . w . I TICK J-IHST 1IATTI-K Is an ItiturestliiK nlory I I I L4 nf tliu Kreat polilleal MhukIu ( Us most I fl Pj I iuiportunt events and the many Issues involved; m : a logical ireatUunn 111 me tiilltoin as uttered by i einliiuiit expoiifiiu, liicluilliiK the. part taken by WT I 1 0 Hon. W. J. llryan In tho silver ukHIIou prior to I I 1" I tho Demoerutlo Nutloiml Convention, and ilur A A A A , Iiik thucuiiipulKu; tho best exainples of his won- dsiful oratory, tho most noteworthy incidents of Jk Tf V ' ''Is fainous tour, a en refill review of tho political 1- Z I II H : tituatloii, 11 illkeukslnu of tho election returns MmJ M a A Lm4 i and the MkuIIIciiucu thereof, ami thu futuru I possibilities of lll-uietalllsiu as a ioltlctl issue. STYLES AND PRICES: Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edgea; portrait of tho au thor forming tho dtvign on cover; autouraph preface; maguillceiit pre sentation plate in hilver, gold and blue; containing COO piigeo and 32 full-page illuetrations $1 75 In half-Morocco, marble edge. . . , , 2 25 Iu full-Morocco, gilt edge , , 2 75 M, J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or, m SKIRTS. Spncowlll not permit us to dwell on the description of more than n few of our IjiiIIos' UcHdy mado Skirts. Wo show an extensive lluu of lllnek Skirts In Fancy Mohairs, at $1.45, $2.40, $2.90, $3.75, and $4.50 ouch. sniir.K SKIItTS in Nnvy ami lllnek at W2.50, w:i.7r. ami 5.oo each. SpMilnl Nnvy Cheviot Skirt, per fect lit t lilt: and made in tho best manner, only W5.00. rum llroemin lllmik Satin Hklrtx, newest designs ; strictly tailor-made, at wo.r.o. 10U- Far me and Villagers, KOIl i Fathers and Mothers, FOIt Sons and Daughters, roit All the Family. Ciimimiirn TII10 TUIIJUNIS A'cou'iiizes t!io on a postal card. Hand it to Geo. W. IfoHt,