The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 23, 1897, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily Ghronicie.
- MARCH 23, 1897
Uimilom Observations mill Local Events
of It'HHur MnenitiKle.
Style, service, satisfaction, are the
threo triumphs of the "K. N. & F. Co."
spring and summer clothing, worn by
the fashion leaders of the world. A. M.
Williams & Co. sell them exclusively m
The Dalles.
The spring run of hobos has begun in
Baker City. During the winter there
was hardly a tramp seen in that town,
but last Friday about 25 came in on the
different trains, and the jail was filled
with thorn. Some of them will be put
to work on the streets.
"Kid" Bufllngton, who was released
on bonds in Mitchell precinct, in Crook
county, charged with robbing Charles
Wellnitz, has been turned over to the
authorites by his bondBinen, and will
probably have to remain in custody un
til the May term of circuit court.
Some excellent work is being done on
Union street, and it ia an example that
should bo followed with regard to most
of the others. A little leveling now as
the ground is in condition to pack,
would leave the gtreots in good condition
all summer.
Last week George B. Henton came in
to Kllonsburg from the Swauk mines,
bringing with him the result of a week's
work in the Elliot claim, on Williams
creek, amounting to .$4G0. Ho had 25
ounces; the laigest nuggot weighed .$35,
while others weighed .$20, $15, $10, and
eo on down to a cap box full of fine gold.
'This has been another of those days
that make a newspaper reporter sorry
that he isn't the son of an Astor or
adopted by a rich widow or something
f that kind. A close canvass of the
town failed to reveal anything that
would make an item. There was neith
er irths,deaths,nor marriages, no runa
ways, no lectures, no bbows, no nothing.
The grand opening at Tease & MayB
laet night drew, as usual, a largo crowd,
fhe Dalles orchestra furnished the mu
sic, and there was a steady stream of ad
miring people passing throughthe many
departments until after 9 o'clock. The
wjiioniole roporter was thee of course,
but the giddy young wretoli came home
with a knowledge of whoas there, of
Pretty costumes, handsme faces and
uiytite forms, but he did not know any
thing about the store, he improvements
or the display. He as sent back this
coming and what )(a saw there will be
l0nd in another column.
Tho possibilities of mining in South
jrn Oregon is Illustrated by an incident
"iat occurred this week. Wean Rlgge, a
"reman on the Southern Pacific, aeoured
m ?ii ' yB' layoff and with Tom FlaK1,
we, the pocket-hunter, put in the time
Jam y DiKKiB8 Ulatrlct, hunting for
On the flrat day an $18 pocket
was found, and on the next day a second
1 oc,Jet with (30 woB discovered, Such
the change
in our
luck hati naturally stimulated others,
and it is said that at this writinp there
are at least 2o niun on the hill back of :
i the Corliss mine, searching for the prec
ions metal.
It Wan Loncled.
Down at tiie Umatilla House bar is a
patent machine for clipping the ends off
cigars. It winds up with a key, being
operated by a strong spring. You stick
the end of the cigar in a small hole, at
the bottom of which is a small disc.
Tho cigar touching this releaees the
spring and a short chisel-shaped blade
does the rest. Tom Kelly was expatiat
ing on the beauties of the machine this
morning, when a by-stander suggested
that it was dangerous, saying that if a
fellow put his finger in there it would
get snapped off. "But," said Tom,
"your finger won't go in, Bee?" and he
jabbed his little finger in the hole.
There was a click of the machine, an as
tonished look on Tom's face, and the tip
of his little finger was not where it be
longed. Tom is certain the hole must
have grown since the machine was
brought here, aB he has tried the same
experiment dozens of times before; but
in the language of the Orient, "he never
will again."
Hon. Thoraae N. Strong came up Irom
Portland today.
J. P. Mclnerny and J. 0. Mack re
turned from San Francisco last night.
Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw left yesterday to
visit relatives and friends in Lafayette.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hobart of the Cas
cade Locks came up on the boat last
Miss Daisy Beall came up from Port
land last night, and is the guest of Mrs.
H. W. French.
Mr. S. Ferrell came lip from Portland
today and went out to the cannery this
Frederick S. Gordon, postmaster at
. .1 . ,1 n
Victor, was in tne city louay anu wuuc
final proof on his homestead.
Mrs. H. W. French and Miss Beulah
t.., iurl lucf nitvlit frnm ft I
KtlLlcrBUIl 1UIUIIICU Jliaw fo"w
three weeka' visit in Portland.
u'niinr T?ni7iH loft, todnv for San Fran-
cisco where he will attend the school of
oratorv. Walter is a.remarkably origin
bov with a talent for elocution, and is 1
taking the right course in cultivating' It. I
Hon. Sol. Smith, ex-superior judge of
met, on the lower river. He passed
through town on his way home from
Goldeudalo last nigh't.
Schilling's Best are, on
the whole, the best
balcine powder
flavoring extract!
ami spices
there are. That is as near
as we can say. No your
money back if you don't
like them.
For sale by
W. E. Kahler
Subscribe for Tub Cjikoniclb.
reuse & lUayp Ite-Arrango nud Beautify
Their 111k Store llotiins.
Last winter Pease & Mays, feeling the
inadequateness of their store rooms to
accommodate their business, determined
to remedy defects in that line, and at
onceproceeded to put their plans in exe
cution. Their grocery department had
always been cramped for room, and the
back half of the store had been gloomy.
Both these drawbacks were to bo over
come, and how well it haa been done
one glance into the big building will tell.
They first leased the room adjoining
them, 25x120 f eet, and cut an immense
archway through the brick wall, con
necting it with the main store. Then
an immense skylight was put in at the
back end of the building, which gives
abundant light. The shelving was all
re-modeled, the counters and wood work
all gone over, and then when the car
penters got through, the big rooms were
turned over to that artistic decorator, D.
W. Vause, who certainly sustained his
reputation as an artist in the work.
The walls and ceilings were covered with
daintily-tinted paper, with harmonizing
trimmings, all light. The paneling and
counter work all being in white oak
graining, the combination of white oak
and white proving very harmonious.
The arrangement of the departments
is perfect. First comes the grocery de
partment, located on the west side of the
building, neatly shelved and countered,
with abundant room aud everything ar
ranged so systematically that any article
can be gotten instantly.
Adjoining the grocery department
comes the clothing and gents' furnishing
goods, running the full length ot the
building, the clotiiing being displayed
on large tables, and the hats occupying
the shelves. In connection with this is
a fine dressing room, with triple adjust
able mirrors that permit a fellow to see
himself as othors see him. The big sky
light opens into the back end of this de
partment, and over it a portion of the
second floor ia used for storing reserve
Next comes tho dress goods depart
ment, where one of the finest stocks kept
in any store this Bide of the Cascades
may be found. Here again are hand
some counters, triple mirrors, and
through the center of the aisle a row of
handsome low and narrow show cases
for the display of laces, ribbons and
trimmings. The ehelvlng ia relieved by
narrow mirrors, and the ends of the
same by double mirrors full length. Near
the front door Ib a handsome plate glass
show case, resting on the floor and con
taining a beautiful display of laces, etc.
The shoe department ia in the rear of
the dreaa goodi department, and it also
shows the good taate of the decorator
and the practiced eye of the buelneaa
man in its convenient arrangements.
Back of this yet are the warerooins,
fronting on the railroad, where goods'
are unloaded directly from the care,
The offices are located at the back of
the clothing and grocery department,
commanding a view of both, and belnj;
fishing Taekle,
Steel Hanges.
Also a Scow-load of
almost under the skylight, are well
lighted. They are beautifully finished
in white oak panels and pure white.
Speaking tubes connect the offices with
each of the departments and the ware
house, and in a few days n new cash reg
ister system will be in operation. The
great improvement that we note is the
light. Before, tho back end of tho store
waB dark, but the whole building is now
exceptionally light.
During tho summer a plant will bo
put in for heating the building by steam,
and this will be in operation by the time
it ib needed.
Pease & MayB are always energetic,
enlarging and changing their rooms and
stocks to keep pace with the times; but
this time they have not only met every
demand for their present needs, but
have apparently built to meet tho de
mands of the future for a long time, no
matter how pressing those demands
may be.
Who Known lliui?
The addresses of friends of F. E.
Hutchings, late of Vancouver, Washing
ton; Portland, Oregon; Bitter Root val
ley, Montana, and Boise City, Idaho,
are desired by his widow. He was In
government employ as wagon master,
teamster, etc., from 1854 for several
years, with dipt. Ingalls, Col. Hazen
and others. . Address Mrs. Mary C.
Hutchins, Cochecton, Sullivan county,
New York.
Suukey'n New Sacred Hong.
EvangeliBt Ira D. Sankey, tho singer
and composer, haH written a new sacred
song for the April Ladles' Home Journal.
He has given it tho title of "Tho Beauti
ful Hills," and considers it superior to
his famoua "Ninety and Nine." He
wrote it with tho especial new of its
appropriateness for outdoor choral sing
ing for camp-meetings and other re
ligious and semi-religiouB gatherings.
Buekleu'u Arlutu Halve.
'Die best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, aorea, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chllhlains,
corns, and all akin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect aatisfac
tion , or money refunded. Price 25 cente
per box. For sale ay Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
Cmli in V'our Check.
All county warrants registered prior
to Oct. 1st, 1802, will bo paid at my
office. Interest ceases after March fl,
1897. C. L. Pmu-ii's,
County Treasurer.
Tbla Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cent, cush" or stamps,
8 generous Bamplo will bo mailed of tho
most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Curo
(Ely's Cream Balm) uaffioient to demon,
trate the great merits of tho remedy.
66 Warren St., New York City.
Iter. JohnRoid, Jr., of Groat Falls, Mont.,
recommended Elv'u Cream Balm to me. I
can emphasize bis statement, "It is a poii
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor CentrulPrea,
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm ia tho acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
tcv ar.f iuj'in ;uc drug. Price, CO cents.
AVo have secured tho services of an experienced
bieyele repairer from San Francisco, and are hotter
prepared to do this class of work than we have evor
been before. Wo will guarantee all bicycle work
done by us to be first-class, and satisfactory to our
We have on hand about 25 wheels, 'OG patterns,
of different makes somo new and some second
hand. To close them out, to make room for '97
wheels, wo have decided to oflor thorn for salo at
very low prices, many of them away below cost.
This is your chance if you are not. particular as to
whether'you ride a '9(5 or '97 wheel. They are all
good wheels, and in good shape.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
Northern Grown Seeds.
Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk,
Seed Wheat, Seed Rye, Seed Oats.
Seed Barley, Seed Corn. Flax Seed.
Alfalfa Seed, Timotliv Seed.
Red Clover Seed, Millet Seed.
J. H. GROSS' Feed
Goods Sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash.
Store open from 7
ISueccwhor to (Jlirlhinim A Corson,
Again in husiness at tho old stand. I would he pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams it Co.,
Jefyool Bools, Stationery,
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
No. 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded ior Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
Crimson Clover Seed, Blue Grans Seed.
White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed.
Bee Supplies. Fertilize, Oil .Meal Cake.
Hay. (train, Feed and Groceries.
Early Roso Potatoes.
Poultry and Egs bought aud sold at
and Grocery Store.
a. in. to 0 p. in.
'iw ir -r a r r i:t rn
III U J1 IJI J llliJ, JX.,
The Dalles, Or.