The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 23, 1897, Image 1

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    i Cqnrotcie,
NO 01
This Opinion is Now Gener
ally Prevalent in Havana.
uniinlsli Iti'tlili'iits Freely Advocate
Selling Culm to the InsurcontH--Woylor's
FrultlnsR Policy
New Yok, March 22. A World die
patcli from Iluvium save :
Only n few of the more excitable Span
ish oflicers refuse to admit that Cuba is
lost to the crown. Resident Spaniards
confess thoy can see no other outcome.
In fact, evidences that Cuba may in the
end be freed by Spanish residents them
selves are many and strong. The calm
est minds predict the end of Spanish
rule within two years. Some say not
Eosoon; others say within a year.
The proposition of Cisneros and Go
mez, sent in writing to the New York
World, to buy the lBlnnd, is growing in
popularity here, its warmest advocates
are Spanish and residents here, loyal to
the crcwn. They are the active finan
cial and business men of the island, the
owners of eight-tenths of its wealth and
its sources of wealth.
The Spanish element is condemning
with more nnd more emphasis the fruit
less, exhausting policy of General Woy
ler. They see his idea of pacification is
depopulation ; Lis plan for peace devas
tation. Fanners, laborers and all wealth
producing classes in the country are
driven to their graves or to the rebel
ranks to destroy what remains. Wealth
already produced is given to flames.
They see that Captain-General Weyler
is makiug no military progress. The
Cubans are being left more and more in
possession of the country. They fre
quently sack small towns close to Hava
na, They are in force in cities of the
fourth and third class once or twice a
month. Such things grow more com
mon. fjiur iu woHiruoiioiiiHi.;
Cntc.uio, March 22. A special to the
Times-Herald from Washington says :
The Madrid government nnd Minister
de Lome are meeting the stato depart
ment half way in the liberation of Amer
icans under arrest in Cuba. General
Weyler, however, is acting the part of
an obstructionist, and this may cause
liia transfer to the Phillippine islands.
This statement is made by an official
who is thoroughly familiar with the
negotiations with regard to the Ameri
cans in confinement. Only eight Ameri
cans are now within the walls of Spanish
jails in Cuba.
( "These eight men," ho continued,
"will be freed within a short time. You
will hear of the liberation of two and
perhaps three during the present week."
"Were it not for General Weyler,
there would be little doubt that we
would be able to secure a much more
rapid disposition of the cases. There is
wme friction between the Madrid au
thorities and General Weyler in regard
to the matter, and it would not be sur
Prteing to see him transferred to the
phil!ippino islands.
"Keports which have reached the state
department bear out the dispatches of
the last few days, showing the weakness
of the rebel forces in Cuba. Instead of
having two armies, such as Maceo and
wmez commanded a year ago," contin
ued official, "the rebels are now
laming about Cuba conducting a guo-
warfare. There is no banded re
"ietancG against the nrmy of Spain,
general Weyler has demonstrated that
can march unmolested through tho
Provinces of Matanzas, Havana, Pinar
el Rio and others."
Bl NulcWnJ Attempt at Meridan. Tex.,
Wm a Failure.
San Francisco, March 22. Joseph E.
"'anther, the murderer of Mrs. Phlliplna
hi?8? tf 008 bee resuscitated from
tl! !!"pt nt 8ulctde Sturdav night in
Jill at Meridan, Tex. He will be
'ought taek to California to be tried
,0r his crime.
Jf! llmd concJ'ed morphine in the
Z Ud of ,,u trousers, and had
""Wowed a fatal dose, but after thirty-
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its great lravening htreiiRth nud
liealthfulness. Assures thu food pninst nlum
nnd nil forms of ndultsrmton common to the
cheap brands.
ItoYAL Baking Powder Co., New York.
six hours' work, phisicians announced
he is now out of danger. Word to this
effect was received today by telegraph
from the sheriff nt Meridan by the local
police. The latter are now convinced
the prisoner is Bianther, whose weak
ness for women led 'to his capture. He
was traced through a woman to whom
he had been married some years ago,
and who has been living in Texas.
Greek Army of Occupation Cannot lie
Starved Out.
Constantinople, March 22. The
opinion prevails here that the blockade
of Crete by the fleets of the foreign pow
ers, which commenced yesterday, will
be useless, as Colonel Vassos, command
er of the Greek army of occupation, is
well supplied with provisions. It is
thought the best means to accomplish
the withdrawal of the Greek trdops from
Crete would be to withdraw the Turk
ish troops.
Edhem Pasba, Turkish commander in
Macedonia, has telegraphed the minister
of war not to send any further reinforce
ments on account of the scarcity of pro
visions. The commander of the Turkish
squadron, which just made ready for
sea, received sealed orders, but it is not
believed tho warships will leave Galli
poli. The Turks at Tokat yesterday attack
ed the Armenians in a church. Fifteen
were killed. It is feared this outbreak
marks a renewal of the massacres.
Ue Is Named Commissioner ot the Geu-
erul Land OlHce.
Washington, March 22. The presi
dent today sent the following nomina
tions to the senate:
State Joseph L. Bristow, of Kansas,
fourth assistant postmaster-general.
Interior Bingor Hermann, of Oregon,
commissioner of the general land office.
Justice J. D. Elliott, attorney for the
district of South Dakota.
Treasury Ernest G. Timme, of Wis
consin, auditor for the state and other
departments .'fifth auditor.
Waters uro Receding.
Memphis, Tenn., March 22. Today
the flood situation may be compared to
the "calm before a storm," because the
Mississippi registered a fall of 0.1 in 24
hours, which is taken to mean heavy
breaks in levees above, foretelling aw
ful calamity to the country south of
here. The government gauge at 10
o'clock shows a depth of S7 feet.
Relief boats continued to ply between
this point and immediate overflowed dis
tricts, landing at each trip several hun
dred homeless people.
Mexicuu Filibuster.
VASiiiNGTON,'March 22. The secre
tary of state has granted the request of
the Mexican government for the extra-
Tea gets stale when kept
long after firing same as
Schilling's Best is fired in
San Francisco just before it
is sold to grocers.
If you don't like it, your
grocer returns your money
in full.
A Schilling & Company
San Fraucfeco
dition of Pablo Gomez, and the warrants
have been issued. This is one of the old
Benavides cases, dating back about four
years, when the filibusters under Leader
Benavides were chased across the bound
ary inta Texas, and arrested by the
United States authorities on various
charges, such as murder, arson and rob
bery, committed in Mexico. Several of
the prisoners were extradited to Mexico,
when Judge Maxey stopped further pro
ceedings of that nature, on the ground
that the prosecution was political. The
supreme court of Texas has since re
versed Judge Maxey's opinion, and the
department of state is granting the re
quests of the Mexican government for the
extradition of the men, most of whom
have been in Texas jails for violation of
the neutrality act, growing out of the
same expedition.
A Spirited Attack on tlie Turkish
Canea, March 22. The insurgents de
scended yesterday evening close to the
blockhouse at Malaxa, and fired on Su
da. A Turkish cruiser replied with sev
eral shells. No one was killed or
The situation at Malaxa has become
critical today. The garrison has pio
visions for two days only, and if the in
surgents capture the forts, Malaxa, Kori
tidi and Canea will be virtually block
aded from the land side.
Fighting at Malaxa ceased at 5 o'clock
this evening. The Turks failed to re
victual the fort. They had many
wounded and 10 killed.
Turkish Admiral Culled to Account.
London, March 22. The Atheus cor
respondent of the Chronicle telegraphs
as follows :
The Italian government has instructed
Admiral Canevaro to institute an in
quiry as to the exact circumstances un
der which a Turkish warship at Suda
bay bombarded the insurgents, and has
empowered him to force the Turkish
ships to retire, if he deems it necessary.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind.,
"Sun," writes: "You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bitters, and I
can cheerfully recommend it for Consti
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen
eral system tonic it has no equal." Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave.,
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
but six bottles of Electric Bitters re
stored her health and reneweu strength.
Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get a Bottle
at Blakeley and Houghton's Drug Store.
A 1st. NHzaire Boat i'leked Up.
New York, March 22. A boat of the
St. Nazaire was picked up by the
steamer Creole, which arrived this morn
ing from New Orleans. Six dead bodies
were in the boat and no one was alive.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country tiian all othe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proyen catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally iu doses from ten
drops to a teaspconful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testmonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7
Photos. 50c, 75c and $1 per dozen, for
a short time at the only first-class studio
in The Dalles. Everything first-class
lessons in retouching by the artist.
H. E. Hammond,
ml5-tf Manager Herrln's Gallery.
Early Rose seed potatoes at The Dalles
Commission Co. mcbl5-lw
Taught by Hall by
Expert Accountant
il: exactly as found lu
business. My course of instructions tuor
miKhlv fluidity you to talco charge of and
keep a sot of books. Tho highest reference
furnished. For torms and full Information
address L. D. HUNTER, A. O. U. W.
Temple, Portland, Oregon.
Just added another lot
No. 2010 Ladles' Jacket, in either
Navy or Prussian lllue Ilrond
cloths; Satin lined; lly front;
strapped seams, same as cut,
Ihis garment niubt be seen to be
Price, $9.75.
No. 3050 Black Covert Cloth
Jacket; style similar to cut; un
lined; finished scums.
Price, $6.00.
"When mvlittlo girl was one mouth old.sho
had a scab' form on her lace. It kept m tread
ing until she was completely covered from
head to foot. Then sho had bolls. Sho had
forty on her tend nt one tlmrfluul lnoro on her
body. When six months old shmlld not welgli
seven pounds, n pound and a half less than at
birth. Then her skin started to dry up and
got sohadshucoiild not shut hereycstosleon,
but lav wlch them half open. About thH
time, t started using CinTit. ItnsiKDJr.s,
and in one month the mh lompUUly cured.
The doctor and drug bills wero over oc ;
deed dollar, the CrTliTltA bill was l.ot lnoro
than flee dollar. My ch.ld is now stiong,
healthy, nnd largo as any child of her ago v.o
photo.), and it is all owing to CimcuitA.
Yours with a Mother's Blessing,
Jilts. ;EO. JI.Tl'CKKIt..Ut.,
C32 Walker .St., ; Milwaukee, Wis.
Speedy Ct'nr. Tr.rAT.'iENT 'VA'nrm bolia
with CuucuiiA riOAl', gemlu application of Cu
TicunA (ointment), uml mild oi C'l'ticuiu
Resolvent (biooJ. mirlllur),
tO,-' How to Cure Kvery fckla Dirento," freo
Bold throughout tho wot Id. Vm-Kii Dnuo Si
Cucji. C'oitr.,riolo l'rojm . lio.'on. V- H. A.
in :i slnKlo
C;ticDta un Piaster
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
' Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Practices In tho State nnd Federal Courts of
Oregon and Washington. jan23-3wo
I, -yf i wmll
Dnhlnnlin .
of this season's neatest,
Some of tho numbers you should not fall to toe lu
our Spring Capo.
No. 371fi lllftek Diagonal Worsted Capo: scallop-
ped collar; trimmed In Soutache llrahi. S4.75
No. S7H3A Hue Prussian Dluo Covert Cloth Capo;
.notch collar and reveias; trimmed lu lllnck and
Hold Soutache Ilrald Only S.1.00
No. 30(1 Avery rhlc Tan Covert Capo; scallop-
ped and braided collar; a tpeelalty at ... S5.00
No. 27011 lllnck Coating Serge Cape, with fancy
notched eollai ; collar anil cape trimmed In fou
tnchoaud Hercules Hrnlds . . 85. no
No. S78!i A plain Capo; no trimming; notched
collar In Prussian lllue nnd Dove llroadcloth;
front faced with silk of contrasting color. This
No. 3780-OUU HKAl'TY New shades of 0 rcon
Covett; notch collars; full sweep 7.oo
New York Weekly Tribune
With the cIosh of tho Presidential Campaign TWO TRIBUNE recognizee tha
fact thai tho American people uro now uuxioua to (rive their attention to home and
bueinegs intercHtfl. To meet this condition, politics will liuvu far letja epace and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demando a renewal of the
fight for the principle" for which THE Till BUNK hus luhored from Its inception
to the present duv. and won its greatest victories.
Everv poaflihle effort will he put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TKIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, Interesting,
instructive, entertaining uml indispensable to each member of tho family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name nnd address
Tribune Oflice, New York City, anl a sample copy of The New York Weekly Trib
une will he mulled to you.
Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au
thor forming the design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pre
sentation plate in silver, gold and blue; containing 600 pages and 82
full-page illustrations , $1 75
In half-Morocco, marble edge 2 25
In full-Morocco, gilt edge , , , 2 75
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlc, Or.
nobbiest and most stylish
Space will not permit us to dwell on
the description of more than n few of
our IjkIIcn' Iteiidy-mado Skirts.
We show an extensive lino ot lllnck
Skirts In Fancy Mohalrh at
$1.45, $2.40,
$2.90, $3.75,
and $4.50 each.
SKItr.K SKIICTN In Navy and Black
at TO, ll:i.75 and MA.00 each.
Si-clHl Nnvy Cheviot Hklrt, per
fect llttlug and made In thu best manner,
only W5.0U.
Finn HrocHiin lllnck Kntln Nklrt.
newest designs; sttlutly tailor-made, at
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best,
TlIK FIltBT HATTI.K U an lntcrinthKtory
of thu great political ktuiKKlu of 1 it mot
Important cvcntH imil thu many Uaucb Involvixl:
a loclcal ireatUo on llPmetiilllm a uttered by
' eminent exiioiientM, Including thu part taken by
1 Hon. W, J. Ilryan in thu ullver filiation prior to
thu Deiiiocratlu National Convention, anil ilur
' Ing thu campaign; thu bent e.xumpltH ot his won
. (Isrful oratory, thu most noteworthy Incidents ot
his fumoiu lour, a careful ruvtuw ot thu political
1 tltuatlon, u ilUuUkulon of thu election returns
I ami thu Ixulllcanto thereof, and thu future,
i pobblbllUics of W-metaUUm a a polltloil Issue.