The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 20, 1897, Image 4

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The Mies Daily Chronicle.
TilK 11A1.I.KS,
Helow is published n correct time card
ot trains and bouts which leave and nr
rivo ut The Dulles. Travelers may tins
it, as Tun Ciinosici.u is kept full v in
formed of revisions :
D. l A A. N. O. STEAM KKS.
Steamer Krgulntor leu vim every Mond.iy, Weil
iieKduy nnd Friday tit 7::.0 n. m.
Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday nnd Satur
day at o:oU p. in.
fast mail. Arrive. Leave.
Ko.l WW-b.-mnd t:l" l:CO n.m
Ko.2 East-bound 10:15 p.m. loi'-MJ i.m
No. 7 West-bound, leaves l:00i.m
No. S liast-bomul, an Ives It :M a. in
All passenger trnlcs Hop at Union Street, as
wellns the depot.
Advertising lt:tti's.
Per inch
One li.cli or less In Dally
Over two Inches and under four Inches. . . .
Over four inches and under twelve Inches.
Over twelve inches
...41 ISO
1 00
One inch or less, per Inch i
Over one int-h and under 'our Indies
Over four Inches and under twelve inches.
Over twelve Inches
,?2 50
'J 00
1 M
1 00
"Mr. Totter, of Tox.-is," Kxcullpnty
Kenteil by tlm ltiicoti Company.
I' re
".Mr. 1'otter, of Texas," was presented
by this Bacon-Stoekwell company in the
Frazer opera house last nicht in the
Byrne excellent manner which charac
tenzed the production of "lionieo and
Juliet" the evening before. The plot is
a fascinating one and Author A. C
Guuter's characters lost none of their in
terest in the hands of the clever com
)auy. Mr. Lonersan's interpretation of
lion, sampson rotter was equal to all
expectations and M isa Dalinsli as Ladv
Sarah Annerly was the haughty, jealous
treacherous creature that the author
depicts her. Mr. Dacon, as the Scot
land Yard detective, though he had but
tittle to do, mil that well. K. J
Blunkall filled the rolo of Baron Lincoln
tne retired cniei justice, in a manner
that did him great credit. George Ful
lerton made an excellent Charlie Errol
and Miss Wiedtnan tin ideal Ida Potter.
The performanco was enjoyed by
very gooii-sizeu audience wiucn many
times during the evening showed its ap
preciation in a verv demonstrative wav
The Bacon-Stockwell conipanv has
proven to the people of Pendleton that
it can entertain, and should it return to
this city at any future time it may be
said with safety that it would be given a
very nattering reception. Pendleton
This excellent conipanv shows at the
Vogt tonight, and the bos sheet shows
that our people are willing and anxious
to patronize a good show. "Mr. Potter,
..of Texas" is the bill for tonight.
Xutheran services will bo held at the
'courthouse tomorrow as follows: Morn
ing service at 11 ; Sunday school at 12:05;
evening service at 7 :S0.
At the Methodist church tomorrow
the regular quarterly meeting services
will be held at 10 o'clock. Usual
services at 11 o'clock, Rev. Uobert
Warner, presiding elder, preaching the
eermon, which will be followed by the
sacrament of the Lord's supper. Usual
services in the evening, conducted by
Jlev. Warner.
At the Congregational church, corner
of Court nnd Filth streets, Sunday
services as usual : At 11 a. m. and 7 :30
p. m. worship, and a sermon by the
pastor, W. C. Curtis. Sunday school
immediately after the morning service.
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor at (5:30 p. m. Topic, How our
bodies influence our souls; Daniel i:S-
21. All persons not worshipping else
where are cordially
with us.
invited to worship
Something to Depend On.
Mr, James Jones, of the drug firm
Jones & Son, Cowden, III,, in speaking
of Dr. King!s New Discovery, savs that
last winter his wife was attacked with
LaGrippe, and her case grew so serious
that physicians at Cowden and Pana
could do nothing for her. it seemed to
develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav
ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store,
and selling lots of it, ho took a bottle
home, and to the surprise of all she be
gan to get better from tho first dose, and '
half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound
and well. Dr. King's Now Discovery
for Consumpiion, Coughs and Colds is
guaranteed to do this good work. Trv
l'reo tiial bottles at Blakelev it
Houghton's Drug Store,
Hot Clam broth every day
n. m. to 12:30 p. in. and 4 to (i
from 10
p. in. at
Nebraska corn for sale at tho Wasco !
warehouse. Best feed on earth. mO-t
Early Kofo seed potatoes at Tho Dalles
Commission Co. mchlo-lw
Itcliln; ub.l HIiuJ, liliuJIujt rr rnHiuiiiiu I'iUoitUut i.n,v ;i
Dll. tJO-Sn.M-KO'S PILE rSKMKDY. f.u... u.u-
;ui, uii.uio. tu'.itr.. ,, ('O-itini i'iiv i r.'u 'nr. Ir.v I'.ljj
mliua:uv,vuu..i:. I
Volunteer Stoamships Built by Pri
vate Subscription.
Kngagod In Commercial Pursuit Hat
Intended for War Purposi-n In the
JCvent of International Dis
turbances. The origin of this peculiar organiza
tion is interesting. In the last war be
tween Kussia and Turkey the former's
navy was recognized to be weak, and
.some patriotic subjects of the czar re
solved to create by private effort a
force of auxiliary cruisers that might
be useful in case a naval power should
intervene, on the side of Turkey. Sub
scriptions were started in the chief
towns, and in a few months about
2,000,000 roubles were collected. With
these tihe Alsatian the Lotharingia, and
(wo other steamers belonging to the
North Herman Lloyds were purchased.
Not very long afterward peace was
concluded, so that, the work of the. four
vessels proved to have consisted chief
ly of convoying the sick and the wound
ed and transporting troops from San
Ste.fano to the Black sea ports.
In casting about for a new. sphere of
duty for the volunteer fleet, it was de
cided to have tiliom ply between Uus
sia's European ports and Vladivostoel
But the first operations of tJiu licet
as a commercial venture were, not
cnemirngring. There were no prof
its. and there wis talk of turning them
over to the Black sea trade. However
the direction of them was transferred
to the minister of 'marine, and present
lv an era of prosperity for the fleet
beuan. The numbers increased, and
iio"v the fleet is managed by a commit
toe renresentiucr the treasury, war
navy and audit olliccs, the president
who i.s generally an admiral, being se
lected bv the minister of marine. The
nhicC executive oilicer is known as the
inspector, and the present incumbent
of the olliee is Col. Linden, who for
Inn::' time had lx:en oi naval attache in
Hugland, representing the Bussian gov
At present the volunteer licet, pos
scsses in large steamers, each capable
of carrying from 3,000 to 5,000 tons of
carcro, exclusive of hunker coal. Tlrev
are the Kherson, Petersburg. Para toff.
Orel, Vladimir, Voroisej, Kiav, Kknter
inoslav, Tambov, Yaroslaval, Kostroma
Ni ini-Novorod and Khabarovsk. The
ill st four can make 19 knots and the
others Hi knots. All of them have been
built, in England, where-also two other
vessels are to be constructed. The orig
nial, acquired in Germany, have been
fiven up and turned over to the admir
alty as training ships.
Odessa i.s tne principal jort from
which the steamers of the fleet start.
They pass through the Suez canal, and
reach Vladivostcck m about 40 days
On the way they call at Port Said,
Perim, or Aden, Colombo, Singapore
mil Nagasaki as the principal ports,
Only two or three years ago no more
than seven or eight oyag.- were made
each year, but, under the present man
agement, no fewer tiian voyage
ire. carried out within the year. Thu.-
Vhidivostoek has inerened in impor
tanee, and the volunteer licet has ren
dered a great service in building up
the Asiatic shores of I'ussia. The fleet
is also used in transporting materials
for the Siberian railway, and so adds
irgely to its earnings, while being of
public service, in thai. way. It also car
ries out immi,granis and convicts, the
latter being sent out to tilic island of
Saghnlkn, not far from Vladivostosk.
It takes back to Odessa soldiers whose
terms have expired; tens from Hankow,
the tea trade beingent irely in its liands,
mil no less than 35,0(;0 tons being car-
led last, year: copra, castor seeds and
other produce.
ft is also worthy of note that "the
freezing of Vkudivostock harbor is not
now an insuperable obstacle in the pass -
of ships. Last winter vessels en-
tcrcil the port even when the frozen
surface had reached a- tiWckness of 1:2
inches. A canal through the ic four
miles long was cut. out by sawing, the
huge frozen masses being cru.-licd or
towed away by the government vessel
Siloch. The operations were success
ful, but in order to do tJie work still
more eilieiently in future, an ice break
er is beingconstrueled at Copenhagen."
Altogether, Engineering concludes
that, although tju yoluntccr fleet still
has at Odessa guns leady lobe mount
ed for war purposes, ye! its chief func
tions are commercial, and that the
biiildin.g up of Asi itie Hussia may help
British manufacturers. In any event,
so longMsall the ships-of the. licet come
from English yards, the latter cannot
complain. Loudon Engineering.
This Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps,
a generous sample will bo mailed of tho
most popular Oat rrh nnd Hay Fever Curo
(Ely's Cream Balm) ouflicient lo demon
Btrato tho grcit merits of tho remedy.
150 Warren St., New York City.
Jlov. John licid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mout.,
reconuneuded Ely's Cream Bairn to mo. I
can emplmsizo his statement, "It is a posi
tive euro fov catarrh if used as directed."
llov. Francis W. Poolo, Pastor Central Preo.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged
euro for catarrh and contains no mercury
iior any injurious lrurj. Price, CO cents.
Advertift-uiTm: Ciuio.MCLL-.
flow fihout Your
Wo have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. We not 011I3' desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to bo rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
From every part of the
Resources, Products, Prices. Etc.
All persons desiring to sell or rent
their advantage to call on or write at
01 tne rxenange, giving tun particulars,
J. M,
Hints of Valuo
to tno look unu iioase-
;i:ul Iloase-
,, , " V ' , , ,.
""c" '""' 'Jiuiiu in e uuiicii 111
too hot an oven and the outside crust
gets too brown do not attempt to cut
it oil", but an soon as the bread is cold
rub it over with a coarse tin grater and
remove all the dark brown crust.
Mways remember that on,' of the best
appetizers is pleasant conversation.
It is said that if each of the large pep
pers i.s rolled in paper n ml put in u dark.
old place it will keep green and may
be used for a vegetable until midwinter.
When baking a custard pudding or
pie, us soon us the custard hecomes
solid remove the dish from the oven, for
too long cooking will make a custard
delicious sauce is made from grated
horseradish root mixed with lemon
nice, a little salt, and a suspicion of
white sugar. Served with cold meats, it
makes them much more inviting and
palatable. This sauce will retain its j
llavor for some time if kept well cov-1
red when not being used. Made with
the juice of a lemon, the root docs not
discolor so (uicklv as when made in the
out way witn vinegar.
One of the best and quickest ways of
cleaning the isinglas windows in a stove
i.s with vinegar and water. Dip a soft
elotli in the vinegar and water, and
illicitly rub the windows over, going
well into the corners. The windows will
remain clean fora.longtime. N. Y. Sun.
Wliero M 11 Ic Is .Scarce.
Fresh milk is an almost unknown
luxury in South African towns, and for
large part of the year in the country
also. "Condensed cow" is the form in
which milk is procurable at hotels and
u private houses. Chicago Tribune.
Selfctlnt.- ii ilury.
This is from n farcial interlude in one
f-cene now running continuously in New
York city:
Counsel for Defense Now, sir, if you
wero tiiKcn upon tins jury without
further assumption of your general dis-
lbllily to servo in an unbiased manner
and without due regard to the requis
ites necessary to enable you todiserimi
j mite between a presumption of the guilt
of the accused or otherwise despite the
I charge of the court and the complicity
of the police if proved according to the
I precedents established in all such eases
j herein before recorded and supposing
I that the circumstantial proof was
I clearly stronger than the unwritten
! facts would unsupported give credence
j to if summarily applied in nccordntice
' with established legal formula what
would you do?
Candidate for Jury (visibly affected)
I don't know, sir.
"Excused." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
a! Estate Exchange
s Immigrants
United States concerning the
farms or citv nronertv will find it srreatlv to
once to auv one ot the undersigned members
terms, etc.
Muutlti;; of Stockholders L. I'. & A. X. Co
' vio ia i,.,.h ti,f ,:n
1 on a stockiioliiers nieetingof The Dalles
I'orthini tt Astor a Nivwal nn Co.. :
; their otiice Saturday, April .1, 1897, at
p. m., for tho purpose of electing seven
directors and transacting such other
husineso as mav properly come before
"aid meeting. By ordev of the presi
The Dalles, Or., March 1, 18!)7.
OlitOX KlNIiliHIiY,
mS-til Secretary.
I'Nir huln or 'J'rado.
A desirable ranch of 100 acres, within
lour miles of Dalles City, with one span
mare.-, harness, svagons, plows and other
property. Line fruit land and ahun
dnticH of water. Will trade for Dalles
City property. Inquire of
A. S. .Mac Ai,i,isti;h,
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
CnuoNici.n olliee, The Dalles, Or.
Photos. 50e, 7oe and $1 per dozen, for
a ehort tune at the only hrst-class studio
! in Tho Dalles. Everything first-class
lessons in retouching by the artist.
H. E. Hammond,
tnlo-tf Manager Herrin's Gallery.
Caxh In Your Chocks.
All county warrants registered prior
to Oct. 1st, 1S92, will bo paid at my
office. Interest ceases after March 0,
1807. 0. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
Htemiiur lor Sale.
Wo will sell tho steamer "Wanna,"
thirty-five feet long, eight foot beam,
built in 1893. All in good order. For
full particulars apply to
Oituiio.v LuMiimt Co.,
mch2-lmd Viento, Or.
Unllex-Aloro htutro
Leaves tho Umatilla house 8 a. m.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Douolas A;.li:.v, Prop.
Old People.
Old people who require inedicino to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find tho true remedy in Electric Bitters.
l his medicine iloes not stimulate and
contnhiH no whisky nor other intoxicant,
but acts as a tonic and alternative. It
acta mildly on thn stomach and oowels,
adding Btrensth and giving tone to the
organs, thereby aiding Nuturo in the
performance of tho functions, Electric
Bittera is an excellent appetizer nnd aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what tlioy need. Price 50 cents and
$1 00 per bottle ut Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store. 5
Subscribe for The CintoxicLL'.
Molmmmclan Arc'lHvl.ic.l Aoconl.nit to
Their Crrcdul I'ornn.
lolunniu. dans divide ll..Mnselv .u n
tho Persians representing the b Ik
tr 11,c ,Ju5'Kr.,'i";. iS"
...a..! .,11 which tlicv time.
IIIC cnici pi'iiii"
arc the condition oi uic
,i,.nth and the succession
soul after
of caliphs
T.lie believe that here ,s o k i. -,ll0rtl
Hod. whose works are v. tho
beginning or oml' ''iml lhnt .
l'e isible to the souls of the hi
while the Shinhs deny the uninorlnli(
f the soul and iraiiitain that the co
existent principles of Zoroaster will
forever contend for the mastery. N ith
rerard lo the prophi't's successors, the
Sunnir, claim that the lawful successor
of .Mohammed was Abu liekr and after
him Omar Osinan and Alt (nephew hihI
son-in-liUv of .Mohammed) ; the Shiahs.
howmev, 1 elect the first three and hold
that Ali was the only legitimate suc
cessor. .
Sliia.h-H jiray but three limes n day.
and enjoin pilgrimages to Ne.jef. Ker
bela, Kazimain, .Meshed (Persia). Sa
mara and ICtini, as well as to -Mecca
anil .Medina, Simiiis make pilgrimages
onlv to the two latter cities and pr;n
live timer, a day. Prom this if can lve
readily uuderMood that Hie circum
stance of the Turks being in possession
of the shrines of Nejcf (Meshed Ah).
Kazimain and Kcrbela is most displeas
ing to devout ShiaJis. Blackwood's
Oxygon In Surgery
Bemarkable results are leportcd to
have been obtained in England by treat
ing wounds with oxygen gas. Two
k-milK nf micro-organisms are found in
wounds, one kind being beneficent am
the other injurious in its effects. Ox
viien causes an increase of the former
nnd 11 decrease of the latter, so that
wounds treated with oxygen heal more
rapidly and with less pain than by any
other form of treatment. British Med
ical Journal
ia Packi
Pork afid Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curersof BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Dalles City and Moro Slap Line
T . ltf.,1: It 1 1 -mm
ixnwa v. iiiiann note . ii mn. mi
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays a
S a. m. prompt.
Leaves Uniati a House. The D.ilh.q.
Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and .Saturdays at
a. 111. prompt.
rreigiu raiestiio .unites to Moro, 0c
inn 11 ii 1 . 7
per iuu ids; small pacnages, lo and L'oc.
Passenger rales Tho Dalles in Mum.
J'l rA. - 1 .... xn -rt 1
i.uuj roiiim trip, .f.OO.
Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalles,
n...l ... TT 1 I r '
.urn .11, milium notei Aioro.
Bab Oven and Mitchell
THOMAS HAKPEK, - - Pronriotor
.Stages leavo Bake Oven for Antelope
erv day. and from Antninrv to
choll three times a week.
The Glades Ranch,
fnre Brefl -Sr., jerseys
Of tho St .1.11111 bort, Cominiisslo mid TnriiKMitnr
1. lne. Three Cholco Hulls for La 0 or rent
"Illto Plymouth lloiik Chlrknnu
AuuruuM illis. A. it. nvi!ivi.-i"n 1
... - - .... v. .iiuaL'iin.
WliltoSaliiioa. Wush.
A SPECIALTY l'r'iuara.
casoweciuiiujtciirV, nSfAV0 wu.rll fur
ciiiiu. canitni hnMn,i,lu,,Ht Piyai
tlooalguaranly AMXtiiim Jii2.0,,r uo'vU.
WPllcaHon. XddrSsa ? OOr"if?MFKB&al2n
m Genii
msi a
p pacificryT
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
hT. L'AUl. "
OltAMI roiiKs
Thfough Tiekcts
yi'AV l'OKK
Kor Iiiforninttoa, time cards, inapt nnd ticket,
cut oil or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon
A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.,
iVi, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Traiiib leave anil nre duo to nrrivo at Portland.
FiioM n:n. 10, 1S97.
press, Bulom, Kose- 1
hurt;, Ashland, Bac-1
rnmento, Ogiteii.aan I
S:) P. M
1 rraiiciseo, Jiotuve, (
I.os Angeles, Kl Paso.
I New Orleans unu I
lKat J
Koseburg and way sta-
fVin Woodburn fori
I Mt.AiiRol, Bllvurtou,
i West Hclo, Drowns-
vUlcSpringlleld and
I Natron J
3:10 A. M.
8:S0 A. M,
'1:40 P.M
1:00 P.M.
7:0 A. it
tl:15 P.M.
Snlcm and way stations
M.nrvaiiis aim 'way;
(stations j
(McMiimvlllc and
) way stations j
t 6:20 P.M.
t 8:25P.M
Dally. t Daily, except Sunday.
Attached to all Through Trains.
ThtniiKh Ticket Ofllce, ll Third street, whew
tliroiiqli tickets to nil jioints in the Hastem
Stut'.'s, (y'anaihi and Europe can be obtained tt
lowest rates from
J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent.
All iibovo trains arrive at anil depart Iron1
Urand (Jentrnl Station, Fifth nnd Irving streets.
Vamuii.d DIVISION.
Patsenger Depot, loot of Jeticrsoii street.
Leave for OSWKHO, dnilv, except Sunday, it
7" .. ... . 1.1. t.-. 1.,-. r.. ....I'. U'll". n. m..
I lit Jilt, l.JIJ, X.l'J, U.f"
(and U:::o i. 111. on Saturday only). Ariive at
Portland at 7:10 unit ajSO n.m.j and 1:00, 4:15,
i:X) and 7:f5 . m.
Leave for Sheridan, week days, it 1:30 p. ni.
Atiive at Portland, U::50 11. 111.
U-ave for AIItLIE 011 Monday, Wednekdayanl
Hi 1'la v at 0:10 a. 111. Arrive at Portland, Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 p. m.
SmillillMrnlllv. inr nSlU'l-'fifl Ipnvn lit 8:10 a. B.
and I2!if, 1:13, :i::x), fts'jo (liijiuuts ftip.m. Ar
rive at Portland nti S:::o. 10:00 a. m.: 1:80,4:1)
0:10,0:1-1, 7 iw. p. m.
Manuger. Asst. O. V. k Puss. Ait
18 VuitOH ii Week. 150 mpem a Vr
Tf sinn.ii, i i i....,i.i.i" n.inera
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the lo
price o a weekly; and its vast lto
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It. In unlonrll.ll,. tllnoti-nf nil (liul UIllODg
- wiWMMIUI IllliklVI H-..
its special features are a fiuo hunor
page, exhaustive market reports, an v
lulait f.. !.! nml a lflDZ luaiuuiia iui wunimi
series of stories by the greatest living
American ami English authors,
Ooiinn Doyle, .Ihioiuu K Jeroi
Htiinl.iy Weyiiimi, MHry K. WIIK'n
Aiitlnmy Hone, Jlrot ilarte,
Hriiiiiltir AIiilt1iew iStc. .
i',. nc.... .i.i 1...1 nn,,.ai,nersnd
Tho Dalles Twice-a- Weok Chronicle to-
gethor one year for !(L'.00. The regtiUK
prico of the two papers is $3.00.
Have Vour Oruln.
.. .. . I. ..trrfll lie-
ruw realize uiai eauu bi ..
J.i r.n ii. f ....mi Atinllnlll'
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterw
inator is the most effective and etJf"Xso
ical poison known. Trice reduced to
cents. For sale by M. Z. M"'
AKeiit. Ii'M,3m