The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 17, 1897, Image 1

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    k Dalles
itJp Cljroniclc.
. . i 1
NO 5(i
Russia Said to Be Secretly
Supporting Greece.
(lomez Is Repotted Wounded, and
tho lii.iurcents t',B I'hlllpplnes
ix u Victory.
London-, March 16. The Chronicle
says the ultimatum to precede the block
ade will take tlie form of a peremptory
Bumtuona from the admirals to the
Greek authorities.
The Chronicle holieves that although
owing to pressure brought to bear by
the powers, Bulgaria and Servia will
remain neutral, yot, in the event of war,
Servia will send troops into old Servia
to establish her claims there.
The Times correspondent is informed
that tho advance of Turkish troops
across the frontier is now confidently
expected. Fifiteen thousand Greek
will embark tonight and tomorrow for
Volo. The government is reserving
16,000 in specie for the payment of the
July coupons.
M. Averaofl, tho wealthy Greek of
Alexandria, who contributed a million
drachmas toward to expense of the res
toration of the Stadion, has offered to
provide the government with 40,01)0
uniforms. Greeks of Marseilles have
cent 1000 as a contribution to the
emergency war fund.
The Times correspondent at Canea
save that autonomy is not in the leunt
degree understood by the 'Mussulmans
there, and it is not impossible that there
will be trouble when they learn that it
means the departure of the garrison and
officials. A 3trong force ought to be
present when the official proclamation
is formally made.
Itiissiu is Sulil to be Secretly Support
ing Greece.
Nnw Yowc, March 10. A cable dis
patch from the Presa correspondent at
Athens s.iys :
"I learn that secret negotiations are
proceeding between King George and the
Russian government. This information
conies from au absolutely trustworthy
authority. Kussia is undoubtedly play
ing a two-faced game with Turkey and
with the powers. There is an' under
standing that when the Greek army
crosses the frontier Russia Bhall find a
pretext to seize Constantinople.
"The understanding, so far as King
George is concerned, is that in the gen
eral conflict in the Balkans, which is
eure to bo followed by fighting on the
frontier and tho dissolution of the Turk
ish empire, which would follow a seize
of Constantinople by the Russians,
Greece is to be encouraged to seize
Macedonia, with the czar's promise in
advance that she shall bo permitted to
retain the province.
Blockade Mot Yet Proclaimed.
Oanea, March 16. Noon The admi
rals of tho foreign fleets have not
yet proclaimed a blockade of the Island.
The Greek squadron, with the exception
of two vessels, has left Cretan waters,
and tho two vessels referred to are pre
paring to leave.
Gomez Reported Wounded,
Havana, March 10. It is reported
hero that General Maximo Gomez, the
great insurgent leader, was seriously
wounded in a fight which occured re
cently at Arroyo Blanco, Santa Clara,
between the Spanish under General
Bernal and the insurgents force uuder
Rattle lit the Philippines.
Xzv York,. Maroh 16. A special
cable to the Herald from Manila says
-000 troops under Solodo were led on
March 0 by the native guides into an
ambush near a strong position occupied
by the robels. The latter, 8000 in num
ber, attacked tho Spaniards and de
feated them. Tho Spaniurds retreated
jr confusion, after almost a hand-to-mnd
fight. The extent of the Spanish
'88 is unknown.
Hot Clam broth everv day from 10
. to 12:30 p. m. and" 4 to 0 p. m. at
Subline & Williams. mch4
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength mid
hciilthfulncss. Assures the food mrnlnyt nlnin
mid nil forms of ndulteraf'.on common to the
cheap brands.
Koyai, Baking Powder Co., New Your.
Ely-Wnlker Store at St. Louis in a Total
St. Louis, March 10. Nothing re
mains of the big block bounded by 8th
and St. Charles streets and Washington
avenue, occupied by the Ely-Walker
Dry Goods company, but a mass of ruins.
At 1 o'clock today tlie flames bad not
entirely been subdued. A conservative
estimate made today places the loss at
The Ely-Walker Etock of goods, valued
at about $1,200,000, is a total loss.. The
Jobs on the building, owned by John R.
Lionberger, is estimated at $300,000.
The adjoining building, owned by Lig
gett & Myers, was damaged about $10,
000. The VeerBteeg-Grant Shoe Com
pany's Iosb is $25,000; Gauss-Shelton
Hat Company, $20,000. The insurance
aggregates $1,000,000.
A defective electric light wire is sup
posed to have caused the fire.
There b more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, i& the
only constitutional cure on. the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testmonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Northwest Applications,
Washington, March 10. Among the
applications for appointment tf presiden
tial offices under the treasury depart
ment are John Scott, Tort Townsend, as
nesistantsecretary : A. M. Jess, Grant's
Pass, Or., for collector of internal rev
enue at Portland.
Dungem of the Grip.
The greatest dangers from La Grippe
is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea
sonable care is used, however, and
Uhamberlain's Cough Remedy is taken,
all danger will be avoided. Among the
ten of thousands who have used this
remedy for la grippe, we have yet to
learn of a single case having resulted
in pneumonia, which shows conclusively
that this remedy is a certain preventive
of that dread disease. It will affect a
oermanent cure in less time than any
other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sale bv Blakeley & Houghton.
Advertising is almost
ruined by lies:
That is why we say so
little else but " your money
back if you want it."
Ask your grocer for Schil
ling's Besl; if you don't like
it, he pays you back your
A Schilllni k Company
The Strange Pare of Three Hearty
California Women.
Every Article of Food Contained Is
in the Natural State Why
This Odd Regime Is
T.hcro ore three charming women in
Berkeley who constitute the exception
necessary to prove, the rule tihat. man
is a cooking animal. They regard cook
ing as barbarity. Their dainty palates
rebel at the suggestion of any food that
has had its crude nature modified by
fire. To them the chef and all his works
nre anathema maranatha. They cat
three hearty uncooked meals every day,
and are ns plump as partridges, as rosy
as pippins and as happy ns sandboys
This gastronomical eccentric trio con
sists of Mrs. L. Beal and her two daugh
ters, Alice and Mary Beal. The Reals
are a cultured English family. Their
wealth and intelligence p'reclude the
idea that their extraordinary diet
should ihave been adopted through
either economy or imperfect investiga
tion into matters of science. They
moved from Englnnd to the South Sea
islands, where Mr. Beal was a repre
sentative of her majesty's royal govern
ment. "When Mr. Beal died they came
to California, and have been living in
a very pretty little place which nestles
among the Berkeley hills.
It was during their residence in the
islands of the South sen that theBeals
acquired their taste for uncooked food.
The Beals are in no sene simple
caters of fruit. Their regimen includes
all kinds of vegetables, cereals, fruit,
berries every thing, in fact, except
meat. But nothing is permitted to ap
proach the. oven or the pot, the frying
pan or the griddle.
The first article on the Beal break
fast menu is mush. That is, they call it
mush, but no one would recognize it
as the time-honored article. The raw
material is taken from the original
package and deposited in the dish of
each brenkfaster. To this is added milk
to suit. The Beals-do not confine them
selves to one kind of mush, but devour
by turns oats in different forms, corn
meal and wheats, but always raw as
the artScle comes from the grocery. To
this are added fruits, nuts and one veg
etable, all inn stale of nature.
At luncheon uncooked bread takes
the place of the uncooked mush. Wheat,
com or barley coarsely ground and
mixed with milk is the cubstitutt for
bread upon the Beal table. Luncheon
is completed much like the breakfast.
Dinner is completed by adding two
vegetables, to the luncheon menu and
by varying the uncooked "bread." Any
vegetable that may be in season is al
lowed string beans, cabbage, lurnips,
carrots, artichokes or asparagus, as the
case may be. Green corn eat an from
the cob uncooked is paid to be. a great
luxury, and raw green peas arc de
scribed as delicious. When fresh fruits
are out of season the dried fruits nre
accepted ns a substitute. Canned fruits
are never served, because they are
cooked before canning. Among the
dried fruits prunes find the greatest fa
vor with the Beal family. Tea and cof
fee are never used, because the Benls
regard the brewing thereof as a form of
"We live upon uncooked food simply
because we believe that it is the, best,"
said Mrs. Beal. "It is not a religious
mania, but it is done because we are
satisfied that it is proper from a scien
tific point of view. Our dietary habits
nre the result of our experience while
living in the islands, and, now that we
ore in the heart of civilization, we do
not see nny reason to change it."
The simplicity that is exhibited in
eating is carried through the remainder
of the house. The furnishing of the
place is very simple, but of the finest
that ran be purchased. The floors of
the house are uncarpeted, but are of
hardwood, highly iwlished, with rug
made from the pelts of wild animals
found in the islands. The rniment of
Mrs. Beal and her daughters is us sim
ple and yet as expensive as the rest of
their environments. San Francisco Ex
aminer. Photographs.
Photos. 50c, 75c and 1 per dozen, for
a short time at the only first-class studio
in The Dalles. Everything tirst-ciass
lessons in retouching by the arU:-t.
II. E. Hammond,
ml5-tf Manager Herrin's Gallery.
comiifuio m (liirotlcoli exactly ns (omul In
business. My course of instructions tlior
ouKlily qualify you to take charge of mid
keep ti set of Looks. The highest referent o
furnished. Fur terms und full Information
addtosH L. p. HUNTER, A. U. V. w,
Temple, Portland, Oreon.
To be found on our Counters at the commencement of this week.
38-inch All-Linen Fringed Towel, col
ored border, per dozen $1 .50
40-inch Heavy All-Linen, colored bor
der, Fringed Towel, per dozen, $1.75
45-in. Turkish Bath Towel, unbleach'd,
special good value at 25c each
Ur -5ivil A.uTi
i i
IV3 ML v .CJ3
tit? y
AVhen mv little Kill oi:o month old.Mio
hail a crab form on liar 1:11:0. It kept siirctul
iuK until she was completely covered from
head to foot. Tlion she had boils. Hbo had
forty on her ZienU ut one time, mid moro on her
body. W'henhlx Jiioiitlwoldhlio did not weigh
seven pounds, a pound and a half les llian at
hirlh. Then lierxkln started to, dry up mid
Bot so bad !ie could not shut licrcyea to sleep,
ut lay with them hair open. About tlill
time, I started tistnn Crnniu Ki:Mi:niK,
and in one month she win umipltlely cured.
Tho doctor ami ilms IdlH woiu m or oe Ai:?,
dred dollar, tho CrniTUA hill van not moro
than fie dollar. My child 1 now strong,
healthy, nnd lari;c as any child of herao
iihoto.), and It is all owing to CrnotUtA.
Voura with a Mother'a Jilcuslnc
jiitr.. ;i:o.ji.TrcKKU..rit., ,
Oil Walker Ht., .Milwaukee, Wis.
Spekdv Cuiie TnnATMENT. Warm hatha
with CnicuHA HoAf, i!cua isiipUciiUonH of Ctr
TICU'KA (ointment), mid mild ilu.i'a ot CimcujU
lir.soi.VENT (blood purltlcr).
& How to Curo l-.vury fckin DisenFO," frco
Bold throughout tho wot Id
Cltr.M. Co)ii'.,rulo I'loii"., I!
Morion, T. ri, A.
Ctiwa Plaster
Harry Liebe,
AU work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Practices iu the State and Federal Court ot
Oregon and Washington. Jantt Sino
EJnn rnnhn
See our Double and Twist, 30-inoh Argylo Cheviot;
a splendid Wrapper material; exact reproduction of thoso
small figured Woolens, now so popular. Largo range of
patterns. Only 10c per yard.
Others in tho now Laco E fleets; all prominent color
ings with black not overthrow, producing a very rich ef
fect; a true imitation of a high-priced imported Parisian
Novelty: in two grades. 28-inch at'lOjjo; 32-inch at 30c.
A largo assortment of New Checks, Rob Roy Plaids,
Fancy Scotch Mixtures, at ltijj, 25, 30, 35, 4.0 and 50c yd.
Drab or Black Sat
een Corset; G-hook;
any sizo, 18 to 30, at
50 Cents.
Best 'Corset on earth
for the money.
New York Weekly Tribune
With tho close of tho Presidential CampaiKn TIIE.TKIUUNK ecomiizos the
fact that tiio American people are now anxious to tfivo their attention to home and
businees interests. To meet this condition, politifn will have far less epneo and
prominence, until another tate or National occasion demands a renewal of the
light for the principles for which TIII5 TRIBUNE lias labored from its inception
to the present day. and won its greatest victories.
Everv possible effort will bo put forth, and money freely spent', to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address
Tribune Oflice, New York City, and a sample copy of Tlie New York Weokly Trib
une will be mulled to you.
Richly and durably bound In EgHl Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the nu
thor forming the det-igu on cover; antouraph preface; niiignillcent pre
sentation plate in silver, gold and blue; con milling 000 pages and 32
full-page illustrations ;,, , l 75
In half-Morocco, marble edge , , , . , 2 25
In full-Morocco, gilt edge , , , , ,, , 2 75
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamlo, Or.
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
on iirfiostal card, soud it to Geo. W. Best,
TIIK r'lHST 1IA1TMS In im luorttdlnittitory
of tlio great ixilltlciil btriiKXlo ol Ib'Jtl, ltn moat
f. n..n,t.l..l ...m... ...Wl ,l.n tl...ttlLUL llll'llluilHl
a 1okIi!(i1 I rent I so on Ill-mi'tallUm n uttered by
eminent oxiMments, lnelii(lln thu part taken by
' Iff.,, U' I llc'.,i. It, tl., ill......,., .Ir.P tl.
the Dcmocrutlu National Convention, and ilur
liii,' tho cuiiiiuIkh; tho beat example 01 liU won
(Infill oratory, the moKt noteworthy Incident ot
hln itidoils tour, 11 utileful review o) the jxilltlcul
tlliiutlon, a ilUeiinslon of thu election return
iiml thu iilili!uiii!o thereof, nnd thu future
possibilities n( lil-mctiillWm a polltlotl Uue.