The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 16, 1897, Image 1

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EEt bBhhHhhh
7 NO 55
i : -
The Fifty-fifth Congress As
sumes Its Duties.
McCnmant TlilnK H Shonlrt lie Seated
lti-caiKe the Leclftlnture lief uh1
to Organize.
Washington, March 15. The 55th
congress met in extra session today,
pursuant to the rereut call of President
Reed was re-elected epeaker of the
house, the vote standing: Reed, 199;
Bailey, democrat, of TexnB, 114; Bell,
populist, of Coloiado, 21; Newlands,
Eilverite, of Nevada, 1.
After Read's election the members
were sworn in and organization com
pleted bv the election of the Repub
lican Blate as follows: Clerk of the
house, Alexander McDowell, of Penn
eylvania: eergeant-at-arma, Benjamin
F. Russell, of Missouri: doorkeeper,
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength and
healthfulncss. Assures the food against alum
and nil forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Royal Baking Powder Co., New York.
By 11
William J. Glenn, of New
York :
master, J. C. McElroy, of
lain, Henry M. Couden.
II. W.
Corbett's Chancer for
Seated in the Senate.
Sax Francisco, March 15. The Chron
icle's Washington special says:
There will be the hottest kind of a
fight over the seating of Corbett, the
new senator from Oregon, before the
Eenate committee on privileges and elec
tions. Corbett is accompanied by sev
eral Oregon friends, two at least of
whom will figure as hia attorneys before
the committee. They are now prepar
ing his case. It is hardly believed that
there will be a departure from the prece
dent in the Mantel case, though many
of the Republican leaders favor the
seating of Wood of Kentuckv and Cor
bett, as well as Henderson of Florida.
In Wood's case the legislature of Ken
tucky, now in session, will probably
elect a successor to Blackburn before
Wood's contest is completed. Call will
undoubtedly be chosen to succeed him
self when the Florida legislature meets
next month.
Wallace McCamaut, of Portland, made
the following statement yesterday:
"The Oregon case must not be con
founded with the Kentuckycuse or with
the MaLtle case, decided four years ago
in both of these cases the legislature
charged with the duty cf electing t
eenator, organized and balloted for sena
tor irom day today without effecting an
election. In the Oregon case the legis
lature never held a session and simply
maueau abortive attempt to organize.
neer passed a bill or 6ent a message
io me governor ! The attempt to organ
"e even had been abandoned bv the
time Mitchell's term expired and a va
cancy occurred.
"The constitution authorizes an ap.
pointmont when a vacaucy happens dur
lue recess of the legislature. This
vacancy certainly originated in the
recess of the Oregon legislature. Mr.
Urbett can bo deprived of hia seat only
by interpreting the word 'happen' as
"iuivaieut to 'happen fortuitously or by
chance.' It is our contention that such
interpretation is nrpollirlnrl hv tho ran.
trar.v, that it is contrary to all canons of
iuction and to all senatorial pre
cedents from 1870 to the present time,
iuirteeu gubernatorial appointments
Jve been seated by the senate, princi
pally in the early days, when the fram
e's of the constitution were in the body.
'a doubtful if the senate will follow
me precedent of the Mantle case."
The Uuy iu Detail.
Washington, March lS.Wnterest- in
assembling of the 55th congress in
wa teesion today, under President
icKiiiloy's call, centered In organize
'""of the house. Tho crowds were
ractd to the galleries hours before
but the general public had email
am?, "nUv 10 view th0 Proceedings.
fn. i . vallwiv bt one were reserved
on ii 8t fitrikl"t' feature of the scene
faces P0r WU8 U' number of new
thes'l ,ain'"ttr figures conspicuous iu
had , t 0f lmuy Parliamentary battles
,B Speared, and In the lists were
new and untried knights. The
o' personnel was verv great.
1 i i . t . ...
o ciock tne reserved galleries, except
those for diplomatic corps and executive
we're walled tier on tier.
At.lL' o'clock, Major McDowell, the
clerk rapped.the house to order. Rev.
Louden, the blind chaplain, delivered
an invocation appealing for God's bless
ing on the work of the new congress and
the new administration. The clerk
read the presidents proclamation con
vening congress, after which the roll
was called.
Hundreds or Homes Destroyed by the
Memphis, Tenn., March 15. Rain be
gan falling here shortly after 7 o'clock,
and is coming down in torrents, adding
to thc misery and suffering already
caused by the overflowing of streams.
A citizens' relief committee has been
organized. Hundreds of head of stock
and many men, women and children
have been rescued from house and tree
tops in the overflowed districts and
brought to this city by harbor towboats
with barges attached.
The gauge reads oG.3 feet, a rise of one
foot in 24 hours, and indications point to
a further rise. News comes todav of the
partial breaking of the St. Francis levee,
sixty miles above Memphis. Steamer
captains say great additional suffering
and loss of property will result.
To be found on our Counters at the commencement of this week.
More Trouble at lacoma.
Tacoma, March 15. The sheriff's offi
cers guarded the civil service office in
the city hall from Saturdav till this
morning. The new commission waa ap
pointed Saturday, but a restraining
order from the court prevented their
entering upon their duties. The old
board feared that forcible possession of
the office might be taken on Sunday.
The matter will be settled in court to
morrow. It was from the civil-service
room that the city hall vault was en
tered several months ago, and the citv
election ballots Etolen. The robbers
have never been detected.
The Mount Lebanon Shakers have in
vented a great many valuable things.
They were the first to make brooms by
machinery; the first to put up seeds in
litttle packages; the first to manufacture
cut nails.
Now they are out with a method of cur
ing dyspepsia by resting the stomach.
Their remedy is known as the Shaker
Digestive Cordial. It supplies food in
an artificially digested form and at tho
same time aids the digestion of other
foods in the stomach. In other words,
by the use of the Shaker Digestive Cor
dial, a dyspeptic virtually gets along
without the use of his stomach until it
is restored to its natural strength and
vigor. A single 10 cent bottle will oft
times give marked relief. Get a bottle
from your druggist and try it.
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
France aud Italy Decline.
Vienna, March 15. The proposal of
the powers that France and Italy occupy
Crete with a mixed force of 25,000 men
has been declined by the governments
of thoae two countriee on the score of
expense. The occupation of Crete,
therefore, will be undertaken by the
forces of the six powers, although Ger
many and Austria will only nominally
take part to show that they are agreea
ble to the measure.
If your tea is good, it is
cheap; if it is not good, it is
dear, no matter what you
pay for it you had better
drink water.
But good tea is better
than water sometimes, be
cause it tastes good, and
whatever tastes good makes
the stomach work right.
So good tea is cheap and
poor tea is dear.
Schillings Best is good.
A Schilling & Company
San Francises
The break in the St. Francis levee at
Nodena, Ark., was more serious tnan
first reported. The water has fallen
twenty-five feet, and rushed upon the
people in the lowlands, behind the levee,
in almost a' solid wall. It is expected
many lives will be lost. The steamer
City of Osceola saved many people who
were washed out of their homes by the
water, which went through everv
The Flood at Naskvllle.
Nashville, Tenn., March 15. The
Cumberland river reached forty-two feet
on the gauge here today. Forty feet is
the danger line. The lowlands about
the city are submerged, and many cel
lars of the business houses filled with
water. Families in the threatened dis
tricts are moving out. Merchants are
taking their goods to the second floors.
The river will certainly reach forty-five,
possibly forty-Beven feet.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many yeara doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proyen catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cuie, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to a teaspoonful. It acta directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testmonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
JtfTSold by Druggists, 75c. 7
To Coerce the Greek.
St. PETEKSiiuita, March 15. All the
admirals, except the French and Italian
commanders have been ordered to im
mediately blockade the principal Greek
ports, especially the Piraeus (port of
Athens); Syra and Volo. An ultima
turn will forthwith be addressed to
Greece by the admiral of the foreign
Old l'eoi.le.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowela and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine doea not stimulate and
contains no whisky nor other intoxicant,
but acts as a tonic and alternative. It
acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels,
adding strength and giving tone to the j
organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what they need. Price 50 cents and
$1 00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store. 6
The New iu Koine
Rome March 15. It ia eemi-officially
stated here this afternoon that all the
foreign admltals have received orders to
blockade Crete. It ie added that a
blockade of Greece will occur If the Cret
an blockade should prove inadequate.
The Greek fleet is expected to leave
Crete, otherwise it will be escorted out
side Cretan waters.
BOOK-KEEPING k p5 Acou'r-lLu
complete unff practical; exactly uh found in
bushiest. My course of instructions thor
oughly qualify you to take charge of and
keep u bet of books. The highest reference
furnished, For terms and full information
address L, p. HUNTER. A. O, U. W.
, Ul tlU VUiVlll
See our Double and Twist, 30-inch Argylo Cheviot;
a splendid Wrapper material; exact reproduction of those
small figured 'Woolens, now so popular. Large range of
patterns. Only 10c per yard.
Others in the new Lace Effects; all prominent color
ings with black net overthrow, producing a very rich ef
fect; a true imitation of a high-priced imported Parisian
Novelty: in two grades. 28-inch at lOjjc; 32-inch at o0c.
A large assortment of New Checks, Rob Hoy Plaids,
Fancy Scotch Mixtures, at Kijj, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 50c yd.
38-inch All-Linen Fringed Towel, col
ored border, per dozen $1.50
40-inch Heavy All-Linen, colored bor
der, Fringed Towel, per dozen, $1.75
45-in. Turkish Bath Towel, unblcach'd,
special good value at 25c each
Drab or Black Sat
een Corset; 0-hook;
any size, 18 to 30, at
50 Cents.
Best Corset on earth
for .the money.
L - tnjj:
"When inv little p;iil was ono month old, alio
had a sealform on her face. It hept siircr.d
iug until she was completely covered irom
head to foot. Then fho bad bolls. Sho had
brty on Iter hrud ut one time, and morn on her
oily. When tiixmonthsold she did not wcih
seven pounds, a pound and a half less thai) ut
uirni. men ner skiji hiariou in nry up uuu
pot so hadhhocoald not Mint Hurt) cm tosiecn,
but lay with them hall' open. About thM
time, I started iijlnu: crneui'.A iir.MKDir.s,
nnd one month nhe win tumplrttlj cur. "J.
Tho doctor and i.rnj; bllM wcr.j over t,e ,;; .
dred dollar, tho CirnutlU bill Was r.ot moro
than ire dollm. My child U now sri-one-,
healthy, and larp;e im any child ot her ao (eo
photo.), and H Is all owiui,' to Cimccit.v.
Vourj with a .Mother's lUcssinir,
Jin. iKO. II.'i'lJCKKH.Jlt.,
UV Walker St., .Milwaukee, Wis.
Speedy Cciik Tbfatxejtt Warm baths
7lth Cuticuiia Hoap, ttenllu implication of .'!:
ticuha (ointment), nnd mild dvtca u, (Jmicuiu
Hksolvknt (biood purifier).
KTii'" How to Cure lively fcfcla Dlsaro," freo.
fiold throughout tho woild. rTTKii is
Cueh. Coiii".,rin!o rwi., llifton, 1J. .S. A.
in ;i kIukIo
C:licura Plistci
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
nnd warranted.
' Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
I'racticei in the State mid federal Court! of
Oregon and Wubhlugtou, Jan23-awo
Far me and Villagers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
With thedosoof the Presidential Ciunpaitrn THK TRIIiCJNK recognizes tha
fact Unit the American people iuu now uuxiotiH to give their attention to home and
hiiBineea interests. To meet thin condition, politic will have far Ichs epaue aud
prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renewal of tho
light for the principles for which TIIK TltlMUNK has labored from its inception
to the present dav, and won its greatest victories.
Every nocBihle effort will he put forth, and money freely spent, to inako TIIK
WEEKLY TKIIJUNE pro-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting,
instructive, entertaining aud indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
MMT Write your name and address on a nostal card, sand it tn nun. W. Knur
Tribune Oflice, New York City, ai:d a sample cony of The New York Weeklv Trlh.
line will be mailed to you.
THK KiKBT HATTI.K Is mi interesiliiK blory
of lliu ureal iolitieul btruKuluol 1KM, Uh must
Important events and the many Usucb involved;
u IokIchI iretilUu mi Hl-metiilllsm an uttered by
eminent exponent, Inclmllnu thu part taken by
iuu. t . j, oryiiii in iuu Miver iiKliaiion prior 10
tho Democratic National Convention, and dur-
v.,.v..,J , it ..Willi, vwu . VII 11UII, mm Mill
I mr thu cumpuiKiii thu bent example of hU won
derful oratory, thu moNt iintuunrlhv Incidents of
hU famous tour, a fateful review of thu lxlltlcal
tlttiation, n ilUciislon of thu eloutloif retiirim
nnd thu i-lk'iiiliouiu'u thvteof, and thu future
possibilities of lU-iuctiillUm as a polltlcil Issue.
Richly and durably hound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au-
mur luriiuiig uiu uusigii on cover; autograph preMce; magulllcent pre
sentation plutn in silver, gold aud blue; containing tlOO puges and 32
full-nnire illustrations it
In half-Morocco, marble -dgo ,
Iu full-Morocco, gilt edge , ', y
M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamio, Or.