CSV. .cr i-: ? 1st ' EX. The Dalles Dally Chronicle. THE DALLES, OKKOON TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. "Below is published a correct time card oi trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust it, as The Chuonicli: is kept fully in formed of revisions : V). P. & A. X. 0. STKAMF.I5S. Simmer Regulator leaves every Monday, Wed nesday aud Friday at 7:30 n. ni. Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day at 5:30 ji. in. ohegon 11AILWAY r.lST MAIL. No.l Wet-b3und. .. st No.'J East-bound & NAVIGATION CO. Arrive. Leave. .4:4.) a.m. 4:50 ii.m. 10:15 p.m. 10:20 p.m. DALLR.o rA.-SK.VOKl:. No. T West-bouud, leaves 1:00 p.m. No. S East-bound, arrives 11:55 a.m. All passeneer tralcs slop at Union Street, as well as the depot. Ail vertlslnc lintes. Per inch One inch or less in Dally ?1 50 Over two Inches and under four inches 1 CO Over four inches and under twelve inches. . "5 Over twelve inches . . 60 DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or less per inch ?2 50 Over one inch and under four inches. ... " 00 Over four inches aud under twelve inches.. 1 50 Over twelve inches .. 100 I'KIISONAL MKNTION" Miss XellevMichell returned to Coluul bus last nighf. Senator Dufur arrived home from Portland yesterday. Mr. Chas. Hilton left yesterday for his ranch, near Fossil. Mr. Frank Hampton of Priueville is stopping at the, Umatilla Hoiue. Jitdse BennetLwent to Portland yes-' terday, and vill4)e home tonight or" to morrow. IMiss Myrtle Michell returned home Saturday " ninht, after spending two weeks with Mrs. F. P. Mays in Portland. Mr. Harry StrickleV, ahephew of Mrs. P. DeHufT, is now employed at night in the telephone otiiee ''at Blakeley & Houghton. Mr. H. E. Eamsaur, who was on his way to accept a position at arm Springs ngency, spent yesterday with friends in this city. Miss Katie Cooper, who was called home on account ut the illness of her mother and sister, returned to her school at Grants last night. Mr. Ralph Moody came up from Port V land Saturday nightjruul returned this morning, accompanied by Mrs. Moody, who has been visiting relatives here. Something to Depend On. Mr, James Jones, of liie drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's Xew Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with LaGrippe, and her case grew so Eerious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Flav in" T)r. T-71 ti"'j Niiv T)ieinvprv in Btnro. and selling lots of it, he took a bottle ; home, and to the surprise of all she be- j gan to get better from the first dose, and halt" dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's Now Discovery ior Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & Houghton's Drug Store. Jo) Great Anxiuty in Sulonica. Salo.nmca, March 13. Great anxiety prevails here, as the inhabitants fear the trtti-n ti t 1 1 Y.a n fr t . .1- lw 1 I... tlui Clratrf'D unil ' iir.wi , wi J lull uitunc utiu war declared. Mussulman refugees are flecking into Salonica from various parts of Thessaly. Seventy-two battalions of Turkish in fantry, six regimenth of cavalry and twenty batteries of artillery are already concentrated on the Greek frontier. hiivu Your Grain. Tew realize that eacii squirrel do siroys 1.50 worth of e,nun annually. Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm inator is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to H0 cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell, Agent. febl-Sm For (itln or Trmle. A desirable ranch of 1G0 acres, within lour miles of Dalles City, with one span mares, harness, wagons, plows and other property. Fine fruit land and abun dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of A. S. Mao Ai.u.sn:r:, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Chhqnici.i: office, The Dalles, Or. Tom McCoy has opened his new barber shop opposite the Clarendon restaurant on Second street. m4-lm Thla Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cento, cask or stamps, & genorous tumplo will bo mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Curo (Ely'fi Oreatn Bairn) uuflicient to demon Btrato tho great nieritu of tho remedy, ELY BROTHERS, CO Warreu St., Now York City. Itov. .TohuReid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Bubn to mo. 1 1 can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive curo for catarrh if used as directed." Jtev. Francis W. Poolo, Pastor Central Prea. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged euro for catarrh and coutains no morcurjr nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. A KKGKO ItL'KCL.'.K. Ill Arrest Cniisns a I! loixly ltnco Riot In IMriiilncliniii. Ibr.MisoiiA.M, Ala., March 14. Two tragic deaths, a policeman shot nnd n small race riot, in which a doz-ii per son' were more or less hurt, cm siinutd the results of a light which oi'cure.l in side of thirty minutes on the South Side this afternoon. A burglary was committed by Will Hunter, a negro. Policeman Perdue was detailed on the case, and this afternoon found Huuter and arrested him. Hunter drew a pistol and fired, stikiug Perdue in the jaw, in- llictiug a dangerous wound. The negro made a break for liberty, the officer pursuing, and firing as he ran. After firing three shot Jhe officer fell from exhaustion, his ltit shot wounding Hunter fatally. It developed after ward that one of Perdue's shots killed Mvrtle Boland, a 5-year-old girl, who was playing in an alley, two blocks away. When the police finally took Hunter in charge, a mob negroes followed, threat ening to re-cue that wounded prisoner. A number of white men soon appeared, and a general free light ensued between negroes and whites, in which fully a dozen persons were more or less wound ed and several negroes badly beaten. Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys , will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. .It acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the uerformance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what tiiev need. Price 50 cents and 1.00 ner bottle at Blakeley & Hough ton's Drug Store. 5 KnglaiHl Agrees tu the Itlocluirio. London, March 13. The Times' corre spondent at St. Petersburg says the for mal adhesion of Great Britain to the blockade program was imparted to Russia on Friday. The English. Rus sian, German and Austrian admirals have already been instructed as to a blockade of Crete and Greece. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charee. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Office in the Vogt block. " Steamer ior Sr.lu. We will sell the steamer "Wauna," thirty-five feet long, eight foot beam, built in 1S93. All in good order. For full particulars apply to OllKGON LU-MIIEK Co., mcli2-lmd Viento, Or. Hot Clam broth eve.-v dav from 10 a. m. to 12 :!50 n. in. and 4 to C p. in. at Stubling & Willjams. mch4 AMEKICAN PAN TO Mi ME. Clover Clnvrns .Vfo Hisr.l to Secure Somi' Woll-Kiirnvn 1'orforinurs. A comparison between Ei:gli.-h a r American pantomime will resuh f:r. o; ably in many particulars fivtlu- A;n,; lean, beciuihe novelty is sadly lachii1; in the former, says an exchange. T.. English clown mahes liiuappenrni.ci- m the s-.tuge with a "Here v.e a:v tifmh. with a certainty that wily iquais t . coming of death and rent d y. Hunt ty-lJuinpty. Columbine, the pollc mil ;iiid all other funny people are u.-, stere otyped as thief? meals a day, and our cousins across the water looh upon thei i with open-eyed astonishment yea after year, with a stoicism that border-. on the ridiculous. If the same tactier were followed by purveyor:-, of that cla.---of entertainment here, how long would it hint? With the American insatiable thirst for novelty we should say bin a very short time. Pantomimists like the fnmou , Or! maldi and Ravel families do not flourish now, and the pantomime must conibim great spectacular features and ii -genious devices as well as comedy ele ments. Pantomime lias never been suc cessfully engrafted on Anur!can so.!: otherwise, it -would be an institution ic every large city in the land. Rut wher ever it was well done it nlwny. paid well. Years ngo the Ravels came i.i Xew York nnd lecame the craze of Up town. Francois, the father of the fam ily, could set the house, in' a roar by walking across the stage, and pom George Fox, who was the lest panto mimist the United States ever pro duced, was a good successor to Francol.3 Ravel. Chicago News. llirt Tltlo, - The last three names on the hotel register read: ! "P. I. Potmore, M. D." "Hiram All. l , X." ; "Reginald de t'oureey Styles, M. A." ! The man with the untutored whiskers and the chronic sun grins pondered a niomeut and wrote: "Reuben Ontes, 1'. C." "What's the 'P. C for, old man 7" asked tho commercial traveler, with, the ea.'-y assurance born of a business life begun at the age of eight yearn. "Prominent Citizen, nilHtei'.Proniinent Citizou. 1 got the biggest farm, the fat test hawgs and give mote money to the campaign fund tlnn any other man In i my township." Iiidkinupolis Journal. flow fbout Your JOB "We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. Xo not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare .our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. Remember We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST JOS. Phone 25 Northern Grown Seeds. Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Rve, Se'-d Oats. I Seed Barlev. Seed Corn, Flax Seed. Alfalfa Seed, Tituothv Seed. Red Clover Seed, Millet Seed. I GROSS' Feed and 0 Goods Sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Store open from 7 a. m. to 0 p. m. 1SESBS The Dalles IS DAILY KKCEIVING Prospective : Immigrants From every part of the United States concerning the Resources, Products, Prices. Etc. X2XT WASCO OOTXaXTT'V. All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatlv to their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of tho undersigned members of the Exchange, giving full particulars, terms, etc. T. A. HUDSON, G. W. ROWLAND, J. M, THE DALLES, Lumber, Building" Material and Boxes Traded tor TTo-cr rrcl-n Uonnn T o ROWE & CO., MttutlDK or Stocklinlilur I), V. A A. N". Co. Notice is horoby given that there will he a stockholders' meeting of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navieation Co., at their office Saturday, April 3, 1807, at 2 p. m., for tho purpose of electing seven directors and transacting such other business as may properly come boforo aid meeting. By order" of the presi dent. Tho Dallee, Or., March 1, 1807. OltlO.V KlNKItHLY, m8td Secretary. Advertise in The Chuo.niclk. PRIffTW MARKET RATES T. PETERS & CO Crimson Clover Seed, Blue Grass Seed. KSjaess Early Rose Potatoes. Poultry and E:'s bought and sold at rocerv gg W xchange INQUIKIKS I'ltOM Store C. E. BAYARD, J. G. KOONTZ & CO., HUNTINGTON & CO. OREGON. The Dalles, Or. ttuoklGit'n Arnica ualvu. The best salve in the world for cute, bruiseB, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine corns, and all skin eruptions, und posi. tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 'lb cenu per box. For sale by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. SURE CURE for Plirc PR " ' nrndltifr for Children. I had recently in my servicr n pretty little, housemaid, barely 10 years old, neat, capable and pood-tompered, Dut so perpetually downcast that she threw a cloud over our unreasonably cheer ful household. I grew melancholy watching her at work. One day. gwntf into the kitchen. I saw lying-open on a chair, a book she had just been readme. It purported to be the experience "I a missionary in one of our large cities and was divided into nine separate stories. These were their titles, cop ied verbatim on thcsjwt: "The Infidel." "The Dvimr Bankeiv' "The DrmibnrdV Death,"' "The. Miser's Death," "The Hospit:;!," "The Wanderer's Death. "The Dvinq- Sliirtmakcr," "The Broken Heart."' "The Destitute Poor." What wonder that, like the Scotchman's fa mous dag. "life was full ' sarlousncss" for her.' when religion and literature, the two things which should make up the sum of our happiness, had con spired, under Uic guise of Sunday -school fiction. to destroy her gayety of heart ? Agnes lieppiler, in Scribner's. In I'naltlnn to Mr TiwlrppndVilt. Willie and his big sister didn't get along vnrv well. Willie was only seven and his s'ist.n- 17. but he resented her "bossing." One day Willie's inanma had something to teil him a piece of news from the household of his st 11 older sister, who had married a year be fore. '-Willie." said maraiua. "God left a little baby at sister Mary's house last nMit. Yoii're an uncle now, my boy. How do von like that?" "Well," said Willie, r.fter weighing flic matter over a minute. "I'll Mist tell you this: If I .mi Uncle Will, Lizzie ain't goin' to boss me no more." X. Y. World. Tne Gciumtiia PaGkmoGo.. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MAN D FACT U ItEKri OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. Dalles City ami In State Line I Leaves Williams Hotel, Moiu, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at I S a. m. promju. J Lenves Umatilla House, The D.illep, Tuesdays, Thvrstlavs and Satuidavs at ! S a. m. prompt. ! Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, -10c per 100 lbs; small packages, lo and 2oc. I Passenger rales The Dalles to Moro, ; $1.50; round trip, ?2.50. ! Aironey at Umatilla Iioube, The Dalle?, 1 and at Williams Hotel Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Bake Oven and STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietoi Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. The Glades Ranch, 1VHITE SALMON. WASH. Fire Bred -A-S"- JERSEYS ?Ji!'j0 StkHnbeft, Commiisslo mid Tormentor rahie. I lirce choice Hulls for oiilo or rent. c.. v,m,iuo lows uiiu uciferjs (or tn e l jitolirl I'ol.ui.lChlim Hot;,. lite Plymouth Kock Chickens.. Aildress JlltS. A. It. HYUIvKTT, Prop. White fjulmou. Wash. Jr-'j-w3m LOOP POISDH Hnii you prof,r to como hero Twe wil ooeba cury, Bains. i'ltnpl nii? 1,7s 1 atchi'fl in moiuh, SaroThrniir mrt of thi .'A'J!Sr Vf'fL'f'AI'ft't Ulcers on out.' It la itiikil&Tffilffii&mK nypart 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 ln.,.r:. : . " B Uullex-Sloro Htugo Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. m. Tueedoys, Thursdays and Saturdays. Douglas Ai.u:.v, Prop. SubBcribo for Tuk Chuo.viclk. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Eleg.ent Touirist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car BT. PAUL ' MINNEAPOLIS DULUTII KAICOO TO GUAM) FOURS CICOOKSTON WINNIPEG HELENA ati 11UTTE i Through Tickets TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK ISOSTON AND AI.I. J'OINTS EAST mid SOUTH For Information, time cards, tnHps.and ticket, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Ddllcs, Oregon OR A. I). CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., m. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TnE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. LKAVK. fhom rr.it. 10, 1S97. ' OVERLAND KX-1 jircsh, Huloni, Itoso-1 (jure. Abhland, Sac-1 .vi ! v 'Iniiucnto.Ogdcii.Snnl s.oo i . m. Frilncise( Mojuve, ( 3:10 A. M. ims AiiKL'ioK.r.i raso, Now urleims und (.EaHt J 'S-S0 A. il "0SL'ullrK ""il way .sta- tions . . l:tt P.M I f Via Woodburn fori ;.l Mt.Aiicel, Bllvortoii, . Dully CXL'L'pt Sunday- 1 West Scio, Browns- y except vlllcSprlngriold and j Sundnys. , Natron J 4:00 P. M "ISO A. il iMtU'in ana wav Hniiiousriu.ioA.a (Corvnllis and wayM) OnDl'.M, M j picMlmivUIti" and) if S:23P.JI ' (way stations .. I ' tl:lo V 'Dully. t Daily, except Sunday, DINING CAP.S ON OGDEN KOUTE. PULLMAN UUFKET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Through Ticket Ollice, 1.11 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern ht-'tes, Canada and Europe cau he obtained it lowest rates from J. 11. KIUKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at and depart Iron1 Grand Central Htotlon, Fifth und Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Pufcsenger Depot, foot of Jetlerson street I,eavo for OSWEGO, dally, except Sunday, st T:) a. in.; ii:15, l:l,j, 5:i!., OMj, 8:0.) p. o- (ami ll:r;o i. in. on Saturday only). Anive Portland at 7:10 nnd &;30 a.m.; and 1:30, I'M !::!.) and 7:03 p. in. U-ave for Sheridan, week days, atl:C0p.n- Arrive in I'ornana, u::ju a. in. U-ave 1 KrlMnv ,, e for AIP.LIE on Monday, Wcdncsdayand at 0:10 a. m. Arrive ut Portland, Tufs- dav, Thursday and Saturday ut 3;05 p. in. Sundav trains for OSWEGO leave at 8:Ws.p. and PJIIO, 1: 13, D.-SO, fi:'j,- 0:43 and S 03 p. m. Ar rive nt Portland at 8:80,10:00 a.m.; l:W,i: 5:10, 0:35, 7:55 p. in. It. KOEIILER, E. P. ROGERS, ilanuger. Asst. G. F. i Pass. Alt T HE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION- 18 l'Ken it Week. IOC riipora a te It stands first among "weekly" pap in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast liatoj subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Us special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market roports, all tbe latest fashioiid for women and a W aories of stories by the greatest liwf American and English authors, Coiiwn Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome. K tun ley Wvyman, Mury K. Wlf'0 ' Anthony tluue, Bret JJarte, Uruncler Alultliew, Ktc. . Wo r.,. .i.i n.L-onnnerana " "HOI HUB Ulicijunicu mvii - r The Dalles Twlce-a-Week Chronicle o gother one year for $2.00. The regol' price of the two papers is 3.00. gi Cuali iu Vuur Check. All ... .0(nrp(i PfiO' xii euuiuy warraniH rcgi"-"- to Oct. 1st, 1892, will be paid at w oftlce. Interest ceaseH after Marcu"! 1807. 0. L. I'MiW' County Treasurer.