The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 15, 1897, Image 3

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    Dry Goods.
This Department, as now located, is very pleas
ant and attractive. Our New Goods are near
ly all on the shelves, and a visit to this De
partment will well repay you.
Jackets and Silk Capes.
The lino we have ready for inspection has
never been equaled, and must interest you
Don't fail to look them over.
Ready-made Skirls are a new departure. We
have them, and at prices to astonish you. One
of these Skirts and a dainty Shirt 'Waist, of
which we have a full line, makes an inexpen
sive and elegant costume. If Tailor-made
Suits interest you, we should be pleased to
show them to you. We have a variety.
Laces .
Our purchases in Laces have been large. The
latest production is Champagne Lace. We
have it.
All coods marked
in plain figures.
This Department is now complete, and you
will be well repaid by visiting it. Lots of
room and plenty of light.
The lines for Spring and Summer are ready,
and cover a wide range in fabrics, colors and
patterns. Our prices are right. Examination
will convince rou that your interests lie right
with us.
We keep a complete line of Negligee and
Fancy Shirts perhaps the finest in the city.
Our Fancy Percale Bosom and Soft-front Neg
ligee Shirts are up-to-date.
Hosiery & Underwear.
These lines will tell their own story. The as
sortment is large and covers a wide range in
price. It will be a pleasure to us to show you
the goods.
All goods marked
in plain figures.
We are ready for business in this Department,
with bottor facilities than over boforc. Wo
aim to make this Department interesting to
you, and as an indication of what we proposo
to do, wo make the following offerings:
Nuts Mixed.
ioc per lb.
The Celebrated Rose Brand 25c doz.
Best California Lemons 15c ck2.
All gcods marked
in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Ghronicie.
- MARCH 15, 1S97
Random Oh-icrvatioiis unit Local Events
of LeSM-r .Magnitude.
Delft ware, the latest, in cooking uten
sils, at Maier & Benton's. 12-dlw
Early Rose seed potatoes at The Dalles
Commission Co. mchlo-lw
Tbe King'e D.uighters will meet at
Mrs. W. S. Myers' tomorrow afternoon.
The East End hns caWtrt on to the
prevailing dullness and rehires to con
tribute an item. I
Quite a gang of men areVajr woik near
the depot straightening thaXrack and
chaneing the switches.
Sunday morning Constable Hill went
to Hood liiver and arrested an Indian,
who is accused of stealing a lot of stur
geon. The Utah Northern and Oregon Short
Line will both be operated after the
15th in the name of the Oregon Short
It is reported that an Indian caught
stealing sturgeon from a line below the
Cascade Locks one day last week, wae
shot and killed by the owner of the
The Dalles City left the locks at 12:45
today and should be in about 5 o'clock.
With good weather and no delay at the
locks the run will be made more quickly
than ever before.
The oranges and lemons advertised by
certain firm in today's issue may have
en procured legitimately, but the price
Wests a doubt. The consumer needn't
ick though, he gets the" benefit of the
Revival meetings are coing on m the.
wlstian church, being conducted bv
tvangeliet F. L. Pierce. The services
oinatyiSO p.m. Good singing and
fmdtimeis expected. Everybody is
lnvited to attend.
pAs manufacturers of men's neckwear
Wus Wuterhouse Co. are acknowl
wd to be at the head. This line is
wried by Pease &. Mays, who Have JuBt
Wived and put on sale a large ship
"t of these goods.
The sheriff this afternoon sold a small
' Tj of PPerty near town belonging
Mr. Granger, to satisfy a judgment
about 700, including costs, in favor
tm' . Blakene' who bought the
the f for 75) hard,y enou8h to py
atJhe.hdriH 0ered by T. T. Nicholas
inefn , the PurP8e of prospect
Illinn! ' waa 8l,iPPed from Aurora,
school win be continued to the end of
, the term in charge of Miss Lewis.
j Prineville has developed a new and
prontame amusement, it being nothing
less than driving the timid jackrabbit
into a corral and killing him numerous
ly with clubs. The second drive of the
season was made about a week ago, re
sulting in the death of nearly 400 of the
long-eared pests.
The Dalles Commission Company have
entered the field and are now bidding
for the sturgeon 'tradfi, having advanced
the price to 9 centsper pound. If the
slap-bang of our cylinder press is no
longer heard in your midst, you may
rest assured we are looking for a loca
tion to stretch a line in the deep water
of the Columbia where the ff Btive n"sb
are wont to sport and play.
From the way sturgeon have gone up
in price, the lenten season must be re
ceiving more than usual observance.
The price haB gone up steadily from 4
cents to 9 cents, at the present time, and
the end is not yet. It is strange that
things work the way they do. Here are
fish doubling in price just when the de
mand is greatest, and eggs are up to 50
cents a dozen about the holidays when
the Tom and Jerry season sets in.
n the loth, and should arrive
w about the 25th. It will be put in
oon .! PeratJons will be begun as
0n as possible after Its arrival.
itssrt!!?6 hnB been baving trouble in
n th 02re8nU,n we are informed
nZJ rge 01 p"teBsor Lake for
IromVL tllatfil'ould forever disbar him
m Practice of his profession. Tbe
In this city, Saturday, March 13th,
Eleanor, widow of Charles Adams, aeed
76 years and 7 months, she having
been born in Pinkton, Ohio, Aug. 21,
The. funeral took place at 10 o'clock
today from the family residence, Rev.
J. H. Wood delivering the sermon. In
terment in Sunset cemetery.
Mrs. Adams was one of the pioneers,
arriving in Oregon in 1850 with her hus
band, and settling first at Oregon City,
then moving to Albany, a'nd coming to
The Dalles about the year 1880. She
was a woman of tireless energy, large
hearted and charitable, of a gentle and
lovable character that won all with
whom she came in contact. She leaves
six children Mrs. D. M. French, Mrs.
B. F. Laughlin and Miss Irene Adams,
all of The Dalles ; Mrs. V. L. Hiukle of
Antelope, Amos Carter of Milton, and
W. R. Carter of Newberg.
Her death was not unexpected, her
age and physical condition making it
impossible for her to recover from the
severe attack of pneumonia which was
the cause of her death. Surrounded by
her children, all of whom were present,
she passed over to the beyond, leaving
behind her the example of a pure,
wouianlv and Christiau life, filled with
good deeds and abounding in charity.
Schilling's Best pepper is
pepper-hot, and ginger ginger-hot;
but not ginger
Schilling's Best
flavoring extracts
sua tpices
are money-back if you don't
like them.
Hallucinating Dress Goods, Calico With
the Jlm-Jams.
Our dry goods stores are displaying a
new dress goods known as arabesque.
The figures remind one of Jacob's cattle,
being ring-streaked and striped. It is
calico with the jim-jams, the figures
writhing and intermingling like the con
glomerate serpente of the third stage of
delirium tremens. We want to warn
our young gentlemen, as the warm sum
mer days approach, that he baa a case
of swearing olf on hand. He has either
to forego the foaming beer, the cooling
juleps, the lemonade with a stick in it,
aud all that sort of thing, or cut loose
entirely from the summer girl, with her
arabesque waists and serpentine trim
mings. The modern young man's brain
let will never survive the shock of the
combination. It takes .good nerves to
stand either, and the arabesque pattern
of inebriety is the more trying of the
A waist ot that material, with a fair
female pulsating within it, reminds one
of tno circus and its concomitant side
show, the fat woman, who toys with an
armful of snakes and wears a genuine
boa around her neck. That's the way
they strike us now, at a remote distance,
bo to speak. What the effect will bo
when they get plentiful and all the
pretty girls are wearing them, of course
we are unable to say, but we suppose one
may get accustomed to them.
Other towns may have trouble in as
similating that sort of thing, but a
Dalles girl is irresistable in any guise,
aud would be will be attractiye even
though, like the Furies, she wore snakes
for a head gear.
It is to be hoped that the new
arabesque waists may be fashionable
during lent, as the sight of them daily
will take the place of almost all other
required penance.
If some pretty girl, with a good deal
of spare time will call around at this
office occasionally and get us used to the
combination by degrees, she will confer
a favor that will be appreciated by ua,
more than by tbe balance of the family.
The Full of Davia.
This is the way the Corvallis Gazette
sums up the house of Davis :
Alas, poor Davis 1 His house cannot
adjourn. Without a quorum it can but
adjourn from day to day, and a quorum
will never come.
Some members adopted a resolution
to dissolve, but what of that? There
was no quorum and the adoption of the
resolution was illegal. The Davis house
cannot adjourn.
Davis has gone home, haunted with
the consciousness that his house has not
adjourned, In his waking hours, voices
whisper, "No quorum, no quorum," and
in bis dreams there runs the refrain,
"Bayer, Berkley, Bourne, Bridges,
Bilyeu." and bo on down the list of
those who would and those who would
not. He awakens from uneasy slumbers
to hear tbe night shriek, " you can't ad
journ, adjourn, adjourn."
Other bouses may come and may go,
but the Davis house goes on foreyer. It
may resolve to dissolve, it may scatter
to the uttermost parts of the earth, it
may hide its hapless head from tho gaze
of man, but still the mighty truth rings
on, "The Davis house cannot adjourn."
There is no escape for Davis. Though
he fly to Cuba and follow the fortunes
of her struggling patriots, the gurgling
wounds of every Spaniard .slain will
moan, "You can't adjourn." Though
swift to far-off Crete he flies and helps
its noblo cause, yet every Turk will
curse at him aud cry, "you never can
The song will haunt him to his last
sad hour and on the slab erected where
he sleeps, this tribute will appear:
Hero llctli one whom Heaven nor Hell can hold,
For mighty Truth proclaims liiin still on Kurth.
Yen, when this clrclliiR sphere itself grows cold,
To know naught rnoreof human woe or mirth.
His spirit still is doomed to linger on,
The last und only evidence of man.
Ask you the sin of this most wretched pawn?
His house has not adjourned nor ever can.
Following la a I.lNt of Clattna A;aliiat
Wasco County l'rettenteil ut the
Murch Term and Not Allowed.
Ladies Aid Society, meals election
board if 3 00
T A Wilhelm, use of voting place. 5 00
F W L Lkibbe, meals for election
board 3 75
T B Kent, district attorney fees. . . 2 50
School Dist. No. 47, use of voting
place 5 00
Timothy Miller, jurv inquest. .. . 1 00
W E Hergeton, " " .... 1 00
F B Hodson, " " .... 1 00
J T Ashoell, " " .... 1 00
B Schmidt, " " .... 1 00
JTrana, " " .... 100
Surtland, witness 1 00
Dr Candiani, examination 5 00
The following claims wero presented
and action passed until uoxt regular
term :
A B Mott, board of pauper $82 00
J II Aldrich, making jury list and
coroner fees 8 00
All parties (not including the regular
customers) having any soda bottles
marked "McC 7" or siphon bottles
marked "Pullman Bottling Works," or
siphon bottles marked "Property of
Joseph Folco, The Dalles," or other
goods belonging to The Dalles Soda
Works, are requested to return tho Bamo
to Tho Dalles Soda Works and receive a
receipt for sucli goods. And anyono
(outside oi the regular customers, who
are properly authorized to handle such
bottles, etc.) having in possession any of
the above goods after the 15th day of
March, 1697, will be compelled to com
ply with the Etatute of Oregon,
10 3t J. Folco.
Piiotos. 50c, 75c and $1 per dozen, for
a short time at the only first-class studio
in The Dalles. Everything first-class
lessons in retouching by the artist.
H. E. Hammond,
ml5-tf Manager Herrln's Gallery.
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse, Best feed on earth. rnO-ff
Subscribe for Tuk Chronicle.
(Successor to (JhrlBiuau As Corson.
Again In business at the old stand. I would bo pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Jefyool Bools, Statiopery,
Jacobson Book & Music Go.
No. 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Blook, The Dalles, Oregon,
For sale by
W. E. Kahler