The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 15, 1897, Image 1

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NO 54
el)c Dnllco
iui -
Outlined by Mr. Sherman to
a Correspondent.
Danger of War 'With Spain -- He
Doe Not Want to Annex
London! March 13. Tjie Times today
publishes an interview its correspondent
in the United States has had with John
Sburman, secretary of state. He says:
"After a long conversation with Mr.
Sherman, I believe he has no very defi
nite settled opinions on the foreign pol
icy. He does not think that foreign
affairs are of the fiist importance, or even
of high importance. He approves of the
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavenintj strength aud
ncalthfulness. Assures the food apiinst alum
and all forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Royal Baking Powdep. Co., New York.
not deceived in this, President McKinley
will meet with success in his great aim
doctrine of arbitration, and may readily D tne earl2 Part of his administration,
enough follow the president's lead. He
does not seem sure that the amendments
proposed for the arbitration treaty are
of much importance, though he has
been told plainly that the British gov
ernment will not proceed with the treaty
thus amended.
"His iutent in Cuba is more direct ;
his purpose is clearer, and his senatorial
jingoism has fallen off him like a worn
oat garment. He declares there should
bo no change of policy in regard to Cuba,
and there will be no war with Spain,
Baying: 'We want none. We do not
believe Spain wants war. If Spain gave
me a quitclaim deed to Cuba, I would
not have it.'
"Referring to Canada, be repelled the
notion of desiring to annex the domion
ion, saying that under the crown she
could have all the freedom she would
hare if independent, adding: 'If she
will maintain her connection with Eng
land, my dream for a remote permanent
future for North America is three great
republics Canada, the United States
and Mexico. We shall not take a etep
to alter things. What is to come here-1
after must come from natural political
evolution.' "
which is to place a new tariff bill upon
the statute-books by the end of the fiscal
year, or July 1st.
A Correspondent Say It Will Produce
STO, 000,000 Additional.
Chicago. March 13. The Times
Herald publish in: the complete schedule
of the new Dingley tariff law from its
Washington correspondent, Walter Well
man. The new tariff bill is conceded to
be the most complete legislative act sub
mitted to the American congress in a
quarter of a century.
Boldly meeting the situation, the Re
publican members of the ways and
means committee declare in the title
that their bill is "An act to provide
revenue for the government and to
protect the industries of the United
The law, if enacted as given, is ex
pected by members of the committee to
produce an additional revenue of be
tween $00,000,000 and and $70,000,000 a
jedr. .estimates vary from the highest
to the low st of these" figures.
The chief addition to the revenue is
"peeled from the increase of the sugar
outit-s. Frem this source alone an ad
ditional revenue of about !f 27 ,000,000 is
anticipated by Chairman Dingley.
Wool is nuother source of new rev
enue. It ig estimated that the restora
on of the wool duties will provide an
increase of $14,000,000 in the receipts of
e government. The restoration of the
chh,ley rates on lumber and timber
W add another pretty sum. The flax,
Jite and hemp and sundries schedule
"! ad(1 Perhaps $4,000,000 or $5,000,000.
fcach of the other schedules, with a
w exceptions, is expected to contribute
" quota to the increase of revenue, the
fall , reaE(J bei,,K 80 distributed, as to
wni ly upon n claa8 of customers,
"Wle the benefits to be derived lrom the
P otective features. of tbo law are also
JiBtrlbuted to all Hues of business and
10 all etctions of the country.
Jt is now expected that the bill will be
tl !t?ted 10 the h0Uhe on Tuesday, and
Jy a wet'k from Monday the house
l'ave -eu up in earnest its con-
Breaker3?; ' thB ulddl f AP'.
FKer Heed expects to send Die bill to
Rppubllpau leaders in the
we believe they can pass the ineas
ure thereby the 1st of July. If thev be
Again Called to the Aid of the Father
land. St. Louis, March 13. D. Jannapouio,
Greek consul at St. Louis, today received
a telegram from Alexander Skouzes, the
Grecian minister of foreign affairs, urg
ing tne reserves in this country to com
ply with the order callim to arms the
reserves of 18S6 to 1S93. Upon receipt
of this the council issued an appeal to
Hellenes in his territory to apply to him
and make arrangements for transporta
Hon to Greece. Simultaneously to this
call to arms, the consul issued a notice
for a mass meeting of sympathizers of
Greece to ba held Monday evening next
The consul has jurisdiction in the Cen
tral West, and eays the number who
will respond to the call in his district
will undoubtedly run into the thous
ands. He said:
"This call means war; of that I have
no doubt. Nothing can now prevent a
clash between the Grecian and Turkish
The Mount Lebanon Shakers have in
vented a great many valuable things.
They were the first to make brooms by
machinery; the first to put up seeds in
litttle packages; the first to manufacture
cut nails.
Now they are out with a method of cur
ing dyspepsia by resting the stomach
Their remedy is known as the Shaker
Digestive Cordial. It supplies food iu
an artificially digested form and at the
same time aids the digestion of other
foods in the stomach. In other words,
by the UEe of the Shaker Digestive Cor
dial, a dyspeptic virtually gets along
without the use of his stomach until it
is restored to its natural strength and
vigor. A single 10 cent bottle will oft
times give marked relief. Get a bottle
from your druggist and try it.
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
If Greece Does Not Yield.
London, March 13. The Chronicle
announces that a formal ultimatum has
been delivered to Greece announcing
that a blockade of Crete and of certain
Greek ports not now named, will begin
on Wednesday.
Some of the powers have decided that
unless Greece yields, or if she declares
war on Turkey, measures still more se
vere will be employed, even to the point
of utterly destroying Greece as a nation.
If your tea is not good,
why don't you drink water ?
It is cheaper and better for
you than poor tea.
If it is good , your stom
ach is glad to get it; does its
work better.
Schilling's Best is good
fca at grocers' in pack
A Schlllincr & Company
ban rrauciico
Caucus of Ileptihlicati MctnbervKlect of
of the House.
Washington, March 13. Tho caucus
of Republican members'elcct ot the
present congress, which was held to
night, voted by acclamation to renom
inate ex-Speaker Reed and all officers ot
the last house to serve through the 55th
congress. An effort fo change the rules
of the house had been expected, nnd a
strong speech was made in advocacy of
such a change by "Walker of Massachu
setts, but tho attombt flashed in the
pan. There were 175 of the 203 Repub
licans present. Reed's name was pre
sented by Payne, who referred to him
as man of towering intellect, sterling
Republicanism and a pee- of the great
est parliamentarians.
Dingley responded to a call, promis
ing that the tariff bill should be ready
in a week.
alker offered a motion for the selec
tion of a committee of seven, of which
the speaker should be chairman, to re
vise the rules of the house. Mahany
declared the whole tendency of house
rules was despotic, and in conclusion
said :
"I warn new members of the house
that it is an invariable trick of leaders
of the house, self-constituted or other
wise, to move the temporary adoption
of the rules of the last house, and when
once adopted, it is harder to move them
than to move Aetna, and under them,
new members will rind it impossible to
represeut their constituencies."
mere was an exchange ol suarp per
sonalities between Mahany and Pitney
of New Jersey. Mr. Walker's motion
was buried under an overwhelming
After resolving that a call signed 'by
twenty-five instead of fifteen members
should be necessary to secure a caucus,
the caucus adjourned.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseases put
together, and until the last few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in dnscs from ten
drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly
on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars aud testmonials. Address,
F. J. Ciieney & Co., Toledo, O.
JfjJliSold by Druggists, 75c. 7
Sau Fruuclcco Importers rreiiariuir for
a Higher Tarlfi'.
San Fhancisco, March 13. The im
porters of the city fear that congress
will surely raise the tariff. In conse
quence, a rapid rush is being made to
remove all goods now held iu bonded
warehouses. Monday it is thought will
mark the climax, as it is considered
that on Tuesday the new bill will be-
becomeaUw. Since the first of the
month, however, the importers of cigars,
tobacco and woolens have been remov
their goods. Figures in possesion of
Auditor Cope, at the custom-house,
show that in all since March 1, about
$87,073 worth of goods have been taken
out of bond. It is anticipated that be
fore Monday the limit already reached
will be greatly exceeded.
On March 1, goods valued at $2040
were removed while on the day follow
ing, $17,500 were taken out. -Daily the
removals have continued, yesterday
making the top notch, when $10,622
worth of goods were removed. The total
for the twelve days taken from the ware
houses direct is $81,849. Taken from the
"rewarehouse" lots, as it is called, were
goods valued at $012-4. The reason for
this is that, although articles may re
main in bond for three years, the duty
prevailing at the time of the 'removal is
the rate to be paid.
Complete ui.u practical; exactly an found In
InialiK-sa. My courMj of instructions thor
oughly qualify you to take charge of mid
keep u bet of book. The lilKheMt reference
luruumxi, J-or terms una iuii iwonnutlon
uddrciw L. O. HUNTER. A. O. U. W.
land, Oregon,
To be found on our Counters at the commencement of this week.
See our Doublo nnd Twist, SG-inch Argylo Cheviot;
a splendid Wrapper material; exact reproduction of those
small figured Woolens, now so popular. Large range o
patterns, Only 10c per yard,
Others in the now' Laco Jfiflects: all prominent color--ings
with black not overthrow', producing a very rich ef
fect; a true imitation of a high-priced imported" Parisian
Novolty: in two grades. 28-inch at Hljjc; 32-inch at 150c.
A large assortment of New Chtcks, Rob Roy Plaids,
Fancy Scotch Mixtures, at 10jj, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 50c yd.
38-inch All-Linen Fringed Towel, col
ored border, per dozen $3.00
"40-inch Heavy All-Linen, colored bor
der, Fringed Towel, per dozen, $1.75
45-in. Turkislr Bath Towel, unbleach'd,
special good value at 25c each
Drab or Black Sat
een Corset; G-hook;
any size, 18 to 30, at
50 Cents.
Best Corset on earth
for the money.
f I 7
When my llttlo clrl wa ouo month old, bIio
had a Miali f'irin on her face. It kojit Hiinwi
ini until fcho wis completely covered from
head to foot. Then alio had holla. Bho hail
forty on her tend tit one time, ami inoru on her
body. Whenwix mniithsoliUho did not wcIrIi
Keren pounds, a ounil and a half less than at
birth. Then liiirskln marled to dry up ami
f;otno bail she could not shut hercjcH to sleep,
nit lay with them halt open. - About this
time, l started tulnj; crutTiiA Iti'.str.nn'Ji,
and in one month alie wti tumpletely cured,
Tho doctor anil ilrnc bill worn over ue hun
dred dollar, tho Ct'Ticrit hill wan not morn
than flee dolln r. My citliu 11 now 8mm;:,
photo.), nnd it is all owiux to CimcuitA.
Jlim. CKO. JI.Tn('KKK,.!n
i Ice
healthy, and lanre at any child of her a;u wj
imoto.), nun it is an nwnix in
Yours with a .Mother's Jllessin,
Cltt Walker St., Milwaukee, Win.
Bpeedt Curte TnrATMENT. Wat m baths
With C'UTIcuiu Hoap, pernio urallc.itliitM of Cu.
ticuiia (ointment), nnd mild uoen oi OCTIcuitA
Kbsoi.vknt (biooJ jiurli'.ur).
J8TJ-" How to Cure livery sMn Dineaeo," freo.
Bold throughout tho woild. I'ottkii Drug ii
Cuem. Coin1,, Cola i'roiw , lloto:i, V- ri. A.
in ii sinKlo
C.licuia JK Plaster
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
g A. I). GOltCKV,
' Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Fractlcet in the Btate and Federal Court of
Oregon aud Wushluatou. junSl-tuio
New York
Far me and Villagers.
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
With the close of tho Presidontial Cumptiimi THE TRIBUNE ecognizes th
fact thai tho American pooplo aro now anxious to givo thulr attontion to home and
huBineBH Interests. To meet thin condition, politic will have far leas epneo and
prominonco, until another Statu or National occasion demands a renewal of the
IlKht for the principlofl for which THE TRIBUNE haa labored from its inception
to the present dav, and won its uruatcst victoriuu.
livery posfllhle effort will bo put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE
WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminoritly a National Famllv NewHnaner. iiiturcatlmr.
instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member of the family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Write your name and address on a nostal card, send it to Ouo. W. Hunt.
Tribune Ofiico, New York City, aud a sample conv of The New Yorl: Wuuklv Trlb.
uno will be mulled to von.
Till.' UllBT liA'lTI.K In mi tti,erftln utory
of thu Kieat political htriiKKlo o lswi, iu inont
lmortiiiit even tti nml the luiniy IssiK'b involved;
a lotficiil ireiitUunii lll-iiiotullfam no uttered by
eminent exixiueiitK, ineludliiK tliu mrt taken by
Hon. W, J, lirynii iu thu tdiver limitation prior to
thu PcMuwriillti 'Niitloim! Convention, nnd dur
ing thu ('ampiilKii; thu heat examples ol hi won
(Ivriul oratory, thu mot notowurtiiy Incidents ol
his famiiuit lour, u careful rurlutv ol thu polltleul
Munition, i. itlcuf.lon of thu clivllou return
nnd thu klulllcutii'ii thereof, mid thu' fmuru
possibilities of m-metallUiu u a polltluil Uaue.
Richly and durably bound iu English Cloth, plain edt-us; portrait of tho au-
uor torniing me uttMg'i on cover; auiourapli pwaco; iiiaifiiHIcent pre
sentation plate in til ver, ijold lind blue; containing U00 pages and 3-'
fulbnaue illustrations ii 75
In half-Morocco, marble edge , , a 25
In full-Morocco, gilt edge, , , 2 75
M. J, WOODCOCK, AgenN Wamlo, Or.
' r