mm Tbe Dalles My Chronicle. THE X1AL.I.ES, OKKRIIS TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. "Below is published a correct time card ot trains mid boats which lenve and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers niny trust it, as The Cnno.vici.u is kept fully in formed of revisions : D. I, it A. X. O. STEAM EUS. Steamer Regulator leaves every Monday, Wed nesday aud Friday at 7:30 a. m. Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day n OlSU p. TO. OlIEGOX RAILWAY A: XAVIGATIOX CO. FAbT mail. Arrive. Leve. Xo.l Wen-bnuiid. .. 4:45 a.m. -t:50 a.m. Xo.U East-bound 10:15 p.m. 10;2op.m. DALLKS fASSKNOEi:. No. 7 West-bound, leaves urop.m. Xo. h East-bound, arrives 11:55 u.m. All pnsouger traios stop at Union Street, nt frell as the depot. Ad vortlsluc Unten. Per inch One Inch or less iu Dally $1 50 Over two inche and under four inches 1 CO Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 75 Over twelve inche? SO DAILY AND WKKKLY. One inch or less, per inch ?2 50 Over one inch and under four Inches 2 P0 Over four inches and under twelve inches . 1 50 Over twelve inches ... 1 00 l'KUSOXAL, MENTION. Mr. Hugh Glenn came up from Goble last night, to remain over Sunday. Mr. G. W. McCoy of Portland, one of the projectors of the Wapinitia ditch, is in the citv. Altes Hilda Beck who has been in Portland for the past few months, re turned home today. ' v Mr. F. T. Espinc. who has been in Jiossland, B. C, for some time past, has returned home on account of the illness of his wife. He corroborates the story that liosslancl is overrun with men seek ing employment. J, i:onx. In tiiis city, Saturday mornin?, March 13th, to the wife of J. Hawn, a daughter. Something to Depend On. Mr, James Jones, of ihe drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, sayE that last winter his wiie was attacked with LaGrippe, and her cae grew so Eerious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav inc Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took a -bottle Lome, and to the Fiirprise of all she be gan to get better from the first dose, and half dpzen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Blakeley & .Houghton's Drug Store. ;o) Will Claim Au Indemnity. Washington, March 1L Mrs. Ruiz, widow of the dentist found dead in pris son in Cuba, called on secretary Sher man and declared her intention of pre Jerring a claim against Spain for an ln demity. The secretary advised her to submit her statement in writing as a basis for investigation. Old l'l:(ill'. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find tiiH true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and oowels, adding strength and piviti" tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the uerformance of the functions. Electric liittere ie an excellent appetizer and aide digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what they need." Price i0 cente and $l,f0 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough ton's Drug Store. 5 For sain or Trade. A desirable ranch of 100 acres, within Jour miles of Dalles T-i.ii , n-. -.i Dalles City with one Bran- 388, wagons, plows and other mares, harne property. Fine fruit land and abun dauce of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of A. S. Mac Allister, Real Estate aud Insurance Agent. Chronicle oflice, Tiie Dalles, Or. Subscribe for The Chronicle. This Ib Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, u genoroUB sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh aud Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon etrato the great merits of the remedy. ELI' BROTHERS, j CC Wurren St., New York Oity. ' Ttov. JohnReid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mout.. recommended Ely's Cream Balm to mo. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi-1 tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." ! ltev. Francis W. Poolo, Pastor Central Pre. ; Church, Helena, Mont i Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure'for catarrh aud contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. : SURE CURE for PILES DR. UO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. Mc? u.h. tuttt o ly ttvt .V Lv.ltlre cuiv Circuur Mrut fr fttn SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Railroad builders, pay the building this year will be mainly for tbe pur pose of developing- lumber tracts, coal mines and other freig-ht-mnking dis tricts. laborers nre flocking- to Liberia to work on tbe great Liberian railway. This is the route that, will play havoc with the eastern question, destroy the usefulness of Constantinople as the key to Europe and enable Americans, to go to the Japan wi in 17 days. A very low tempernrture. 400 de crees below ?.ero, has been shown to have a remarkable effect upon the color of many bodies. The brilliant scarlet of vermillion and mercuric iodide is reduced, under its influence, to a pale orange, tbe oricrinnl color returning- with tbe rise of the temperature. Blues are unaffected by cold, and the effect is comparatively small upon organic col oring matters of all tints. The movement for the industrial education of the southern ncgrocr-. is alwut to be advanced by the building of a cotton mill at Concord. X. C, for the special employment and instruction of negroes in this line of work. It. is being built, by W. C. Coleman, a wealthy colored man, and will be. tbe first cot ton mill in the country to employ col ored operat'es, although there is n spinning mill at Columbia, S. C. where they are employed. In so dry a region as central Austra lia frogs are found in fair numbers, creeks and claypaus "swarming'' with them. As the waters dry up the frogs disappear in their burrows, remaining till tbe rains come again. "Certain spe cies of them," says Spencer, "gorge themselves with water before they go into their retreats, and in times of drought the natives dig them out and obtain enough water from their bodies to satisfy their thirst. It appears that as the earth be comes overpopulated all men must be-1 come vegetarians. A recent estimate .shows that 22 acres of land are neces sary to sustain one man on fresh meat, while the same area, if devoted to wheat culture, -would feed 42 people; if to oats, ??: potatoes, Indian, corn and rice, 17G, and if to plantain or breadfruit, over G.000 people. Ere the dire prophecy of Maltkus is fulfilled, however, we may reasonably expect the chemist 10 pro vide artificial food for the multitude. As to tbe age of the Xiagara falls, geologists differ widely in opinion. At first it was estimated that the Niagara river came into existence through changes in the level of the land aroun the great lakes, about jj.OOO years ago Later this was reduced to only 12,000 years. The celebrated geologist. Sir Charles Lvell, increased the estimate again to 35,000 years; but more recent ly others have lowered it to about 0.000 years. The latest estimate is that o Dr. J. W. Spencer, who, basing his con elusions on the most recent mvestiga tions, places the age of the river at 32, 000 years and that of tie cataract at 31, 000 years. At one period, many thou sand years ago, the height of the falls was 420 feet. Hlaclt 3Ion in I'crslu " Old inscriptions and carvings have shown tl.a' thre existed in tl.a' thre existed in ane:en: Persia bkinne members of a race of biaei. 1 n:m, who possessed feature resembling- those of Africans. The orig-'rn of neoule, as we'.l as tho'.r api-arent disappearance in mode:-: times, have furnished puzzling- ques tions for ethnologists. Some have sup- Iio.sed that in prehistoric times th in-eater pa,rt of southern Asia was ot-- tunkd bv a primit've black racv. of which only vestiges remained when the empires of Babylonia and Assyria aroae. Lately descendants of the I :a men who figured in tne early h. story ot Persia are irtlieveil to have Peer. found by the UusKian explorer. Dr. Daniiolf, dwelling among the mour tains near ShLraz, east of the Pers:u gulf. These ieople, although thev t!U form an indejK.T.dem group, mingl with the surrounding population, a1 1, ancient times, nnd find empl ynf:' at long distances from their home. Some of them arv to be se;-n in the city of Teheran. Youth's CVmpumon Advantuces of hlei'p. In reply to the question: Is it wise for a man to denv himself and get 'or a man to denv hunsel whh Q fewhours, f U) d) raore k? Tesla, sleep a. day, the trreat electrician, replied: "That, is a great mi. st aire. 1 um convinced. A man has just so many hours to Ik; awake and the. fewer of these he uses up each day the mora days they will last, that is rhe longer he will live. I believe, that a man might live 00 years if he would sieep most of the time. That is why negroes often live to advanced old age, lwnusc they sleep so much. It is mid that Gladstone, sleeps 17 hours every day; that is why his faculties tv.e still unimpaired in spite of his great age. The proper way to economize life is to sleep every momer't' that is not nec essary or dc.!ra' 'e t'.iut you should be uwukt.'." Popuh.r .Science .News. .MiMttlllKof StocklllilfliirH I), , A- A. N. Co. Notice ie hereby given that there will he u stockholders' meeting of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navieation Co., at their office Saturday, April .'1, 1897, utS p. in., for the purpose of electing seven directors and transacting such other business as may properly come before said meeting. By order of the presi dent. The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1897. OltlON Kl.S'KItSI.Y, mS'td Secretury, flow fibout Your job We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. We not only desiie to keep bus, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. The Dalles Real Estate Exchange IS DAILY RECEIVING INQUIRIES FROM Prospective : Immigrants From every part of the United States concerning the Resources, Products. Prices. Etc. All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatly to their advantage to call on or write ut once to any one of the undersigned members of the Exchange, giving full particulars, terms, etc. T. A. HUDSON, G. Y. ROWLAND, C. E. BAYARD, J. G. KOONTZ & J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. THE DALLES, HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plaiu edges; portrait of the au- tnor lornnng tne oesign on cover; autograph prelrtce; magniucent pre sentation plate in silver, gold and blue; containitiL' GOO pages and 112 full-pace illustrations ". In half-Morocco, marble edge In full-Morocco, gilt edge New York Weekly Tribune With the close of the Presidential Campaien THE TRIBUNE recoimizps Hit. fact that tbe American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, until another State or National occasion demands a renmrnl nf dm light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present day. and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting instructive, entertaining und indispeusublo to each member of the family. ' We furnish "The Chronicle" une one year Write vour name and address on Tribune Oflice, New York City, ari a Bamole corv of The New York Wenklv Trii,.' une will bo mailed to you. p-WlW CO., OREGON. TIIE.FIP.5T BATTLE is mi intcrestlns storv nf thu preut political struggle of I'M, its most important event mid the numy issues involved; a logieol Teati.-e on IH-mettsP.Um us uttered by eminent exjMinent.s ineliuiiup the part taken by Hon. W. J. JJrynn in the bilver acliation jirior to the Democratic' National Canventiou, mid dur inr the campuigu; the best examples of his won derful oratory, the most noteworthy incidents of his famous tour, u careful review of the noiitieal Munition, a discussion of the elei-tion returns mid the significance thereof, nnd the fu'ure )ossibilities of Ui-metiilliam as a jioliticil issue. M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or. -FOE Far me and Villagers, FOB Fathers and Mothers, FOU Sons and Daughters, FOB All the Family. and N. Y. Weekly Trib for only $1.75. u nostal card. Rand it tn nn v vtcui n,. omtlnrn nnd Order. "What is tbe difference.; asked a cor- nnwUM- nn 1 111 1)1 ill I ish so much ridicule on the importance attached to the lir.-t set of emblems uy the Chinese when wc otirsclvi s ?ct just as much fctorc by the second set. There is much force in these questions, and I commend them to the attention d the wars in the prow who are always pnking'fuu at Li Hung Chang s yellow jacket, and peacock's feathers. Look ing at the matter impartially, it seems to" me :'r.t a vellow jacket, or a giass button, or a peacock's feather is more suitable for decorative purposes than either a bath or a garter I do not say a thistle, heeatise i:o doubt that is an ob ject highly appropriate to many of those on whom it has been conferred. London Truth. A final Keniedy. A young lady once called on one of Louisville's most prominent homoeo pathic physicians, and nftrr discoursing on all the topics of interest of the day, icttled down to tell her ailments. Among other thirds, she said that she was greatlv annoyed with a sink. tig ieel ing. The pbvsieian prepared a little bottle of pills and gave tlirrri to her, with minute directions as to how they should be taken. The woman again began to talk, and after many vain ef forts to get her out. she started for the door. She had just opened it, when she turned and said: "Oh, doctor, what shall I do if these pills do not cure me?" "Take the cork." he retorted; "they tell me that's good for a sinking feel ing." San Francisco Argonaut. Tne GoiumDia Packino Go.. PACKERS OF Pork and Beef MANUFACTURER: OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. Dalles City anfl Moro Staie Line T nn t , weaves Miuams rjotei. iMoro. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5 n. m. iroiiiit. Leiives Umatilla House. The Dalles. uiesdavs, Thvrsdays and Saturdavs at b a. m. prompt. Freight ratesThe Dalles to Moro, 40c per 1U0 lbs; small packages, 1," und L'oc. Passencer rates The Dalles to Moro. fi.i'uj rouiiu trip, .;.ou. Agency at Umatilla House, Tbe Dalles, uiiu iii n iiiiams notei .uoro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN. Prop. Bake Oven and Mitclie STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietor Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. The Glades Ranch, AVIIITK SALMON. 1VASU. Fun Bred JERSEYS Of the Et Lambort, CommnsMc find Tormentor ln- Thrws Choice Hulls for "nle or rout i."?.".y&,.ce tow and Ileller. for tula. Cm 1'IUIIU UlllUH HOI'S, V I'iyinouth Rock Chicken Address itl'.S. A. It. HYKKKTT, Prnt,. White Suhnoa. Wuhh. Jv.fii.w3m LDDD P01SDH A SPECIALTY '""x.S i4,HS?J'ff.ej:i2Weherowew!S Uonolirottrairt?: Abso iiti ln.2 our ocoum. 9M MawiOo Twaph,, VwiukSlo,0 Ialle.Moru Btaee f.PHVi.U il.n TT. lllf- I i respondent, apropos of Li iuing . s -journey to Europe, "between a j l I jacket, a button, cr a peacock s fe.wncr, il .,.' lmml. mid n thistle, a balh, or UI1 lii-J isn D uiiihuiib uouse b a, in. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Douglas, Prop. Subscribe for Tiik Ciiko.nicle. lit ORTHERN PACIFIC RY? s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. VAV L MINNEAPOLIS DULUTlt KAltGO OKAND PORKS CKOOKSTON WINNIPEG nELENA nil 1JUTTE TO Through Tickets CHICAGO T WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA 'EW YOKK UOSTON ANI AL.L POINTS EAST Slid SOUTH Forinormntio:i, time curds, innpsnud tickets, cul ou or write to "VV. C. ALLAWAY. Apent, The DiUk'k, Oregon on A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 255. Morrison Cot. Third. Cortland Oregon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TIIE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leuvc nud nre due to nmve nt Portland. fuom feu. 10, 1B9T. f OVERLAND EX-1 I iirehh. Salem. Itose- 1 burp, J AKhlund, Sac- 1 1 hruticlseo, .HUIUVU. i .5., ft . -.t-.i . f !n A!nlno T."l Pnur, C.IVA. H. New orleniiK uud (.Eust J ' Kosuburg und wnr fta-i tions I'VAO P.M fVia Woodburn fori l Mt.Ancel, Bilverton, i Wekt Scio, Browns- ) except viUt, Springfield and Sundars. "S:S0 A. M. Dnily escejit feuiidnyi. siilem nnd wnr stHtionsl10.15 A.H (..Muron j, T:S A! Si!! SCorvalHs una way t oiJur.x f p.u.i.uin ..... . . ) . M i jMcMiunville n n d t S:25P.M (Way btntions. .. -! i Daily. j Dully, exce;t Bunday. DINING CAH3 ON" OGDEN KOUTE. 1'DLl.MAN BUFFET SLEEl'EUS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAP.S Attached to all Through Truius. Through Ticket Ollice, 131 Third street, where through tickets to all points iu the Eustern Stntes, Cunadu und Euroje cau be obtained tt lowest rates from J. II. KIHKLAND, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive at aud depart .'nro1 Grand Central Station, Fifth uud Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Deiot, foot of Jederson street. Leave for OSWEGO, dailv, except Sunday, at T:0 a. iu.; 12:15, 5:'ii, GM5, S:05 p. m., (and 11;: p. m. on Suturdav only). Arrive at Portland at 7:10 and S;S0 a.m.; and 1:S0, 0;S5 and 7:55 p. m. Leave for Sheridan, week days, ut4:S0p.n Arrive at Portland, 9:M u. m. Leave for All! LIE on Monday, Wednesdavand Kriaav nt 9:40 a. in. Arrive ut Portland, TUB- dav, Thursday and Saturday at 0:00 p. m. Slllldnv trnlns. for nsWPBfl Innrn nt SllOa.B. and 12! 15, 1: 15, 2:30, 5:25 0:45 nnd S 05 p. m. Ar rive at Portland at 8::i(l. 10:00 a.m.: 1:80,4:15 5:10, C:35, 7:55 p. m. K. KOE1ILER, E. P. ROGEUS, MunaKer. Asst. G. F. & Pass. AP THE- NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 races u Week. 150 1'aiierg a Vr It stands first among 'weekly" paper in eize, frequency of publication anu freshness, variety and reliability of con tents. It is practically a daily at the Io price o a weekly: and its vast Uetoi subscribers, extending to every state and territory of tbe Union and foreign coutv tries, will vouch for tbe accuracy ond fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among its special features ore a fine bum0' page, exhaustive marked reports, all tbe latest fashiona for women and a long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Couan Doyle, Jerome K. Jeroinei Stanley Weytnan, Mry K. Wilh"1' Anthony Hope, ret JIarte, Krauder Matthew, Etc. , We ofler this uneaualed newspaperand The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for $L',00. The regolw price of the two papers ie $3.00. Iu Vour cUecki. All county warrants registered priJ to Oct. 1st, 1892, will be paid at w office. Interest ceases after March i 1897. O. L. Pmiun, County Treasurer.