m Bieyeles, SPECIALS for this week. A CAR-LOAD OF BUGGIES BUGGIES Bieycle Ladies' Ready-made Suits and Skirts. We are showing this week a few special things in Suits, Jackets and Gapes. io two garments alike, and the price astonishingly low. Sundries, JUST RECEIVED at Lace Boleros.. Corduroys. We make a Special Drive this week in Suitings at 15c per yard. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Gtoonieie. SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1S97 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Randciui Observations and Local Krcnts of Lesser Magnitude. Delft ware, the latest,' in cooking uten Eils, at Muier & Benton's. 12-dlw The Congregational church choir are expecting to be in their place again next Sunday. Rev. W. H. Shearman will preach at the Calvary Baptist church tomorrow morning and evening. . The Eteamer Hattie Bell isrunning in place of the Regulator, aou will arrive here about 6 or G :30 o'clock tonight on her first trip. Dr. Lannerberg was expected home today, but owing to accumulating busi ness in Moro, will not return until the latter part of next week. Edwin Gorton died at Wyeth one week ago today. He was 87 years old, a veteran of the late war, and a mem ber of Canby Post, G. A. R., at Hood River. Don't forget the grand ball to be given by Dalles Tent, No. 20, K. 0. T. M., "St. Patrick's day in the evening." Dance will bo at the Baldwin opera houee. From present indications Pennoyer has broken with the Populists, and ie turning his versatile and somewhat fickle mind back to hi6 first love the Democracy. There is an abundance ofweather this raorninu' mostly of au .Unsatisfactory Mnd. However, it is yftll we can get, and so the only thin to do is to look Pleasant and make evrybody else think you like it. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charge. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit vou for life. Office m the Vogt block. " Art Studio. What is it? If you go w the Good Templar's Art Studio social tomorrow night, you will find it not U'J amusing, but instructive. A short Program will be rendered, .after which he art etudio will be exhibited, followed b' a "Mystery Tea" for luncheon. See Program. At the eale of city lota this afternoon 'e following were made": Lot 1, block ,. t0 Calvary Baptist church, consider ation f 200. The north fifty feet of lots 0 and o, block 18, to the Lutheran urch, $300. North fifty feet of lots 3 "MM, block 18, to M. T. Nolau, $100. jorth fifty feet of lota 1 and 2, block 18, r A. Johnston, 60. Soft negligee shirts, made of percale, Madria or French flannels, without " ar and cuffs, finished at neck and with white banda, to be worn dn v,, Whlte col,RrB and caS wiU un "outuedly be the popular ahirt tbli com- WMon' A. M. William & Co. have We have received the Choicest Line of Boleros, in Silk, Battenburg aud l oint de enice Lace, that was ever shown over our counters. ou should see them. Come and look them over and see what they are. Range in price from $1.50 to $0.00. We are now showing a complete line of shades in Fane' Weave Cor duroys at 75c per yard. PEASE just opened an extensive line of the above in the various new shades and effects, and are offering thejsame at from 75 cents to $2.25. Anyone appreciative of a handsome shirt should not fail to see these lines. Cosilla, the man who surrendered himself to the Portland police and ac cused himself of murdering Blanche La mont, has been found to be mildly in sane and has been discharged. People in San Francisco who know him state that he was in Los Angeles at the time of the murder. Yesterday The Chboxicxe put a new carrier on one of the routes, and, of course, it is expected that some of our patrons will perhaps te missed for a few days. If you don't get your paper, just file a complaint at this office, and it will be thankfully received. If you don't get The Cueonicle you have a kick coming at us, and if you don't sub scribe for it, you have one coming at yourself. Try it a month and see. On Thursday and Friday evenings of next week President Miller and Profes sor Cordley and Hedrick, of the agricul tural college, will address the fruit growers and those interested in fruit growing on horticultural eubjects, fruit pests, etc. We will give the program full before that time. The subject is of vast importance, and fruit-growers es pecially will do well to attend these meetinge. Wasco is destined to be the banner fruit county of the state, and the knowledge that can be gained from these gentlemen will prove of inestima ble benefit. Do not fail to attend tnese meetings. . New Woman at Eugene. Eugene is setting the pace in the mat ter of women taking a hand in politics, and has perfected an organization for that purpose. Woman suffrage will be the principal object aimed at, but the ladies will take a hand in the coming city election, 'just to measure tneir power and test their capabilities. Their first attempt will be to elect city officers who will prevent the sale of intoxicat ing liquore. If they are successful, the organization is likely to take an epi demic form and become highly con tagious. The city election takes place next month, and the result will be watched with more than usual interest. We try to make Schil ling's Best baking powder flavoring; extract coffee soda na spices just right every one. Do we always hit the mark ? You shall judge your money back (at your grocer's) if you don't like them. 27 For sale by W. E. Kahler Advertise in Tub Chkonjcuc. I & MAYS. THE TIRELESS SMALL-BOY Tried His Genlno at Improving l'oster Work. The tireless aud ever-present small boy is a source of perpetual wonder. What he has done is naught to what he will do. For bim there is always some thing new under the sun, and novelties in abundance in the shade. Genera tions of email-boys have come and gone, each finding some new specteB of mis chief, some improvement over the back number small-boy who preceded them. Of recent years the improvement in posterB and lithographs, and their abundance in windows and on walls has furnished new opportunities for the dis play of the small-boys' skill. We no ticed an example of thiB irrepressible genius this morning on a building near the Umatilla House. A patent medi cine advertisement shows an enlarged picture of a little girl's face, and one of these was posted on the wall mentioned, over some other advertisement, the pre vailing color of which was a bright car mine. How the small-boy discovered that fact we do not pretend to say ; but he utilized it to show his genius. With his ever-handy jack-knife he had cut out the eyes of the picture, leaving the bright red of the under poster showing through the vacant Eockets. The com bination certainly made the most horri ble picture we ever looked at, und is a monument to the genius of the young eter, who saw and utilized the combina tion. One glance at his work will start the shivers on you, and the second make you turn away in horror. Concerning Forfeited Lands. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to forfeit certain lands heretofore granted for the purpose of aiding in the construction of railroads, and for other purposes," approved September 29th, 1890, and the several acts amendatory thereof. Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representative! of the United States of America in Congress assembled: That section thiee of an act entitled "An act to forfeit certain lands hereto fore granted for the purpose of aiding in the construction of railroads, and for other purposes,", approved September 29, 1890, and the several acts amenda tory thereof, be, and the same is, amended eo as to extend the time within which persona entitled to purchase lanps forfeited by said act shall be per mitted to purchase the same, in the quantities and upon the terms provided in said section and the amendments thereto at any time prior to January 1, 1899: Provided, That nothing herein con tained shall be so construed as to inter fere with any adverse claim that may have attached to the lands or any part thereof. Approved February 18,. 1897. From the above it ia deduced that the forfeited lande, withheld from settle ment by order of the Secretary of the interior, pending the passage of the above act, are now subject to homestead entry. The entryman would perhaps be Fishing Tackle, Steel Ranges. Also a Scow-load of DRY FIR WOOD JUST RECEIVED AT MAIER& BENTON'S compelled to make an affidavit showing that the lands were not claimed in any wav under the forfeiture act. "No in structions have been received by the local land office upon the subject, but we believe the above course will bo pur sued, in dealing with homestead appli cations. . A Narrow Escape. Last Saturday night about 7 o'clock, the attention of many of our citizens was attracted to a light in tho moun tains, apparently to the west of Mt. Hood. It was supposed at the time to be the camp fire of some trappers, as the night was cold and a hot fire neces sary to keep from freezing. The follow ing day, however, word was brought to town that Ed. Snyder's residence, in the vicinity indicated by the light seen re flected by the hovering clouds had been totally destroyed" by fire, with all its contents. Tho fire originated by the explosion of a coal oil lamp. Though none of the family escaped with more than barely enough clothing to coi-er their naked ness, Mr. Snyder and wife consider themselves fortunate that they saved themselves and two children from hor rible deaths. The children were in the room where the lamp exploded, Bnd their clothing was soon on fire. The mother heard, the screams of her little oneB and hurried to their rescue, seizing them and rushing out of doors. By this time the father was at hand and finding the mother, as well as the children, all ablaze, ho threw them to the around and rolled them in the snow, thus ex tinguishing the flames before either of them waa seriously burned. The little boy baby had possibly the most narrow escape, aB the hair was almost entirely burned from his head. While it was almost a miraculous es cape, this is a great misfortune to Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, for they did not save a single article of clothing or bedding except the few pieces they had on their backs, having to go nearly a mile to their neighbors, barefooted and bareheaded, Mrs. Snyder being at the same time quite ill with inflammation of the lungs. In thia connection Mr. Snyder wishes ub to thank the people ot Dufur in his behalf for their generous assistance in his time of need. Dufur Dispatch. Art Studio Social. Following is the program to be ren dered this (Saturday; evening at Good Templar's Art Studio social in the K, of P, hall. Program commences at 8 o'clock : Mulo Quartet High School limitation , 1'ruiielu Box ton Holo, tlultar Accompaniment. , . , , .Curtis Kgbcrt limitation , W. 8. Chlpp Duet "Home Again'' ,... Milne Kandall and Freddcn Kecittttion Georgia Humpeon Solo , JietiJo llowluud Admisiton 15 cents. BoyB, don't for get to bring your beBt girl, it will only cost you 25 cents. Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco warehouse. Beat feed on earth, mO-tf k V'' Remember. We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET BATES Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO e)oo Boos, Stationery, .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Northern Grown Seeds. , Fresh Gurden und GraHS Seeds in Bulk. Seed Wheat, Seed live, Seed Oats. Seed Barley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed. Alfalfa Seed, Timothy Seed. Red Clover Seed, Miljot Seed. J. H. GROSS' Feed GoodB Sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Store open from 7 GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Again in business at tho old stand. I would bo pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. 7VL Z. DONNELL, PSESCSIPTIOJ DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M, Williams & Co., Lumber, Building Material and Boxes Traded ior Hay Qrain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO., MAYS & CROWE. BVfVy s ' .AT. CriniBon Clover Seed, Blue Grass Seed. White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed, lieu Supplies, Fertilizers, Oil Meal Cuke. Hay. Grain, Feed and GrocorioH. Kurly Rose Potatoes. Poultry and Ekrh bought and sold at and Grocery Store. a. in. to 0 p. m. HutctBbor to UtirlHiuua & Corson. FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLE S OR. The Dalles, Or.