Bieyeles, 9 9 SPECIALS for this week. A CAR-LOAD OF ;UGGIES Bieyele Ladies' Ready-made Suits and Skirts. 'e are showing this week a few special things in Suits, Jackets and Capes. ISO two garments alike, and the price astonishingly low. BUGGIES Sautes, JUST RECEIVED at Lace Boleros.. 9 9 T Corduroys. We make a Special Drive this week in Suitings at 15c per yard. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY. MAECH 12, 1S97 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observations and Local Kvents of Lesser Magnitude. Delft ware, tbe latest, in cooking uten sils, at Maier & Benton's. 12-dlw Pease & Mays have opened an eletrant line of ladies' ehirt waists and collarB and cuffs all up to date things. You must see them. The Fossil Journal is informed on good authority that a Crook county preacher's wife, aged 5S years, gave birth to a child a few weeks ago. The right-of-way contracts for the road from Biggs to Wasco contain a clause that work must be begun by the first of May and prosecuted diligently until the road is completed. If the road is to be built, it will not be long until that fact is known. The funeral of ex-Senator Dolph took place in Portlnnd this afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock from the First Baptist church. There were no services at the house, and at the cemetery they were private, the family and a few intimate friends only being present. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye specialist, and have your eyes examined free of charue. If you suffer with headache or nervousness you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will bsne6t vou for life. Office in the Vogt block. " There is more or less complaint about the weather, but what's the use? We must have about so much of every kind, and if we don't get it at one time, we do at another. Besides,' if we don't like tbe weather, we have never yet heard of any remedy or any way of changing it. Art Studio. What is it? If you go to the Good Templar's Art Studio social tomorrow night, you will find it not only amusing, but instructive. A short program will be rendered, after which the art Etudio will be erbibited, followed ty a "Mystery Tea' for luncheon. See program. Yesterday was "Ladies' Day" at the club, and from all accounts they ran thinga to suit themselves. We under stand that after discussing the recent minstrel show! and expressing their opinion concerning the roof leaking, they 6&tup a higher "standard." and will hereafter see to it that their gymnastic enortE and modern Terpeicborean exer cises snail not be commented upon. Judge Bradsbaw tells us tbe weather was very rough in Sherman county dur ing bis stay there, the severe cold being accompanied by high winds. It was feared by the stockmen that coaeider. able stock would perish, and as lambing had commenced in places, it was quite certain that many lambs will die. The farmers also fear some damage to their wheat where it is not covered, from freezlcg out. We understand a proposition has been We have received the Choicest Line of Boleros, in Silk, Battonburg aud Point de Venice Lace, that was ever shown over our counters. You should see them. Come and look them over and see what they are. Range in price from $1.50 to $6.00. We are now shdwing a complete line of shades in Fancy Weave Cor duroys at 75c per yard. PEASE T made to the local minstrel troupe to give their entertainment at Walla Walla, Pendleton and Ileppner. It is not known yet whether this will be done, but we want to say right now that, if the boys go, the towns named will see one of the best minEtrel shows ever on the coast. We will stake our reputation on the boys making a grand hit, and in this connection we want it understood that I we think more of our reputation than lots of men do of their wives. Fnneial of Silas W. Davis. The funeral of the late Silas W. Davis took place from the family residence, on Fourth street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Jenkins, an old friend of the de ceased, preaching the sermon. The funeral was quite largely attended, the sterling worth and upright character of the deceased having won him a host of friends. The local lodge of Odd Fellows, of whicti order he was a member, at tended in a body. Silas W. Davis was a man of large heart and generous impulses, and leaves beside hiB wife and numerous family, a number of adopted children, whose con dition excited hiB sympathy to such an extent that he raised them as his own. They, as well as his own children, have lost a kind and good father. Art Studio Social. Following is the program to be ren dered Saturday evening at the Good Templar's Art Studio social in the K. of P. hall. Program commences at 8 o'clock: .' Mule Quartet .High School Recitation f joncis Sexton Solo, Guitar Accompaniment Curtis Egbert Recitation S. Chipp Duet "Home Again'' Mioses Randall and Fredden Recitation.'. Georgia Sampwu g0j0 Besile Rowland Admission 15 cents. Bovb, don't for get to bring your beet girl, k will only cost you 25 cents. For Sale or Trade. A desirable ranch of 100 acres, within tour miles of Dalles City, with one span maree, harness, wagons, plows and other property. Fine frut land and abun dance of water. Will trade for Dalles City property. Inquire of A. S. Mac Allistek, Real Estato and Insurance Agent. Cukoniclk office, The Dalles, Or. We try to make Schil ling's Best tfa baVIng powdir flavoring extract coffee UUB just right every one. Do ve always hit the mark ? You shall judge your money back (at your grocer's) if you don't like them. 27 For sale by W. E. Kahler tod a ana picct r m 5 I 7 & MAYS. Schedule of Kxpendltureg. Showing the amounts of all claims presented, the names of all claimants, the article or claim for which payment is made, the amounts allowed and the claims continued or rejected at the March term, 1S97, of the county court for Wasco couuty, Oregon. The following list, however, does not contain any claim for which the salary or fees are provided by statute: Mrs P Hitchcock, caring for Mrs Sego and children $10 00 W H. Moore, coffin for pauper. .. 10 00 Johnston Bros, nails for county bridge 1 85 Glass & Prudhomme, supplies clerk's office 27 20 William Sangster.nursiug pauper ChaB Brown 10 00 J M Toomey, boarding pauper, Chas Brown 4 00 Pease & Mays, supplies pauper. . 5 00 J P Mclnerny, do do . . 3 75 Pease & Mays, do do . . 5 00 P Crowell, supplies countv bridge 7 05 Ed Wilson, use polling place. ... 2 50 Pease & Mays supplies pauper. . o 00 Mays & Crowe, supplies road diet 17 60 Geo P Barnard & Co, supplies re corder 57 00 Job T Peters & Co, wood for pau pers 10 50 OJD Doane, examining insane. .. 5 00 S F Blythe, advertising bridge notice 1 50 Barnett & Parrish, supplies pau per 2 50 J P Watson, making election booth 2 00 F W L Skibbe, board pauper. ... 8 00 J F Haworth, printing 6 50 T H Wakefield, services asseeBor. 16 00 Paul Limeroth, pruning trees... 6 00 William McCrum, snow Bhoes... 1 60 Thelrwin Hodson Co, supplies sheriff 42 00 The Irwin Hodson Co, supplies clerk 18 00 A J Swift, making jury list 3 00 J M & M B Murchie, team for grand jurorB , 3 00 Dalles City Water Works, water. 12 00 B T Collins, milk for pauper. ... 2 25 J M Mooruey, board pauper 10 00 Chronicle Pub Co, printing 53 00 O C HolliEter, attendance pau pers 73 00 W A Johnston, mdse paupers. . . 14 00 G C Eshelman, attendance pau pers 20 00 Jacobsen Book & Music Co, sup plies 3 00 Mays & Crowe, supplies 2 25 Maier & Benton, supplies court house . 45 C L Schmidt, supplies pauper. . . 12 00 A B Mott, board paupers 82 55 J B Goit, making plats 55 00 Glass & Prudhomme, supplies sheriff 57 00 Times-Mountaineer, printing. ... 12 90 M Z Dunnell, medicine pan per a. . 13 50 A S Blowers & Co, supplies pau- pel 20 90 H H Tomkineon, lumtier county bridge 97 92 J M Toomey, board paupers 3 00 A Keller, rent of house 8 00 W II Williams, work on county road 06 00 Mary Walker, caring for pauper, 14 00 State or Oregon, I County of Wascof B8' I, A. M.Kelsay, county clerk of Wasco county, Btate of Oregon, do hereby cer tify that the above and foregoing is a full and complete statement of the claims presented and action taken there on by tbe county court of Wasco county, Oregon, sitting or the transaction of county business at the March term 1897, thereof, save and except all claims, 4 Fishing Taekle, Steel Hanges. Also a Scow-load of DRY FIR WOOD JUST RECEIVED AT MAIER & BENTON'S the salary or fees of which are provided for by statute. Witness my hand and seal of tho county court, affixed this 13th day of March, 1S97. Seal A. M. Kelsay, By Simeon Bolton, County Clerk. Deputy. Tlio Secretaries. There are but few persona who do not at some time during the year desire to know who the heads of the departments are. For the benefit of those we re-print the list, with tho advice to clip it for your scrap book. Secretary of the state, John Sherman of Ohio. Secretary of tho treasury, Lyman J. Gage of Illinois. Secretary of war, Russell A. Alger of Michigan. Attorney-general, Joseph McKenna of California. Postmaster-general, James A. Gary of Maryland. Secretary of the navy, John D. Long of Massachusetts. Secretary of the Interior, Cornelius N. Jliss of New York. . Secretary of agriculture, Jaiea A. Wilson of Iowa. Lust Xi.lit'ii bhuw. The Carnita Company haJ a fairly good house last night, better really than could have been expected when it Is con Bidered that there haa been something in the show Hue nearly every night for the past month. Mr. Whiting has a fine baritone voice, and responded to a de served encore. Instead of Favart, the Taylor sisters did the dancing, and did it very well. The 6ceneoscopu did not work well for some rouBon, and that part of the show was like several others much of a disappointment. Carnita was all right, and her dance, in the colored lights, when her gauzy garments seemed aflame, was a thing of beauty, and waa well worth the money it cost to see. Uujring Up Cattle. Grant Copeland and M. McDonald are in the cattle businesa this spring on a large scale, says the Walla Walla States man. A drove of fifty head, purchased from farmers, have been driven to the Copeland ranch. These men have about 400 head at the present time, and also about 2,700 head at Lewiston and I'om- eroy. The cattle will be pastured until 4,000 are obtained, when they will be shipped to points in the East. It Ib in tended to ship the cattle in May, one trainload of which will be stall-fed beef steers. Copeland & McDonald shipped a trainload of twelve cars to Omaha last Saturday. Bteainer tor Hule. We will sell the steamer "Waunu.' thlrtv.five feet long, eiuht foot beam, built 'in 1893, All in good order. For full particulars apply to OllKCJON LUMlIKU Co., mch2.1md. Viento, Or, . Tom McCoy has opened his new barber shop opposite tbe Olarenden restaurant on rcecona street. wvim Remember. We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES Phone 25. oJ&. Jefyool BooKs, Stationery, Kl MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, i Jacobsori Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, . New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Northern Grown Seeds. Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Hyo, Seed Onta. Seed Barley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed. Alfalfa Seed, Timothy Seed. Ked Clover Seed, Millet Seed. J. H. CROSS' Feed Goods Sold at Bedrock Pricos for Cash. Htoro open from GEORGE RUCH PIpN EER G ROCER. IHutccMior to Clirlmiiuii A Cornell, ' FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. Again in business at the old stand. I would be pleased to eeo all my formor patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. m. Z. DONNELL, PfyESCftfPTIOJi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., Lumber, Building: Material and Boxes Traded lor Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO., MAYS & CROWE. and JL. jtj-jxo oo v-vy AT. Crimson Clover Seed, Blue Grass Seed. White Clover Seed, Orchard Grusa Seed. Buo Supplies. Fertilize, Oil Meal Cako. liny. Grain, Feed and Groceries. Earlv Koeo Potatoes. Poultry und Eggs bought and sold at and Grocery Store. n. in. to v p. in. AND PERFUMERY, THE DALLES, OR, The Dalles, Or. i