v 7 It i r ...t 1'-. 'mm Pit rTt inn umanr'r The Dalles Daily Chronicle, The only Republican Haily Seictpapci IPojco County. FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1S97 policy regarding that unfortunate . island, and lias ordered "Weylcr to j treat with the insurgents, even going so far as to authorize him to sell the island to them. This would be good news, if true: but who can believe I ASTERS OFFICE 230 to SS4 Temple it? It is said that "Weyler has gone Court, S. r. Citv. E. KATZ. Agent. t0 niett (jomez jn t0 tnake some arrangements with him : but it A RARE TRANSACTION. strikes us the story needs considera- The action ofGorgo Schneider in. 1,lc s:,lt to makc u Potable. One connection with the failure of tne . National Bank of Illinois is of so re- markablv neculiar a n:ture serve comment and publicity ; that no reliance can be placed upon i to cle an.v f tucm a,u certainly none on He ' Aras known as the father of ihe bank. havme been connected with it for The United States senate adjourned Wednesday afternoon. That's where year.-. He had retired two or three jt bad the advantage of the Oregon , years ago. -but was still nominally its senate, that just fa.led out like a, president, the vice-president per- piece 0f calico, formin;: his duties. The latter ' wrecked the bank. Altbonsh not ' In five days more the big figh', at legally bound. Schneider felt that Larson will come off. The great i.",rnc ,rnii,. Tin t,,rnn,i nmf . windmills will face one another and . to tnonev so that every dollar could 35f I iSw8H lite 3. 'iiMiiia 'n" 3! This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. He turned over, . A . 1 1 the bank $200,000 of his own,reiurn Ul" Ior utu"- BfaekwelFs Genuine ULL DURHAM Ton will flnil one coupon ln-sldo ccch ; ounce ba? nad twt coapons Insula each 4 ounce tug. L-t - bag, nxul ta; ccapon aad ;-oo how to g yoar aharo of fllufiN la presenu. K Drugs, Paints, Wail Paper, Glass. Etc. You Get the Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di. reci irum me iiiiinuraaurer. jii I Mil No better ,hi iSoipes-taly Drug i ; 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - 1 mads lhantbd n0!4c!ne Bicycle ' I Built in our own factory by I skilled workmen, us. . , t it best ! material and the most ... machin; OR. be paid in full. Some of his relatives had borrowed raonev from the bank Beaumont and Fletcher said: 'Calamity is man's true touchstone." 1 and yet most men dislike heme: oc the strength of their relationship ' toucije( to him. He took up these notes, amounting to mere than $200,000 more, He then notified the directors xhat if there were anv claims for which he could wa- oe consiuereu responsible, ne suian climatic changes. CATARRH is a in the most remote' LOCAL DISEASE snd is She result ot coles and stood ready to pay them : but it was conceded there were none. It is an idyllic picture of a very -wealth' man looking at a vast finan cial transaction from the simple Aca For your Protection we iso-iuveJT siaie that this lemedv do co: coatain racrcurj- or aay c:ter n. jar- Ely's Cream Balm Wholesale ClXines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED If" ANHEUSER-BUSCE and HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in Dottles. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rr.ASSACTAGE.VEKALBAKKI.N'G 2JUSINES MF r-If n hn f tin Sold atrect irom nc: -o v rider, fully warrantw.'.. .. anvwhere for ejcani'n.: write pen rv 5 j-- -.a rr- Acmo Cycle Co., EIkart, ind. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sicht Exchange and Telccraphic Transfers sold on 3ew York. Chicaco, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore con, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections ina4e at all points on fav orable terms. Anhenser-Bnsch Malt Nutrine, U si knovrledred to be the meet thorczh cc:e for NAiai tatinh. Cold in iiead and Bay I'ete; ot ax, diail "V lev, of li. It Is .1 rare picture 2. ays p:lta Bndinflaniinauon. hu the or. pro- p,p TmeCl Haled. aS 2l tOIIlC. . li - -i i .t, t tne ciembrace from co.di. restores the Een-M Jcvciagc, ui-c uaxtu uj that may well nnd a place on the .V,teandmelL Pricec.a:DrBorbvinai.. walls of the public memory to stir to ' - I a non-alcoholic J. 5. 5CEE.VK, Resident. II. M. Beall, Ciibhier life the hope that utterly degenerate. humanity is not Meetlnc of Stucklnliler D. I', i A. Co. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Notice is herebv civen that there will 1 hn a stockholders' meetincof Thp Dalles. Portland & Astoria Navigation Co.. at their office Satcrday, April 3, 1S97, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing seven directors and transactinc such other i business as tnav properlv come before sntii .n(itiiit- Rv nrfip- nf thp iirpsi- assertion that fealem was a hilbv dent. SEH'SPAPER WAR. The Oregonian Las stirred the Jjalem Statesman to its depths by the town, with bad water, foul alleys and disease - breeding combinations, or words to that effect. The Statesman .has a right to lose its temper and to pass the lie direct to the big contem porary. A paper that won't stand tip and Debt for its own town has no excuse for existing. That is what it The Dalles, Or. mS td March 1, 1S97. Omox KlNEEsLV, Secretarv. 75 cts- Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at 0. F. Steph ens.' Intermediate prices up to 84.50. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for 12.00. '.si Ladies' Cloaks. Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, sen" An elepant assortment of 2S95 styles just received, a part ot which may be seen in show window. is for. The Statesman admits could do nothing for be Salem has nlentv of imid. but insists develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav- Something to iJepeiiil On Mr, James Jones, of the drng Jones x son, uowaen, in s of Dr. King's Neu- Discovery, sevs that last winter his wife was attacked with I I -i ! ri onI lint pocq rrmt c r curint: that physicians at Cowden and iv.na , iceable and lashionabJe, ami at prices never before ap it seemed to proached m The Dalles. that rand "in the winter time" is the inc Dr. Kinc's -Cew Discover'.- in store, i and sfcllinc" lots of it. he took a bottle1 normal condition of the "Willamette j home RIld t0 lhe sorprie of all she be valley, and even of Portland. That j gan to get better from the first dose, and is one reason the constitution pro-. hah dozen dollar bottles enred her sound vules for the meeting of the leirisla- ' and welt. Dr. Kinc's New Discovery 1 for Consumption, Coughs and Coids is . guaranteed to do this good work. Try J it. Free trial bottles at Biakeley & 1 Houchton's Drnc Store. 5 Wasco Warehouse Company Noticfi. tore during the winter season. It takes lots of mud to run it, especially j when a senator is to be elected. j The Statesman sees in the attack I ot the Oregonian the entering wedge! A,, parlie lDo: including the regular of an attempt to remove the state; customers) having -anv soda bottles capital. "While we hardlv think the ' marked "McC 7" or siphon bottl Oresonian meant more than one of marked "Pullman Bottling Works ;c fl;r ,i ,.-.- c.:. , siphon bottles marked "Property oi in its remarks, we concede that it Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, au kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, fn iffKg, Headquarters for "Byers Best Pendle Josenh Folco. The Dalles." or other nnH. ii;.inn,.ir,r. n TV,., niic rt- TT""! niiT This Flour is manufactured expressly for familv will bear watching, and it would not , Works, are nquested to return the same j use ; ever-v 6ack is guaranteed to give satisfaction, be at all surprisiuu to see it advocat- I to The Dalle; Soda Works and receive a 1 We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so ing that measure. " j receipt for such goods. And anyone , call and get onr prices and be convinced. I ;outside ot, the regular customers, who Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. Still another sign that humanity is ' 3rt' Properly autnonzed to handle such to . , .. ,. " ixjttles, etc. having in possession anv of ' , advancing all along the line comes , . , ,c . irom lowa, where a federal judge re Marchi ib97 win compelled to com centl3-. in charging a jury in a liquor , piy with the statute of Oregon case, told them that they need not . 10 3t J. Folco, r'BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON hesitate over the lack of proof that j save Your Grain. the whiskey furnished in this ease- was said Few I eiiuve realize that each squirrel de $1.50 worth of L'rain annnallv. . nn intoxicating liquor. lie Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Esterm-; 17r q j 4- 'This court i not a drivellm" ' jna.lor j? tlie Ul0st effective and econom- IO OSCOriU Otr66Tj idiot, and it presumes the jurors are cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell, ; The Dalles, Oregon not. It presumes that each and everyone of you know what whiskey is, what beer is, and what a whiskey cocktail is. and that all are intrxi eating. This court takes judicial knowledge of' the fact that these drinks are intoxicating, and jf you do not know it, it now instructs you that they are." If the example of this jt dge should prove contagious, the first thing we Know the courts will be trying cases on their merits, in stead of on a fierce array of techni calities and soul-harrowing supposi tious propositions with wooden- legged, premises and halting conclu sions. ''The world do move," -ABTISTS MATBBIALS.- Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. : Aent. febl-3m Hot Clam broth every day from 10 a. m. to 12:30 p. in. and 4 to 0 p. m. at Stabling & Williams. mch4 Nebraska corn for sale at the Wa'.co warehouse. Best feed on earth. mO-tf "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooa This I Your Opportunity, On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, & generous Eample will be maue most jiopuiar Catarrh and iloy J (Elv'6 Cream Uohni sufficient etnUe the great merits of the remet ELY BIJOTHEuS, CC Warren St., Kew York City. j Itev. JohnEeid, Jr., of Great Falls, Mont., recorntneuded Ely's Cream Balm to me. I , can emphasize his statement, "It is a poai J tire cure for catarrh if ud as directed." j Iter. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Prai. ! Church, Helena, Mont. , ,. ; " , , i Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged 1 i ne iii3jj.iii.uw3 iiuw vuuj iirnu; cure i or caiarrn ana couiains no mercury leads on to fortune" The poet unauestionablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANPALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatlv-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK. U'IC KT. state that Spain has changed lay cure for catarrh nnd contains no mercury ' , T "i . - -L. 1 Z HSH ber;or any injurious drug. Price, CO cento. ,000 PPITIZITIQ Sit 1 D1S UlllGC Fitst national Bank. Tie Regulator Lii" Be Dalies. PortM aii m Navigation Co. THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking 3uBineHS transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thohtuox. Jso. S. ScnE.vcc Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Lilbe. H. M. Beall. 7 THROUGH Freight and Passengeru i I ERST! GIVES THE Choice of Transcontinental Routes , VI A Until further notice, tfcs Steamer Regulator will lean The Dalles on Mondays, "Wed nesdays and Fridays at Tj a. m., and will leave Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at G:30 a. in. I'ASSENGEi: One way Round trip KATES: ...m ... 3t Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to ail Eastern Cities Frei Rates Greatly eW. Shipments for Portland received ti any time. Shipments for way land'.:? must be delivered before 5 p. m. u stock shinments solicited. ForrateiOJ on or address W. C. ALLAWAY General Acenf THE DALLES. - ORECOHl OCEAN STEAMEKS Lmve rortlund ETerv Five Days for SAN PRANOISCO, CAL. For lull details call on O. R i Co. a Agent Tha Dalles, or address W, H. HUKLBUET, Gen. Fan. Act 1'ortland. Oregon E. M'NEILL President aud Muna cr ' Train o. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 -AS FIEE BEICK, a. m., and leaves 4 :50 a. m. ! Train Xo. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10 :lo . p. m., and leaves 10 :20 p. m. TT'T LXL' rT A V DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, Trnifi 'n B orvii.can. Tl.,. rn it .n 1 p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leavee I at 1 p. m. , Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. dailv and ar rivini; at The Dalles 1 p. m. dailv, con- necting with Portland. tram Nos. 8 and 7 frotr E. E. LyrLE, Agent. Notice of Final Settlemeui. LIME, CEMENT, Picture Moulding' .Notice It Ve.ihv given tlint tbe unilcrnlKned ' Xj !E "ET' .h.??.?.,?J.Ln 5 ,c 0 ' " he Clert j "the Count? . i ourt ol the fc oj On-Kor. lor Wasco Count v. tele a l-w;UuV '."Omlnlrtratorol tUeii! I JiUl.A.J1 : kuNkain, diead, and that ttrea on the Isth day of Ijtcernber. im th ."i ,kc 11 "ce n!,(1 ,he 3o- March ,ltw! !8 ul ""id tlntl uocmut nnd obJectlonB a. ii. lllUJU'od.N, AdmliiUtriitor. thereto. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tbe undersigned tatotS,MdVi,JP 'T.I.cintl the ftutenec f of the wtHte ol M. Hendtlcon und L. A. Heudricsoii. iiuoUent debtor.. All jmon hvlns chVlmb i.Slnit botr , or either, of .ald lnwlvent debuSS are hereby notified to i.rewmt them to inc woS erly verltfed, a by law reoulrU, wltliln thr month Irom the date hereof, it tb "office ot ? Ufatory, In Dalle City. OreL-on: and all ir "yifif? ti' ,e"le with me at once. ' T he Uftllts, Lee. fc, lfe'jfl. L 8 DAVIS Assignee. DR. GUMS jpi;ovei IIVE PILL Phv.lr. One FIII.lr.Mi7 Tberiieiibbr cnui nor sicken. 4. 2? III null wjnj.l t or t,WJvSUiilt'' l)8oondj For Bale. - -A Yearling ebeep (1000 neu,i--Y In prime condition, rni" a .1. 11. Pa11' wt-mltf Bhergre Brllge, OfH90,