l)c Dallco jjjp Ctycomck: vol. x THE DALLES, OREGON, FllIDAY, MARCH 12. 1897 NO 52 TO SELL CUBA KIVEK HURSTS ITS BONDS. FOWKRS ARK IN HARMONY. i'evler Authorized to Treat With the Insurgents. ARTIAL LAW DECLARED IX BRAZIL Lhs I" Sullivan !- Will Chatlense winner 01 the Carnoii Battle. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Chicago, Jiarcn n. wmtuutu ' tr the Record's corresponaent in Celebrated for its great leavenirje strength and -iof.lnrp General Wevler has ' nwtmuincss. Assures the food sgaimt alum iVMia, declares uenerai ' , and all forms of adulteration common to the tived positive orders irom .uaanu to ; cueup oranas. the Cuban war at once, even going v,u.,.t iui-.k. atheextent of selling the island to the , -. rrrTTrrTTL Urgent if need be. Vleyler set out; wic, haa been vioated bv Dostoffice vnin Ciaia to nnd general uomez . . , , . : WAnr I'.""-- w.. 1 1 IV. nJ undertake negotiations. t . ia-elf said the war mil ena wnnin ira weeks. Ifae fear of President McKinley's posi- L . . .1 . 1 :nn tn. tU Ipanish change of policy. , count of the revolution. i j THREE WOMEN WANT OFFICES. llUr.TIAL LAW IS DECLARED. tiiiliin GoTfrnraent Artojit Urauc Measures In Ilahla. Marlella Kicker, Cora Weert and Ellen Foster. Washington-, March 11. Miss Mari ella Kicker, of New Hampshire, is seek ing nn appointment as minister to Co lumbia, and Miss Cora C. Weed, of Mus catine, la... has applied for one of the ,. ,. .f , ,, a,u, i European consulships. There is noth- MwW.i:, March 11. The Herald s . . K r j t .i.. i ids in the law to prevent the appoiut- irfespondent in Rio Janeiro telegraphs I 6 r j. plomatic place, but is doubtful if a for eign nation would receive such an envoy. Miss Ricker was formerly a resident of Washington and a partner of Belva Lockwood. She is a large, fine-looking person, 40 years old, with short, curly hair and rather a masculine air. Sne was a familiar figure on the streets of New York city. Miss Weed is Baid to be a bright young woman, and has held several appointments under the state government of Iowa. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, formerly of Iowa, is a daily visitor of the White Houbc She asks the appointment of her hus band as governor of New Mexico, and bases his claim upon her services to the Republican party in campaigns. She has not been able to see the president, but has been at the interior department and has had several interviews with Secret arv Morton. iii martial law has been declared in le state of Bahia, where Conseilheiro's fciiUC: are encaged m a serious re- libn. The government has dispatched feceral Santnzia to Bahia with a large fcrce of artillery, the rebels in the last title with the Brazilian troops having ipiured many of their guns. Within kigbt days the government will send t.WQ infantrv and cavalrv reinforce- sects to Bahia. The war department has received in formation that the fanatics are now axe than 15,000 in number, and that i?:r strength increases daily. Business ft Bahia is completely paralyzed, and he government is much agitated at the aspect, especially since the disastrous defeat of the federal troops. his stated that Colonel Tama,rindo n not killed at Canudos, and that he :Mff in Moutezanta. While Here is less excitement in Rio Jiseiro, rr. marchists are threatened bn they appear on the Etreets. Many of them Lave taken refuge in the lega tion . Tne newspaper offices are guarded by I troop;, and cavalry and mounted police pitro! the highways. A spscial from Montevideo Eavs the pJvernmeut has not yet decided to adopt offensive policy in suppressing the rebellion. It is believed that to remain I the defensive will at the present time te' terve the interests of the country. invasion from the Brazilian border continues and it is admitted that at least I'.WQ revolutionists r nnW irmo .T are advancing into the more popu- country and a battle is looked for at V time. The government has received lf?e cargo of arms. ' A Special from Vnlnanicn uifi tha nt. returns of the elections which took H&C6 bunday. will show tiin fnllnutn ttaplesion in congress : M date's new members are 12 ron. "at'ves,7 Errazurites.8 Balmacedists. liberal (Wt-i.,o,... t o a the house of representatives are the WJOWIna nuu .l n ... ... j. " v" "ic'uuere; une inae Rodents. 2fl mn, nn r- it!) a BaltoacediEt8, 1G radicale, 0 lib onhtfa5trina'iaQ8 2 democrat8 and 2 6 iKiiop Casanova, will dudi: - I ll. n will ban uu Jna v Monday 'or the island of lute i er"Rndez- The minister of the nor, Carlos Antunez, will act as Pident, Owing to the new com wiuon of congress, the cabinet will re Moon as the president returns. '"urseuu Were Victor. t&V,,m:0 Ur""a-V' Mreli 11-In lo the i tw,,Ic!l ,,He juat taken place troooB efIJrlMitkvee" tho government ictorioa' inBuri;e"t8. th latter were Vro U8, 'Ploinalic relations between oIbb! ,iRUd Ar5enUli ure strained, ocf(, n,leat0" that correspond. he governments of the to re- Sullivan Is Coining, Chicago, March 11. John L, Sullivan, the ex-champaion, who is to report the Corbett- FitzsimmonB contest for a New York newspaper, will arrive in Chicago on Saturday morning, and will leave at 5 :30 o'clock in the evening on the "Da vieB special" over the Rock Island route for the battle ground. Sullivan has challenged the winner, and will be accompauied by a party of Boston sporting men, including George Gay, Frank Stevenson. Frank Dunn and Larry Killian. Among the prominent New Yorkers who will accompany John L. Sullivan are Tom O'Rouke, Joe Yen dig, Jim Wakeley, Len B. Sloss, Frank Keeney, John Eckhart and Warren Lewis. Danger of the Grip. The greatest dangers from La Grippe is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea sonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the ten? of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, we have yet to learn of a eingle case having resulted in pnenmonia, which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventive of that dread disease. It will affect a Dermauent cure in less time than any other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. There is other good tea besides Schilling's Best; but none nearly so good for the money. If you don't like it, the grocer returns your money in full. A Schllline & Company San Francisco an AdvertUe in Tuk Cubonicle. Tho Uudcrcrouml Course of an Indiana Stream Discovered. Indianatolis, March 11. For many years the invisible course of Lost river, which sinks from view at a point near the town of Orleans, haa excited scien tific inquiry. No trace of the under ground river has been discovered until the recent heavy rains. It is now believed that Lost river runs directly under the town of Orleans. This belief is based mainly on the fact that during the recent flood the water buret forth from what was supposed to bo a small cave in such volumes ( that the town was flooded. The water has now ceased to flow from the cave, but any one standing near the entrance can hear the rushing torrents, apparently hun dreds of feet below. The explanation of the sudden appear ance of the water at the cave is that ow ing to the great volume caused by the rain, the subterranean channel was in sufficient to carry it off, and tho pres sure became so great that it sought re lief through the cave. This is confirmed, because some years ago there were some persons boring for gas at Orleans. After a depth of 500 feet had been reached, water gushed forth with terrific force and flowed for manv months. ALTGELD SLATE WAS NOMINATED. Democrats of Chicago Flolil their City Convention. CnicAGO, March 11. The Democratic city convention was called to order at noon by Chairman Thomas Gahan, of the Democratic central committee, who introduced Charles S. Thornton as tem porary chairman. Ex-Governor Altgeld was not present, but it was well known that he was to dominate the gathering. A long wrangle took place in the com mittee on resolutions over the financial plank. The platform as presented by the committee, made no direct reference to free eilver coinage, but ascribed the prevailing business depression as due to the present monetary system, which it condemned, and ended by lauding William J Bryan and ex-Governor Alt geld. Municipal reform was advocated. The resolutions ominlt the party to franchise compensation and tho anti-department store movement. Tho plat form practically as presented was adopted. Carter Harrison was placed in nomina tion by his chief ex-rival, A. 8. Trude, and the nomination made by acclamation. Ernest Hummel was nominated by ac clamation for treasurer. William Loef- fler was nominated for city clerk. Miles Devin was nominated by acclamation tion for city attorney. There was no deviation from tho Alt geld slate, prepared 24 hours in advance. There is more Catarrh in this section of t,he country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science haB proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the onlv constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops toa teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testmonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 Uuckleu'i Arinca Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, Bores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruption", and poai tivelv euros piles, or no pay required It is "guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale ny Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. Taught by Mall by Kxuert Accunutant tJuini-leie and liructTual ; exactly u found lit juiues. My courwj oi iiwrucnon tnop outflily qualify you to take churge of mid ketuu t-eiol books. The highest leftrence fnrubhfed. Vor terms and full information Sm L. D. HUNTER, A. O. U. W. 'I em pie, Portland, Urego'i of of to Sentiment In Undivided Upon the Greco Cretan Question. London, March 11. The stock ex change continues very firm. Consols and foreign securities ure strong, on evi dence that in spito of rumors to the con trary the powers are absolutely united on the Greco-Cretan question. Even Grecophiles are wearying of the ob stinacy of the Hellenes and are disgus ted witli tho perfidy of the Greek com modore, Rejnek, since recalled, who, it appears, issuiued the responsibility suppressing tho joint remonstrance Europe, which he had undertaken make known to tho insurgents. The foreign admirals at the confer ence with the insurgent leaders nt Akrolieri yesterday learned that Com modore Rejnek never imparted to the latter the proclamations of the admirals, forbidding them to attack the towns, altough he accepted I he commission to do so. It is thought possible that somo con cession will bo made to Greece, but only after that country has made complete submission to the demands of the pow ers There are signs that Greece is anxious the powers should apply press ure upon her inorder to give the Greek government an excuse to retire from its impossible position. Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine dues not stimulate and contains no whisky nor other intoxicant, but nets us a tonic and .alternative. It acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exact ly what they need. 1'rice ou cents and $100 per bottle at Blakeley 4 Hough ton's Drug Store. 5 EC Z En A, greatest of skin dis eases, is the cause of more intense suffering than all others combined. Tender babies are among its numerous victims. The itching, burning, cracking, bleeding, and scaling of the skin and scalp are almost beyond endurance. Sleep is out of the question. Most remedies and physicians generally fail even to relieve. If CUTICURA remedies did no more than cure Eczema, they would be entitled to the grati tude of mankind. They not only Cure, but A single application is often sufficient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, permanent cure. Bi'EEDY Cuius 'J'kiutment. Warm bnthi with CUTlcLMix Hoai', fc'ciitlo application of CuTicutA (ointment), nuil mild Jcmm of Cuti. cuua Kkhoi.VKNT (the new Mood purifier), Mi throuflmut the wor'.I. 1'ottkk ilKl'O k Cuili. Cuiti.. Hole I'Kpittlofi, HiLtrtn. U. b, A. Ojr"ilov to C'U( llti)f' fit in lJUcuef,"frre. Find Comfort and Strength in Cuticura Plaster MOB Harry Liebe, Wife PRACTICAL maker Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A. D. OVULKVt ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ABU.N'OTON. OIIKGON, Vrncttcc in tha Stato und Federal Court of Oregouud Watblngtou. iuuZJ 3mo A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. We have this season opened up the largest and "best assorted stock of Ladies' Muslin Under wear in the history of our house. We have them in grades to suit everybody. Material and finish not to be excelled. NIGHT GOWNS Trim mod in narrow Em broidery at neck and sleeves, Only 50 Cents, And others proportionately finer at 75c, $1.25, 1.35, 1.50, $1.75, 2.00 and 2.25. ep pi! CHEMISE Similar to cut, at 50C And othors at 75c, $1.00, 1.25, $1.35, 1.50 and 1.75. CHEMILOONS Of Fine Cambric, and nicely trimmed in Embroidery, at . . $1.50 and $2.25. DBS DRAWARS At 25c pair. Trimmed in Embroidery . 50c Similar to cut 75c Our special ,...$1.00 Extra fine, very elaborate-, at $1.25 and $1.50 MUSLIN SKIRTS Full Swoop, Umbrella Skirts, at 90o, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, up to 2.75. Ladies' White Cambrio Aprons, plain, 25o; plaited, 35c; hemstitohed, 50c each. An inspection of our stock of Muslin Undorwoar will convince tho most economically inclined that it is an oxtrovaganco to continue homo manufacture. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO.