4 i V a, .5-. The Dote Daily Chronicle. - THE DALLES, OREGON TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. "Below is published a correct time card ot trains and boats which leave and ar- t-u- nt Tiw n.i-1ps. Travelers mav trust it, as The CiinoMCLr. is kept fully in formed of revisions : D. P & A. N. O. STEAMERS. 5 twiner F.ecnlator leaves every Monday. Wed nedar and Friday at T:3) a. m. Arrives evpry Tuesday, Thur.day and Satur day at 5:30 p. in. OREGON railway NAVIGATION" co. j rwr 3ia.ii- Arrive. Leave. : No.l-Wet-bDU!id .. iJ3a.ui.-stta.ra... No.2 Easlbonnd 10:15 p.m. IO:a l.is. , HiLLr..- PASSS'GEr. No. Wes:-bw:ad, leave i -co run. i 11:55 a.m.i All j" fencer trains flop at Union Street, as well a? the AeyoX. AUvertUInc llatr. Per inch One h.eh or lei in Pally Over two litchw and under four lnehej. Over four inches and under twelvs Inches Over twslve Iwrhe nilLY J.ND wr.EKLY. One Inch or les. j-:r inch fl 50 : 1 I tz ,vs Ore one Inch and under four lnche - 00 1 Over lonr inches and under twelve iuche? Over twelve Inches . 1 to I'ERr-ONAL MENTION Mr. H. R. Blue is in the city from Tygh today. m. J. .Manner, .county mace oi Morrow county, is in the citv. Mr. G. W. Hunt, the railroad builder, was registered at the Umatilla house last night. Hon. J. Brown and wife came down from Morrow county yesterday ( and are guesrs of the Umatilla house. D.'.MVFren'h and Mrs! B. F. Lauchlin,' is very low from an attack of "puer.- monia ar.d thrre are but little hopes of her recovery. The Carnita Company arrived on the local from Portland today, and 'will ap- pear at the oct tonicht, m one of thfc most specticnlar entertainments ever given la the Citr. DIED. In this city, Thursday moraine! The local wheat trade is a trifle firmer, March lltb, Silas V. Davis, aged 67 but the improvement was not so much ; years. j due to legitimate present trade wants Expres Car Looted. as to a speculative movement, based LonsnLLE, March 10. A special ttpon crop rejwrts on the continent of ; from Birmingham, Ala., savs a north- Europe. Wheat cargoes are freely ar-; bound express train on the Louisville & , rising off the English coast. The situ Nashville road, due at Louisville at noon ation as at present indicated, lies with j Wednesdav, was held np bv sis masked weather conditions irom now onto the men near Calera, Tuesdav "morning. ' ew harvest. As stated four weeks ago, , At the water tank in the woods two the shipping season for wheat this sea-; men boarded the engine, and covered son is finished, and nothing more will the encineer and firman "with pistols, forced them to uncounle the locomotive and express car from the remainder of the train and run formard for about a mile. Here four more men were m wnIt;n.. The messenger refund to open the ex- esscr. The door was broken open, nress cr. rne aoor was nroKen onen the messenger caveied with pistols and lorceti to oaen the sate. A number oi . packages of money were secured. The total amount is not known, but is said to haw item large. A posse i? in pur?uii of tne robbers, havi g -one from Hirmingbam on a spe- ciol train at 2 o'clock this morning. Louisville & Nashville officials say tne was $2000. The Mount Lebanon shaker nave m- vented a great manv valuable things. 1 They were the first to make brooms by machinery; the first to put up seeds in litttle packages; the first to manufacture cut nails. Xow they are out with a method of cur ing dyspepsia by resting the stomach. Their remedy is known as the shaker Digestive Cordial. It supplies food in an artificially digested form and at the euuie time aids the digestion of other foods in the stomach. In other words, by the use of the shaker Digestive Cor - rlinl o flt'Cfit.nrii rirfnnllv cts film," . ,' T i u- . . . , Z ,n il. mtit tilt tMi nf his cfrnm?w.h it n 1 i it is ret jred to its natural strength and vigor. A single 10 cent bottle will oft - times give marked relief. Get a bottle from vour druggist and try it. Laxol is the let;t medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor OH. I'or sulr tr Tradf. A des iraV,le ranch of 1 GO acres, ithin . . iour mils of Dalles City, with one span mares, harness, wagons, plows and other lirorwrtv. Fine fruit land and abun- r1itirM nf trfitftr. Will rrnrf. ffir Tlfl h6 City property. Inquire of A. .S. Mac Allictku, Heal Estate and Insurance Ayent. Chronicle office, TLe Dalles, Or. SteuiuiT lor !ilK. We will sell the steamer "Wauna," thirtv.five fet Ions, eleht foot beam, bnilt in 1SD3. All in j;ood order. For full particulars apply to OllEOON Lt'ltllKK Co., roch2-lmd Viento, Or. Tom McCoy has opened his new barber' SURE CURE FOR PILES' ehop opposite the Olarenden restaurant DR. bo-sam-ko'S pile remedy. t- ut. t n , , 4 1... .1., 1 tvulli. fur. lit u.r. 4L( fr fttim on second ttreet. ni4-im li.. u;i,u,im. uu. iioAko, im. fa. CARNITA TONIGHT. Thf Mnt lleautlful CntuniltiR. nml ; Mnt MaRlrnl Kflect.. ! Those who admire the benntifnl should not fail to attend the Curnttn Company's , entertainment tonight. The pretty little dansense. so i.ppro-i nriatelv named Favart, since she is a penerai favorite is with the company, j and as she has already appeared here, will be certain to awaken desire to again j ' see her inimitable dancinc. j Mrs. Edward Shields also with the' , company, is a vocalist of rare power and J the originator oi tne ltiusiraieo. song. j as she slnps, a picture ntting the lines is screen addinc wonder- '. fnllv to the effect. Bat over all is the peerless Carnita in .. ... ..a j i:ii ner serpentine, cjior, uuueruv jwiu . and rose dances. Her costumes are niatrr.ificent, and with the charm of col ored lights, forty colors being; used, that i are thrown noon her as she dances, the J effect is weirdly beautiful. Ainonc other features in these dances is one, the effect beinc produced by the sceneoscope that is simply incomparable in its beauty. A vase is seen in front of her as she dances, and ns yon look a 1 ..1 . m wrntpE linfnro I'ftlTr tin- ' til it reaches her face, tne buds shoot ! ' out and then burst into full bloom. An-' 1 other :s the color dance, where lights i thrown from below the stace licht up her g4KZJ. cos:ume unsil 5he sems , envefoped in a sheet o gre, delicate fo,,. w .,,,. vi Rnj ft.,, . terini: like live flames until at last as , she sinks through the stage, she seems ; to have been utterly consumed. These effects are the work largely cf Mr. Edward Shields, and are now pro duced for the first time in Oregon. This is somethinc entirely out of the line of : ; other entertainments, and will prove a. source of pleasure not only while you, ee, but will remain a pleasant memory; ( wj,ea Carnita and her talented company ' ' are far awav, claddeninc the eves of h hh'th j sceDes pijfered from ' fairyland. , j The l-ortland-Wheat Tr.ile. ! oe ooue until new wneat arrives. neat regaining on hand in the interior will , be used for milling purposes, and prob- ablv this may not last until the arrival ' of the new crop. Some oi the mills are renorted buying Walla Walla at ?5c per bushel. Quotations are nominal here, Walla Waila0?2c; Valley firmly held. . and bids are for SKoSSc per bushel. Niitlce. i All nerties J not including the regular i customers' having any soda bottles . mnrlrf-ii "McC 7" or smbou ootlles j ..pnn1,n Rntt?;n Works." or siphon hotties marked "Property oi Joseuh Foleo. The Dalies," or other , good: belonging to The Dalies .Soda Works, are requested to return the same t0 Tne Dalles Soda Works and receive b receipt ior such goods. And anyone outside ot the regular customers, who are properly authorized to handle such bottles, etc , having in possession any of the above goods after the 15th day of March, 1S97, will be compelled to com- pjv statute of Oregon jq "t J. Folco. , 1 Hot Clam broth every day from 10 a- - to 12 :M p. m. ana -i to o p. m. at r Stubling & Williams mcb4 j . . -Wla cheese, cream cheese and I L'tmberger cheese for sale at Maier & . fc- ; l,enton inS-lt ! Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco 1 warehouse. Best feed on earth. m&-tf j . steam cooking boiler for sale at Maier ii Benton's. mS-4t , ; 1 This I Tour OpiMJrtunlty. On receipt of ten cwjtiw a cenerous tarnple will be mailed ot tne m0t IK,,)Uar Catarrh nnd Hay Fever Cure ( (Ely'fc Cream Balm) sufficient to demon- etrato the great merits of the remedy. Wmw, DC V.'a. -.i. st., New York City. r.ev. John rieid. "r .of Great Falls, Mont., ' reconnneuded Eiy'b Cream Baltn to me. I , can emphasize Lis statement, "It is a posi ! tive cure for caturrh if u-ed as directed." i Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central PrL Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor'uuy injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. i Jtou fibout Your JOB "We. have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. "We not only desiie to keep 'busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one. and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. $f?roii;le publistyii ?o. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: Eichlv and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au thor forming the desitrn on cover; autograph prefuce: magnificent pre sentation plate in silver, gold and blue ; containing COO pages and 32 full-pnge illustrations In half-Morocco, marble edge In full-Morocco, gf.t edge M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or. The Dalles Real Estate Exchange IS DAILY RECEIVING I.VxCIKIKS KKOS: - 11 OSpCGtl V From every part of the Resources, Products. Prices, Etc. All persons desiring to sell or rent farm1: or city property will find it greatly to their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members j of the Exchange, giving full particulars, terms, etc. j T. A. IIUDSOS, G. W. KOWLAMD, C. E. BAYARD, J. G. KOOXTZ & CO., J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. THE DALLES, New York Weekly Tribune With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE TELBUNE recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home nnd business interests. To meet this condition, politics will have far less space and prominence, untii another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the light for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the preseut dav. and won its ureateat victories. Everv possible effort will be pal forth, and money freely spent, to make THE WEEKL'Y'TIUBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispeueable to each member of the family. We furnish "The Chroniclel'-and N. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. Write your name and address Tribune Office, New York City, and a sample copy of The iNew lork Weekly Trib une will be mailed to you. PRIfflW THE FIRST BATTLE is sn iateiestinc s lory of the creat political strustrle til i:s mo-t ' important event nnd the rancy Issue involved. . a locicAl lro.itise on Bi-nietallism a? utlered by eminent estonents, ineludinc the par: taken by Hon. W. J. lirvan in the siiver epilation prior to the Democratic National Convention, and dur , inc the campaism: the best esampleof hit won d;riul oratorv, the most noteworthy incidents of his fumons tour, a careful review of the political ' situation, a discusiion of the election returns and the simiticance thereof, and the fu'uie possibilities of Bi-me:alllsm as a political Issue, i $1 75 2 75! E Tv-w, fffninfc I Immigrants United States concerning the OREGON. on- Far me and Villagers, fop. Fathers and Mothers, foi: Sons and Daughters, fok All the Family. on a postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best, NOTICE-SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice thereby dventhnuth i:y of ordinance Pitv Feb- the Common I. jumii - .,t,nfl S 3th d.;y; o rchTlk sell at public ; the highest bidder, all lh. olio ne oi ffietvr,SoCnVy;br..tot: The north 3? feet off from lots o and b o! jointly in piocKi?. d ortn ou ieei - iointlv in block . , . 1 1 The r. -sonable value ot eatd lotr. for Ipcs than which they wi.l not be oW. ha been fised and determined bv he Common CXmncil of Dalles City as fob lows to-wit: . . ... - nr,,j r,' The north 50 teet on irotu j jointly in block is, t-w. 0 North 30 feet off from lots 1 and - jointlv in block IS, J6J; o North 50 feet off from lots o and -5 . . . . . li.-i. i: j1iV jointly in oiol-k ic.vv.. J - i t., i.ift 1P. s20?. ) Each one of the.e lots will he sold up-j ! n the lot resnectivelv and none ot them ' shall le sold for n le,s sum than the I value thereof ns aboe stated. One-fourth oi the price bid on anj oij M lot -halt be paid in cash at the. saic ion siiun . . time of sale, and the remainder m tnrce, equal navments on or It-fore one, two ami -.. - j... a.a n.iio of said sale three vears iruiii nit ....... -- , . respectively, with interest on snch ue of 10 per rt navinenis m . per annum, payable nnnnally ; pro-, i that navment may he made in nil ; - ., " f .a ..nr. I cent v viuea tsni . - -;-- , at any time ai me oh . The said sale will liecin on me iom , dav of March at the hour oi 2 o cloc p. t m."of said day. and will continue from time to time until all of said lots shall ; be sold. . . , , . I Dated this Hth day ot reDruary, i?vi GlLBEIlT W. PlIELrS, flO Recorder of Dai ies City. Tlifi COlUIUBia PaGKinU CO., PACKERS OF I Onirtt and Beef w a ' , mancfactckek; of Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Dried Beef Etc. Mes City and More Staue Line Leaves Wi'.liatns Hotel. Morn, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 p. m. j.romrit. t Lenves Umatilla House, The Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at s, m. prompt. Freight rates The Dalles to Mom, -40c per 100 lbs; small packages, 15 and 2oc. Passenger ra'es The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, $2.50. Agency at Umatilla Houce, The Dalles, and at Williams Hotel Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. Oven aid Mi ! STAG-E LINE, ' THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprieto: stages leave Bake Oven for Antelope every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. IThe Glades Ranch, AVI1ITK SALMON. WASH. fire Bretl America Jemey Cattle Club JERSEYS Of the at Lembert, fommn'Me and Tormentor raliie. Three hoitv Bu.is for ule or rent, f come f hotce f owt and Heifers for tale. 1 ne Bred Poland I Ulna H-jks. V hit; P.yraouth Krjcfc C'hiCKfnr . Address, MRS. a. R HVRKETT I'mi. j'-.-wam White salmon. Lh. LOOP POISOW imni;w.N.V.v":V'?.raP?.t'.''r?Tiiroat. 01 MMooic Xaimli!Hl5iA?iArI,.Vca Ilulle.-.Horo htag Leaves the Umatilla house 8 a. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdav. to. Douglas Ajxen, Prop. TTnTnn niirl Tlnnnii nil ill a H nn 11U1UU U11U J-PUUUilJ i r- Bate icliell N QRTHERN PACIFIC RY. Pullman . t T oUU&t Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. I'Al'I. MINNKAVOL19 nULXTTH I' A It GO TO CKASD roi'.KS CKOOKSTON WINNITEO HKLKN.V an lll'TTE h Tickets TnrOUgn x to cincAiic WA.-U1NOTON lnPI ,, 7 'f.1'1 ew 01 HUSTON AM MUA ..,,STON ASIl all J1)1JfTg EaST nnrt OVTU For ir.formr.tlon, ;t:ne cards, maps and tleiet. cal on or write 10 W. C. ALLAWAY. Apeut, The Dalles, Orecoa 1 OR i . p. CHAKLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 1 .35. Morrl'-o a Cor. Third. VortlanJ ureson EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Tf.- , c"- iMt-n and nro finp tn niTive nt I'ortltnd. LEAVE. FF.OM FEB. 10. 1S9T. AF.P.IVE. r OVEItLAND EX- i press, salein, nose- f i burp, At-hlaud, sac- j ; j runiento, Ogden.Sau .1 Francisco, Mojave, ;., 5.50 I'. M 5.10 A. SI. i Los Ainreics,tU'a.o, i I New Orleans and 1 1 ' (.East J ,, Koseburp and way sta tions 5.5(1 A. 4: P. Si f Ma woodburn lori Dftiiy escept Sundays ; .Mt.Ancei, suveriou, , t West sclo, Brown1- y. except : ville.iprlnglield and Sundayi. .Natron J ialem and war stationst'lO loA.Jl ICorvallis and way t 6:P.M ictations 1 OIcMiunville u::d( .a:0)P.lt , i way Ftations 1 P.M. Daily. tDly. except sunday. DINING t'AF.S ON OGDEN KOL'TE. PrLlAiAN BUFFET SLEEPEKa AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAP.S Attaohed to ull Through Trains. Thronch Ticket OSScc, 131 Third street, where throuch" tickets to all ix.ints in tbe Kwtera ftt-te. Canada and Europe can te obtained st lo est rates from J. B. KIP.KLANI). Ticket Agent AM above trains arrive at and depart 'roir Grand Central station, Fiitli nnd Irvms strtett. VAUIULL DIVISION. Pcvseccer Depot, ioot of Jeaer.'on st-eet. Leave for OS'.VEGO. dally, excejit Sunday, at 7:a a. in.: 12:15, 1:13, 5:2j, 0:ih, S U5 i. m.. (and 11-30 j. in. on Saturday only). Anive at 1'ortland at 7:10 end b:S0 a.m.: audi A, 1 C:S5 and T:55 j. m. Leave for Sheridan, ve5k dayf, stlf. as. Arrive a. Portland, 9:30 a. m. Iave for AIP.LIE on Monday, Wediiesdav and Fri -ay at 9:49 a. in. Arrive at Portlaud, Tucs dav, Thurf-day and i-aturdaj- at 3:03 1. m. Hundav trains for OSWEGO leave at S 10 a. m. and 12:15,1:15,8:30, 5:2.'i C:43undS 05 p m. Ai rive at Portland at &:L0, 10:00 a.m.; 1:90, 1 5:10, C:S5, 7:55 j. m. R. KOEHLER, E. P. F.OGEP.S, Manager. Asst. G. F. & Fas. Art NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 Puce a Veek. 15C I'apcr 8 Tear It standE first amonc '"weekly" papers j in size, frequency of nublication and j freshness, variety and reliability of con , tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast liet of subscribers, extending' to every state and ' territory of tbe Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy Rnd fairness of ite newB columns. 1 It ie splendidly illustrated, and amotig Its epecial features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the , latest fashiond for women nnd a IodC series of stories by the greatest living American nnd English authors, Cunaii Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome. Stanley AVeymau, Mary K. Wilkin. Anthony ftuitr, Kret Harte, llraiuler MaltUeu. Etc, We offer this unequaled newepapero13 The Dalles Twice-a Week Chronicle to ' gether one year for f U.00. The regular J price of the two papers ie $3.00. J Cuih lu Vour Check. i All county warrants registered prior I to Oct. let, 1892, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceases after March o, 1697. 0. L. Phillip. County Treasurer.