'f HPS? 111! The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican liaily Setctpapei Waco County. argument of hard coin, and when Pu-1 gilistic coin taiks.it talks most plebci anlv 'oud. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1S97 EASTERS OFFICE C30 to 34 Temple Court, S. Y. C Kv E. KATZ. Agent. J. S. VOLPH. Tup death of Senator Dolph hat caused deep regret to every loyal citizen ot Oregon: nor will it cease with our borders, for he had achieved a national reputation and earned the respect of the people, regardless of The "Oceanic," now under con tract for construction, is to be the most magnificent steamship conceived by the genius of man. It will be over 700 feet long, almost a moving island on the face of the ocean. It will afford palatial accommodations for nearly as many people as there are in our little city. A n'ornin? and evening paper will be published for the amusement and pleasure of this cosmopolitan aggregation of modern civilization. The Great pounc.il opimons or ainerence. iyiEniteru wm be totally eclinsed. both steady application he mastertd his as to size and furnisbinc;. cuosen proiession. cnmoing steacmyi upwards until his feet rested on thej uppermost round. In pursued the same course, and won ' 0I" a i,r"1' f his wav to the top bv merit alone, were named A story comes from the East that politics he a -10Jl constrictor swallowed one baby lions, i'he cubs McKiulcy and Bryan. for he had none of those graces that and the snake, while of vast capacity go so far towards winning and hold- ( ' the swallowing way. drew the line ing friends. His friendships vere ' Bryan. There is something in a formed along the line in which his ' DIime after all. successes were achieved. Thev were of slow growth, but once formed were firm and lasting. Orecon has lost an honored citizen, YOU r L m air eSEgsss 7i?sfcTOv u Nothing BUT THE GENUINE Ton will f.ad oao cMipon lnstcie eacii tvro ouacs bas nadt wo coupons inside each four ounce cneofBlackwell's Durham, Eny a ba? of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable presents and how to get ilienj. iDrugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. Yea Get Of Dealers, Anis, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di red from the manufacturer. tfe PlMi No IvttvT v .::el niwde than the skilled workmen, ttsu r ti ? best So 129 Second St., i !THE DALLES. - - OR.! material and the n:o:.i. ; red machinery. We have rs cve?fo Sold direct from factor to rider, fully Vv-ananvd. SI ? . i .m-vvherc for exanv.ivti.: . v.'r.r. s for Wholesale an honest and conscientious servant, i i whose labors in behalf of the state Lave accomplished much more for! her than most of us yet realize. As time passes we will come to rehlize more and more the true value of his ' services, and to more fully appreci- j ate the sturdy ruggeduess of hb char acter, a ruggedness that caused him to be thought cold, haughty and re pellant, but which only concealed a kindlv and generous heart. i The aucients who named the month j of March were up to date, at least j up to that date when they named it j after the God of "War. Mars. It is' yimsT iiiqvohs, blustering, bluffing, quarrelsome and j disagreeable, possessing all the char-! aeter.stics of its namesake. DESERVES PROXOTIOS. CUines and Cigars THE CELEBRATED i i ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER Anheuser-Bnscli Malt Nutrine, "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. on draught and m uottles. a non-alcoholic FRENCH & OOrZtSjr' BANKERS. niAl.SACT A GSXEKALBAXKIXG BCSIJCES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sicht Exchange and Telecraphic Transfers sold ou New York. Chicneo, St. Lonis, San Francisco, Portland Ore eon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. "The Regolator Line" Dalles. Portland and Aifi Navigation Co. J. S. SCHENK, President. H. M. Beau., I usLie: First national Bank. THE DALLES OREGON STUBL1NG & WILLIAMS. ELY'S CKEAM Is a ponltlvecnre Apply into the nostrils. It is nnicklTs!?or!i. SO cents a: Iteisis or by mail ; samp'.es ice. iLl JJHOliUUls, K warrea fci. ew Mt-Ktlus of StockholderH I). V. & A Xotiee is herebv civen that there will a stockholders' meetintrof The D.i'.les, ' According to the Pendleton Trib une, the chairman of the board of school directors of district G9. in Umatilla countv. is fillin-r eutirelv too humble a position in the political fae arena, lie deserves to be promo not by steps, but at one fell s to tue iiead of some of the ureal i directors part- organizations, being perhaps best equipped for the position of grand sachem of Tammany. At the recent school election be presided. He ruled that no woman in the pre cinct escept his own wife was el id-1 -Jacues Jones, of the drus rirra ble to vntP. r-lr.spfl tliP nnlU pnrli-'in i Jone SoR. Cowden, III., in . . J- " V. by mall. A- s cts. A. N. Co. Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph ens.' Intermediate prices up to 84.50. FreiDoi ana THBOUG-H Pa ' I be a stockholders meeting of The D.i.les, ' (T - )romoted, , Portland cc Atoria Navigation Co., at 7 O ' ( ell swoon : :belr office Sa-crda-r APr1 3 i9"i at - l ) ' ' i p. m., for the purpose of electing seven ' ' kJ h otner - before T 1 ? 1 :preiiLaclies Cloaks. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for SI 2.00. and 11;! v nroperiv come Bv order of the transactinc such Dusmes as said meetiii?. dent. The Dalles, Or., March 1, ISP Or.io.v Kl.NEIJsLY, mS td Secretarv An eletrant assortment of 1S9G styles just received, a part ot wLich may be seen in show window. Smuethlujr to Depend Ou Remember iceable and fashionable, and 1 .0I m-oached in The Dalles. ays that all these goods are latest made, warm, serv- betore at prices never t winter m wife was attacked with tue voiers. denied many the right to j LsGrippe, and her case grew so serious vote for frivolous reasons, and de-i that physicians at Cowden and Pana clared the man of his choice elected u,d do nothing for her. It seemed to director, although the ballot bos .' v-lo, into Hasty Consumption. Har , . ,7 , , , ! i:iL Dr. Kiuir's New Discoverv in store, the chairman i hat had been upset. ,, oa. , . . . .i. i, ..i 1 and sellintr lots of it, ne took a bottle the ballots spilled upon the floor and home, and to the surprise of ail she be not counted. The beauty of the ' tran to get better from the first dose, and scheme was that he made it work:' ha5t dozen dollar bottles cured her sound A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. 1 i Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on car ot collection. Sipht and Telegraphic Escliange sold on , New orn, ban iraacisco anc ort- ; '.and. I Until further notice, the D1RECTOHS. I ' d. p. Tuojtrso.v. J.vo. s. ScnK.scK. j Steamer Regulator will leave En. M. WiLi.ii.vs, Geo. A Li::be. j k. m. Bk.mx i The Dalles on Mondays, "Wed- nesdavs and Fridavs at 7:30 a. m., and will leave Portland jon Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday's at 6:30 a. m. I PASSENOKIt KATES: ! One way $2 00 Kound trip 3 W that was where the success siic-j ceeded." and well. D.-. King's New Discovery It is on tne principle that "a fed low-feeling makes us wondrous kind" $ that the European powers are taking j for Consumption, Con''hs and Colds is i guaranteed to do this good work. Try ' it. Free trial bottles at Biakeley & , Houghton's Drug Store. 5 -ew save Vcmr Grain, realize that each squirrel de- in annnaily. er Lrterm- d ecJnom- crowned heads are naturallv uneasv u-'ai poison known. Price reduced to 20 . , cents. For sale bv M. as they see the power of roj'alty i Atrt-nt. slippinir siowh- but surely awnj- from the position they do in the affair be- roys ?1.50 worth of cram .... , ! Wakelee's Squirrel and Gophe tween lurkey and Greece, fhe , inalor lg the most effective am Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, cTmilieId Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. EHST! GIVE TUE Choice of Transcontinental Routes; Frei Rates Great!) educed. vu 1 snipments lor rortiana receivea ai oPOlCane Denver Iaust delivered before o p. in. uve j stock shipments solicited. For rates call Minneapolis Omaha j on or addresf! j W. CALLAWAY ! St. Patll KanSaS City ; General Aseaf . THE DALLES. - OREGON Low Rates to all Eastern Cities This Flour is manufactured expressly for family use; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction". one of them, the degenerate Turk. On the ruins of ruonarcliial France has crown the grand republic, and one such example in Europe is, for the kings, sufficient They do not fear the growth ot Greece, but they do fear the destruction of monaich ism. They fear the growth of the doctrine of political freedom and of Republican principles. This is what causes their prompt action in de fence of the Turk. It is self-preservation that moves them. VOGT We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if von don't think Z. Dnnnelt, ca!l and get our prices and be convinced. febl-3tn Hignest Prices Paid, lor w heat. Barley and Oats. OCKAN STEA.MEHS Leave l'ortland j Every Five Day for I SAN FHANCISCO, CAL. OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT Tliursdav. March II. BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON 175 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY '. ONLY APPEARANCE OF A-ABTISTS MATERIALS. Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. GARNITA Management of A. D. CHASE., Supported by a strong company of Tab ented Artisu. Two hours' entertainment. It is amusing to read in the dis patches thnt the local otlicers are us ing every effort to keep disreputable persons out of Carson City, and in the same dispatch that "a large num ber of prominent pugilists are ex pected nest week." It is said that Mitchell will challenge the winner, for himself and several others. .So.$3(Q00 StereO-EleDtriCal EffeCtS ! will Maher the Mightv and Chovnski ' the Choice. Goddtvrd the Good will also bnve his say, and if reports are true, when the fight is over there will be en oratorical coutest that will out class the fistic battle. Loftj themes will be discussed with nil the fieice u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets j 500 yards of mazy eilk bathed in light. Prices 50c No extra charge for reserved Beats. Seate can be reeerved at Snipes-Kin-erely'e Drugstore. Curtain rises at 8. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK. - UNILI ST. For lull details tail on O. K t Co. s Agent Tho Dulles, or &tl(lrvs " W. H. HUKLECKT, Gen. Puts. Agt Portland. Oregon E. jr:;EILL President aud Mana er New Schedule. Train No. 1 arrives at The Dalles 4 :1b a. in., and leaves 4:50 a. in. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:15 p. m., and leaves 10:20 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :55 p. ra., and west-bound train No. 7 leaveE at 1 p. m. Train 23 and 24 will carry passencere between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. m. dailv and ar nvjnp at The Dalles 1 p. m. dailv, con necting with train No. 8 and '7 frorr Portland. E. E. LvrtE, Agent. Notice of Final Settlement DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. e tit",t' 0Rn or Wmm County, ! ? T J at nceou n t fj theadminUtrutorot the tt . " ... viui-iui nit; wtiuniy Uiurt, rnadv aud en. i K-rt-d on the 1Mb d- I.f iJ...,l. ,?2.a I county courthouie in ;..., "- "le I tart a.; the place nud ihe iV day 67 MmSi W Autajnifciralor. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. n SStJ i fc?ricKP " .k A. Uendricon, ,t ,T , )K'U nvinK claims hVr;.hT. "l ea, nivcnt debtor I errv V( .Mtfr-ri , I i i i'"31", lnfcln to mc prop Job Pointing at This Office. The Dalle, Uec. t, lsW. Jl S UAVIS Assignee. BR. GUMS JMPKOVED ....... M I A nM.mMil LIVER PILLS ITylTc. 0e Fill. f"r M r,lll annnlr whxl the 7'in, Tr.s. IS Tin it rtul4r: Tbjr turn UUcb". t,no 'ill mall tvaiTlHinw or fall lilr,, MilTK For 8U. Yearling ebeep (1000 bead,) sound in prime condition. Price fl-75. A dress, . J. M. D'8' ' w-mltf Sherrs Bridge, urtv-