The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 11, 1897, Image 1

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    el)c Dalles
sgJ Chronicle
NO 51
Several Loaded Transports
in Canea Harbor.
Gt!.l Opinion Is That the Foreign
Troop" 'lll merely Occupy the
Cretan Seaport Towns.
Canea, March 10. When the sun
rose this morning it was seen there were
strange vessels at anchor here. They
vere British and Italian transports load
ed with troops, evidently part of the for
eign force which, as the admirals recom
mended, will occupy all the principal
seaport towns of the island.
The Turks assert these troops will
be used to drive the Greek forces out
ol Crete, but this belief is not shared by
the foreign population generally, owing
to the receipt of advices that a band of
armed volunteers from Greece were on
the way to Crete with the intention of
reinforcing the Cretan insurgents. The
foreign uduiirals agreed to dispatch
a cruiser to prevent their landing.
The Mussulmans who were hesiged
at Candamo have arrived here on an
Italian warship.
Feeling In Greece.
New Yoke, March 10. A Herald spe
cial from Athens says :
The general feeling here is that war
against Turkey is unavoidable. It is be
lieved that the armed bands that have
been sent ont by the national league to
different point in Epirus and Macedonia
il! give the signal for the struggle, and
the Greek army on the frontier will then
proceed to an invasion of Turkish terri
tory. The Greek vice-consul in Canea, M.
Eiraklys, having been forcibly conveyed
on board the Alpheus, by order of the
Italian commandant, Ameretta, the
Greek government protested to the min
isters of the powers against the action of
the soldiers.
Opinion at Constantinople.
New Yokk, March 10 A Herald
special from Constantinople says :
The evasive answer of Greece to the
note of the powers has been made known 1
nere. Seeing that the powers have not
Tet changed their views respecting the
measures to be taken in case of a refusal,
he diplomatic circle here ib of the
opinion ibat it will be impossible to
tare recourse to eventual coercive meae
ores before the expiration of two weeks.
is rather believed that thn nnwers
'H continue to negotiate with Greece
to come to an amicable arrangement.
However, tho separate action on the
part of Germany against Greece is not
dissimulated. In that case it is not
opposed that other powers would in
'"fere, since they could only reap ad
Wage should Germany eventually com
promise her position in the East.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrnted for its great leavening strength nud
henlthfttlncss. Assures tho food ngninst nlum
nndall forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Royal Baktkg rownr.n Co., New York.
"Warihps Opened Fire.
NEWYOEK. Maroh 10 A Moral, ono.
from Canea says :
Tne Turks in Candimo have been re
Tfcd y a detachment from the foreign
Tue inSUrirentB nHnolrnH "KVr IT'ara-
K'raon the refusal of the TurkiBh gar
"on to surrender. Thereupon the lor
n warships bombarded the insurgent
Wrtlon ad the latter were forced to
"he Ilnliar. i.--
-erl the correspondents of Greek
2fe to leave Canea, and thev will, in
of refusal, be forcibly transported
-wwriBo,on board a torpedo-boat".
KrtI notice.of of expulsion has been
Canea. m al1 Greeke remaining in
lSiD!l'JOkp,ace between Turkish
the Kr ,,neuIKent8 at the outposts in
ir,i ' ,0!ri. A umbers wera wounded
"ronetit to town.
L'f'lMlun ltuuiora Cauaed Cen-
v " Alarm.
Vni.i- , .
Hj,. Jisrcn iu. ro8 World
Tile , .
ii0awil "at confres3 at its special ees-
mJl ? nce lncfefte the revenue by
Jm, l? t0 35 ?r nt l e
...... 801 tl'e Wilson bill. 1
Panic am '
almost unprecedented rush to get bonded
goods out of the warehouses before the
increase takes effect.
The proposed summary action of con
gress has taken merchants completely
by surprise. While they were prepared
for a special session to pass a new tariff
bill, they expected that the new bill
would occupy the attention of congress
for at least six months, which would give
them ample time to withdraw the $19-
t snft nnn -1 i t i. i
uuu,uuu ui guuus wuiuu were tu uuuu uu
January 31. It had never occured to
them that congress might adopt a tem
porary measure for increasing the reve
nue, and the possibility of such a thing,
with only about 10 days to get their
goods out of bond, at the present rate of
of duty, caused a genuine sensation. It
is understood that Butterfield & Co., and
other importers of dress goods are among
the heaviest withdrawers.
In banking circles there is a greatly
increased demand for loans on call paper
One bank made a loan of '$500,000 to a
big importing firm for the purpose of
withdrawing goods from bond, and the
payment of duties thereon.
Set a Vicious Dae Upon the Officer.
Chicago, March 10. In order to avoid
arrest, J. J. Duff turned a vicious dog
loose on Officer Erickson yesterday, and
as a result both are in a hospital and it
is feared the policeman may die.
Duff went home drunk, quarreled with
his wife, and, after beating her severely,
turned her from the house. She com
plained to the police, and Erickson was
sent to arrest Duff. He found the dpte
locked, but was admitted by a email
boy. Duff unloosed the big dog aud the
animal leaped at the officer, dragging
him to the floor. He bit him several
times in the face, lacerating the flesh.
The policeman succeeded in getting
his revolver from his pocket and fired,
the bullet taking effect in the lower part
of Duff's abdomen. The wounded man
attempted to seize the officer's weapon
and was himself attacked by the dog.
Both men were lacerated by the dog's
teeth, and when other officers arrived
Erickson waB unconscious. The men
were removed to the hospital and the
dog killed.
Daugern of the Grip.
The greatest dangers from La Grippe
is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea
sonable Care is used, however, and
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is taken,
all danger will be avoided. Among the
tens of thousands who have used this
remedy for la grippe, we have yet to
learn of a single case having resulted
in pneumonia, which shows conclusively
that this remedy is a certain preventive
of that dread disease. It will affect a
oermanent cure in less time than an
other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sale bv Blabeley & Houghton.
Mr. Grocer: there are
thousands of people who
want good tea (many -don't
drink tea now, because It has
been either costly or bad)
and here is Schillings Best
good tea at a fair price.
Don't you want to sell
lots of such tea, and money
back it if your customers
don't like it ?
A Schilling & Company '
San FrancUco
The National Senate Adjourned Sine Die
This .Morning.
Washington, March 10. There was
an unusually large attendance of sena
tors when Vice-President Hobart called
the senate to order at noon today. The
first business was the reading of a letter
from Governor Bradley, of Kentucky,
announcing the appointment of An
drew T. Wood as senator to succeed
Blackburn. Hoar at once moved that
the senator-elect be sworn in. Gorman
moved that his credentials be referred to
the committee on privileges and elec
tions. Hoar said he would not object,
and the credentials were referred.
Then Hoar presented a written notice
of two proposed amendments to the
rules of the senate of a radical nature.
The most important was according to
Hoar's written notice "To enable the
senate to act on legislation when it de
sires after a reasonable debate." It
provides that when any bill or resolu
tion had been under consideration for
more than one day, any senator could
demand that the debate be closed. If a
majority of the senators desired, there
should be a vote without further delay,
and no motion should be in order, pend
ing a vote, but one to adjourn or take
The other amendment proposed was to
prevent interruption of members of the
senate. It provides that when a senator
makes a point of no quorum, there shall
be a roll call, and if the presence of a
quorum is disclosed business should pro
ceed. A memorial was presented by Shoup
from the Idaho legislature, asking for
the annexation of a part of Wyoming.
It was not read. Warren said that it
the Wyoming legislature had been in
formed of the memorial, it would have
taken action.
It was decided on motion of Hoar that
when the senate adjourned, it should be
until Monday at 11 :30, but in executive
session the senate reconsidered its action
and agreed that adjournment would be
sine die. This was found expedient, as
no business could be transacted in half
an hour Monday, and the nominations
made in that half hour would fail if not
immediately confirmed.
At 12:40 the special session ad
journed. Without Amendment.
Washington, March 10. The senate
committee on foreigp relations today
agre'ed to report the Alaekan boundary
treaty with Great Britain without
amendment or change. The arbitration
treaty will be taken up at a special
meeting of the committee next Friday.
Old I'eoplo.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whisky nor other intoxicant,
but acts as a tonic and alternative. It
acts mildly on the stomach and oowels,
addinc strength and giviug tone to the
organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
rjeriormance oi tne iuuuuu-jb. jvit'ciriu
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what they need. Price 5Q cents and
$1 00 per bottle -at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store. - 5
The Flrat McKluley l'otmanter.
Wimiivr.Triv. March 10. The annoint-
ment of V. R. Jewett as postmaster at
Danville, 111., was sent to the senate to
day. This is the first postmaster to be
appointed by President McKinley.
During the administration of Cleveland,
the name ol John Beard was sent to the
senate at every session, but he was never
confirmed. The nomination was re
ceived while tho session was in execu
tive, and was confirmed.
liucklen'c Ariuca Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptioni, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is "guaranteed to trive perfect flatisfac
tion, or monev reiunieci. Price 25 cents
per 1k)k. For sale oy Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
BOOK-KEEPING Kspvrt Accountant
rninTleluai'dprHOtlcal; exactly us found In
n'ulne. My course of liibtructiou tlior
niighly tiii"1")' 'U to. tuke churgc of und
kwpaVtoJ I'. The Mf-hejt reference
furnished. For terms und full iuforjiiution
K L. P. HUNTER, A. o. U. W.
'iein pic, Portland, Oregon. , .
Happening In South America.
New Yokk, March 9. A Herald spe
cial from Valparaiso says:
While the returns of the congressional
and municipal elections aro yet incom
plete, it is known that the conservatives,
who made a bravo tight, were severely
disciplined. The party which really
gained ground in the election and ob
tained several seats in congress was tho
nllied liberal and Democratic factions,
i i i. -1 i . r . i.
I'oiu jjoseu larguir ui auuurema ui uiu
late President Balmaceda. The party j
also secured a strong representation
throughout the republic iu the muni
cipal boards. The conservatives declaro
thef are satisfied, but their chagrin is
shown in many ways.
The government has been accorded
great praise for the prudent manner in
which it acted in preserving order.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseases put
together, and until the lnat few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
n local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cuic on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testmonials. Address,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
S Mti by Druggihts, 7oc. 7
Will Fight for Greece.
New Yokk, Marh 9. A Herald spe
cial from Corfu says :
A party of Italian students who have
volunteered for Greek service have
passed through here on their way to
ECZEilA, greatest of skin.dis
eases, is the cause of more intense
suffering than all others combined.
Tender babies are
among its numerous
victims. The itching,
burning, cracking,
bleeding, and scaling
of the skin and scalp
are almost beyond endurance.
Sleep is out of the question.
Most remedies and physicians
generally fail even to relieve. If
CUTICURA remedies
did no more than cure
Eczema, they would
be entitled to the grati
tude of mankind.
They not only Cure,
A single application is often
sufficient to afford instant relief,
permit rest and sleep, and point to a
speedy, permanent cure.
BPBEur CriK Tketment. Warm bath
with CirrjCL'iu Biijlv, gcntlo implication of
Cl'ticliu (ointment), und mild ilom of Cut,
cl'iia Kkbolvent (tliui.ew blood purillvr).
Hold' throughout the wor'J. I'OTTm Uuicj & C'lliu.
Corp.. Ko'e t'oiriturii. JJ'tn. V. b. A.
Om" How tu Cum Ua'j)-'. nkui i)u i.," fi.
Find Comfort
anil Strength in
CutfGura Wt Plaster
Harry- Liebe,
n T
All work promptly 'attended to,
ud warranted.
A. J). GUKf.KV,
Attn and Counsellor at Law,
i Practice In the e'tute and Federal Court of
Oregon aud Wmdilugtou, jan'ii-'iinu
We have this season opened up the largest
and best assorted stock of Ladies' Muslin Under
wear in the history of our house. We have
them in grades to suit everybody. Material and
finish not to be excelled.
Trimmed in narrow Em
broidery at neck and sleeves,
Only 50 Cents,
And othors proportionately
finer at
75c, $1.25, 1 35, 1.50,
$1.75, 2.00 and 2.25,
Similar to cut, at 50c
And others at. ...i
75c, $1.00, 1.25,
$1.35, 1.50 and 1.75.
Of Fine Cambric, and nicely
trimmed in Embroidery, at .
$1.50 and $2.25.
At 25c pair.
Trimmed in Embroidery.. 50c
Similar to cut 75c
Our special $1.00
Extra fine, very elaborate,
at $1.25 and $1.50
Full Swoop, '
Umbrella Skirts, at
90o, $1.00, 1.25,
1.50, up to 2.75,
Ladies' White Oambrio Aprons, plain, 25o;
plaited, 35c; hemstitched, 50c each.
An inspection of our stock of Muslin Underwear
will convinco the most economically inclined that it is
an oxtrovaganco to continue homo manvflaoturo.
.v.Ufc iwpunere, una an