ire: Sis sar;.- 'v v The Dalles Diily Chronicle, boston-s neglect of poe. THE DAL1.KS. OKKKON TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct tunc card o: trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The D.tlles. Travelers may trust it, as The Chronicle is kept frilly in formed oi revisions : I). P. & A. X. O. STEAMERS. Steamer Rrulstor leaves everv Motidav, Wed nesday aud Friday a: 7:38 a. m. Arrives evtry Tuesday, Thursdav and Satur day as p. m. , ORECOX RAILWAY r.vT Xo.l We-t-buind .. "o.2 East-bound A- NAVIGATION CO. Arrive. Leave. . -i:-tSa.m. 4:ZQ ti.m 10:15 p.m. 10:3ii.m dalle? r.vssBxaEr o. 7 West-bound, leaves . . . 2o. ! East-bound, arrives All pasenzer trains slop a: ft well a the depot. Ion AdvertUInc Kate. Ptrimek One inch or less in Dally Over two inches nnd under four incite Over foe: inches and under twelve inches. . No Fitting Kccopnltlon of 11U Fame In In the- Whole Country- I have mentioned the circumstance that it has never occurred to the town of Boston to erect n inontimcn; to Poe, who, next to Franklin, probably has the 1 most worid-wide fame of ai'i tiu men of letters native to that town, and i'oewns . connected with Boston not alone by the ' important accident of his birth, but I by the eommericement there of his lit- i erary career, itself an event worth com- j j memoratintr. So far as I am aware, ; Uaston never awarded to Foe the honor which, in the. case of her dead literary j men of eminence, he sometimes deems worthy to be taken in lieu of any fur ther monumental attention, namely, j the callinjr of a public meeting by the j mayor, at which addressee nre made and j complimentary resolutions adopted. i 'I V. .1 TioTiwi rf 7Vi w t,iftuitl f-1 ii rl rr f tree:, jis . . ,, . . , ,., tne outer wans oi me puonc iiurary j at Boston: so are several hundred other i names. I heir purpose is deco ra live. . 11:5S a.m. 1 W However, Boston's neprlect in respect j i to. of Foe wis but the neplect of all the ; Oyer twelve inches daily and weekly One lneh or less, per iuch Over one ineh ami under (our inches. -. . Over four inches and under twelve inches Over twelve inches . The Cloius Entertainment. The McCuIloch Literarv Societv wii! close its meetings for the winter, on the eveniuL' of March 20:h, with the pro gram given below. The Kirchaul brothers have been engaged to furnish the music and everything possible has : been done to m3ke this the best enter tainment of the season. Ten cents ad mission will be charged, the proceeds to ' be used m purchasing an organ for the rest of the countrv. His kindred left CO his grave at Baltimore unmarked and ' a fund of nbout 51.000 had to be raised . 2 0 by public subscription to place above i - CO , his ashes the unbeautif u! mortuary I l 30 monument which now bears his name, i 1 05 If an enterprising1 commercial person j j had not- hired the cottage in which Foe lived at Fordham. just out of New York. 1 j and put up above its door the large . f sum "I'oe s .Laundry.' surmounting it : with the figure of a raven, thereby i arousing the wrath of many people, in-: eluding the owner of the cottage, nnd I shaming them into a protest, it is prob-' able that the iioet'? fame would still ' ; be quite destitute of any public memo rial. Atlantic. flow fibotit Ydur JOB PITIffQ? We have the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. We not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have vour next order. ?f?roi7i(;le publisl?ig 5o. Sit J NOTICE SALE OF CITY LOTS. ! Notice is hereby clvni that by author IK of ordinauce. 'f the Common Council of Dalles Citv lob jrnnrvO, 1897, entitled "An ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for the sale of certain lots beloncinc to Dalles 1 Citv" I will, on Saturday, the loth d.iv . of March, 1SJ7, sell nt public auction, to the highest bidder, all the fullowinc lots and parts of lots in Gates Addition to i Dalles Citv, Wnseo County, Or., to-wit : ! The north 50 feet oft' from lots o and 0 jointlv in block Is. North 30 ieet off from jointlv in block IS. i , North 50 feet off iiom lots o nnd 4 . jointlv in block IS, and lot 1 in block 19. - iUiQg&UX The" reasonable value of said lot?, for less than which they will not oe som. has been ftscd and determined by the , i Common Council of Dalles City as fol-i , lows to-wit: . , . , . I I The north 50 teet oil irom lots o asu o ! jointlv in block IS,, S'-tK). jo North 30 feet off from lots 1 and 2 ORTHERN PACIFIC RyT lots 1 and n s Pullman ! Tourist S jointlv in block 1?, iCO. i North 50 feet off from lots S and jointlv in block la. HO. Lot '1 in block 19, $200. Vnn, nno nf these lots will be som ut in the lot re'necttvelv and none of them ! shall be sold for a less sum than the' TO ml iip f hprpnf nc above Stated One-fourth of the price bid on any of1 I said lots shal be paid in cash at the ' ! time of sale, and the remntnder in three. , , i equal payments on or before one. two and j lnPOUgn l lGKGtS i three v.-ars from the nr.:e oi saiu saie Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car hT. PAVL -MINNEAPOLIS Dl'LUTH FA It GO OK AND FORKS CliOOKSTON WINNII'ER HELENA an ltUTTE j respectively, with interest on such de-, Chicago ferred navments at the rate of 10 per Washington I illLiiibruirt school honse. The following is the pro gram : Sons -The Little Brown Church" . Opening Address . . Pieaidii.t cuui- j ?iwiu-n LKvaite: ... .Miss iiattle stemweis I!oy ieltees Four Little Girls - E:a Bolton Jin. Haverly and MU- B. Hastings Dennis McCov Eecitatiou Solo .... Jinsle limitation Luet . . P.ecitation Tableau Imet . . . Dia.osne 1 Hesitation Solo . . Hesitation I'.t citation Solo . -. Jir. and Mrs. Haverlv ::imaud Susie Lous'". . Mi-- Krv-e WlUon ... .Bertha t"nderkvcxi 1 Flossie Atsisson Irwin: 1'nderwoo.i B. E. SeIIrcS Fire-eatei and Human Ga--vvelt Geo. Uowlert and A. Bohna . Three Black Crows" .Sir Boys Sons Jlncle Dangers of the Grip. The greatest dangers ftoai La Gripne is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea sonable care is used, however, and Uhamrerlain's Cough Eemedy is taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the ' tens of thou-ands who have used this remedy for la grippe, wo have yet to ' learn of a single case having resulted in pnenmonia, which shows conclusively 1 that this remedv is a certain preventivt ! oi that dread disease. It will affect a nermauent cure in less time than any , other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent, sizes for saie by Blakeley & Houghton. ; Something to Depend On. Mr, James Jones, of the drat firm of ! I .................. unonlila nn ?, unlit-- 11 m. I WCU I IJCf illlUUUl, UClt .... MM...- , . ' vided that navuient mr.y be made m mil yokk latanv tiaie "at the option of the pur-1 koston and ai.i. chaser. I'OINts east nuu south ' The said sale will bcz'm on the ISth I ! dav of .March at the hour of 2 o'clock p. j Fpr Inforniallon, time cards, cud tlekeu. ni. ot saiu ciay, ana win continue irom ! .. --" time to time until nli of said lots shall w. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, be sold. ! The Dalles, Oregon Dated this 9th dav of Februarv, 1S97. , -or. GilbeV.t W. Pheu-s, ' A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G P. A., f!0 P.ecorder of Dalies Citv. Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Oregon HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST BATTLE THE FIRST BATTLE L mi lntorp-liir- tr-v of the prea: political simple o! 1 ".;. its most j important eveuti and the manvbsues involved: i a logical tnaitiie on Bi-metallism as uttered bv ' eminent exponents, incltidine the jxart taken bv ' Hon. W. J. Bryan in the silver agitation prior to 1 the DemocraUc National Convention, and dur- i inc the campaign, the btat examples, oi his won-1 d;rful oratory, the most noteworthv incidents oi in? laniuus iour, a caretui review oi the political simation, a dienion of the election returns and the sismiticance thereof, and the future possibilities of Bl-mculliim a a politicil iiaue. EAST and SOUTH via Shasta Route -OF THE uififioliiiniPacKiiigio.,:The PACKERS OF ! STYLES AND PRICES: Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edces; portrait of the nu thor forming the design on cover; autotroph preface: magnificent tire- u.- uiiM. . uraui umut i June: oc con, (jowaen, lii., m sr-eakin" u smci, uiu uu unit; coniuminc cw pases ana 32 Faiee -a Box o: MonKeys" i . , ' 1 lull-pau'C ll UStrations - i - cmiucreE,. j J Dr- K,"S 5 -Ne Discovery, says that ! In hclf-Morocco, marble edse Edward Ralston :Coi: ircKeiier '. st winter his wife was attacked with ! In full-Morocco, trilt edfo -us. uuue ojoones aierra Henalint; Mi Xady Ginuevere Llandpoorv Eong "Gocd N!"ht". .MiVV Mary tnd".j Grippe, and her case grew so serious 10 25 lO I Fine MANCFACTL'KERS OF Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND Death at Mosier Beisie Haitin? that physician ! could do nothing for her. It seemed develop into Husty Consumption Editoe stated the Mosiee, March 7th, 1S97. f Chronicle: Your paper other day that a child named iliddleswart had died here, the brief ness of the notice I sup ose being caused by lath of information. Arvilla Middle ewart was born at Butte, Montana, Oct, 20, 15:7, and died at her home near here Pea. 27th. The funeral services were conducted from the home bv Rev. V. A. Stark of this place, the text beini; taken i at Cowden nnd Pana i to : - Hav-! ins Dr. King's New Discovery in store, ! I and selling lots of it, he took a bottle TflP ; uuiuu, oi-u tj iuc Eurrise oi hi: ene ne-'. can to get better from the first dose, and , half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds i'g guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottle; tit Btakelev & Houghton's Drug Store. "3, , M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or. Dalles Real Estate Exchange Tlnmn nnd Mnnnn Trains leave and arc dlle to crrive at Portland. LEAVE. , FROM FEU. 10, 1S97. ARRIVE. .? OVERLAND EX--) ' , press, Salem, Rose- ' j i bun:, Abhlaud, Sac-1 , i-V! P i j rametito, Ogden.San ! ! - 1 .1 Franciseo, Mojave, .,.. , w IxisAnBeles.Ell'ftso, ' , I0 A' M' I New Orleans and I ;tEa j i-'ii x t noseburg and way sta-i -"u A" M-'Uot!S . I'l.W P.M fVia Woodburn ior) rjnir ' i Mt-Ancel, Silvertou, irV'.'r'if W est Sc'o, Browns- except cuiid iv.- ' ' vllle.Spriugaeld and Sunday. -unajj.-. INntron J M'rn p r Salem and way 5tations(10,15A.M -S , , ' (Corvallis ond wav ( 6:3) P.M. ..M A. M. ,gtaUo,, $ fl 15 P m PIcMinnvilie cnd ,f S:5P.M ' Ji" way stations ... , Dried Beef. Etc. , 'Daily. f Dany, except Sunday DAILY RECEIVING INQCIEIL'S mil! . Dalles City anfl Mora Staire Lie speeflire s Immigrants1 T ... T B Leaves Williams Hotel. rou, or. From every part of the United States concerning thP . -Monda)'. 'ednesda?g and Fridavs at oi.ii. , i (o h. m. prompt. Old l'eople. T , I Old people who reouire medicine to , ReSO U TCeS, PrOClUCtS. Pl'lCGS. Ft P !t V' Z.: from Genesi: xsii, "God will provide." regubte the bowels and kiunevs will I T1vr , ' 1 8 a. m. prompt. " " """ ''" A Friend. find th(i We remedv in Electric Bitters. WASCO COUNTY. j Freicht rates-The Dalles to 3W 40c una medicine dues not stimulate and ( .ho: ,' ""? . s l sGU reat larnjs or cS,-v Property will find it greatly to 1 ' . " ' p ''s'.. 10 aDti. 2oc- . . i" -ii uu ur rue at once l RIIV one O! t.hf- nni ..rcii.nt.,1 mc.l.... . Allies lO M'J'O. ur.uiu;i c ' vi -.11 . .. , I . Art - r ' -, . u .J . .-iuenevnt l mm j and at VVilliams Hot DIKING CARS OK 0(1 DEK ROUTE. Greeh Gnlns I'rum Amorlca. I contains no whUkv nor oti.Hr tn,n lo OI "r wr,l once M any i -insBuitc, .March 9. A nam- f,!'i,.,, ., . .... w """Bf parucuiars, terms, etc. , - w . w witvt lUVIUlUlVCi 11 Greeks numbering at least fifty will leave j acts mildly on the stomach nnd oowels T' HUDSON, -i-meuurt: tor ureece. meof the nartv left for New York tonight, and the rest are expected to start tomorrow. Peter Dumas, oue of the best-known 1 Greeks iu Pittsburg, is at the head of ' the movement, and he has already se- j cured transportation for the party to ! reach Now York. There thev will T J ' uoara a steamer which has been placed j The beat salve in the worid for ciue, at their d.spoial by the Greek consul in ! bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhpnm (,J dding strength and civine ton tn M.i-'"- " hfLAND, organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric -rusrr r- a t t r-r Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids IHfc. DALLES, digestion. Old people tiud it just esaet-1 ly what they need. Price oO cents and f 1 00 per bottle at Blakelev & Houch-' r ton's Drue Store. " c a J. M. C. E. BAYARD, J. G. KOONTZ Cv CO. HUNTINGTON & CO. OREGON. PCLLMA- UCFKET SbErEK5 A.VD SECOND-CLASS SLEEl'lNO CAES Attached to all Through Traits, TLroush Ticket nffior. !.".! Thlrri ttr.vl wlicre I through ticket to oil points in the Eatwrn I st.leii, Canada nnd Europe can be obtained it lowest rates from J. Ii. KlP.KUNn, Ticket Agent. All above trains arrive ut aurt depart Iroo Grand Centra! Station, Fifth nnd Irvine streets. Y AMU ILL DIVISION. Paiscsper Depot, foot of Jeiterson street. Leave for OSWEC-O, daily, useeft Sunday, at Tr-D a. m.: 12tlS. l:la. 5:"o. 6.45. P IS P. Et., J2.50. I ("iifl li::p. m. on eaturday onlyj. Arrive at a House. The Dalle,, nV1 ;3 B-m'; andi otel Mora. ? tf DOIT,U! jtipv t. ,ave for Slieridan, weei: j " uu L (jl.As ALLEN . Prop. , Arrive nt Portland, :30 k in Leato lor A1P.LIE on Mondar, Wedufrw? and n uv :a,iii, Arrive at Portland T' dav, Thnr-day and 8;05 p. m. ISucKten'o Anuca salve. 3ew York. Fur sale or Trade. A desirable ranch of 1C0 acres, within iour miles of Dalles City, with one span ' mares, harne-s, wagons, plows and! property. Fine fruit land and ahuu-j dance of water. Will trade for Dalles ' City property. Inquire of A. S. Mac Allister, Real Estate aud Insurance Agent. Ciiboxicle office, The DaMes, Or. ' i i Tom McCov has opened his new barber Ehop opposite the Clarenden restaurant ' on Second ttreet. m4-lm ! sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all ekin eruptions, and posi tively curps piies, or no pav required It is guaranteed to irive perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price '2b cents per box. For sale oy Blakeley and Houghton, druuiristir. New York Weekly Tribune Stt-amor tor ral. We will sell the steamer "Wauna," thirty-ltve feet long, eight foot beam, built in 1S93. All in good order. For fi!l particulars apply to Oiiegox Lumhep. Co., mch2-lmd Viento, Or. Are Schilling's Best conee soda spicts baking powder and fiaoring eiiracta I This Is Vour Opportunity, j On receipt of ten cents, cash or ntcrans, a generous tample will be mailed of the , most popular Catarrh and Hav Fever Cure ! (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon ' etrate the great merits of the remedy, j ELY BROTHERS, GG Y.u..;.ct., New York City. ' Hev. JohnReid. Jr.. of Oreat Falls, Mont., retonimeuded E-y'e Cream Bairn to me. I cau emjihasizo Ins statement, "It is a posh f iiv niir. fni- .ntrt-li if n..l ...i:..Ai i it - t , 1 .... uiku iMiiiii;t;ii:u. DaKing- DOU'der, and SOda. .i-ranciH.l'ooIe.Pastor Central Prta. 01 ' ' 1 Church, Helena, Mont. are not usually so bad other tea -foe Far me and Villagers, ron Fathers and Mothers, ron Sons and Daughters, FOB All the Family. Bate Orai and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEK, - - ?roprieto; T ! Stages leave Bake Oven for Antelont ; nhpi?'AIay' a-nd frorn A,1,eIPe St. 1 chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. The Glades Ranch, WHITE SALMON. WASH. f lire Brefl ..H,l,,!,'1?rt.,asns,or03WCO leave at S at d 12: 15, J 2:W, CMS and b 03 p, ra. Ar l1) Portland at tt:30, 10:00 a. m.; 1:,I;15 0 lv, ir.uo, , .55 p, jji. P.. KOEHLEP., E. P. BOGEP.5, Jlanater. Asst. G. F. H Pass. Azt NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 PBe a Week. 150 Puperff a Tr I as good as Schilling's Besi tea? Yes and no. Other coffee, With the close of the Presidential rrnmrmlnn TUT TDIDItvp . act.that he American ,ople are now Anxious to xZZ& hueiness interests To meet tbia condition, politics will have far le8?eDaw and prom nence, until another State or National occasion demand a renewal of the . Igh t for tne principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its Sent on ! to the present day. and won its trreateat victories. inception as Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged .r.rf.p.,V,l?,?i5?rt,w, b.e forth, and money freely spent, to make THR in, i?LtZ??:W. a Rational Family Newepaper. interesting ' I - ".iiniiK uu luuiBjjeiiBauiu to eacti memuer of the familv I It stands first among ''weekly" papere in fcize, frequency of publication end Alllerlm iresnneSS. variet.r nnrl rollaVnlitv nf con- Jercauie jyjjyg j tents. It is pracdcally a dally at the low Of the St Lanu.t rommBt., ,p 0 a weekly ; and its vast Iistol : : Qb rribere' extondintj to every etate and Pu.e Bred ftlana cmS2 'ot 4ale' I ,e""ory of the Union and foreign conn- AddlmoKV'H'f-ici? , Uriee' wH1 vouch for the accuracy and )rm ' wftlaffil.h I fairnese news columns. 1 It is splendidly illustrated, and anion its special features are a fine humor . page, exhaustive market reports, all the ACnrni rTZTTr" ' "'cat tnauiund ior women ana a iuk QHtniilS TVP'imarj-.Kfl-. 1 sorioD i ,.-!. . 1... .... ntn wSuA ,Kmmmn nn,, E"8ii8h authors, mainly Wejiuau, Mary K. Wllk Anthony Hope, Bret ilarte, ..rauuer Mttltliew, Etc. aled newspaper and i'folf flhrnnlcle tO- inodtcfi?ilc&? fe' one year for .00. The legotor Ifl H LOODpoiSON 'J. ir you pu tir in, .t;Ku?r ri'-A"."" potash. n,i..K."e"",enMei 11UU1 07 cut noeba eurjr, . It Ifl thlj '9r.-ilTOWS fulllnS Tl. . irnarani.;-""""ry 1'OiviVO uailCS TWice-a V -il , CUrfe for pntftrrll nml ivmtiiini: ,nnM.... 1 lato Case DDI umerspices and BIW i.. ;c. " Tn"":."1' Wp fni m T - . innoteH?.w.w !?Hrrora arr- ' ' ' ' b' "" -wmumuB anaiN. X. Weeidy Trib-;eia0'" oi the two papers is fS.OO. ai .vuug uvu auts ai c annual . une one vear for on! v 7R iKASl 1 v j -r w. ' ' ru worse. SURE CURE for PILES For sale bv W. E. Kahler I tio!AMSR,ii,Xm t,.and address on a postal card, send it to Geo W IW r--. , 1 'viy, ji.ifl - i liullen.Moro btaee TneXM""U1Ia '!e 8 a. .iMiouuiuunu 5aturday6 Dfll'r.i il 1 .". Cash lu Vour Chunk. All county warrants registered prlr to Oct. let, 1692, will be paid at wjr in. office. Interest ceases after March 61 ' 0 " ouiuraays. I DouGt.Ab AUiE.v, Prop. I 1897. O. L. P111LUP8, County Treasurer.