SPECIALS for this week. Ladies' Ready-made Suits and Skirts. We are showing this week a few special things in Suits, Jackets and Capes. o two garments alike, and the price astonishingly low. Lace Boleros. 9 Corduroys. We make a Special Drive this week in Suitings at 15c per yard. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY, - - MARCH 10, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Random Observation and Local Events of Lesser Macnilude. Steam cooking boiler for sale at Maier & Benton's. ra8-4t The weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow is fair. Mr. Martin Jaksha was in the city to day and called at this office. Nebraska corn for sale at the Wascj warehouse. Best feed on earth. in9-tf Swiss cheese, cream cheese and Limberger cheese for sale at Maier & Benton's. mS-4t Hot Clam broth every day from 10 a. in. to 12 :30 n. m. and 4 to G p. in. at Stabling & Williams. mch4 Mr. C. J. Hayes ha3 been appointed ueputy assessor, and will do the assess ing oi Hood River and vicinity. The Artisans give their monthly en tertainment this evening at K. of P. hall. Friends of the order are invited. Mr. J. Folco has leased his soda and bott'.ini: works to Messrs. Keagle & Weaver, who will conduct the business in the future. Mr. Wm. Conor, a constable of Mult nomah county, who has been' on a busi ness trip in the eastern part of the state, was in the city last night. The city recorder had two hoboes be fore him this morning. They will do labor for the city to the amount of $5 each in lieu of paying their fines. There will be a meeting of the hook and ladder company this evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance of the mem bers is desired, as business of import ance will be discussed. Old paperE for sale at 10 cents per. hun dred. A large lot ot old daily and week ly Cheon-icles on hand, the accumula tion of 1890. Very good for putting under carpets, on account of uniform size. The steamer Regulator is on the ways at Portland getting an overhauling, which Ehe needed badly, as she has been running steadily for nearly two years, one will be in firet-clase shape when Ehe esumes her run. There will be an Art-Studio social at the Good Templars hall next Saturday evening. A short program will be given, after which the art studio will be ex hibited. A lunch will also be served. Admission 15 cents. Marriage licensee were issued today, authorizing the proper authorities to in the chains ol matrimony, J. W. uerthick and Miss Lottie Huston; and nk Hill and Mies Etta C. Parrisb. Owing to the locks being closed, the dalles City was not able to make ber "rough run to Portland today, and will t make it um Friday. Until that "we she will connect with a boat on the ower ri. making daily trips. Assessor Whipple has gone to the ecade Lotki to begin the work of as. We have received (lie Choicest. Line of Boleros, in Silk, Battenburg and Point de Venice Lace, that was ever shown over our counters, lou should see them. Come and look them over and see what they are. Range in price from $1.50 to $G.00. We are now showing a complete line of shades in Fancy Weave Cor duroys at 7oc per yard. PEASE sessing the county. He has had town ship plats made showing the present ownership of all property in the county, and purposes making an assessment that will cover every piece of property in the county. The latest news from Senator Dolph is' that he is bearing up well, and as yet has not grown worse. Every hour im proves his chances, yet his physicians give but little hope of his recovery. He took considerable nourishment yester day, but the disease from which he suffers prevents any strong hopes of his recovery. School district 61 has filed a petition with Superintendent Gilbert, asking that district 02, which was originally cut off from 01, be restored to it. The dis trict was cut off eo that the employees at the Oregon Lumber Co's. mills could have a school there, but since these are now only run occasionally, there is no further need of the district. There is a rumor to the effect that Binger Hermann may be appointed to succeed Judge Lameroux as commis sioner of the general land office. Mr. Hermann wouid make an excellent officer, having thorough knowledge of the business of the land department. In fact, if there are any offices that need filling, Oregon can furnish the right men for the place. The number of partners in the firm of Pease & Mays has been increased by the admission of W. H. Hobson as a partner. Mr. Hobson has been an em ployee of the old firm of Pease & Mays for a long time, and i9 thoroughly ac quainted with the business. E. C. Pease, Robert Mays and V. H. Hobson are the partners in the new firm. They will do business under the old partner ship name. Several fish wheels are being con structed here, and will be in place by the time the fishing seaEon opens. Two are being put up a short distance below town on the Oregon side. The wheels already in place have nearly all been overhauled, and much work in the shape of improving leads has been done. The arrangements for a good catch are completed, all that is necessary to a successful seaEon being a good run of fish. Honest John Myers was yesterday ap minted chief of police of Portland. Mr. Myers is an old-timer, having come to ( Portland in I860. He was Democratic j candidate for congress, being defeated by Binger Hermann. Was sheriff of Clackamas county, and was United States marshal for Oregon during Cleve land's administration. He is an excel lent man, of fine executive ability and will make a model officer, knowing neither friends nor enemies in the per formance of official duties. Do not fail to call on Dr. Lannerberg, the eye epeialist, and have your eyes examined free of charge. If you suffer with headache or nervousuess you un doubtedly have imperfect vision that, if corrected, will benefit you for life. Office in the Vogt block. Advertise in This Cukonicm:. 5 f 5 & MAYS. PENNOYER SCORES HOLD-OUTS. Glvcg a Popnllst Prescription to Cure Populist Doctrines. Mayor Pennoyer in a communication to the Oregonian of the Sth, takes the Populist, Democrats and others, who re fused to organize the legislature to task as follows : ''Will you permit tee to speak briefly in your paper on a most important mat ter? A regular session of the Oregon legislature has been prevented. If this had been accomplished by an armed force, it would have been criminnl. If it had been accomplished by an unorgan ized mob it would have been alarming. But is it any the less criminal and alarm ing when accomplished by chosen repre sentatives ot the people, who, recreant to their duty, refused for 49 day3 after the time set for the commencement of the sessson, to take their oath of office and assist in making the required quo rum in the house? The 27 Populists and Republican conspirators who thus struck a treasonable blow at our estab lished institutions are guilty of s most grave crime. And those 13 Populists who, by thus refusing to perform their duty as legislators, have directly become instrumental in the appointment of a monometalic national bank president as senator from Oregon, can expect to in herit nothing but pity and'eontempt of the people. And let me say, in conclu sion, that if the citizens of Oregon, of all parties, fail in rebuking this first step toward the overturning of our civil gov ernment, already taken, then, indeed, will our free institutions be destroyed and liberty will be lost. SVLVESTEU PeXXOYKK. No Accounting for Tauten. Mrs. Simmons, the lady with the five children, who skipped from Sherman county with the Graff boy, and after ward was sent to Portland, where she tried to put her children in charge of the Boys and Girls Aid Society, returned to this city the other day, and yesterday honored this office with a call. She seemed delighted with the favorable press notices she had received, pur chased a couple of papers containing our notices of her, and ordered such papers as contained any further mention of her sent to her at White Salmon, for which place- she left this morning. As we gazed at her prominent nose, self-asserting mouth, high cheek bones and little gray eyes, in fact realized the full enormity ot that countenance, we could well believe the statement of an ex change that there were "some peculiar features in her case," That Sherman county boy needs to be kept under lock and key. He would elope with a comic valentine, or get mashed on Joe Simon. Wan Not Hulclde. The coroner's Jury inquiring into the cause of the death of Henry L. Steven son at (lie Cascades, found that be came to his death from a wound produced by a bullet fired from a rifle, but refused to pronounce it a case of suicide. There are several suspicious circumstances, all Bicycles, Bicycle Sundries, Fishing Tackle, Steel Hanjes. Also a Scow-load of DRY FIR WOOD JUST RECEIVED AT MAIER & BENTON'S pointing to foul play. Mr. G. H. Stevenson, brother of the dead man, is firm in the conviction that his brother did not commit suicide, the position of the gun when iound, ho thinks proves this. His opinion is indorsed by Mayor Stapleton, of Vancouver, and others who attended the inquest, and as the dead man was in good spirits with no known reason for the act, the suspicions of foul play seen to have eomo basis. The Dalle Public Schools. The following is a report for the quarter (5 weeks) ending Friday, March 5.1S97: SS . "i 2 2 ' a? TEACHERS. s 2" ' Z'f"" East Illll Primary. Miss Nun Cooper 4 .TJ ' Mrs. Uoche !-' 10 12 Academy Park. Miss rhlrmmi 10 U2 31 2 Mies Fllnn . S1 C' ' Miss U Klntoul -id 12 at '1 MLssT. Jlintoul. .'. 67 Ki 51 1 Union Wretl. Miss Howe u si :a c Miss E. Cooper -12 :I2 HO I Miss Knell f 51 51 :i 1 Us Cheese 52 50 17 'J Union Strut Annex. Missliail 50 V, l:i 0 Court Ht net. Miss Michell 47 15 13 :1 iKnder j Hlu School .... J J Totals 711 filO COT 10 Number of days of school, 24; per cent of attendance, 95. John Gavin, Principal. Cnrnlta. The peerless Camita is pronounced by the theater going people of the East and South to he the most wonderful artist In her lino today before the public, Car nlta has had ten years study and prac tice in these dances, In which she uecs 400 yards of mazy silk bathed in light by 25,000 candle power of calcium and stereo-electrical effects, producing forty distinct lights, at the cost of ifLiOOO. Carnita is supported by u strong com pany of talented artists, consisting of M. Charles Whiting, Mr. Edward Shields, Little Addle Favart, Luvorne and Whiting. Also the talk of the 19th century, the sceneoscope, under the personal supervision of the Inventor, Edward Shields. Carnita Company will appear at the Vogt opera liouao March 11th. Notice. All parties (not including the regular customers) having any soda bottles marked "McC 7" or siphon bottles marked "Pullman Bottling Works," or siphon bottles marked "Property of Joseph Folco, The Dalles," or other goods belonging to The Dalles Hoda Works, are requested to return the same to The Dalles Soda Works and receive a receipt for such goods, And anyone (outside oi the regular customers, who are properly authorized to handle such bottles, etc.) having in possession any of the above goods after the 15th day of March, 1697, will be compelled to com ply with the statute of Oregon. 10 3t J, Folco, ? A CAR-LOAD BUGG-IES BUGGIES JUST RECEIVED at Remember. We have strictly First-class FIR, OAK and MAPLE WOOD To sell at LOWEST MARKET RATES Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO Jetyool Bools, Stationery, 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Jacobson Book & Music Co. No. 174 Second Street, New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. Northern Grown Seeds. Fresh Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk. Seed Wheat, Seed Bye, Seed Oats. Seed Barley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed. Alfalfa Seed, Timothv Seed. Bed Clover Seed, Millet Seed. J. H. CROSS' Feed Goods Sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Store open from 7 GEORGE RUCH PIONEER GROCER. Again in business at the old stand. I would he pleased to see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town. Z. DONNELU PESClPTIOfi DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M, Williams & Co., Lumber, Building Material and Boxes Traded lor HftV, Grain, Bacon, Lard, fcc. ROWE & CO,, OF MAYS & CROWE. .AT. Crimson Clover Seed, Blue Grass Seed. White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed. Beu Supplies. Fertilizers, Oil Meal Cake. Hay. Grain, Feed and Grocorios. Karly ltoee Potatoes. Poultry and Ejjks bought and sold at and Grocery Store. u, in. to i) p. in. Bucmbor to UhrUinnu .V Cordon, '' FULL LINE OF STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES. AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR, The Dalle, Or.