el)c Dalles VLl)vomclc vol. x THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10. 1897 NO no CRETANS AND TURKS Hostilities Reopened Yester day by the Insurgents. POSSIBLE PLACE FOR MITCHELL The Cabinet Ho ds lt First Formal .Meeting, lSut Ioe Xot Get Down to ltnslncss. Cakea, Mnruli 9. 10 :25 a. m. The cordon of Turkish troops drawn around Akrotierie is being reattacked by the insnrpents. Severe fighting is proceed ing. Fighting between the insurgents and the Turks commenced at 2 o'clock this morning, and continues all along the line. Communication by road with Sndiba is cut off. A Turkish transport with civil officials and troops has arrived here with small pox on board. There was renewed fighting last even ing between Turkish troops and the Cre tan insurgents around Campolflater, on the heights of Akrotierie, near here, the position bombarded by the warships of the powers on February 21. The result of the engagement is not known, but the Greek flag is not visible this morning 'above the land insurgents' position. In addition to ordering the Greek vice consul to leave this island, Admiral Cineviro, the Italian officer, who by reason of seniority, is in command of the combined fleets, has ordered Greek news paper correspondents and all other Greeks to leave Crete immediately. COKHETT STOCK 18 ON THE RISE. Training Methndu of the Champion Io- Mi ire Confidence. Caeso.v, Nev., March 9. The weather is pleasant, but the roads are execrable. The curious visitor who eallB at Camp Eitzsimmons does bo generally at the price of a suit of clothes. The road to Ccrbett's camp is somewhat better, but in any other part of the world would not be classed as a road at all. The feeling iu favor of Corbett is grow ing stronger as the number of sporting men here increases. One reason for this is that the champion trains iu a syste matical manner, which all visitors can comprehend. Fitzsimmone, on the other hrind, trains as bis somewhat er ratic fancy seems to dictate. He is a law unto himself, in his training as well as in his method of fighting, and many men are betting against him because they do not think such ways as his can put a man in condition necessary for success In the ring. Dan Stuart is not able to leave the house yet. He did manage to get out of doors yesterday for a short time, but did not attempt to make a trip to his office. It will be several days before he is able to attend to bueinees. Fitzsimmons put in as much time dur ing the early morning playing with hie as he did working, but along toward noon concluded that a little leg work wouw he the thing for him, and began 'Printing up and. down the yard for a hort time, and was at home to do a lit le light work in the gymnaBium before dinner. Mre. Fitzsimmons reported to her husband that there were very many people in the East who "were Corbett," and she questioned whether she should nave done any betting. "I am going to win the fight," said Fitzaimmons. "You should judge from that whether you should have done any Siting. If I ehould lose, however, don't flk me to pay your debts, because it I "on't win I ehall have a few troubles of toy own." ' "1 don't care much about how betting Be, anyhow,' continued Fitzaimmons. I have generally been on the short end, and U don't worry me a bit. They said "all was aalnv in lint mo on.i n ran ft nil Wa8 going to do tho same thing. Well, Jon know how they did it. You also J"8' know that Corbett is going to do it the earne way they did, and no other." Corbett put in his time as usual this morning, doing some light work and i';jing handball. Yesterday morning Lbai White declared Jim would do joad work today, but when the day camo l"e trainer changed his mind and Jim m ''is sprinting around the handball court. George Green, who took a plunge into WW. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its groat lenvenlng stroncth nud henlthfulncss. Assures the food spninst nlum nud nil forms of ndulteratlon common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powdf.u Co., New York. Carson river Sunday, is still suffering with a cold, the result of his involuntary bath. He declares, however, that it is not sufficiently serious to keep him out of condition. FIUST MEETING OF THE CABINET Brief Formal Cimference 'Was Held This Morning. Washington, March 9. President Mc Kinley and the cabinet held their first for mal meeting at 11 o'clock today. There was the usual early rush of public men, many of whom were received by the preeident. The silver Republican senators, Teller, of Colorado; Pettigrew, of South Da kota, and Cannon of Utah, who with drewfrom the St. Louis convention, and Senator Warren, of Wyoming, spent five or ten minutes with McKinley. No allusion to party or politics was made. The president Ehowed his uBual cor diality and there was no evidence in manner or word of the divisions result ing from the national convention. Following this group came another, comprising the entire Republican mem bership of the nays and means commit tee, headed by Chairman Dingley. This, too, was a call of courtesy. Senator Allison and Representative Dolliver, of Iowa, called to urge the ap pointment of State Senator Ericsson, of Iowa, as minister to Norway and Sweden. Dolliver placed on file peti tions in Ericsson's behalf from nearly every Western state. Ex-Minister W. W. Thomas, of Maine, had been the foremost candidate for the Swedish mission, but the appearance of Ericsson involves lively competition. The cabinet was in session an hour to day, but it is etated no question of im portance was considered. At 2 :30 p. in. Senator Hanna called at the White House, and was shown at onc3 to the president' office. POSSIBLE 1'tACK FOIt MITCHELL ti.o vr.s.natnr Mentioned for McKen- na'B Former l'oaltion. March 9. Now that tha inauguration of McKinley has be come a retrospect, the next question of material interest and discussion among innl noliticians is the question ot tea eral patronage as exemplified in the periodical redistribution of offices which accompanies tne aaveni oi uc u ministration. The name of District Judge Morrow is mentioned in connection with the cir cuit judgeship left vacant by McKenna's raianation and elevation to a portfolio. tw Bre those who assert that De , v.on.a nrn suDerior for the HKVCU o -- that. .TudL'e Morrow, prior to Mc TCinlev'fl nomination, was not, it is saici, one of the latter's supporters, but waB avowedly in favor of Keed. nthfr nnBBlble recinients of thtt judge ai. -niof.int .in fit Hanford, of HI1IJ) MIC " r- - uwi t-. Senator Mitchell vt auuuiBW"! - , Oregon, in support of whom it is claimed If you are going to boi your tea, one tea is about as good as another. If vou will follow direc tions, try Schilling's Best Your grocer returns your money in full if you don't like it. A Schilling &Cmpanr Sau Jrancisco 40S that inasmuch as California received representation in the cabinet, a resident of some other coast etato should bo ap pointed to fill the existine vacancy. GllEtCE IS TOO SLOW Her Dilatory Course Does Not flense the Towers. London, March 9. It was learned in official quarters this afternoon that thore s uot the slighest chance that the pow ers will tolerate tho presence of the Greek troops in Canea. As soon as the powers hnve had time to exchange views, Greece will b9 notified of the measures decided upon for immediate enforcement of their decision. Germany and Russia are pressing for immediate action. St. Petersburg, March 9. The gov ernment expresses a determination to adhere to the decision to push the coer cion of Greece to the farthest limit if necessary, and earnestly hopes the other powers will display equal firmness. Be sides the blockade of Crete and the Pira eus, it is understood the foreign admirals have been ordered to fire upon any Greek torpedo boats approaching the warships. SITUATION AT CANEA. Warships Ready to Kesist Any Attack by Greek Torpedo-Boats. New York, March 9. A Herald spe cial from Canea says: An attack by the Greek torpedo-boats upon the town has been expected. The warships extinguished their lights and prepared for action. The hour, how ever, passed off quietly in Canea, though there was an affair at the outposts of Plantania. Any hostile action on the land side will meet with the energetic resistance of the Greek warships, which still lie at anchor off this port. The road at Suda is being strongly guarded, in consequence of the menac ing attitude of the insurgents. The foreign garrisons occupying Canea have not been reinforced. Owing to unfavorable weather the landing at Selino of 550 foreign marines with four guns has only just been carried out. Considered In Caucus. Washington, March 9.The Demo cratic senators were in caucus an hour and a half today considering the advisa bility of forming a coalition with the eilver Republicans and Populists for con trol for the senate. The meeting author ized Senator Gorman, chairman of the caucus, to appoint a new steering com mittee to consider the situation in all its bearings and report to a future confer ence. There was a general attendance of democratic senators, though Lindsay was the only gold Democrat present. Neither Gray nor Caffery was there, but it was not "believed by those present that theii absence had any significance. Feeling at St. I'etersburK- New Yokk, March 9. A special to the Herald from St. Petersburg says : The feeling here has grown pessimistic, owing to Greece's evident intention to provoke war at all hazards. It is now under consideration what attitude the nowers will be called upon to assume in Crete in the probable event of war which Russia is is etriving in every way to itop. , The Mount Lebanon Shakers have in rented aureat many valuable things. They were the first to make brooms by machinery: the first to put up seeds in litttle packages; the first to manufacture cut nails. Now they are out with a method of cur ing dyepepsia by resting the stomach. Their remedy is known as the shaker Digestive Cordial. It supplies food in an artificially digested form and at tho same time aids the digestion of other foods in the stomach. In other words, bv the use of the Shaker Digestive Cor dial, a dyspeptic virtually gets along without the use of his stomach until it is restored to its natural strength and vigor. A single 10 cent bottle will oft times give marked relief. Get a bottle from your druggist and try it. Laxol is tho best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. BOOK-KEEPING a .oiupivt " practical ; Taught by Mull by KX-rt ccuii(ant il; exactly us round in bukifio. My courno of instructions mor numbly ouuiiiy you ti6 y t"ci.aof book. The highest reference V 'i i... i .n...u mill full InfirmMtintl luriiiBia-u For term and full information uddrew L. D HUNTER, A. u. u. r. leinple, Portland, Oiejton nappenlnK ' South America. . New York, March 9. A Herald spe cial from Valparaiso says : While the returns of tho congressional and municipal elections are yet incom plete, it is known that the conservatives, who made a brave tight, were severely disciplined. The party which really gained ground in the election and ob tained several seats in congress was the allied liberal and Democratic factions, composed largely of adherents of the late President Balmaceda. The party also secured a strong representation throughout tho republic in the muni cipal boards. The conservatives declare they are satisfied, but their chagrin is shown in many ways. Tho government has been accorded great praise for the prudent manner in which it acted in preserving order. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all otlie diseases put together, ami until the last few years was supposed to bo incurable. For a great many years.doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, anil there forerequires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testmoninls. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 7 Will Fight for Greece. New York, Marh 9. A Herald spe cial from Corfu says: A party of Italian students who have volunteered for Greek service have passed through here on their way to Athens. ECZEriA, greatest of skin dis eases, is the cause of more intense suffering than all others combined. Tender babies are among its numerous victims. The itching, burning, cracking, bleeding, and scaling of the skin and scalp are almost beyond endurance. Sleep is out of the question. Most remedies and physicians generally fail even to relieve. If CUTICURA remedies did no more than cure Eczema, they would be entitled to the grati tude of mankind. They not only Cureg but A single application is often sufficient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, permanent cure. BrKEur Cnti: Tkkatjient. Worm holin with C'L'TlciT.A Siiai', Kcntlo nijllcuitous of Octicuha (ointment), and iniM iIo.k of Cim. cur.A Hkhoi.vijnt 'tlwnuw blood iiurlllor). Sold Ihioual.out Ihe fr'l. Vmtrr Dtto u Cut. Corn-., (!e rninu. U"inn, L t .1. C4"llow to Cum ll.lj)'. hkiu l!uci.n,frec. Find Comfort and Strength in CuticuraOTIastM Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker'fJeweler All wurk promptly attended to, and warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. S. At II. OUItr.KV, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, AKMPUTON, OREGON, Practice in th BUte ond Federal Court of rv.....,.., o.,rl u'..fcliliiutriri lan'23-Umo UJIUU l v.t..v . 7 I IH, -mr 11 III;!1:! A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. We have this season opened up the largest and "best assorted stock of Ladies' Muslin Under wear in the history of our house. We have them in grades to suit everybody. Material and finish not to be excelled. CHEMILOONS Of Fine Cambric, and nicely trimmed in Embroidory, at $1.50 and $2.25. DRAWARS At 25c pair. Trimmed in Embroidery . 50c Similar to cut 75c Our special $1.00 Extra fine, very elaborate, at $1.25 and $1.50 Ladies' White Oambrio Aprons, plain, 25o; plaited, 35o; hemstitohed, 50c eaoh. An inspection of our stock of Muslin Underwear will convinco tho most economically inclined that it is an oxtrovaganco to continue homo manufacture. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. NIGHT GOWNS Trim mod in narrow Em broidery at neck and sleeves, Only 50 Cents, And othors proportionately finer at .' 75c, $1.25, 1.35, 1.50, $1.75, 2.00 and 2.25. CHEMISE Similar to cut, at 50C And others at. 75o, $1.00, 1.25, $1.35, 1.50 and 1.75. MUSLIN SKIRTS Full Swoop, Umbrella Skirts, at 90o, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, up to 2.75. mm