The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 09, 1897, Image 3

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    I SPECIALS for this week.
: : .
Ladies' Ready-made Suits and Skirts.
.We are showing this week'a few special things in Suits, Jackets and
Capes. Io two garments alike, and the price astonishingly low.
Lace Boleros..
We have received the Choicest Line of Boleros, in Silk, Battonburg
aud 1 pint de emce Lace, that was ever shown over our counters,
lou should see them. Come and look them over and see what they
are. Range m price from $1.50 to $6.00.
We are now showing a complete line of shades in Fancy Weave Cor
duroys at 75c per yard.
We make a Special Drive this week in Suitings at 15c per yard.
The Dalies Daily Chronicle.
.MARCH 9, 1897
Random Observation and Local Bvents
of Lesser Magnitude.
Steam cooking boiler for Bale at Maier
& Benton's. inS-4t
Nebraska corn for sale at the Wasco
warehouse. Best feed on earth. m9-tf
Swiss cheese, cream ' cheese and
Limberger cheese for sale at Maier &
Tl . 1 n .
Demon's. rns-ii
Hot Clam broth every day from 10
a. m. to 12 :30 p. in. and 4 to G p. in. at
Stublintr & Williams. mch4
The old and new board of fire dele
tates will meet at 8 :30 this evening in
the council chamber. Let every mem
ber be present, as this is the annual
Mr. Sam Wilkinson has leased th-1
Wintjate building on Second street, and
will use it as a warehouse for wool. He
will have a baling machine, and will
grade and bale wool for all desiring it,
and his work can be depended on, as he
bas bad thirty .years experience in
Mr. Charles Johnson, who for the past
year or more has been employed in the
store of E. J. Collins & Co., has accepted
a position in the grocery department of
Pease & Mays' store. Mr. Johnson is a
first-class clerk, and will be a fine addi
tion to the already efficient corpa of
clerks now employed.
Representative Kruse, of Clackamas,
county, died at the Salem hospital this
afternoon, of typhoid fever. He bas
teen confined to hie bed three weeks.
Representative Kruse belonged to the
Ropuliat party, and was a member of the
Davis house in the recent attempted leg
"lature, There remain 23 members oi
tbe Davis house.
. ,
X. Uoljih'g Critical Condition.
Ex-Senator J. N. Dolph is lying very
HI at his home on Fiftb'street,' between
Jefferson and Columbia streets. The
trouble seems to be an aggravated case
' blood poisoning due to a troublesome
wound in the leg.
The senator's alarming condition be
came known today, when his attending
Physician, Dr. 0. P. S. Plummer, called
Dr. F. Cauthorn for a consultation.
Cauthorn was summoned from tbe
courthouse, where he was called to tes
"' in a case.
It is stated that an amputation of the
anected leg will be necessary to preserve
x' Dlph'8 life, and even in that event
recovery may be doubtful.
Dr. Plummer could not be found this
a'ternoon to deny or confirm the fact,
is well understood, however, that
wry eerious measures will have to be
,aen In the caee.-Telegram.
thfif? EUSince the Rbov0 wa" ia PrInt
,e uregonian aunouuees that tbe oper-
S 17 per,orod lt nl"t, and that
cZ6 18 uope of tbe sufferer's re
bv l The troHWelt seems was caused
y diabete the last stages of which
causes soreness of the feet, The senator
had been troubled in this way for some
time, and last Saturday on trimming an
ingrowing nail, the toe festered and gan
grene set in. Drs. Cauthorne, Macken
zie and J. Clifford Perry, the latter of
the U. S. marine service, amputated the
limb about four inches above the knee
last night. The patient rallied surpris
ingly after he operation, and this morn
ing the chanceE of his recovery were con
sidered as about one to four.
In view of his condition physically,
there is but little chance of bis recovery,
and the doctors, while saying one to
four, evidently feel that the one chance
is no chance at all.
Committed Suicide.
One of the Most Kujoyable Affairs Ever
Seen in The Dalles.
From Mr. Prather, a passenger on the
Pilgrim last night, we learned that
Henry Stevensen, brother of the register
of the land office at Vancouver, had com
mitted suicide yesterday morning at his
home across the Columbia from the
Cascade Locks. The deed was done with
a Winchester rifle, he placing the muz
zle against his head and literally blow
ing it off. No reason is known for the
From this morning's Oregonian we
loam that Hon. Geo. H. Stevenson, his
brother, went up last night to attend the
The School Election.
The school election passed of very
quietly yesterday afternoon, though con
siderable hustling waB done to secure
votes for the clerkship. Judge Liebe
and Dr. Eshelman were candidates for
director. George Morgan and E. Jacob-
sen for clerk. The vote caBt was light,
resulting as follows :
For director Liebe 218, Eshelman 00,
Baby Jones 1, Orion Kinersly 1, Wheal
don 1.
For clerk E. Jacobsen 113, George P.
Morgan 178.
Tn this citv. Tuesday. March 9, to the
wife of Mr. E. M. Smith, a daughter.
Meeting of Stockholders D. V. & A. Ji. Co.
wtlou la liAi-uhv vlrnn that there will
i.o a stnoLhnlflrfl' inefttini? of TheDalles.
Pn-tianri Actnrin Navigation Co.. at
their office Saturday, April 3, 1897, at 2
p. m., for the purpose of electing seven
directors and transacting such other
business as may properly come oeiore
aid meeting. By order of the presi
dent. .
The Dalles, Or., March l, low.
Okion Kinekhly, Secretary. ,
Schilling's Best means:
we lend you
tialrlnor rmiVft
flavoring extracts
ana spices;
and, if you like them, you
buy them.
Your grocer pays your
money back if you don't
like Schtlhngs Best
For sale by
W. E. Kahler
The minstrel show last night was, as
anticipated, the affair of the season.
When 8 o'clock came without a seat be
ing occupied, it was evident that the af
fair, as far as the audience waB con
cerned, at leaEt, was to be "swell." And
swell it was, for the curtain did not go
up until a quarter to 9, and the reason
therefor was the crowd that began to
arrive at 8:15 and that kept streaming
in until the time mentioned. The hall
was packed, and in all our experience
we never saw so many beautiful women
at once with their hats off. It may be
that the absence of the hats improved
their looks, but at any rate the fact that
they were off was thoroughly appre
ciated. We feel that it is unnecessary
to make any extended comment or
criticism, since everybody was there to
see, yet a brief mention cannot be for
borne. Hartnett and Hampshire were the
curtain raisers, sending it up in an
Irish character sketch that was very
funny, and which was wound up with
the Bong, "Little Johnny Dugan." An
encore brought them back, and it was
only the knowledge of other good things
yet in 6tore that prevented them being
recalled the third time.
They were followed by Mr. Morse, in
his skirt dance, which he gave in a
splendid manner, getting a hearty
He was followed by Arthur Clarke and
Will Crossen in a German character
sketch that was a mirth provoker from
start to tinish.
Then Nick Sinnott as "Cissy Side
ways" sent everybody wild. The make
up was great, Kicks six feet of muscular
development appearing perfectly im
mense in the cute dresses and obsolete
pantalets. His stabs at the Thursday
doings at the club, were evidently un
derstood and appreciated by tbe mem
bers thereof, and when he told about
kicking at the punch bag, and that the
next day when it rained the roof leaked,
there was a storm of applause.
Harry Lonsdale's speech on money
was well received and the local hits were
heartily applauded.
The chicken brigade, consisting of
Clarke, Clarke, Hampshire aud Hart
nett, was, in our opinion, one of the
best things of the evening.
Professor Love sang a French dialect
song, that was very good, and in
response to an encoro danced the ser
pentine, completing the vaudeville por
tion of the program.
After a brief intermission, the curtain
went up to show a burlesque prizefight
between Corbett and Fitzaimmons, the
latter being represented by Prof. Love
and the former by Willie McNeil, who,
after three botly contested rounds, was
declared tbe champion ot the world.
When the curtain went up on the
second half, the full company of twenty
six were on the stage, with Nick fiinnott
as interlocutor. The songs and choruses
in this part were fine, and the act that
Fishing Tackle,
Steel Ranges.
Also a Scow-load of
eyerv number received an encore that
would not be stood off, prolonged the
program until 20 minutes to 12.
The show was great from start to
finish, every number receiving deeerved
applause, and it is safe to say that when
eyer The Dalles boys give another en
tertainment, they will have a crowded
The Peerlesft "Carulta."
The people of this city will have the
pleasure of Eeeing the greatest serpen
tine dancer before the public March 11th.
She comes fresh from her eastern en
gagements for a tour of this coast, and
is surrounded by a company of talented
artists. No conception of her dances
can be formed until they are witnessed,
'so numerous are the posings and chang
ing of colors. She has spent ten years
studying and practicing these dances,
and is no novice in this business. Par
ticular attention is paid to the execution
of the lights, which are an important
factor in these dances. They generate
25,000 candle power, which excel those
of any other dancer by 10,000 candle
power. Forty distinct colors are used
in each dance, and when they are con
tinually changing before the powerful
lights that surround the entire stage, the
effect is simply wonderful. In 'the fire
dance so realistic are the flamas, with
smoke arisiug, that a shudder fairly runs
through the audience when Carnita
sinks beneath the stage and is supposed
to be coue inned.
Carnita is supported by a strong com
pany of talented artists. Mr. Charles
Whiting, New York's favorite baritone,
in all the latest and catchy New York
song successes. Mrs. Edward Shields,
the talented elocutionist and vocalist, in
her original illustrated songs and recita
tions. Helen Luverno and C. Whiting,
in their musical comedy, "The Music
Teacher," introducing solos, duets and
Tyrolean songs with guitar. Illustrated
by toe eceneoscope the animated picture
machine depicting life in all phaseB and
motion. Twenty beautiful subjects, in
cluding the celebrated cavalry charge,
the empire state express, New York
street scene, surf along beach, etc., in
troduced for the first time on the Pacific
coast tinder the personal supervision of
the Inventor, Edward Shields.
Carnita will appear at the Vogt opera
house March 11th,
Old i'eojile.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Hitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contains no whisky nor other intoxicant,
but nets as a tonic and alternative. It
acts mildly on the stomach and Dowels,
adding strength and giving tone to the
organ", thereby aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions. Electric
Hitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what they need. Price 60 cents and
00 per bottle at Blakeley k Hough
ton's Drug Store. 6
. tifui.u r (Mil! Tim. MWNAMiV, PhUs'.
We have strictly First-class
FIR, OAK and
Phone 25. JOS. T. PETERS & CO
5el?ool Bools, Stationery,
Jacobson Book & Music Co.
No. 174 Second Street,
New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
Northern Grown Seeds.
Fresh Garden and GrasH Seeds in Bulk.
Seed Wheat, Seed Rye, Seed Oats.
Seed Barley, Seed Corn, Flax Seed.
Alfalfa Seed, Timothv Seed.
Ked Clover Seed, Millet Seed.
CrlniEon Clover Seed, Blue Grass Seed.
White Clover Seed, Orchard Grass Seed.
Bee Supplies, Fertilizers, Oil Meal Cuke.
Hay. Grain, Feed nml Urocories.
Karly ftoeo Potatoes.
Poultry and Eggs bought and sold at
J. H. CROSS' Feed and Grocery Store.
Goods Sold at Bedrock Prices for Caeh.
Store open from 7 a. in. to i) p. in.
fiuecmor to Clirlmmui Ai Corkon.
Again in bueineea at tint old stand. I would be pleased to
see all my former patrons. Free delivery to any part of town.
Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded ior Hav Grain, Bacon, Lard, &o.
The Dalles, Or.