fr-i Eg?. - . W The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican 1ailij Xetcspape) n Watco County. TUESDAY. MARCH 9. 1S97 I to His ninny wnrni friends in till parts I of the state, and awakened profound regret even among those who, while being opposed to him politically, yet recognize his great abilities and true worth. EASTERN' OFFICE S30 to 234 Tempi Court, y. Y. Citu. E. KATZ, Agent.' yonuAy on mmn The Oregoniau in a biographical sketch of Senator Corbett, says. among other things, that "he traced j earrjed Up in Wirdner, Jdaho, Editor Eur ris, of the Citizen, having comment ed on the actions of the A. P. A. and Junior order, was invited to appear1 before a meeting of those orders loO strong, and refusing to obey, he was into the hall, and at first it $250,000 To Be Seven Away was proposed to tar and feather him, but milder counsels prevailed and he i was run out or town, several ar-, rests have been made. his descent from Eoger Corbett. who was a Gorman military leader under "Vnilh.m the Conqueror." Mr. Cor bett as a plain American gentleman achieving fame and fortune, is wor- thv of all respect. Mr. Corbett as a Over in "Washington the railroad "descendant of "William the Con- companies do not value horse flesh at j queror." tracing his pedigree back any extravagant figure. The claim j iiOO years, is a subject of mirth. Did 1 agent only offers to allow -$1.50 each not Roger Corbett come over to Ire- j for horses killed by the cars, and ' land alone with "William: and did ' this only because the horses Lave! he not settle there? And was it not J some value and a suit would entail there the generations were bom that ' costs. mad.e the name of Corbett illustri ous? Mr. Corbett seems to be ashamed of the fact that his ancestors were Irish, and so skips a few hundred J years of family liiston and traces his! descent from the 2sormans. Just as I one whose father had been hanged would seek further up the ancestral ' line tor more illustrious progenitors. 1 And yet it seems to us that the very 1 thing Mr. Corbett apparently depre- j cates is the one he should take most pride iu, if proud of his ancestry at all, and that is that he is of Irish de scent. History would be incomplete without Ireland and Ireland's heroes. The Irish traits of character are the ' ' this year in valuable articles to smokers of llackwell's Qonuino 2 Smckin The Best Tobacco You will find one coupon in side each 2 -ounce bag, and two coupons inside cncli 4-ounce bag. Buy a bag, rend the coupon and sec how to get your share. s c o o a o a o c 6 3 6 9 O O e o o Senator Corbett Is well on his way towards "Washington by this time. It may be possible that his journey across the continent will have an ap pointment at one end of it, and a disappointment at the other. Wholesale CUines and Cigars. Sell mim Trias tever Lead1 i THE CELEBRATED I ANHEUSER-BUSCH and I HOP GOLD BEER on draught and in Dottles. Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine. a non-alcoholic "beverage, unecjnaled as a tonic. finest in the world, albeit the Irish. Applv into the noitrUs. It U quickly absorbed. 60 , ., ., , , cn st Drniclsts or br mail ; eamples lCc. by mail. people are not the thriftiest; but for y brotiiebs. 66 wri suSew rork cir. generosity, hospitality, for unadulter- j , ated and disinterested friendship the Irish beat the world. Half the great men of the world had Irish blood in their veins, and those that didn't, had the Irish characteristics, end were Irishmen by brevet. Mr. Corbett should not lose sight of his illustrious namesake down in Nevada. There is a man who, de spite his proud position as boss of the ring, looks down from his lofty height and boasts that his blood is green. We call the attention of Henry "W. to the example of the il lustrious Jim. If GOO years in Ireland and 100 years in America has not eliminated the Gorman from Mr. Corbett's cir culation, we can readily understand win- he is so tenacious of the single standard. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at 0. F. Steph ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50. 75 cts- 1 1 3-5 iiES Ladies Cloaks. Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The best Black Diagonal for $12.00. An elegant assortment oi 1S96 styles just received, a partoi which may be seen in show window. It is with a sigh of relief and a vast improvement in our opinion of Mrs. Dominis' taste that we note that the ex-queen called at the white house to see the president. "We felt relieved because we had a faint idea The Mount Lebanon Shakers have in vented a great many valuable things Thev were the first to make brooms oy machinery; the first to put up seeds litttle packages ; the first to manufacture cut nails. Now they are out with a methedpf cur- us dvspepsia bv resting the stc Their remedy is known as the Digestive Cordial. It supplies food in an artificially digested form and the Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv game time aids the digestion ot other!, t r i i i -i , i o foode in the stomach, "in other words, iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap by the use of the Shaker Digestive Cor- proached ill" The Dalles, dial, a dyspeptic virtually gets along , without the use of his stomach until it'- is restored to its natural strength and vigor. A single 10 cent bottle will oit times give marked relief. Get a bottle l'roui your druggist and try it. Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place oi Castor Oil. have Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel de stroys $1.50 worth of gram annually. Wakelee'e Squirrel and Gopher Exterm inator is the most effective and econom ical poison known. Price reduced to 30 cents. For by M. Z. Donnell, Agent. febl-3m Stetwimr tor Sain. We will sell the steamer ''Wauna,'' that perhaps Queen Lil's affection had ' 'hi.r,t-v-.flVL; cf0eo 1 '0"": ei"ht, ,0l H"1' , , , ! nu,lt ,u 1S93. All in good order. For uuun ceiuereu on -trover tne uross ; full particulars anply to Wasco Warehouse Company ; Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, mTllfeId Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tonFlour. that her presence in "Washington was the result of a personal mash instead ' of a purely business transaction; that I her copper-colored muchness was, real!- enamored of our president' and wanted to be near him, where she could see the little cupids play hide and seek among the double ! ridges of his alabaster, but not swan-,' like neck. Such, happily, was not the case, and the recent call at the white house since McKinlej' is in and Grover is out, shows that it was not a persona! affair at all. Okego.v Lujihek Co., mch2-lmd Viento, Or. OPERA house; The kinetoscopes, three in number, which weie to record the Carson City battle, are tied up in New York under attachment, and will probably remain there until too late to be used at the scene of the battle. The big dailies will not miss their valuable adjunct to the money -getting power of the slugging match, for with the aid of pencil mid brush the readers of California's papers will have tt pretty clear idea of the fight. VOGT ONE NIGHT ONLY, Thursday, March 1 1 . ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ! ONLY APPEARANCE OF GARNITA Management of A. D. CHASE., Supported by a strom? company of Tal ented ArtiHts. Two houre' entertainment. This Flour is manufactured expressly for familv use ; every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. j We sell our poods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so j call and sot our prices and be convinced. , Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. BLAKELEY& HOUGHTON 175 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. $3,000 Stereo-Electrical Effects ! 500 yards of mazy eilk bathed in light. The announcement that the Hon. J. X. Dolph was dangerously ill, fol- lV1tAsl ipillltn tnt.. Ia.ih l.ia.uf tt 111. 1111. UltlllJ-lUlU .IUU13 U) the announcement that his leg Unci been amputated, came like a shock Prices 50c No extra charge for reserved seats. Keats can be reserved at Snipes-Kin-ersly'e Drugstore. Curtain rises at 8. u There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its fiooa leads on to fortune" The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELBACH BRICK. . UNICiN RT. Job Printing at This Office. Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Glass. Etc. X TEE You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen b' buying di rect from the manufacturer. Snipes-Kinersly Dn 129 Second St., THE DALLES, - - No better ,.hcel mads than the nft AciYie Bicycle DUUi. Ill Will WWII lilk-lUIJ' uy skilled workmen, usirr- the best material and the most oved machinery. We havo nc cgo.nts Sold direct from factor-to t!. rider, fully warranted. S-bipjx.! anvwhere for examination. WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer OE. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding-. Acme Cycls Co., Elkhart, Ind. He Reralator Line" Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. h:. a- Xj IE nsrnsr. THROUGH FreioUt ana Passenger line mm mm m mm Until further notice, the Steamer Eeulator will leave The Dalles on Mondays, AVed- inesdavs and Fridays at 7:30 ia. ra., and will leave Portland I LA S T on Tuesdays, Thursdays and GIVES TUE Choice of Transcontinental Routes , VIA - Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to ail Eastern Cities OCEAN STEAMEK8 Leavn J'ortlnud Evorv Vive Day fur SAN FRANCISCO, CAL: Kor lull details cull on O. H & Co. 8 Acent Tha Dalles, or addros W, II. HfULBL'IiT, (ien. Pass. Act I'ortland. Oregon E. MVSEILL President nud Mmia cr New Schedule. Train No. 1 arrives at The Dallee 4 :45 a. m., and leaves 4:50 a. m. Train No. 2 arrives at The Dalles 10:15 p. m., and leaves 10:20 p. m. Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 ;5o p. m., and west-bound train No. 7 leaves at 1 p. m. Train 23 and 24 will carry passengers between The Dalles and Umatilla, leav ing The Dalles at 1 p. :u. dailv and ar rivint! at The Dalles 1 p. m. dailv, con- nectlni? with Irnin Va C onl 'r t. Portland. E. E. Lvrr v- -Auent. Saturdays at 6:30 a. rn. I'ASSEN'GEIi ItATES: One way $2 CO Round trip 3 CO Frei Rates Greatly educed. Shipments for Portland received it any time. Shipments for way landing must be delivered before 5 p. ra. Li stock shipments solicited. For rates all on or addresb W. C. ALLAWAY General Acenf THE DALLES. - OREGON FRENCH & CO,, BANKERS. t.:a:.3act a genekal banking bcsisb Letters of Credit leaned available in th Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraph Transfers sold ou New York, Chi(o. St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various poin in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all pointe on orable terms. For Sale. I Inn Vi ii n fl rl , : . i " oiiiy acres ail plow lant. ; U0 acres under plow ; good familv orchard. Four-room house and good barn; running spring of water. One and one-half miles from Goldendale, Wash. Terms, $2000; oue-hnlf down and mortgages for the balance. Apply to George Darch, corner Fifteenth and wnTBnd e1lretfi:1Te Dalles. Or.; or V . T. Darch, Goldendale, Wash. fbS-lm J. S. SCHENK, 1're.sldent. This In Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cent, cohh or stamps, a generous sample will be mailed of tho most popular Catarrh and Hoy Fever Cure (f'y 8 Cream Balm) sufficient to demon trate the great merits of tho remedy. W.Y BROTHER8, GC Warren St., New York City. Iter. John Iteid, Jr.. of Great Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. i can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Bev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pre. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is, the acknowledge euro for catarrh and contains no mercury or any injurious drug. Price, CO cents. pifst National Bar. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BaBinese trans Deposits received, subject to bit'" Draft or Check. (W Collections made aud proceeds prompt remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange wld New York, San Francisco and in land. DIRBOTOR9. D. P. Thompbom. Jno. S. Bc Ed. M. WU.MAM8, Gko. A. Lt' H. M. Bbaix. DR. CUHITS JJIPBOVBB LIVER PILLS fnTpiiyrrc. One PU,f'' J2SS' 111 null urupU lr. ot full hot fe'Sf.lJSSSStJ ktn. UU. iloaANKO Will. CO., PHI"8