mm Steffi' ? MS . f few?' Mr.". The Dalits Dtfly Chronicle. - OKKOOX THE DALI.KS, TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. Below is published a correct time card ot trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The Dalles. Travelers may trust it, as The Ghkonicle is kept fully in formed of revisions : D. P & A. N. O. STKAMEP.S. Steamer Regulator leaves every Monday, Wed nesday nnd Friday at 7:3) u. in. Arrive evety Tuesday, Thursday ami Satur day at o: M p. m. OREGON' RAILWAY "AT HAIL. 'o.t Wet-bmtul... Jfo.2 East-bound & NAVIGATION CO. Arrive. Leave. A :4S a.m. 4:30 a.m. 10:13 10:3) p.m. DALLE- fAS-'ENOEH. No. T West-bound, leave 1 :CO p.m. So. i East-bound, arrives 11:63 a.m. Alt passenser traits stop a: L'nton Street, as well as the dpot. AilvertUlne Itatet. Psr itith One Inch or less In Dally Over two Inches and under foil H 50 inches 1 CO Over four Inches and under twelve iuchei. Over twelve inches DAILY AD WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per Inch Over one tnuh and under (our inches Over four Inches and under twelve inches. Over twelve inches To .$2 M 2 CO . 1 50 . 1 CO ISLANDS OF THE SUNDOWN SEAS. Continued from third page. be a match for anvone in the arts of di- plomacy. xae government nas many serious proniems to encounter, chief among them being the enormous immicrvUton of Japanese. The Japs are taking the country, and with the Chinese bid fair to ruin the fairest of lands. Everv steamer brings a couple of hundred j Asiatics. They invade every line of business, and have monopolized all forms of labor. A person could not live here lone without being a rabid hater oi Japanese and Chinese, and whoever thinks America did wrong in esclndin" the latter should come to Hawaii, and their views would chance. There are many able men in Honolulu in public life, among the foremost being Loriu A. Thurston, late minister to the United States, and whom Secretary Gresham declared persona non grata. Greshani made many mistakes during his brief career as secretary ot state, and ' this was oue of the worst. Mr. Thurs ton is a man of much force, and is the main-stay of the annexation movement. He has borne a leading part in shaping the destinies of the Island nation, and and is now in America doing what he can for annexation. President Dole, Chief Justice Judd and all the govern ment officials are working hard for cioier political union with the United States, and there is no doubt but that Hawaii wants to come in out of the wet, and wants it badly. Her firmest friends are those who iiave come and partaken of her boundless hospitality. Onn of the prettiest scenes to be wit- ( neisfd in Honolulu, is when a steamer I depart- f ,r San Franci?co. The dock is ! . , . , i crt'wx.-i wun spectators: the govern jiiui.t lnd in white uniform plays its f eet st times, while the people throng up and down the gangway bidding "'iKu-bve" to the departing ones and utwiuing them with "ieis." A lei is an arrangement of flower, and it is a pretty cu-tom Honolulu people have of so dec orating a departing friend. Some of these "leh" art- beautiful specimens of floral art, but more often they are sim ple wreaths. The "-.'ood-byea" to be said are long and continuous, and the steamer': deck is crowded with resi dents uf the town. Finally the gong is sounded and thoe who are not to sail come down the gum: plank and none are left on deck save the flower-bedecked ,... ,p, . , . . . yoj tigers. The signal to cast off is j jb given anu me steamer turns seaward; the air is full of ilowcis air is full of Ilowcis thrown as Hawaiian farewells; tho echoes of "Auid Lane .Savne." "Home Sweet Home" and "Hawaii I'onoi" die away; the crowd turns to leave, and one of the most animated scenes in Honolulu life is over. If annexation cornea or the preeut reciprocity treaty ie maintained, the busines? possibilities of Hawaii are guod, but if Hawaiian suanr has to pay a duty in the United States and noth ing is done to prevent the intlus of Asiatics, its future may be impaired. I know of no place where a visit can bo made more delightful than to Hawaii, j and no one who has made the trip is ever heard to expresH reyrut for having done so. There is a sonj,' sum; here, to which the musical accompaniment is beautiful, which eays : Tbe wiinU that blow over the faa hlnjc ivutly '"Alotm to ine, Tho wave, tlnit roll o'or thediul s'lilS "Aloha" mid bid tno to land." The won I "Aloha" is a lovinu greeting arid mentis anything you want it to in the line of lovo. The sunt' expresses a fctjritimurit which ovury traveler to Hawaii will recognize. , Tliert) ia inuuh more that could be w ritten about. Some of it might be in teresting. I could tell you how Ed. Wit gate is developing into a singer, and during hia waking moments inaists on humming "Just the plain Hawaiian .g good caQU,,h foJ. n,e ti lmt j real. ize there is a limit to the type in The CintoxiCLE office and also to your patience. Delightful as Hawaii is, there is no place like our own land home and ac cording to present calculations, we will leave here March 4th the day JIcKin ley sets things eoing anew and reach The Dalles St. Patrick's day. Fr.ED. W. Wir.soK. 1'EKSONAL MENTION. Mr. E. the city. E. Savage of Hood River is in Dr. Lannerberg went to Moro last night to remain a week. Mrs. Ralph Moody is a guest at the home of Mr'. W. H. Moody. Hon. F. X. Jones is in che city, on his way to his liome at Sherur's 13ridee. Miss Ella Cooper, one of the teachers in the public school, is very ill of ty phoid fever. Judge Bradshtuvwent to Moro last night to hold theVesular March term of court for Sherman county. Mr. C. J. Hayes came up from Hood River today. "He has been appointed deputy surveyor by Mr. Goit. Mrs. Frank Fulton, who has been visiting Mrs. Biggs, returned to her home in Sherman county last night. Mrs. Sarah M. Mr.Cown, department , commander of the W. R. C, arrived 1 from Portland today, and is the goest of i Airs. Alvers and Mrs. Leonard. Mrs. Marcelas, of Washington, Kan- j sa?. who has been spending the winter j n Pasadena, California, stopped off here ! on wa" T a?a 13 vismnf! Kev and Mrs. j. H. Wood. ALLIGATOR PEARS. To Acquire n Taste for Them pomive Luxury. Id an Ex Most interesting of all South Florida fruits, because little cultivated, almost unknown outside of the tronies. and i most hiirhlv appreciated when once m- troduced. is the nlhcr.tcr or aracado ! Pr the asuacate of Cuba, says Har pert Kountl laule. A very few nlupator pear trees are grown in "sheltered spot of southern California: but South Flor ida, below latitude 2o degrees, is the only s-jetion of the United States where it can be cultivated on a large scale and as a j:rouTab!e crop. Here it grows a? lux uriantly and with as little care as the cuava, thoucn it requires a create- depth of soil. The tree is fall, nbnder. and covered with a dense fnlioT of dark glossy green, while the ripened fruit, also green in color, is smooth-skinned and as large as a nuia's two fists. In side is a irrcat round stone or seed sur rounded by a soft, yellowish-green pulp, which, sprinkled with salt and eater, with a spoon, or made into a salad, i delicious beyonddescript ion. Xooneever ;ats an alligator pear without wanting mother, and the taste once acquired de nauds to be gratified, regardless of ex pense. I have known Zft and even 7.1 :ents apiece to be paid for the' pears, ind when I once, asked a Broadway .lealer which was the most expensive ruit in his store, he promptly an swered: '"Alligator pra CATCH'NP A TARTAF? Thi ISravp ana Effective IlwUtanco of au Intended Victim. Highway robberies, even under mod ern name of "hold-ups," which alters nothing of their character, have become decidedly rare in the far northwest ; and thoy are likely to become still rarer if aP intended victims make as brave and effective resistance as did a grocer of llninier, Washington, recently. This grocer, whosee name is Hubert, str.rted from. Hainier with his wapc:i on" night to go toTacoma to buy goods. With him was a 13-year-old boy. lie carried S10C to my for bis purrhasis. While he wnfj nbout two mites from Hoy and on n lonely road two hiphway mrn stepped out, confronted the grocer. !uii u pwioi nu taee ami com- manoeu nira to uiamnuiu anu uaiui over niouov I'u';ert had no notion of giving up the money, but he did not waste any time iu fhinkinpr up a plan for beating the rob Itors. He began to set down from the v.tigon ts if to comply, and as lie did ft he struck the rascal who held the pistol a terrible blow which felled him to the ground. Hubert then came down with one heavy foot upon the wrist of the hfind w hich held the revolver. While the robber was in this position, the grocer anatchrd the weof-on away from hiiu and pointed it nt the other ra.seal. It turned out that the second roiitier bad no pistol. Jluiert com- r.r.mded him to put up his hai.d; . v. liich u- did. Meantime the first man was iiwonsi "ir from tho terrible blow which Hu ! rt had dealt h!:i- Hubert made the '.4eond hold i,r !'' I'-md.s for ten min ir.' until tin- fit- had recovered his ifriH.'.'. Then he ean.runnded the firt "i" nu. and told them both to march. -1 i I I T l:-v did. Thus ihi groeer took them both into the town of l!oy, the boy driving close behind with the ltorses nnd wagon. At Hoy the tl, waned highwaymen were turned over to a constable and locked up. and the grocer went on his wny to 'I acoina. Dullea-.Miiro hlate Leaves the Tuesdaye, Thuredayi Unmtillu house S a. m. PURE CURE FOR PILE. Q and Saturtluys. pR"'Bl5ikoWL uouqlas AM.E.V, I'rop. 'v.'' " ni. 'rop flow fibout Your JOB Yc have the facilities for' doing all kinds of Jcib Printing, from a visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. "We not only desiie to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have vour next order. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: Ptichly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edces; portrait of the au thor forming tlm design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pre sentation plate in silver, gold and blue; contniniuc GOO pages and S'2 full-page illustrations In half-Morocco, marble edge Iu full-Morocco, gilt edge . TT 1 Tk Reel Estate Exchange'MlilljJIl, The Dalles IS DAILY RECEIVING INQUIRIES FKOJI Prospective s Immigrants' From every part of the United States concerning the ; Resources, Products, Prices. Etc.; -Vi All persons desirint: to sell or rent their advantage to call on or write at once of the Eschange, giving full particulars, T. A. HUDSON, G. W. ROWLAND, J. M. THE DALLES, HtiU mi Opou (juivttlon. In diseussiujr new words and the fact that even well-educated persons are always coming upon tUiubU'ii! terint-. there is e storr of Cii. Colt, ot revolver fame, who refused to be dauuted even by a word which did not exist. The colonel was sittinpr on the veranda of a Saratoga hotel i:arrathir some of his experiences in Turkey when he went uiure 10 piace a contract, as lie tauten, a pompous person, a judge from some i remote interior region, walked by the j group, occasionally stopping for a mo-1 ment and then nassinffon. Sudrlonlv h-. ! pauseil, with the serious purpose of ,T,Hi" ' "Bht-" "u',n! S1" ! North 50 feet off from lots 3 nnd 4 and measured tones: "Doe the Milton jointly iu block IS, and lot 1 hi block. 11. cr Jurkey, sir, nbntiate himself in his j The reasonable value of said lots for intercourse with distinguished foreign- j less than which thev will not bf 'od crs?" As quickly nb if "nbntiate" were has lieen fixed and determined bv the as familiar to him ns the word "re-1 Common Council of Dalles City a's fol volver." Col. Colt replied: "I cannot sav I Io)y,? to-wit : of my personal hnoxvledge. He max I. .-1 ho north oO feet off from lot? 5 and G have that reputation." Then as tm8' , t , Judge, apparently sati.sfie.L posted on j0h,Uv L blocks" iGO " ,0ta 1 ' um or enrsnot. tne colonel turned to the group nnd nsked: "What in time did he moan V" Everybody laughed, but nobody knew, Outlook. fecurating In 1'nrU. Paris has found it necessary to put n check to the haphazard decoration of her public places. The prefect of the Seine has appointed a technical commit tee of nrtists, architects nnd other com potent judges, to which all plans nf- fecting the outward nppenrnnce of the city must be submitted for approval be-! fore the administrative on eors tnV-t ti,rm,. "-""' WautRil a Freak. In a Sydney newspaper lately there was this ndvertbomnet: "Wanted A man nble to teach French nnd the pinno, and to look after a bull." piIJfJIfC? THE FIU.ST BATTLE Is nn interesting story nf the cretit political stmssleot 1. It mew lmportimt events mm tne ninny issues mvoiveri eminent exponent!. Including the p.irt taken by ' Hon. W. J. llryan in the silver asritotton prior to . the Demoenitie National Convention, anil dur- in? the campaign : the best example of his won ?n: the best example of his won- the most noteworthy incidents of r, a careful review of the political ieiissiou of the election returns icance thereof, and the fit'ure aeniu oratory, i hb famous tour, situation, n di- nnd the siffiiifieanee poislbilities of Bi-metallism as n politieil issue. ?1 75 2 2b '2 7o M. J. WOODCOCK. Agent, Wamic, Or. CJCJ CJiv if . farms or citv nronertv will. find it creatlv to to imv one of the underpinned ni(.n,rrs. terms, etc. ; C. E. BAYARD, J. G. KOOXTZ & HUNTINGTON & CO. CO. OREGON. NOTICE SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice h hereby given that by author iiy uf ordinance No. 291, which parsed the Common Council of Dalles City Feb ruary G, 1S97, entitled "An ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for the sale of certain lots beloiiL'iiii; to Dalles CitV." I V. ill. on Saturdnv.'rhM inn. ,1,.,. of March, 1S97, seli at public auction, to me uiguesi uiuuer, all the followintr lot and parts of lots iu Gates Addition to Dalles City, Wasco County, Or., to-wit: . .ln.ti ,!or,t',' 5? tl!ut ofI' froiu lots o and G J,,1tl ' "lotK I0- North 110 teet off from lots 1 nnrl ' . ,i.. : i.i.i. ic Vnfth sn feet off from lots S nn,l j jointly in block IS, $100. I Lot 1 in block 19, $200. Knch one of these lots will be sold up on the lot respectively and none of them shall be sold for a le.-s sum than the x'alue thereof as above stnted. One-fourth of the price bid on anv of said lots shall be paid in cash at' the time of sale, nnd the remainder in three pminl navmnnlQin n. V.fA... . ,v w., ,i ucmru uiie, two and imcu jeara irum ice date ol said sale j , , wi Ull BUUII ue- bot p.MT boS .i. , V. cent per annum, navablo annimllv ..i.i,..f ; "j e in full , ".""" me option oi me pur. nnr. cuaser. i Tho said sale will begin on tho 13ih ' day of March at the hour of 2 o'clock n m. of said day, and will continue from timetotimo until allot said lots shall be sold. Dated this 9th day of Februarv, 1897. n GlI.BEliT W. PlIGLPtl, flO Recorder of Dalles City. Advertise in The Chkonicle. PAPER GARMENTS. for feople Afraid ot I T, . T.!ltC4t V class house and a leather bed used to i ni.UPd the llFMpiJJ mediums behind which t. dnj n could seek refuge from h e 1- paper sun . ; . ,twl . . .1. .,! ilefv lid SS. J.en if" it should show specun. preference for him. 1 This is particularly the case if a hat is worn made of the same stuJ. in side of thin should be placed a piece of newspaper, and inside the clothmg should also bo laid folds of a news paper, which would do as well, as a paper suit. . The paper suit is also a good thing for. summer excursions, for if it is ruined in the rain there won t be much lo Those whose nerves are upset n atmospheric disturbances had tetter wrap themselves up in paper during the electric rummer storms, even if they do rot have suits made up a la mode and with scams and buttons to hold them together. The man who ?ets out to be a re former will never get to rest a minute Ram's llorn. Ton was, I admit, a fairly patient man. but he never tackled tlie tasu oi putting up stove pipes. Endeavor Herald. CAr-Tfis' famous remarii: i think, therefore I am." is supplement ed by Phillips UrookV "What I believe thnt'l b.-i'or' "--rH.'T" Standard. rTH6 GQllimllia PBGKIDSGO., PACKERS OF j , j j .J . J1 Tj 1 &J frf t llSft KOWT . Pi I 1' B f H rjlitlrS ' A- VI IV XJ. V. MANUFACTCKEKS OF Lard and Sausages. Pine Curers of -r BRAND Dried Beef. Etc. Dalles City aoo Moro Slap Line Leaves Willinms Hotel, Moio, on irnn).,..i 1'.,l.,,, l r-:,l i b a. m. pronuit ' - I-eo.ves I-jnatilla House. The Dalles, : J-iesaavs, llivrsdays and Saturdays at b a. m. prompt. j Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, 40c i per 10(1 lbs ; small packuuci, 15 and 2uc. j;ener rale.- The Dalles to Moro, Anencvot Umatilla House, The Dalles, and at Williams Hotel Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN, Prop. A 1 "T'J 1 i fYW flllf IV 1 PillA U I VIA UHU iJIUUlIU 1 rn STAGE LIFE, TH01IAS EAEPEE, - - Proprieto: Staaes leave Dake Oven for Antelopt every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three times a week. GOOD HORSES AND WAGONS. The Glades Ranch, AX'IIITK SALMON. WASH. fin Brefl JEESIYS Sfino0 StThfJ?lit,.Coln,P??i,'5 nnrt Tormentor mine. Thrw Choice Hulls for sale or rent o some Choice Cowh and Hellers for iale Pine iirt.1 P!and China H." fl,e' w jilte Pi) mouth Rock Chicens Addre- MRS. A. It. liviik'VTT n... ,"ium White aalmon. Wash. LQDIPQ1S0N A RDCinS A? TV I'nfr.l , tarj hi .oou7oisoVprmS.a tocua curi' l'lru, out n5fe"StSy&S" m?e rtm . -' J X4JJ13 I'll l'"""18 nod cluilleniro tin.V-iVi i !-'" cannot ctirn. iu, hY. '.'4" " t-iV".0. c'. a')ii3 diten' h-4. Ji ' DameiitiiooL-iii """so naa aiwavn ! tno most cn,i,, YZZr.V,' mmaM 'i1 icmplc cmuAUu, 1XJW' have Your Grain. Few realize that Pftnh .1. ' siroys slilL 4i nn . - " "u iust Uiven fearful and apprehensive pcopic w Thi" suit is nfadc of fiber -pulpand can be made to look exactly like any oe. of clothes. Paper w u poor ion daetonandamanarrayc n - a tr?ctt0M7wlrcair7 5iW pX"re a,ld English authors, 'lea. copper CVilopnTrK'..;.".?,."1 ' i.... ;....' . . .. , It Is ttiid Kecm,,i,lS8rVf'9 !i?PWM ftilUnB Anthonv Ilo.,. ltrt Uurtc. nnrifiTt,n r,,- uiuurH nn m7j it u. iiihii. tiinrj jnator is the "moat effective nnd lecoSi10 0cl' l8t- 1892 wU1 1,0 pald J? leal poison known. Price reduced to HQ oice-1 Interest ceases after March 6, vwitc. tor BaiO IV M ' n 1, N ORTHERN PACIFIC RyT J H s Pullman Elegent Toturist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car ST. I'Atri, 3IINNEAVOL18 1HJLUTH FA ICG O GKAND roltKS CKOOKSTON WINXIl'EO ' 1ELKNA nu mrTTE TO Through Tickets CHICAGO WASHINGTON IMllLAnELI'HlA MIW VOKE liOSTON AND AI.I. j roiNTS east ami south For lnforrantlon, time cards, maps nud ticket, cnl ou or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The D.ilk'i, Oraron OR D. CHAELTON. Asst. G. P. A., lx, Morrliou Cor. Third. t'ortlimJ Ore?oa A. EAST and SOUTH via I The Shasta Route OF THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Traiir leave and are due to arrive at I'ortlani tnAVE. rr.oji veh. 10. 1S97. f OVEUI.AXD EX- : : press, huiem, KOse : I burs, Ashlnnd, Sac 's ::0 1'. M ,J rnmento, Ogden.Snn ! M'' 1 Frniieisen, Mojave, ( 3:10 A. II. i l i.os Aiigeies.fciriisn, : I Xew Orleans unit 1 ! lEnst J b:S0 , M Uo.eburg and wny tu- ; tlotis. fVin W'oodburn lorl 'i-AO r.M Dally except Sunday. .Mt.AiiKei, siiverion, . Wct Scio, lirowu- i vlllcSiirtngtield mid ( except Suudays. i. mi i f ISnloni nnd wny stntIons!10.15A.M - iCorvullls mid way ;1 6:3) P.M. ...J)A. M. gtlltIons j ' :,airon I H:45 P.M.! jMcMlnnville n u d( ( S:15P.M 1 Dally. fD'Uly, eseejit sjunday. DIXIXli CARS OK OGDE.V ROUTE. PUI.I.MAX JJOTFKT SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEWNO CARS Attached to all Tlirough Trains. Through Ticket Ollicc, 131 Third street, where tli-oueh tickets to all point.-, in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained a, loivent rates from J. II. KIRKLAXD, Ticket Agent. All above train arrive nt mid ik'jwrt Iro? Grand Central Stntlun, Fifth and Irving street.-. YAMIIlLlj DIX'ISIOX. Passenger Depot, foot of Juilcrson street. Ienvo for OSWEGO, dallv, except Hiiuday, a! 7:0 u. iu.; 1J:1.i, 1:1. o:i O lo, Slfti p. a, (and 11:: p. m. on feattinlny only). Arrive at Portland tit 7:10 nnd s;30 a.m.; mid 1:9), 4:i 0:35 and 7:55 p. m. I-eave for Sheridan, week days, st-l:C0p.B. j Arrive at Portland, 0:30 u. m. I I-eave for AIRI.IE on Monday, Wedticsda FrMay iit!:l0n. in. Arrivo ut Portland, dav and dav, T lutrsdny and Saturday nt 3:05 p. m. aundny train for OSWEGO leave nt S:10a.ta. nnd 12:15,1:13,3:80, j:'r G:mid 8 tti p. w. Ar rive at Portland nt S:S0, 10:00 a. in., 1:30,1:15, 5:10, 0:ai, 55 p. in. it. KOEHI.ER, E. P. ROGERS, Muiiaser. Asst. G. F. it Pats. .Xst NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 1 l'ligDS a Woek. 100 Topers a Yr It stands first among "weekly" pape" in size, frequency of publication and freshness, variety and reliability of con' tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weoklv : and its vast list of t subscribers, extending to every state and , territory of the Union nnd foreign coon- , tries, will vouch for tho accuracy ana j fairness of its news columns. i It is splendidly illustrated, and among itfi special features are a fine humor paj'e' luatlve market reports, all tbe lnteat fnshiond women and along series of stories by the greatest m'D romi Wilkin1' liraiidur Mattliewa, Etc. ,.. " . . ' r' .A e OllHr t ii nnonnnl.H nmvsnaneroi'- "e oiler thii ....w., . ti. tim. m , ,...,. r,i to- m Ur ,8thor one Vr lor H.00. The regular prlco of the two papers is 3.00. Caili Iu Vour CUecki. All county warrant! registered prior MOOT n t 11....,,na. Agent. - i . . wa ui . febl-Siu County Treaanrer.