The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 06, 1897, Image 4

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
thk dai-i.i:s,
oiiKOoN I
Below is published a correct time card 1mhv mill ar-1
II 1 liVill? illl'l tV'tl " iiium . . -
rivo at The Dalles. Travelers may trust
it, as The CmtoNici.i: is kept fully in
formed of revisions ;
D. V A- A. X. 0. STEAMKU5.
Steamer Reaulator leaves every Monday, Wed
nesday unit Friday at 7:50 H. in.
Arrives evvrv Tuesday, Thursday ami Satur
day nt 6:S0 p. in.
r.vsT mail. Arrive. Leave.
No.l-WeMMiml t:3 u.m. -J:M n.m.
No.'i-Eust-bouiul .10:W.m. 10:-p.m.
Xo, 7Vet-bound, leave- ,J:??P,lu'
No. s East-bound, arrives 11 n.m.
Alt pa:-eiiprer trains .-lop at Unlnti Street, as
well ns the depot.
AilvertNlmr Uute.
Per itch
One.Inch or le-iu Pally l 8
Over two laches and under four laches 1 00
Over four Inche? mid under twelve Inches. . 7d
Over twelve lnehe f,
daily ash wi:i:kly.
One inch or le. per luch 50
Over one Inch and under four Inches - 00
Over fouT inchc- nnd under twelve Inches . 1 CO
Over twelve Inches 1W
i-kksonai. jiestios
Polk and E. P. liutler are in from
Mis Elizabeth Sampson has returned
from Portland.
Hon. W. H. H. Dufur is in from the
city of that name.
Mr. C. J. Van Dtiyn is in from Tygh
on his way to Portland on business.
Mr. E. M. Wilson i in Portland vis
itin her daughter, Mrs. F. P. Mays.
Mr. and Mrs. L.'IS. Crowe are expect
ed home irom California about the 10th.
V. ?. Gribble, O. B. Hadley and Bar
ney Cooper are in the city from Hooil
Mr. E. M. Williams, who has been in
Portland for the past week, returned last
Miss Nell Miehell came down from
Columbus yesterday, and is visiting rel
atives. Steamer icir Mal.
We will sell the steamer "Wauna,"
thirtv-iive feet loti&r, eteht foot beam,
built in 1S93. All' in -.rood order. For
full particulars apply to
Or.EGON LuMimr. Co..
mcb2-l:nd Viento, Or.
Rev. W. H. Shearman will preach at
the Calvary Baptist church tomorrow
morning and evening.
Lutheran services will be held at the
courthouse tomorrow as follows: Morn
ing service at 11 ; Sunday school at 12: 15;
evening service at 7:30.
At the Congregational church, corner
of Court nud Filth streets, tomorrow's
services will he as follows: At 11 a. m.
administration of the Lord's Suuper.
Evening service as usual at 7 :30, wor
ship, and a sermon by the pastor, W. C. j
Curtis. Topic, The false and the true J
Lent. fcnmlay school immediately
after the in rning service. Meeting of
thoYniu.- IVopleV. Society of Christian
EuiU.i-.. r it i 0:30 p. m. Topic "Op
) iriuuiti'M to do good seeing them;
i.-'m, ' Ji -m. All persons not worship
j.i g ft where are cordially invited.
u .ut m:k.u; ini:vitai!i.k.
firemo Is l'ully lteiiiilvatl to Defy tlm
I',, W4! m.
Atue.vs, March 3. X statement made
by King George in an interview today
is probably a forecast of the reply
GreecB will make to the identical note of
the powtsra, itisiating upon the with
drawal of tho Greek fleet and troops
from Crete within six days from noon of
Monday last. Hi majesty said :
"Tue Greek nation is unable to bear
any longer the strain and excitement
caused by the constant Cretan revolu
tions and our finances will not permit
us to support the refugees who now
number about 17,000. Nothing will
prosper in Greece until the question is
definitely sflttled.
"Autonomy of Crete is out of the
question, because tho Cretans reject it
and have lost faith in the promises of
the powers. They prefer to die in their
own defeneo rather than to be slaugh
tered Ilk Armenians.
"The recall of the Greek troops from
Crete would mean a signal for new mas
fiacres on a largo scale-, owing to the
fierce fanaticism of tho Mussulman,
who st-e they have the support of the
six great powers, since the latter covered
the Turkish attack on the Christians
and shelled the victorious Cretans fight
ing for freedom and the orosa, aim at
tho moment when tho Turks were com
pelled tu retire."
Premier Delyuiinis, in an interview,
id reported to have reiterated that the
Greet, troops would not be withdrawn
from Crete, and expressed the fear that
tho national clamor would compel the
government to invade Turkey. Greece,
lie is quoted as Haying, had not accepted
tho huhmne for autonomy for Crete,
proposed by the powers. The premier
asked that a plebiscite of the Cretans
I be taken, nnd added that Greece would
! nrefor to disanpenr from tho map rather
- than withdraw her forces from Crete in
the fuce of threats.
A Riilnuttir. IUin'jU!:.
S(r IWer -lltr.
dure ;ni:otu iuaU.
"Oh. honestly. 1 couldn't ;. what
your friend out in Dakota si-:. t you
not in u hundred years." suid the South
Water street commission man's friend
after he had "guessed" for the ninth
time, says the Becord.
"Well, try it just three times, and if
you can't call the turn, then I'll tell
you." persisted the commission man.
"Was it well let- me see was it
otne kind of a northern winter apple V
asked the friend, hopefully.
"No: you're cold try it again. I'll tell
von one thing, and that if that it wasn't
liny kind of fruit," said the commission
"Was it some kind of a cake or some
thing your friend's wife made? If it
was. why. I couldn't call the turn on
the particular kind. Wait maybe it
va a Black hills l-ear." paid the friend,
quickly, his face lighting up.
"No. you haven't come within a mile
of it. Would you Irolieve me if I fold
you it was a bunch of reindeer's
tomrvtes? Well, that's just what it was.
and I'll xeil you that he couldn't have
sent anything nicer. The tongues were
smoked and seasoned jti't right. They
were as tender as mashed potato, and,
oh. say, what a sandwich thoy do make!
If you want something you will never
forget just slap n couple slices of rein
deer's tongue- betveen a couple of salt
ed wafers, have an olive or so on the
side, and yum-yum!"
- - -' -
Alleged Cure of a Child Hue to Chopin's
Somber Waltzes.
The value of music in the treatment
of certain forms of nervous diseases has
before now been called attention to by
physicians. One advantage perhaps of
this therapeutical agency is, vhat in the
event of its doing no good it i not like
ly to do harm. In a recent number of
the Gazette Medieale attention was
drawn to the remarkable re.--ult attend
ing the administration of music to a
little girl of three, who was afflicted
with serious nervous disorders, result
ing in epilepsy and paroxysms of fear,
which kept her awake all night. Tiu
ordinary remedies, including bromide
of potassium, were tried witiiout any
effect, and nt last the physician reeonu
mended the mother to play some soft,
rather melancholy music to her daugh
ter Ptiore putting her to bed. Chopin
was recommended, especially tlu
waltzes in the minor key. The remedy
worked like a charm, for it is unid tha
from the night the child went to bed
under the influence of music she lo t
all her nervous symptoms and slept
without waking untK the morning. In
order to prove that this was not the re
fill of mere chance, tiie music
omitted on one evening, and the child
passed a night of misery, not so intense
as before the adoption of the treatment,
but still very marked.
Mother I'ormlttftl a Spnnkiiif: to Escrt
IU Persuasive I'owcr.
"Did you notice," asked the girl with
the saintly expression of the girl with
the Inughing eyes, "how beautifully
Tommy Jaekaon behaved in church to
day?"' The girl with the laughing eyes
nodded silently, aud tho giri with the
saintly expression went on dreamily:
"I think that I must, have nmnagwl
to touch his stony little heart at last,"
she said, thankfully, "but it has been a
hard struggle. I talked to him .-.erious-ly
ou Saturday when 1 wat; calling on
my Sunday school pupils, and his moth
er seemed much inlcieated. She &aid
die had punished him severely only the
Sunday before last, and so how shame
fully he behaved last week, While yes
terday "
"She punished him, too," interrupted
the girl with the laughing eyes, mer
rily, "ouly she reversed her usual order
of proceedings. Generally she spanks
him after she comes home from church,
and he forgets all about it before the
next Sunday comes around. Hut yes
terday she had a brilliant idea and to
day she spanked him lKjfore setting
"O," said the girl with the saintly
face, and there really didn't seem any
thing else to say.
Itecejitioii of n I'l-e.-tliit-nt That Wusn't
Held In tlu V.'lilto Iloiue.
"There was one .'cv. Ytar's reception
held by the president in the city," suid a
local historian, "which was not, held in
the white house. Though the event is
seldom referred to, it is a fact nil the
same. The reception 1 apeak of, tnoiigh
the function then generally went by
the name of levee, was given by Pretd
dent Madison on New Year's day, 1S15,
in the Octagon, nt the corner of Eight
eenth street ai d New York avenue.
The British in ! !' having burned the
white hous..-, IV-.dent Madison moved
over to the Ocvagon house, which wat.
owned by Col. John Tayloe. He spent
over five months there. All who at
tended the levee have long since passed
away, but it has beeu my good fortune
in p:iht yiftirs to linve talked to several
gentlemen who wciv present. They dc
ocrlbe it n a very elegant affair. All
the cxpeiues of tho levee wore paid out
of Col. Tayloe's poekot, that gentleman
being enormously wealthy and liberal
as well. His income was said to Imj at
that time J7J.t t'o."
flow flbout Your
We have the facilities for doing all kinds
of Job Printing, from a visiting card lo a
catalogue, and we are after all the work we
can do. Wo not only desiie to keep busy,
but would prefer to be rushed. Come in
and compare our prices with that of any
one, and compare quality of work. Let us
have your next order.
Uichlv and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edijes; portrait of the au
thor formins the design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pre
sentation plate in silver, gold and blue; containing 600 pages and u2
full-page illustrations $1
In half-Morocco, marble edge -(
In full-Morocco, gilt edge -
M. J. Vv'OODCOCK. Agent, Wamic, Or
mm mim CAUimiigd;
From every part of the United States concerning the
Resources, Products, Prices, Etc.
All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatly to
their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members
of the Exchange, giving full particulars, terms, etc.
.1. G. KOONTZ oc CO.,
SMALL PROFIT IN CIGARS, Complain Tliat Thor JtaUc Very
I.Ktlo ."iloiiny.
"There is not a l .rp-e percentage ol
profit in cigurs," said D. 15. Talbort. ol
Baltimore, a cigar ijf.lfu'.n, at the
Metropolitan, to a Wawbiuirton Star re
porter. "Ami there is ji-obably no lin
of "uods in which oustoines twini!
the dealers with o little compunction
of conscience. There are SO -!-.:rf, in
a box of ordinary roods, but the dealer
seldom frets paid for 50, even though
he credits none and gives none away.
"A man buys a cigar, taking it ou of
the box with his thumb and forefinger,
at the same time closing his other lin
gers over another which rests in the
palm of his hands. Ho gives the dealer
a dime and almost invariably receives a
nickel in change. Or he may buy a quar
ter's worth and gets one too many in
the same way. This has caused some
dealers to nak how many are wanted
and to give out just what are called
for, but it is doubtful if this is wise, ius
a customer likes to help himself, and
goes whore he can do ho."
A Mlinrp ltf-tlv
"How did you spot bimV" asked the
nsportflr of the detective who hud just
nabbed a brilliant young confidence
gentleman, disguised us a bloomer girl,
"Thu disguise is perfect."
"1 happened to catch him blushing,"
said the atitute Nleuthhound of the law.
Indiannpolih Journal.
Appt-ankucoa Aro Docultf ill. '
"Coino on up, .lot. what uro you
hesitatfng for'?"
"I don't like the looks of tliet dog."
"Oh, he won't bite, just see, lie is
aggin;v his tail tiow."
"That.'s all right, but that ain't the
end I'm looking at!" American Field.
Itcbmw HUM, Ulcllu or I'rolru IUi Pll.ill,ilac-,l
t,vrb i.iuwi A cur tircuui. ol frt, l'rlc
5 ,
THK FIRST BATTLE Is nn liUercthiR story
of the sreat political struulenf lS.i. its mojt
important event.-- anil the mnnyi ues tnvolvejl:
n loKicul ireathe mi Ht-motalUsni as uttered by
eminent exponents inoluiliiiR the part taken by
Hon. V. J. llrvan in the silver iisltution prior to
the Democratic National Convention, and dur
ins the camp.iisn: the best examples of his won
dnful oratorv. the most nntewoithy Incidents of
hi famous tour, a careful review of tho political
tituation, a di-ctif-loa of the election returns
and the siKiilfleance thereof, and the I'u'iuc
possibilities of lll-nictalllsm as a polltlcil li-ue.
. IkT1 Si i
Notice is hereby trlven that by author
ijy of ordinance No. 291, which pa--ed
tiie Common Council of Dalles Citv Feb
ruary G, 1S07, entitled "An ordinance
entitled an ordinance to provide for tho
sale of certain lots belonging to Dalles
City," I will, on Saturday, the Kith day
of March, 1S!17, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder, all tho following lots
and parts of lots in Gates Addition to
Dalles. City, Wasco County, Or., to-wit :
The north 50 feet oil' from lots 5 and 0
jointly in block IS.
North U0 feet oil' from lots 1 and 2
jointly in block 18.
North o0 feet off fiom lots 3 and 4
jointly in block IS, and lot 1 in block ID.
Tho reasonable value of said lots, for
less than which they will not be sold,
has been fixed and determined by the
Common Council of Dalles City as fol
lows to-wit:
The north 50 feet off from lots o and 0
jointly in block 18, 200.
North 30 feet off from lota 1 and 2
jointly in block IS, $00.
North 50 feet off from lots 3 and -1
joiutlv in block IS, $100.
Lot'l in block 10, $200.
Each one of these lots wilt ho sold up
on the lot respectively and none of them
shall bo sold for a "lefs sum than the
value thereof as above stated.
One-fourth of tho price hid on any of
said lots shall bo paid in cash at' the
time of sale, and the remainder in three
equal payments on or before one, two and
three years from the date of said sale
respectively, with interest on such de
ferred payments at tho rate of 10 per
cent per annum, payable annually; pro.
vided that payment may be made in full
at any time at the option of tho pur
chaser. Tho said sale will begin nn the 13th
day of March at the hour of 2 o'clock p.
m, of said day, and will continue from
time to time until all of said lots shall
be sold.
Dated this 0th day of February, 1S07,
Gilukut W. Phkm-s,
flO Kecorder of Dalles Citv.
Advortirio in The Oihioniclij,
BIDS WANitw. .
notice is SS,Svvnor
bridge across Hood r.v. r, ;u t
Hood River, ' ..tate of Oregon for
County Court of tin St u oi u h ,
Wasco County. UP to be hot, r o ,
Wednesday March o S9
octen brides to inclm o s, ,
how in specifications on III ! vutli tut
Comity Clerk of Wasco County.
The Court reserves the right to ujiu j
any and all bids. rwntv ;
Dated at 'lhe umwi. T f)
Or., this 7th day ot lebruarv, A. U.,
ibtd A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk.
-nti,.P Is herebv L-iven to tho leenl
voters of school district -o. 12, U. w
Citv, Wasco county, Mate of Oregon. the annual sch.a-1 "lemon for ' J
district will be held at the n ice r f c t
recorder, ou Court street, m lj U's.
Oregon, to betrin at the hour ot - o clock
in the afternoon and continue until 0
o'clock in the afternoon oi said dav. be
inc the Sth day of Morel;, A. I. W-.
1 IIU muKimr y .11 k
of electinc one director for said district,
to serve for the term of three years, and
one clerk, to feerve for the term of one
vear. Said election to ne by ballot, an 1
"the polls will remain open from 2 o clnck
p. m. until 6 p. m. of said Sth day ol
March, A. D. 1S07.
Dated this 20th dav ol Ib.. lS'Ji.
Ontox Ki.vkhsly,
Chairman Hoard Directors.
Attest: E. J.coiisi:.v,
District Clerk.
ip . tuf w cm r' or uir nu ''
tub GGiunvBia PeoKlBgOo.,:
Pork and Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
mm m
Dried Beef. Etc.
Dalles City and lore Btaue Line
Leaves Williams Hotel, Moto, on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridayb at
S a. m." prompt.
Leaves Uinntilln House, The Dalles.
Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Satnrdaya at
S a. m. prompt.
Freight rates The Dalles to Moro, -10c
per 100 lbs; small packages, lo and 25c.
Passenger ra!e The Dalles to Moro,
?1")0; round trip, $2.30.
Agency at Umatilla Houee, The Dalles,
and at Williams Hotel Moro.
Bake Oven and Mil
THOMAS HAEPEE, - - Proprietoj
Stapes leave Hake Oven for Antelope
every day, and from Antelope to Mit
chell three times a week.
The Glades Ranch,
nire Brefl
Ii-rn-y Ritttln
Of the hi . LnmlK-rt, f'ommaie mid Tormentor I
rnlnc Tnn-e Choice Huns fur s,,lo or i" t
i-o some Choice i niul Heifer, for sale.
nt-llred Poland tnlmi II w . I
h le I'lyi.ioutl. Koo Chlchens i
Addre Mils. A It. liKKKTT Prop.
jj-Wum Unite salmon, Wash, i
"ii-miiiMT p... -iwm .... I
iiSN'JSrS?.''ar.airo s
cury, .o n'r , .'.l 'ilT0 ta!'e,', " '
claiu. anoo.ooi) l-wliax i,V,S,lV"H,,u Physl-
have Yinir tiralii, " I
Biro lm U ' 1 TU Rfl,,lrrfll ,l0'
W akelee'a btjuirro and Gopher Exte n 1
inator is the most elleeti vo ami en . ,
a poison known Price reduced to 0
..Tw, u ciiiu iiv i f. ii....ii
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
bT. VAl I,
OKANI) l Ollus
IIKI.11XA an
! Through Tisket3
For informntinn, time catds, maps and ticket,
pal on or write to
W. C. ALLAWAY. Apent,
The Dalles, Oregon
a n Ptl A TJT.TOX. Asst. G. P. A..
Si, Morrto u Cor. Third. I'ortlimi Orejoa
EAST and SOUTH via
Tiie Shasta Eoute
or THK
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Train!, leave and are Hue to arrive nt TortUsl.
ritoM ran. 10, 1837
preai), Snleni, llo-e-burtr.
Abhlaml, si!!'- I
'S:S0 P.M.
I ritinentti, Oiriion.iriin ,
l'rmicixco, Mnjitve, f
l.os Ain-L'lus.Kl I'rtsn.
"j.IOA. !.
New urlcuns anil '
j Jitnt
. Honours and way tn
A- -'-Itiniis M;10
I f Via Wooi'.bum ior
,,,. ! I Mt. Ansel, SUverlou, ,
i I t..
except ) ,,, riDrinVunta mill Sundars.
i p r lutein mill way stations 10.1oA.M
V v'hCorvallls ami way t C:J9 P.M.
M A M- htiiticms .... I
..... ! tMcMluuvllle and. S:i)r.M
11. lo I.M., htntlon-s I ,
I matron
'Dally. fP.uiy, except sumlay
ui.viNc; c.vr.s ok ogdek iioute.
Attaelieil to nil TlirmiBh Trains.
Through Ticket Olllec, Ul Third strct. where
through tickets to nil points in tiie hasten
hi -tca, Camilla and Kuiope can be outaliiea
lowubt nttes, from . . .
J. 11. KIHKLAND, Ticket Agent
All above tralim arrive nt and dep-ut IroJ
Grand Central rftatlou, Filth and Irving streets.
I'atsciiKcr Di-pot, foot of J etlurson street.
Uave for OSWEGO, daily, except
7:0 n. m.; 12:15, 1:13, r:X, fi.-to, S:a") V- a
(tmdll:!10)). m. on Saturday oaly. Aritvf :
Portland nt 7:10 uml S;20 n, m. and 1:S0, 1.15,
G:3i ami 7:o5 p. in.
Leave for Sheridan, wee'.: days, -it l:30p.n.
Arrive at Portland, U:30 u. m
I?nve for AlllLtK ou Mon.lny, WcilneJrsl
l-ri-'iiy nt 9: 10 a. in. Arrivo at Portland, lues
duv, Thursday aud Saturdiiy at 3,0o p. in.
Suiuinv train for OsWEGO leave at S-Wa.B.
mid 12: lS, 1 : 15, D:so, f):2.' li: 15 and S Do 11. n.
rive ut Portland ut a:0, 10:00 n. in, li''"
S-U', fi:3., 7:55 p. 111.
u. koem.kk, e. l". r-9fiERri.
Manuuor. Asst. G. 1". A l'is-A-
18 Tau-es a Week. 1T.0 l'miord a eir
i .
It niindg firet among "weekly" pap"
in size, frequency of publication and
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It ia practically a daily at the lovr
price o a weekly; and its vast In'0'
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and forolgn coun
tries, will vouch for tho accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It Is aplondidly Illustrated, nnd among
its special features aro a fine "umor
pngo, exhaustive- market reports, nlHM
latest fashiuuH for women and a ioot
6ories of stories by tho greatest HvinS
Aninrlcan and Enylish authors,
:in;ui loyl), ,I.ironi K. ',er""'''(
Hlnnl..y Wojiiian, Mary K. WIIU"1 '
Antliiiny I1iim, ItriH llnrli',
HntiidHr MultlinwN, Ktc. .
Wo oiler this uneqiinled nevvepaperann
Tho Dalles Twlco-a-Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $'-00. Tho regular
prico of (ho two papers is $3.00.
CaiiU In Your check"
All county wurrants reyistored prior
to Out. 1st, 1802, will bo paid at W
oflico. Intorest coaseB after Mnrcli i
1897. O. L. Pjiim.p
County Treaaiuer.