al)c Hades UP Cljromclc VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH K, 1897 NO 47 MEXICANS ARE ANGRY Take Offense at the Attemp to Recall American Flags. TURKEY DEMANDS AN EXPLANATION A Snn IThiioIsco Ctlrl Yiuvns Until i-"aoi Ciimibh A imrt fjlio Must llnvo I.eou A-Weury. 11c St. Louis, March 5. A epecial to the Globe-Demourat from Guadalajara, Mex ico, says : Almost a warlike spirit ia aroused among the people of Mexico by the com inc of Messrs. Bruce, Stone and Pierce of Boston, to enter into negotiations with the Mexican government for the return of the flag's captured by the Mexicans. In the most incendiary language- the people so so far as to demand of the United States at the cannon's mouth, if necessary, the return of all the territory taken from Mexico. They specify Cali fornia, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas as property stolen from this country. So strong is the sentiment aRtunat Americana that ladies aro openly in sulted on the streets and in ntores, and if their escorts resent the offense, they are dragged off to jail and lined. HKll FACiS CA.U15 APART. Serious Itinult ot u San FranclNCo Girl' Yawn. Sax Fkancisco, March 5. Miss Alice Johnson, residing at 48, Larkiu etieet, was yesterday morning the victim of most peculiar accident. In yawning she dislocated both articulationa of her jaws The lower balf of her face dropped from us place. Miss Johnson was hurried to the re ceivin" hospital, where Pol ico Surgeon Well adjusted horfeatuies. When the young woman was rushed into the boa pital the attendants were at first pos sessed of the idea that she had been at tacked by burlars and had not yet re covered from her fright. She waB unable to disabuse their minds, for the disloca tion of her jaws had temporarily deprived lier of the power of speech. Dr. Wiel said it was not unusual tor a person to dislocate ono jaw while gaping, but it seldom occurred that both articu lations were thrown out of place by such an act. '1'urkciy Want An JS.Nplaiiat ion. ConstantixopijK, March 5. The Turkisn government has called atten tion of the ambassadors of the powers to two declarations contained in their note to the effect that Crete will not be annexed to (jreece "at tho present junc ture," and that "autonomous regime" will be conferred on their land. Tho Turkish ministers wished a further ex planation of tho words "present junc ture" and "autonomous regime." Thoy want a precise definition of these terms. Tho Italian embassy lias demanded formal satisfaction for the firing of a shot across the bows of the Italian mail steamer while passing through the Straits of Dardanelles Tuesday evening, by the Turkish fort, although tho vessel dis played the usual signals and had ob tained a nrntinnn iSAD DAY AT ST. LOUI8. Slum, .IUIii una "Wind Caused Serious Inaunvuiilenco. Sr. Louis, March 5. Yesterday was one of tho most disagreeable days St. Louis lias had in a long time. It begun to rain in the afternoon and this morn ing there is no inclination of a let-np. Tlio streets are muddy, and the side walks dangerous on account of sleet. Many accidents occured during the day, but non,o wore serious. Numerous col lisions occurred between stroot cars and heavily loaded wagonB on account of sliding wheels. Tlio Western Union Telegraph Com pany's wires were down, although no 'tfrlou? inconvenience was caused as all points could be readied in u roundabout ay. The l'oatal people roport a sim lr condition. A report was current at tho union sta tion lust night that a train which ran nlong tho river for somo miles had boon witched and soveral passengers drowned, but there was no foundation for the 1r &AKIH5 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its etent lpm-milm strnnn-fh m.i hciiltlifulncss. Assures the food npilnst nlum mid all forms of adulteration common to the uiieap urtuius. ItOYAI. IlAKIXG POWDER CO., XEW YORK. lory. A washout on the Chicago & Alton oc cured between Godfrey and Brighton, 40 miles from this city, causing track to spread as a freight train was passing Several cars were derailed, one of them being overturned. This caused a block acle which kept the hue at that point closed to traffic several hours. A Fouth bound passanger train was a long time behind in reaching St. Louis. Accord ing to omciai reports, nonociy was in jured in the wreck, and the road was open for traffic this morning. Seventy-five feet of the covering of Mill-creek sever was swept out this morning. The damage is roughly esti mated at $33,000. Heavy Raint in Ohio. Cincinnati, March 5. The unexpect ed and unprecedented rainfall here has given rise to disagreeable forebodings of another flood. The rain begaii falling at 6 :30 last night, and at 9 a. m., is about four inches. Lackland. 0.. is inundated. At Cumminsville the flood is doing more' harm than the recent high water. The Ohio river is rising seven inches an hour. The rain is general from the Mis souri river to the Alieghenv range, and s heaviest in Illinois, Indiana and West ern Uluo. Oreat loss has been caused throughout the country around Cincin nati from the overflowing of small streams. DniiRorh of the Grlji. The greatest dangers from Li Grippe is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea sonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Ilemedy is taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this emc.dv for la grippe, wo have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which sliows conclusively hat this remedy is a certain preventive of that dread disease. It will affect a nermanent cure in less time than auy other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale bv Blakolev & Houghton. Storm at Cain,, JIHiioIn. Caiho, 111., Mareli 5. A heavy thunderstorm with rain and wind struck tliis section at 5 :o0 a. m. today. Uoofs were torn off, plate-glass windows smashed, a frame church under con struction was destroyed, one house blown down aud tho wreckige burned. Eight persons wore injured and one killed and buried in the ruins. Tho wind had a velocity of 5G to SO miles. i"reu Plllx' Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These rills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of.Con stipation and Sick Headache, For Ma- aria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to bo perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. Thoy do not weaken by their action, but by giviug tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate tho sys tem, ltegular size 25e. per box. Sold by Blukeley & Houghton Druggists. (4) Drop us a line if you can't get Schilling's Best of your grocer, or if you don't like it and can't get your money back. A Schilling & Company San Francisco 495 GIVES UP THE F1C.IIT. Tho Original 11oiir Succumbs to tlie Inevitable. J Salem, Or., March 5. The last ees-1 sion of the Davis house wa? called to ' order at 11 :30 a. m. today. Seventeen! members answered the roll-call. U'Rcn, ! by unanimous consent, offered a resolu tion, which was read. The resolution, after setting out the history of the fail ure to organize tho legislature in a lengthy preamble, concluded as follows : "tfesolved, by the members of the house now in attendance, and ho have signed the resolution, That we will re turn to our respective homes, at all times during our term of office awaiting the call of the governor of the stato for a session of the legislative assembly, hoping that the members may yet in a legal and constitutional organisation ful fill the pledges made by their respective political parties to the people of Ore gon." The following names were subscribed to the resolution : Barkley, Lee Bayer, Maxwell, Bilyeu, McAllister, Bourne Misener, Buckman, Munkers, Craig, Ogle, Davis, of Umatiila Povey, Davis, of Multnomahlliddle, Dustin, Schmidtlein, Emery, Smith of Linn, Gill, " Svindseth, Guild, U'Ren, Hill, Whitaker, llowser, Yoakum, onee. Svindseth then offered a resolution mat the house, by a rising vote, thank Speaker Davis "For his firm and fair rulings as speaker, his close and untir iug attention to the dntie3 of the office, his strict adherence to the constitution, his manly and courageous action in be half of pure and decent politics aud legislation in our state." The resolution was adopted. Speaker Davis responded : "I thank the members of the house for the courtesies extended aud the support given me. In accordance with terms of the lesolution adopted mem bers are now at liberty to go to their homes." The members then dispersed. There is more Catarrh in this Eection of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to lie incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly tailing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the j only constitutional cure on the market. ( It is taken internally in doses from ten drops toa teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the j svstem. Tliev offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testmonials. Address1, F. .1. Ciii:ni:v & Co., Toledo, O. fiSP-Sold by Drnggibts, 73c. 7 Ah VIoweil ill London. Londnn, March 5. It is generally be. lieved here that war between Greece and Turkey is imminent. The decision of Greece to defy t ho powers is confirm ed on all sides. It is generally felt in England that the dispatch signed by a hundred liberal and national members of the house of commons, sent last evening to thss king of Greece, expressing sympathy with the efforts of the Greek nation and gov ernment in behalf of Crete, was a great mistake, and will only mislead the king and nation into the belief that Great Britain will not join tho powors in co ercive measures. JSuokiau'o Aiiiici autre. The best salve in the world for emu, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is "guaranteed to trivo perfect, satisfac tion, or money vtiuuueu. Price -o cents per box. For salts by Blukeley aud Houghton, druggists. BOOK-KEEPING i,iiuikti- mid pniutloul; exactly ns found in biiliif.-t, My eoureo of Instructions thor oughly quicllty you to hike ehnrgo of mid l:eei a tei of books. Tho hiKiet icenm- u furnished. For terms iiiul full luforiiiutloii mldtess L. D. HUNTER, A. O. U. W. Temple, Portland, uicuou. "coon brand; Best 3 for 50c Collar on Earth. These will lit And wear well, too. NEW SPRING STYLES open unci on wile. LJ ECZEfIA, greatest of skin dis eases, is the cause of more intense suffering than all others combined. Tender babies are anionc its numerous vi:tinis. The itchinc., burning, cracking, bleeding, and scaling of the skin and scalu are almost beyond endurance. Sleep is out of the question. Most remedies and physicians generally fail even to relieve, if CUTfCURA remed;es did no more than cure Eczema, they would be entitled to the grati ikind. f7 M tude of tnank They not on but A single application is often sufficient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, permanent cure. Srnuur CritB Ti:::.-.t iksv. V.Vria tiathi with CfTUfliA k'-A:', !!''"' ''.' lilBMtOW of iJi'iicmsa 'olnlin-ti' ,.-'t(J 1 !! : of (UTJ. clma Uksoj.vj-.m tli-: cv I, ii purlllur;. Soiil thrnis !,t ll.r vnr'lt. I'orif" I'M 11 S. C'UIStl, Coi.i' . Sill I' . l-'M . Ii iti. I A UJ- 'Ii..v tm uiv lii.t )'t -.k 'i lit. ,," linn. fwJ Comfort and o'foiigtti in mv iliiSiiyCii!ici!f3!;Plas3i cm. wav m w m wwnmw mw o Harry Liebe, PUACTJOAL W a t c 1 1 m a Ic or Jeweler All in'tk piompUyiitteadeJ to, mid wiirrantttl, 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A- l. CVULKV, ' AllomcY and Counsellor at Law, AHMXliTON, OKKGON'. rrnrtlccii in tlio Situto uni Fcdcrnl ('inirtu of Oregon uud Wiisiiliiytuii. Jiurii auio f, m IB I B 1 When a man puts on a bad-fitting Col lar, the Recording Angel makes haste to sharpen his pencil. Cuffs, 25c pair. New Line "Club House" Ties, 15 and 25c. Just been opened. New York Wee With tin! closii of tho l'rt'Hwk'iitiul Cituiiiiimi TilK TRMHJN'K vc:oi;1:!uh tha fact tJiut the Anioriuiiii 'Kiopkt r.rn now unxioui to j.'ivi llitilr attontiou to hniut; unci bufeinuEH internals. To inwtt HiIh (ionditioii, nolitlt'i will li.ivn fur less y:it!i imd iroiniiiunci', until nnotliur Stuto or Nntlotutl oi't'iiHion (IcimimN u ruutnvitl of tho lijhtfor thu principled for which TMU TIMHUXK hit) luhur.'il from its inception to tho preKLMit diiv. iiiuJ won Us u'reateat vietoiiei. Every popfiihln ed'oit will ho put forth, nnil uioiioy freolv np"nt, to ituiko THE WEEKLY TltlMUNE pre-eiuinenlly tv Naiiounl Kinnily .Nowsp vper, interesting, iiifc tr nctt ve, uutertiilnlu anil IniilHDeiiHiihlu to eauh uiuiubur of tho family. We furnish "Tho Chronicle" and IT. Y. Wookly Trib une one year for only $1.75. lOGST" Write) your niiino ami uihiies on a postal eartl, Heml it to Oeo. W. Hent, Trihuno Oflieo, New York City, an 1 a sample copy of Tho New Vorlc Weekly Trib une will bu mailed to you. . 7VI. Z. DONNELL, PtESCHlPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams A Co., Lumber, Building' Material and Boxes Traded for Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO.. Toil fie -nut- Far me and Villagers, 1011 fathers and PlQihers, rou Sons and Daughters, rou All the Family. AND PERFUMERY. THIC DALLES, OR. The Dalles, Or.