The Dalles My Chronicle. Till: DALLES, OKKOON TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. TJelmv ia published a correct time card ot trains and boats which leave and ar rive at The D.illea. Travelers may trust it, as Tin: Cnuoxicu: is kept fully in formed of revisions : 1). I'. it A. N O. STKAMKKS. Stonmer Regulator loaves every Monday, Wed nef day mid Friday at 7:00 h. m. Arrives every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day ut 5:30 p. mi. OKKGON UAI1AVAY & NAVIGATION CO. r.vT mail. Arrive. Le.ive. Xo.l Vot-b:mnil I;4" ii.m. I'M a.m. Ko.2 Knst-bouml . .. . 10:15 p.m. 10:'-"" p.m. DAtlKS l'ASSIINUKlt. No. 7 West-bound, leaves 1:00 p.m. No. 8 Knst-botiuil, arrives Jl:.V u.m. All pa'sciifrcr trains slop at Union Street, n well us the. depot. A Per inch Ono Inch or less In Dally ?t 50 Over two inches and under four Inches 1 00 Over four inches and under twelve Inches.. Over twelve inches CO DAILY AMI) WEEKLY. One Inch or less, per inch ? 2 50 Over one inch mid under four inches IW Over four inches and under twelve inches.. 1 00 Over twelve inches 1 00 ri-ltSONAt, .IIKNTION. Mr. Tom Badder was up from the Locks tliis morning. Miss Hendrickson of Portland is visit ing Mra. S. L. Brooks. Mrs. Montgomery went to. Hood Kiver this afternoon to visit her parents. Mr. Will Lanuille of Cloud Cap Inn, after a day's visit here, left for Hood Eiver this afternoon. Mr. T. A. Hudson ldit for Portland this afternoon, fronivhence ho will make a trip to San Francisco. Mr. Henry McKibbenVwho lias been in the city in the interest of his paper, "The Senator," returned to Portland to dav. Advertised Gutters. Following is the list of letters remain ing' in the postoffice at The Dalles un called for Feb. 2G, 1S97. Persons call ing for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Agneau, Mr Add Bill, Miss Irene Bing, Frank Brown, Aloerfc Connely.Miss Car- Creigliton, Mr J H oline Drake, Mr Bud Franklin, Mr G B Gray, Mrs M J Hamtan, Mr F M Hurst, Mr F M Lapins, Mr It Lane, Mrs Sarah T Martin, Miss Anna Martin, Miss L E Mayliew, Mr Tim Olfsson, Mrs Nils Pashet.Mr YincentPaterson, Mrs Ida Perser, Mr Geo Salmon, Mrs Chas Scott, Walter Smith, Mr C E Thomas, Mr J W Wheeler, Mr Wm Pratt, Mr T M J. A. Chosse.v, P. M. If we could trace Dyspepsia to its source, it would lead back to our kitch ens. In fact, the secret of good health is goad cooking. If well cooked, foods are partially digested ; if poorly cooked, they are less digestible than in their raw statu. i( you are victim of faulty cook ing; that is, if you aiifTer from Dyspep sia, the rational cure must be looked for in an artificially digested food, and a food which will at the same time aid the digestion of other foods. Such u prep aration virtually rests the tired digetive organs, thereby restoring them to their natural strength.. The Digestive Cordial, as prepared by the Shakers of Mount Lebanuon, is'sueh a preparation, and a single 10 cent bottle will convince you of its value. If your druguist doesn't keep it, he will be glad . to get it through ids wholesalo house. 10 Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. In ii London Ilotol. The American visitor to London who Stops at a certain hotel iu that city finds many novelties and conveniences that nre not known here in America, where hotels are supposed to have reached the nome of luxury. U ban au American plan dining room, says tho Chicago JtTuwB, but only a French bill of fare. It lias an Indian room, where an Indian cliof, iu the costume of the country, pro-pare-s native dihee for those who do sire them. In thU hotel each guest ie known by the number of his room instead of li ia name, and it is rather odd to an Ameri can to be addressed as "Mr. 900," as though he were a convict iu tho peniten tiary. On each floor, day and night, are to bo found a maid, a yalet and n waiter, who are at your service, and have free access to your rooms. When you come home at night, if you are a man, you ii lid your clothes pressed and cleaned and cart-fully packed away iu a chest of drawers. If you aro a woninn, the maid uttendn to frills and furbelows ae though alio were hired by you especially,! Gueata never bother with their koy6 j the maid or valet on tho floor takes charge of the key, and i'b ready nt any tinio to open your door. Subscribe for Tiiij'Chkonium:. A. T. Wood tti Succeed IHiiokliurn. l.otnsvir.u:, March t5. A. T. Wood of Mount Sterling will succeed J. I. C. Blackburn iu the U. S. senate by ap pointment of Governor Bradley, to be announced probably tomorrow. The appointment was decided upon nf:er tho governor had ofleied tho honor lo St. John Boyle of this city, wlto refused it. Boylo was tho Republican caucus nom inee at the last session of the legislature, and his action indicates ttiat he hopes to be elected to serve the full term by a sepecial session of tho legislature which Governor Bradley will call within a few dnya. Danger of the U rip. The greatest daugers from La Grippe is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea sonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Komedy is taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the ten? of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, wo have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that this remedy is a certain preventive of that dread disease. It will nfl'ect a uertnattent cure in less time than any other treatment. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Blakeley & Houghton Ilnntui'x Appointment. Wasaixotox, March S. Senator Sherman of Ohio has tendered his res ignation to Governor Bushnell, to take effect March 5. Tho oiiicial appoint ment bv the governor of Mark Hanna to suceed Sherman ia on the way here, and will be delivered to Hanna tomorrow, to take effect March 5. STRANGE POST OFFICES. yucer Arrangements Seen lu Other Parts of tho World. Until quite recently the po:ital system in Persia was very loosely conducted. It was under the superintendence of a minister of posts, who. however, does not work the system himself. Each road is farmed to some merchant or wealthy person, who pays a certain sum to the 'minister for the privilege, and makes as much money out of the busi ness an he can. On the south coast of Patagonia is the most remarkable postal service In the world. Close to the post is a large sign post with the inscription: "PostOfliee." Attached by chains to the foot of the sign post is a strong1 chest, which has served as a post office, master, clerk, all in one, for many years. Theuhips pass ivz through the Magellan straits- send a boat to the shore to fetch nv.y letters Ui?. ma;- be addressed To their places of call, and at the same time to have any letters they may wish to have taken in other directions. In :i small group of islands off the south coast of Tcelnnd the islanders have a bottle post, which depends mainly on the wind. When the wind blows from the south they put their letters into a well-corked bottle. To insure delivery, a plug- of tobacco or a cigar is put in side, and iH-ople on the mainland are usually on the lookout for and teady to deliver the letters so dispatched, in re turn for the inclosed remuneration. WOMAN FLiES KITES. Champion Lady at the Sport lnccnta n Now Kirn;. "Barrel kites" are. the novel invention of Miss .Nellie Boss, of Fruit Yale, Cal. says the New York World. Three months urr she demonstrated theii practicability, and sinee then luu proved, as she claima, that they fly hiprher than any other kites. ever made cn the Pacific coast. A recent visitor to what Miss Kohl calls her "kitery" saw simply a very clean and neatly whitowasbed backyard. Against s-oine deserted henroosts leaned some queer cloth and bamboo objects that looked like (kittened balloons with the ends knocked out. The largest were five feet hlffh by four feet, broad, and they were of all colors. The strinp used in flying tlwrn is about two miles lone;. . The younp kite-flyer, who holdH that every woman hould have a hobby and who thoroughly mijoys hers, makes all her own kites. Then she llii-j uine or ten at ouce, to the Treat edification of the siirruiimllnpr neighborhood and to tin ilclitfht of the small boys, who are always willing to help haul them in. Each kift is named, iwul "MeKinley" and "drover" compete with those bear ing leas famous names to see which can ellnib tho hip-heat. Barrel-kite Jlylnf is wiitl to be as pretty as it is sueeess ;ful, and California's champion kite llver wears her distinction very grace fully. ntmtiuor Kir Sulci. We will sell tho steamer "Wanna,"' thirty-live feet long, eight foot beam, built in 1S93. All in good ohW. For full particulars apply to OiiKoo.N I.i'.M!n;n Co., mch2-lmd Viento, Or. KtiY'B I! UK AM BALM U n iiotltlvocuro. I Apply Into tho nostrils. It Id quickly. absorbed. 60 centa at Drugglcta or by mall ; eamplca 10c. by mall. 1 BLY UIIOTUKUS, 68 Warrea Bt New York City. for SCaXMto flow fbout Your We havo the facilities for doing all kinds of Job Printing, from a Visiting card to a catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. "Wo not only desire to keep busy, but would prefer to be rushed. Come in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK. THE FIRST ATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: Richly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au thor forming the design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pre sentation nlnte in silver, gold and blue; containintr 600 pages and 32 full-page illustrations In half-Morocco, marble edge In full-Morocco, gilt edge The Dalles T m jen D Ml mo. Mi I si DAILY KKCmviNG I.N'QUIIilUS FltOM Prospective s Immigrants From every part of the United States concerning tho Resources, Products, Prices, Etc. All pereons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatly to their advantage to call on or write at ouce to any ono of the undersigned members of the Exchange, giving full particulars, terms, etc. T. A. HUDSON, G. W. ROWLAND, C. E. I!A YARD, .1. G. KOONTZ oc CO., .7. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. THE DALLES, Ho ICnc.w tlio Mtory. On neutral grt.uud they met, tlvr:an from Kentucky and the one from O'ro. It was in the middle of Uv Ncwpo"! bridge, and they shook har.da and looked through the railing below them. "I heard a good story to-day," said the Ohioan. "Something1 about a Kcutuoklan's dis like for waif r, I sunpoo," -aid thelHiie GraaB eliap, u ith a tired ioal: iu hk: luce. "No, about a Texas rr,.'. F.'llow tliat r.nw it said he never eav v.h runniii;; dene in his life. It was r. foot race be tween a cowboy and a colicpe graduate. They pot together at a saloon down in the eoiith'-m part of the- state and ran to another wiloon five miles away. The Jtilleye boy beat the cowboy hands down, ttnU '' "And you told the man who-told you." Interrupted the KentuokiaM. "that you could not believe the ntory beoaune ?n loons in Texas aren't that tktr apart, eh? es, that was a good ntory when you and t wore young." Then the Kentuckian meandered Oh toward-, while the man from the Jlueheye stnte couldn't seem to yet tl.i satisfaction out of his cigar that hr did before. Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. linynl KIhsoth. Kmperor William is a great kisser. Tlie prince of Wales isn't, so lie bar, been at the trouble of teaching his vari ous foreign relations to shake hands iu the Knglish fashion and to inform them that he doesn't wish any hugging. The. kiss between the czar and tin em peror of Austria tlie other day, accord ing to all reports, wits as long and cling ing as that of Olga Nethersole in "Car men." SURE CURE for PILES I TIIK FIUST HATTI.E Is nn interesthiff story 1 of the great political struggle of I'M, Its most important events and tho manylsstics involved; a logical treuthc on lll-nietallHm as tittered by eminent exponents, including the part taken by Hon. W. J. IJrvan in the silver agitation prior to the Democratic National Convention, and dur inc the campaign, the best examples of his won derful oratory, the most noteworthy incidents of Ills famous tour, u careful tevleiv of the political Mutation, a discussion of the election returns and the significance thereof, and the future , possibilities of llt-metalllsm as a politic il issue. 1 M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or, r i m a t kP m sni ii v&v s OREGON. NOTICE-SAUE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby ylven that by author ity of oidinanceNo, '291, which passed the Common Council of Dalles City Feb i nary 0, 1S07, entitled "An ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for tiie sale of certain lots belonging to Dalles City," I will, on Saturday, the Kith dav of March, 1S97, sell at public auction, to tlie highest bidder, all the following lots and parts of lots in Gates Additiun to Dalles City, Wasco County, Or., to-wit : The north o0 feet oil' from luts 5 anil (i jointly in block 18. 'North UO feet oil" from lots 1 and 2 I jointly in block 18. 1 North -50 feet ofl" fmm lnti a nni j j jointly iu block 18, and lot 1 in block lib ino reasonanio value ot awd lots, for less than which they will not Iw sold, has la-en fixed and determined by tho Common Council of Dallos City a"s fol lows to-wit: Tho north 50 feet ofl' from lots 5 and 0 jointly in block IS, $200. North HQ feet oil' from lots 1 and 2 jointly in block 18, $00. North ot) feet oil' from lots 3 and -I jointlv in block 18, $100. Lot 1 in block 10, if 200. Kach ono of these lots will be sold up on tiro lot respectively and none of them shall be fcold for a lots sum than the value thereof as above stated. One-fourth of tho price bid on anv of said lots shall be paid in cushat tho time of sale, and the roiiiainder in three equal payments on or before one, two and three vears from tlie iluti, ,,r j (i . " ...w w villi ClllU j respectively, with interest on such do feried payments at tho rate of 10 per cent per annum, payable annually ; pro ; vided that payment may bo made in fuil , at any time at tho option of tho pur- uiiuaur. Tho said salo will begin on tho 13th day of March at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. in. of. said day, and will continue from tunc to tiino until all of said lots shall bo sold. Dated this (Ith day of February, 1807. GlMlIUlT W. PlIEl'l'H, flO Recorder of Dalles City. Subacrlho for T k Ciuionici.k. .-. it A MTFD. I BIUO I Notice is tt'o'lj Hood Liver, him . f (jrceon f0r County Court of the St: to ol UrM, , Veo County, up to ho Uonr o , Wednesday. March 3, . o R. four feet of the same. ' reived for a Howe n , ' ' ; County Clerk of Wasco Com ty. Tlio, Court reserves the right to lejiu Or., this 7th day of February, A. D., j nui A. M. KnwAY, County Clerk. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION. v..,:.,,. ;Q lum.l.v "iven to the lectil voters of school district. No. Citv, Wasco county, Maie mi r. i -i,.,i i. Pi-tinn for said tlllK 11 1 annum sv-iiw. - . . district will beheld at the recorder, on Court, s rcet, in i . i...:.. Hin liiuii- nt o clocr. uregon, iu - -. ! 1ii n in tne aiternooii i..,.. - o'clock in tlie alternoon ot sani . , inc the Sth dav of March, A. D. IS!).. 111 mi- s.v.. f ... ... .1. Itl,,.,1ncn , The meeting is caueu iui uiu,..,;.- of electing one director tor sanl (UMnci., to s,rvo for the term of three years, ami one clerk, to serve for the twin of one vear. Said election to tie uy nmiu , the polls will remain open from - o p. m. until (i P- m. oi said Sth day of March, A. D. 1897. Dated this 20th day of Feb.. lsib. Oitio.v Kixnitsi-Y, Chairman Board Directors. Attest: E. Jacohskn-, District Clerk. PACKERS OF fork and Beef MANUKACTUKKttS Ol-' Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND Dried Beef, Etc. Dalles City anil Mora Stage Line Leaves Williams Hotel, Moto, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m. prompt. Leaves Umatilla House, The Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at S a. m. prompt. Freight rates Tho Dalles loMoro, 10c per 100 lbs; small packages, 15 and 2.")c Passenger rales The Dalles to Moro, fl.oO; round trip, $2.J0. Agency at Umatilla House, The Dalles, and at Williams Hotel Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN. Prop. Me Oven and Milelie STAGE LINE, THOMAS HAEPEK, - - Propricto; bta-tes leave liako Oven for Antelopt every day, and from Antelope to Mit chell three timea a week. GOOD HOUSES AXI) WAGONS. The GrLADEs Ranch, WllITIJ SAI.ION. WASH. - lire Bred ?ii S &' Ij"nliert, Comniassk- and Torinuntor raiuo. Three Clioieo Hulls for wle or i" it . oiae Uioloo Cows and Heifer, for sale, i ie llrol Poland China llnj-s lu" (" I'ljmi-uth Uoek I Iiici,.-ii(. A".li.- Mils, a It. IIYKKKTT, l'r.m. jN-, v' '" Mlitv salmon. tlnry lilATob .HjioV?r1tyorT'- I 17 iM IrW: Bifk MV . WM BB S 111 K3E y out; it u tins k2J )miV??$iv? V?:vf;'lnK wo aiiurantto tociiro Wn .fiiilHl,u 1 WON pa jo wo euniiot c , n5 w".rI,i for hiivu Vina- (JruuTi HlrovB T tl'.'!t ?oh H1irr H rojs si.oo worth of urain annnallv b lebl-am jlpRTHERN jj pacifkTryT n s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car 8T. l'AUl, HIINNKAI'OUS DUU'Xlt KAJUil) -T-Q It ANIl FOURS CltOOKSTON WINNII'KO IIKI.I1XA mi IJUTTK Through Tickets TO tilflCAOO WASMINOTON l-lllI.ADKI.l'jnA -j:w rniiK IKISTON AND AI-I l'OINTS HAST anil SOUTH For Information, time cards, tunponnd ticket, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Atent, The VMus, Oregon OK A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., 235, Morrison Cor. Third. Portland Orozon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave nail are due to arrive at Portltni ritoM rim. 10, 1S97. OVKItLAND KX-I uroah. Salcin. ItO'-u- buu,', Ahlilanil, Siac-1 S:,-iO 1". M. 'i I'raiieeo, Mojave, ( "3:10 A. JI. I LOsAUKUicStbimsn, New urlcuna ami 1 1 Knst J I , m 'HoseburB anil way tn-' A- "Itlous l:10 P.M i r Via Wooilburn lori TnlU- i 1 nmviHiui ,r. , t c;M. ..v,.m.i est scio, nrowns vnmi, 1 . yIlle,d,rtiig!Ioldanil Sundays. i t,iNatrmi ; .i.nn i w 'tealcin and way stations,10.1,")A.M xi I (C'oriUIb and way) If 0:20P.M. I n-ii p i 1 (Me.MIunvillu aiidj t S:2oP.M "" 1 ''"I jway htatimis .. . . i I . liaily. fl'-uiy, except Sinittay, DINING OAKS ON OGDEN UOUTE. I'ULUMAN IIUI'FKT Bl.EKl'KUS AND filX'OND-CI.ASS SI.KKl'INO CARS Attached to till Through Trains. Thrmi's'h Tloliet Ollice, 81 Third street, where tliroueh tiukota to all points In the Eastern St'itcb, Canada mid Europe can he ohtulned st lowest rates, from J. II. KIHKI.AND, Ticket Agent. AU ahove tralim arrivo at mid depart Iron1 Grand Central btatlou, Klfth and lrviiif streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. I'ntsciiKcr Depot, foot of JuUerson street. Leave for OSWICGO, dallv, except Sunday, at ':: a. in.; PJ:15, 1:15, fii'Jj, fi.15, b;l6 f. (ami 11::;0 p. in. on .Satiuday only). Arrive i'ortlmid at 7:Iuinul 8;u0 a.m.; and 1:30, l:w, 0:35 and 7:.V p. in. Leave for Sheridan, week days, 'it 4:30 p. n. Anlve at l'ortland, 'J:'M a. m. U'avu for AIllLIli on Monday, WediK'Mlaysnd 1'rioay at 0: IU a. in. Arrive nt l'orthind, Tues day, Thiii-.-day ami Batnrday at 3:0o p. hi. Sunday trains for OSWKGO leave at 8:10a.ffl. and I'Jil.', l:l5,:i:::o, o:'J5 0:45 ami S 05 p. m.t Ar rive at Portland at8:a), 10:00 a. in.; 1:33, 4:1 f):P, 0:3,"), 7:55 j. in. I!. KOEIII.UIt, K. 1. KOOEUS, .Mniuiiior. Asst. G. 1 it l'Hss.Ast. THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. IB I'iikom u AV.iult. ir.0 rnjior a Vr It stands first among "weoklv" pape" m Hizo, ireiiuency of publication aw freshness, variety ami reliability of con tents. It is practically a ilaily at the low price o a weekly; and its vast list of subscribers, e:tendinj,' to every state and tenitory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for tliu accuracy ati fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly Illustrated, and amonj its special features are a fine hamoi piifje, exhaustive market roports, all the latest fashions for women and a long series of stories by tho greatest HvM American and English authors, Coium Doyle, Jeroiiio K, .loioine. Siaui,,y WoyiDHii, Wary K. Wllh""' Anthony Hope, ltrot llurtf, llramlnr JtlnttliewD, Kto. . Wo ofl'or this unequaled newspaper ana Thu Dalles Twico-a-Weolc Chronicle to gether ono year for '.00. The regolK price of tho two papers is $3.00. CiirIi lu Vour-liualt8. All county warrants registered prir to Sept. Ill, 1802, will bo paid fit Ptf ofllco. Intorcst ceases after w 1807. 0. L. Vmuuva, Comity Treasurer.