el)c Dalles Chronicle. vol. x THE DALLES, OREGON, FllIDAY, MAKCH 5, 1897 NO 40 m y niiTn Tl rv tt rv r THIS ILlMb HUUKb Both Houses Worked Hard on Appropriation Bills. DEFICIENCY MEASURE GOES OVER licfn'iil if tin1 House Conferer t Agree tl) SHIIHtf'H I'miKUMl OIllllllB Cuuftuil It Defeat. Washington, Marcli 4. The Bernite, at 3:30 a. m., went into secrot legislative session, but in a few minutes the sena tors dispersed, with the understanding: that the presiding officer waa .author ized to sign bills until the recess began an G n. m., so' there might be no delay in getting them to the White House. Senator Allison offered n, resolution, which was agreed to, continuing in ex istence the present committees until their successors are selected. Formal proceedings in the senate con tinued throughout the morning. A fur ther disagreement on the deficiency bill was reported and it was ordered back to the committee. At 10 o'clock the venerable Senator Morrill, of Vermont, offered a resolution expressing the appreciation of the sen ate for the able, impartial discharge of duties of presiding officer by Mr. Steven son. There was an unanimous hearty agreoment to tho resolution. Faulkner of West Virginia followed with a com plimentary resolution to Frye, president pro tern., which va9 adopted unani mously. At 1 :30 the formal proceedings were fast nuaring an end. Oil motion of Hoar, the usual resolution was adopted for a committee of two senators to wait on President Oleyeland and inform him that the senate had concluded its labors and was ready to adjourn. Washington', March 4. All night the two houses worked incessantly on the appropriation hills, while the corridors and galleries seethed with sightseers. At dawn the last of the appropriation bills, save the general deficiency, had passed the senate stage and gone to the president. There was a commendable lack of rowdyism and drunkenness which has disgraced the close of many congresses. At G o'clock tho house took a recces until 8:30 to give tho statesmen an op portunity to improve their appearance. At dawn tho throngs overran the capitol terraces, crowded into the house wing (tho senate wing boing kept rigorously closed), and swept up to the galleries to watch the dissolution of congress. At 10 o'clock Chairman Cannon, of the appropriations committee, reported that after hours of struggling the con ferees on tho hist appropriation bill, the general deficiency, had been unable to iujree. Kvory item had been agreed to except that tho house conferees refused to accept the claims tacked on by the senate. It was too lato for another at tempt to adjust matterti in conference. Camion was willing to throw the whole matter into tho house and let tho mem bers thomtolvoB take the responsibility for yielding or lotting tho bill fall. Tlioso Fulled to 11188. WASM.vnTo.v, March 4. The follow ing appropriation bills failed to become laws, us they woro not signed by President Cleveland up to 12 o'clock to day, when his term expired: Indian, agricultural and sundry civil. Tho gen fli'al deficiency appropriation bill failed in conference. Five Woro Killed. Boston, March 4. By on explosion of 8a in a subway nt the intersection of Tromont and Boyleston streets today, five porsons wore killed and a dozen woro injured. An electric car which was directly over the center of the bj ot whero the explosion occurred was wrecked and set ou fire. It is thougli tho explosion was caused ' n defective electric light which ig nited, tho escaping gas. One of the men killed was Uov. Sturtbueor, of Tufts college. lilg i)mtl In Stumiig. CmcAao, March 4.When Byron W. lioss began to collect postage stumps two years ago he was culled n crunk by his schoolmates. His parents tried to dls- pOYA tiii POWDER Absolutely Pure. Cnlphrntprl fnr I fx trrnnt ir-nvnnlnr. 6trr.nr.. nt.rl llQllltllfnltinKR. ASKlirPS thn fonrl iifrttlmf nlnm and nil forms of luiultururirm rnmmim tn the cheap brands. , Royal Uakino Powder Co., New Yokk. suade him from what they thought was a foolish craze. He told his father some day his stamps would bring him a for tune. His dream has come true. A few days ago Ross traded his collection of stamps for a hotel at Hurley, Wis., valued at .$35,000. He bought the prop- erty from John E. Burton, a millionaire mineowner of Milwaukee, who is ejoing to establish his son in the postage-stamp business. This, perhaps, is the first time in his tory of a deal of such magnitude made with postage stamps. Fruii rills Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These Pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the sys tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4) Suits AVere QuufOietl. Los AxGiU.ES, March 4. B. A. Sea- borg, a Washington millionaire packer, has quashed the sensational suits he brought against his wife. After havirg secured a divorce from hia wife Seahorg married Miss Owens, at Portland, Or., conveyed considerable property to her, ud finally brought her where she soon found friends, one of whom so fascinated her that she refused to haye anything more to do with her husband, who sued her for the gifts and brought other suits which threatened to cause a sensatiou. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othe diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For n great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to ho a constitutional disease, and there fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional-cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten drops ton teaspoonful. It acts directly ou the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testmoniale. Address, F. J. Ohexky & Co., Toledo, O. rSold by Druggists, 75c. 7 Dullex-Muro Klugu Leaves tho Umatilla house 8 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Douglas Allen, Prop. Cheap tea you think we mean trash; we don't we mean Schilling Best It is the cheapest tea in the United States. If you don't like it your grocer returns your money. It costs him nothing. A Schilling: & Company San Rranclsco 491 A C'OUNTEH THIEF ItEW.VKDKll. Stole a Furao Containing Diamonds mid Cash. Chicago, Mnrch 4. Madame Sicott, of Los Angles, has been robbed of dia monds valued at $1000 and $200 in bills, and as a result she has abandoned a trip to Washington to attend the inaugural ceremonies. Madame Sicott arrived here February 20. She registered at the Auditorium annex. She left California in January and went to northern New York. She then visited Cincinnati, attending the sangerfest. She intended to remain in Chicago for a few weeks and go through to California. On Tuesday she changed plans , and at noon engaged apartments on tho "Blaze of Glory" train for Wash ington. Madame Sicott yisited a down-town store to buy a telescope bag to be used on the Eastern journey .She had the dia monds and seveial valuable pieces of jew elry in her purse with $200 in bills, which she thoughtlessly laid on the counter. When she turned to pick it up a few seconds later it had disappeared. The police have a clew and expect to make several arrests. The True Ketncily. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111., "Cheif," says: "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ex perimented with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other rem edy can take its plnce in our home, ns in it we have certain and sure enre for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other rem edies, even if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discov ery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a recoid of cures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Hough ton's Drug Store. (4) THE I'EOI'LU WANT XVAK. Greeks l'roteRt Against the Action of the l'owem. Athens, March 4. A great public meeting waa held to protest against the action of the powers. At its conclusion the crowd marched to the palace shout ing "War, war, war." Before the palace several perso'ns addressed the people, and then, in response to their urgent demands, Crown Prince Cpnstantine ap peared on the terrace, wearing the uni form of a general. He thanked those present in the name of the king for the loyal and patriotic sentiment Expressed and begged them to retire, saying that, at the present juncture, an attitude of calmness best befitted the dignity of the nation. The 'prince was loudly cheered. The new minister of war, Colonel Me taxes, has enjoined the greatest activity upon the commanders of tho Greek forces. The French volunteers, who have reached here, were., received with the greatest enthusiasm. Jixtriulitlon of Hutler. San FitAXuihCO, March 4. The coun sel for Mutdorer Frank Butler minounc cd that he would file an application for a writ of habeas corpus to release the murderer. The giound upon which the writ will bo asked was that Butler was arrested upon British territory in a British ship and that he had committed no offense against the United States laws. The writ will bo heard before Judge Morrow of tho district court. The evi dence in the caso was forwarded to Washington last Saturday and tho presidential approval of Commissioner Heacock's decision extraditing the prisoner is looked or scon. Cu&hiur lluwhei- A itch till. Great Falls, Mont., March 4. B. D. Hatcher ca3hier of -the defunct North western bank, was arrested today by Deputy United States Marshal J. K. Waite, on charges preferred by Bank Examiner Lazear, of misappropriating $90,000 funds of the bank, which he paid Conrad Brothers. Hatcher was arrang ed before United States Commissioner Cock i ell and bail fixed at $5000. So far he has been unable to give bands. BOOK-KEEPING " " ? -I&Imh! UiK romplvtuiiml iiruutlvHl; exactly us found In basinet.. My eourwj of liiLtrucUont tlior ouulily iiuiilfly ''U t" tiiko cliurge of mid kieii a hut of books. Tho tilRluwt reference Iiiriiibhcii. For terms and full information uddiet L. D. HUNTER, A, O. U. W. Temple; Portland, Oh-rod. "COON BRAND' Best 3 for 50c Collar on Earth. These will fit NEW ECZEilA, greatest of skin dis eases, is the cause of more intense suffering than all others combined. Tender babies are among its numerous victims. The itching, burning, cracking, bleeding, and scaling of the skin and scalp are almost beyond endurance. Sleep is out of the question. Most remedies and physicians generally fail even to relieve. If CUTICURA remedies did no more than cuw StUr Eczema, they would sw-H - li1.JjLil i f.J f' ue enmiea to uie grau Tv.a?w fnrfo nf innnl-iiifl ' bf ' h They not only Cure (0 but A single application is often sufficient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, perm-mont c.irc. Bpkkdv Crui: Tu...vi.i!i:v. . -- V.'.rra bttfie with CVrieL'iiA fS-'Af, r .it'.- : ',..:-.tipM of CYtic ii a 'olntnr ,.' I a of C'UTl- cuj.A KEtfoi.rKM l'i :- h " .! ..hlQur). Hold tli-nii h-1 1 ii iir. I. IN nr. I'n-o Cuia. m" lluw I" HI" '!' IK .4iW,"flM. Find Cwnfoil Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WatclimakertJeweler An work promptly attended to, and wurruntod. 174 VOGT BLOCK. g A. I, (HJItl.KV. "Attorney aM Coausellor at Law, AUI.INOTON, OKKGON. I'rnctlcen in the Btuty and Federal Courts of Oregon uud Washington. Jun23-3iao j I Tift' .17., mWW mI StranjEtli In When a man puts on a bad-fitting Col lar, the Recording Angel makes haste to sharpen his pencil. "VAncl wear well, too. SPRING STYLES open and on salo. Cuffs, 25c pair. New Line "Club House" Ties, 15 and 25c. Just been opened. New York Weekly Tribune With thuolosnof tho rriis-liioiitiul Citmml(rii THK TU11UJNK m:oKiiiz8 tha fact that tho Ainoricnii peoplo are now iitixluiii to i'tve tliolr ttttuiitlon to homo noil biisint'i-s interiistH. To moot tliiH i:oiiditioti, polklm will havo fur K'hb Hmi:o utid promineiiiio, until nnothor Stato or National orcuxlou iImiiuuiiIh a nuiowul of tho light fur tho principles for which TllK TUIMUNH hud lahoral from ita hu-fptioa to' tho present ilav. and won ita tirontust viotoricH. Everv ponfilhlo effort will ho put forth, and money freely uptuit, to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pro-nminently a National Family NuwHpupiT, Intentttintf, instructive, ontertalnliit; and'indisiensahlo to each member nf the family. We furnish "The Chronicle" and 1ST. Y. Weekly Trib une one year for only $1.75. T$s? Write your nanioimd address on a poetal card, ehnd it to Oo. W. Heat, Tribune Oflico, Now York City, ai 1 a sample copy of I'lin Now York Weekly Trib une will bo niiiiled to you. Wi. Z. DONNELL, PfESCflPTIOJl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES t t.i. , m Opp. A. M, Williams & Co., Lumber, Building Material and Boxes Traded tor Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c. ROWE & CO.. OS rem Far me and Villagers, l-'OIt Fathers and Mothers, FOIt Sons and Daughters, All the Family. AND PERFUMERY. """" """ """" Til 10 DALLES, OIL The Dalles, Or.