The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THK DA l.l.KS, DKKIIIIN TIME CARD FOR TRAVELERS. TJelow is tublishe(l a correct time card ot trains sun! bouts which leave ami ar rive at The Dalies. Travelers may trust it, as Tin: Ciiuoniclk is kept fully in formed of revisions : 1). V. & A. N. O. STKAMKIIS. Steamer Keptulntor leaves every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 7:!!0 it. 111. Arrives every Tuesday, Thiimlny and Satur day nt 5:50 p. m. OREGON 11AI1AVAY FAST MAIL. .V: NAVIGATION 00. Arrive. Leave. Xo.l Wot-bsuml IM'ia.m. ifo.2 Knst bound ... .10:15 p.m. DALLES l'ASSKKOElt. No. T West-bound, leaves No. S Kiit-bouml, arrives HOT ii. ni. 10:20 ii.iu. 1 :00 p.m. U:m a.m. All pacnjter traits ilop at Union Street, as well as the depot. AUvertUini; ItntLx. Per inch One Inch or less in Daily !1W Over two inches and under four inches 1 00 Over four Inches and under twelve Inches. . 7o Over twelve inches 00 DAILY AND WEKKLY. One inch or lest, per Inch ?2 50 Over one inch and under four incite 2 00 Over four inches anil under twelve inches.. . 1 DO Over twelve inches 1 00 Among tho Kowlers. The following is the official score of the members of The D.tlles Commercial and Athletic Club, in the bowling con test. The table will be corrected week ly and can be relied upon as being abso lutelv correct: CONTEST.! NT. A D McCully Gus li'itin John Hampshire. . . Joe lio- it. " T .1 Seufert John Wiiuel S I'M Drib's John Jionn D Vint tc Max Vot;t P A Seufcrt Hal French XV II Moodv K II Lonsdale V A Johnston A Keller P L Houghton JI J Maler Jos T Peters Geo i' Ilhtkelcy . . . P Vomers W Voat II A Hill A M KcImiv P Halley XV Ketchuni Dr S II Frailer Grant M:iv Otto liirmeld O XV Wetzel XV Kerns TJ Driver M' Kmlden H Frank ilMcInnis Ur J Sutherland ... F Faulicner I) P Ketchuni T A Hudson A J Tolmic Frank Menefee Fred Hill X Whcu'.don L XV Heppner Chtis Clarke Dr Sturdevant V XV XVlUou Dr II Losan U F Stephens E Schanno II M lleall W L HrailshdU N J Sintiott J O Ilo'tetler F VniiNoiden WJI WlUon "Vic tclimldt II & Wilson IS F Laushliii C XV Lord SS9 3l:t 10.10 22. 03 .TO? .01 10S: 00. 0J '.Oil liO.O'.l 30.17 22 02 roil rtiTl 27.02, 2S Oil 22. 00 1 21 01! 20.12! fi?9 "0; ::u .Ml 003 SO. 03 C.W23.08 051 25.0) 030 31.20, SS2l31.Ul 2G "0 2s 15 yu; ay '21 ! 31223.01 101 2 .U'.il 521 21.2Q! .TOllcC ;;j.i.- 30.11 22.1K) 83 !H1 1. 220 so 8:;i 12 :i?.v IT II ;.JLtj(. 19 751 25.01' i an, 31.13! o 12 3. 110 30 81 2S.07 0 10 S G 10 S 0 G 8 2 0 I 1 ( s 1 G 0 8 1 O 41 22.00 100 20.0! 60 51 2s. 00 17.00 24.00 '23.0: 20.05 10 21.07 31.21 20 161 130 0. 14 7(B Gil 412 210 20.os; 29.05 27.10; U.0. IIU2 1012 Ml: mi: 002: 7cu: ..trj 31.2: 27.21 2S.2I .'! i n iyi 10 0 4 . 8 4 0 0 o ii s 8 G 10 8 G I G ., 1 G G o 4 0 8 0 8 8 1011 3.3.21 9M3I.20I IMS 32.0,3 772,25.22' 71 '2 1.021 1130.37.2al 537 2.1.0.';! 020 30.20. 87.3 2U.IK! 83i)'27.2il J S Schenck. . P Wetzel P Kuru . . . LA Potter. DM French.... A S IJeiinett Dr O D Doane. . Geo Dufttr J I' .Melnernv . , P XV Kelliiil'. .., I J Norman John Filloou. . Dr Lunnerburf,' . II II Hidden . F. O McCov.. .. Vic Murueii . . . M A Itobiiinnn . Hany Fredtlen. U A Clark HLKuck. ... 10--KOOI (151 31 03' U5.20.O0i G3.S 21 IH, t07 20.271 737 27.0l 11.30 'S 1.20 401 iM.lll OOO'.'W.OO 15 2S.2.3! Ji; 3IJ.251 t3G,2li.li5i i'CI 32.01' 320 20.07: .5 12-23. 17, 75!l'25.09 170 :.()i! 17 2.1.01 1W 22.01 A DiinxoroUM l'luy llilnj; To tih: IvniTon Tliere is an old say ing that "experience iw a Hard master ; but fools won't learn from any other." Hut in this aiioof boasted enlightenment and intelligence it does teem that even fools might learn without the aid of bit ter experience, ami that is that (ire is a dangerous element under any all condi tions; and that is dreadfully dangerous to life and property when small children aro allowed to have it lor a pluvthing. The narrow escape yesterday of a little child from serious injurv has prompted these temarks. It .h not ne -essary to !,. (1,,. .l.,..i f !.,. ! !... except to say that a little boy about 7 years old was allowed to kindle a fire dangerously near his mother's house, with which ho was to amnio himself by boiling tome eggs and potatoes in tin cans. Ho concluded, however, and told liis mother, that ho could have fun enough by boiling thowatwi without any egtfH and potatoes. .Several neighbor children about hia own age soon congre gated to share in this sport, and while thoy were waiting for the water to boil lint! lots of fun chasing each other about tho premises witii firo brands. Jiut tho real tun did not begin till the water boiled and one little child was badly, if not seriously, scalded. It seems incredible, but it ia novertlio loss true that many parents are in the habit of allowing their children to carry matches about and utart lires whenever and wherever they plensc, to the great annoyance of neighbors and, property owners. I believe the record will fully justify the assertion that more children loso their liven, or are crippled and tcaried for life, by burns than all other accident al causes combined ; and yet there are intelligent (?) fools who won't learn ex cept by experience. Com. OREGON'S BEST BEES. INCREASING DEMAND FOR THE FAMOUS HOP GOLD BEER. The I'rotluct of the Star Itrewnry On. does to Clllllll uiial .Iiipiin, it Willi a to all 1. iical Points, Among the various enterprises of ths Northwest, thero is one that stands at the head of the column for increase of business during the past year, and that enterprise is the Star Brewery Company, brewers of the famous Hop Gold beer. A year ago the name of Hop Gold was unknown ; today the inhabitants of every city, town and hamlet throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho, are familiar with not alone the name, but all have knowledge ol the high reputa tion of the beer for which the name stanus, and every resident of the North west should feel proud to learn that the same product is being sold in China and Japan in competition with beer from Kurope, and has been pronounced by every one to be of a most superior qual ity. The demand for Hop Gold lias grown so great that the company is at present enlarging their plant and adding some of the most improved machinery, in order to supply the increasing demand of Hop Gold, which is universally ad mitted to be superior to any western brand of beer, and the equal of any beer brewed by tiie larger breweries of the E.i&t. It has always been and will be in the future the aim of the Star Brewery Co. to further home production by pur chasing hops and other materials in Ore gon and Wasiiingtoti, in place ot send ing the money away. Tne bottling de partment of the brewery has made won derful strides aud the bottled beer stands upon its own merits. The Star Brewery Company deserves unbounded success, and it is certainly securing it. If we could trace Dyspepsia to its source, U would lead back to our kitch ens. In fact, the secret of good health is good cooking. If well cooked, foods are partially digested ; if poorly cooked, they are less digestible than in their raw state. If you are victim of faulty cook ing; that is, if you sufTer from Dyspep sia, tho rational cure must bo looked for in an artificiallv digested food, and a fooil which will at the same time aid the digestion of other foods. Such a prep aration virtually rests tho tired digetive organs, thereby restoring them to their natural strength. The Digestive Cordial, as prepared by the Shakers of Mount Lebannon, is such a preparation, and a single 10 cent bottle will convince you of its value. If your druggist doesn't keen it, he will be glad to get it through his wholesale house. 10 Laxol is tho best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. Over Clitvuliiml'rt Head. Washington', March 3. Tho house passed the immigration bill over the president's veto by a vote of 193 to o7. Tin- Tiiiii ltuuifily. V. M. Repine, editor Ti.d;ilwa, 111., "Cheif," says; "We won't keep house without Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ex perimented with many others, but never got the. true remedy until wo used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other rem edy can take it place in our home, as J in it wo have certain and suro cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc." It is idlo to experiment with other rum- I edies, even if they aro urged on you as ... , n r- !-:.... . v I-,! ,,, . " . "v- ory' ''y are not as good, because this !'C",e,1-V 1"l9,e?rd f T'f nmi be8.1 It never fails to 18 liwaranieeu. satisfy, I Trial bottles free at Ulakeley A ! ton's Drug Store. Ilonjh- (0 , Ouiigur of tho ri). The greatest dangers from In Grippe is of it resulting in pneumonia. If rea sonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is taken, all danger will bo avoided. Among the ten' of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe, wo have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusivelv that this remedy is a certain preventive of that dread disease. It will afreet q nermanont euro in less time than any other treatment. Tho 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Ulakeley & Houghton. fiubscrlbo for Tin: Ciiko.vicle. Hou; fibout Your JOB 1 We have the facilities for doing all kinds ' of Job Printing, from a visiting card to a 'catalogue, and we are after all the work we can do. Wo not' only desiie to keep busy, but would pre'fer to be rushed. Gome in and compare our prices with that of any one, and compare quality of work. Let us have your next order. i?l?ror?i;le publisfyir? ?0. HON. W. J. BRYAN'S BOOK THE FIRST BATTLE STYLES AND PRICES: Kichly and durably bound in English Cloth, plain edges; portrait of the au thor forming the design on cover; autograph preface; magnificent pre sentation plate in silver, gold and blue; containing GOO pages and 32 full-page illustrations In half-Morocco, marhlnedgo '. In full-Morocco, gilt edge The Dalies Real Esfafe Exchange IS DAILY HKCEIVING I.S'QUIlf IKK FJtOM Frospecfiv From every part of the United States concerning the Resources, Products, Prices5 Etc. I INT WASCO OC3"CT2W1'"y. All persons desiring to sell or rent farms or city property will find it greatly to their advantage to call on or write at once to any one of the undersigned members of the Exchange, giving .full particulars, terms, etc. T. A. HUDSON, G. W. KOWLAKI), THE DALLES, C. E. BAYARD, J. G. KOOXTZ Si 31. HUNTINGTON & CO. A HORNLESS DUCK. Killed in .lllelilun ntiil Kald to ISo Unique, in This c ounlry. A curious jnsd exceedingly unusual freak is reported by a deer hunter to Forest and Stream. The hunter wtus up in Wexford county, rtlieb., aud got on a deer trail that hud hoof innrlc?) plain ly made by n buck. Almost all huntcr-i ni' deer can tell a buck from a doe track. After trailing the deer, and petting1 within a rod of it the buck leaped out of a clump of brush and ;rot. knocked down with n bullet through the bend. , The deer did not have any horns, al though a two-year-old, and weighing 150 pounds. Further, it never had had any horns. Does with horns, bucks with three horns, dozens of spikes, and malformed hnn-, . Juno often been retried of Michigan and other American deer, but this is the first hornless American buck reported, although some European deer ponit'times Jack .such weapons, but yet are able to whip the horned ones. I.lfo In Spnlu. Tn Spain, constitutional indolence, fertile ioil, a'nd a magnificent climate combine to make, life one long dawdle. In Turkey the natural thrift and indus try of the real Turkish population aro paralyzed into idleness and apathy by the hopelessness of winning1 anything worth having which will not bo ntonco stolen by ollleinl corruption. An Oillmirt C'UNtoiu. A ,1 nnilltm In n .Tjinn noui, t1.Wnr Il. allowed, for a .small fee, to stand up, . . . . . . . . . 1 nnd the unfortunate Jnuiviuunl lehind him has no right to remonstrate or to rise and get a peep at the Htage. Ho may hear, but lie cannot see. SURE CURE for PILES lloblOI 0 1 III n l. lilr,lh, or l.,n,,l,. -T-." u l-rj ..i . ' ,1,7. piIJVfJIvfCi? t THE FIRST 11ATTI.K is an intcre'tlns storv of the (treat political struggle n( 1800, its most i important events and the many issues Involved; u logical lteatlso on nMnetaiiismi as uttered uy eminent exponents, including the part taken by Hon. XV. J. Jlryan in tho silver agitation prior to tho Democratic National Convention, and dur ing tho campaign; the best examples of his won derful oratory, the most noteworthy incidents of his famous tour, a careful review of the. political ' tituation, a discussion of the election returns i and tho siguillciutce thereof, and the future i possibilities of lli-metalllsin as a politic il issue, ifl 75 2 25 2 75 M. J. WOODCOCK, Agent, Wamic, Or. 5 Immigrants CO. OREGON. NOTICE SALE OF CITY LOTS. Notice is hereby given that by author Uy of ordinance No. 291, which passed the Common Council of Dalles City Feb ruary 0, 1S97, entitled "An ordinance entitled an ordinance to provide for the sale of certain lots belonging to Dalles City," I will, on Saturday, tho Kith day of March, 1897, sell at public auction, to tho highest bidder, nil the following lots and parts of lots in Gates Addition to Dalles City, Wasco County, Or., to-wit The north oO.feot oil' from lots 5 and 0 jointly in block IS. North 80 feet off from lots 1 and " jointly in block 18. North 50 feet off from Inm ;i ,.,i ,i I jointly iu block 18, and lot 1 in block 10. iuu iriisuiiiiuiu vaiuo ot said lots, for less than which they will not bo sold, has been fixed and diUnrmin.wi i. tt... i Common Council of Dalles Citv u's fnl. lows to-wit : The north 50 feet off from lots 5 and G jointly in block 18, $200. North 30 feet off from lots 1 and 2 jointly in block 18, $00. North 50 feet off from lots S and -1 jointly in block 18, $100. Lot 1 in block 19, $200. Each one of these lots will be sold up on the lot respectively and none of them shall bo sold for a less sum than tho value thereof as above stated. Ono.fpnrth of tho price bid on anv of m.m aim miuii no pain hi cash at tho timo of sale, and tho remainder iu three equal payments on or before one, two and three years from tho date of said sale respectively, with interest on such do ferred payments at tho rate of 10 ner lfllfr nor rt.iiii. ...... ..1.1.. I vJded u,"t Payment may bo made in full I nt lltlv limn r.f tlw. . t . . T i """"'"I i"viiiiiu annuauy ; pro vided that payment mav bn nmii. in i,,i nt any timo at tho option of tho nur i Tll, lid ,8al w111 beSi" 0" tho 13th day of March tit tho hour of 2 o'clock n in. of said day, and will continue from boeold f Baid ,0tB 8lml1 Dated this Uth day of February, 1897. V3II.HKHT W. l'IIKM'8, Recorder of Dalles City. no Subscribe for T u rids WANTED ?C? Counltvfup to the .hour o, noon Wednesday. March 3, 1 89 . I he I span will be 134 feet, will be 4 fet . I . e'r than the present br.diie, an M four feet of the same. Hula J 1 rt reived for a Howe truss, b rtts Howstrln-and a steel bridge. Jiius on ceYbrid;" lo include proper; a but tmen U of stone and other material, sua l ned under such bridges. I ids lor wM'len bridges to Incln. e , nj show in specifications on Mo wit" tni. County Clerk of Wasco County. The Court reserves the right to i eject ""Cell u! e Dallo.. Wasco County, Or., this 7th day of tebrnary, A. 1 Hd A. M. Ki:r.s.vY, County Clerk. NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELECTION. SCHOOL Notice is hereby given to the leeal voters of school district No. 12, Dalles Citv, Wasco county, State of Oregon, that the annual schoul election for said district will be held at the ollicu nf city recorder, on Court, street, in lhe Da les, Oregon, to begin at the hour ot 12 o clock in the afternoon and continue until 0 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, tw ine the Stli dav of March, A. D. 1Mb. The meeting is called for the purpose of electing one. director for said district, to serve for the term of three years, anil one clerk, to serve for the term of one vear. Said election to lie by ballot, anil the polls will remain open frtim 2 o'clock p. m. until fl p. in. of said Sth day of March, A. I). 1897. Dated this 20th day of Feb., ISO. Omox KiNi:i!Si.v, Chairman Board Directors. Attest: E. .Iacohsiix, District Clerk. PACKERS OF Mk and Beef MAXUFACTUKhKS OK Fine Lard and Sausages, Dried Beef, Etc. Dalles City ni ffloro Stage Line Leaves Williams Hotel, Moio, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 u. m. prompt. Leaves Umatilla House. The Dalles, Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays at 8 a. in. prompt. Freight, rates The Dalles tn Moro, -10c per 100 lbs; small packages, lo and 2.1u. Passenger rates The Dalles to Moro, $1.50; round trip, $2.50. Agency at. Umatilla House, The- Dalles, and at Williams Hotel Moro. tf DOUGLAS ALLEN. Prop. Oycu and Mitchell STAGE LINE, THOMAS HARPEK, - - Pronrieto, i. Stages leave Bake Oven Uw every day, and from Antelopo to Mit chell three times a week.' GOOD HOUSES AND WAGONS. The Glades Ranch, WIIITK SALMON. WASH. i ure Brefl ?.fi . S'ri1'"mb,e.It' .t-'ommns? p ami ToTmetttnr uiliie. 'I lireu Choice Hulls for titlu or i.'t I o soiiio Cholco Cowu mm Heifer, or si lo 1 l ie 1IR..1 I'oliiml China Ho U -vJ" White f-nlmoii. WusH. LDODpOSSON cured In 15 toM ciava YniV,n,S.r.unncn'l homo forsnmn ..Vrxr..0,1' Mn bo treatoaat nn.hrn if r"";.'v ''l"roaiiraieuudi,nioih :v"": cury, I pains, A rillinl any part of tlioi,!i "t, it Is this (jccoau'irv h v5i,Aw?.fl,,nI I woKUBranttotQcurovHntiilHl'" 1 iON baffled tho Hkilli n 0' n.fJ Un always -w . vquui " In hvu Yoiu- OriUn Few r;aii.o that each equirrol do. stroys ti.uu worth of inatoristhe 1r"" ile coluiia Packing Go (hirers of y BRAND R Liiiio i.otash. 2,,,JKa.,,fTOikenweiS i Ainorioan ami Enulish authors, ;"8?.,Atcliwn,n;iYfiffi Ooiimi Oovlo. .lrmn. K. . i." i"r.u'.hti, Ulcers nn htHlll.i.v AVovmitii. Marv K. ii.ui i " v,-;nve ami econoin. m, iow, win w " . ical poiion known t.i.. ....r.. , .'"'l Mnw t.... ' .. Vah. 16. fonts k. Z " , '1. ,u,uiueu to (U ; Ageiu. i0r8al M- J5. Donnell, fobl.ym I It ORTHERN PACIFIC RyT s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car 8X. f.YIll, MINNKAl'OMS 1JIJLUTII TO CJUASl) FOHK9 CKOOKSTON WISNIl'liO HELKNA an ltUTTK Through Tickets OIUUAOO WASHINGTON fllll.AIlKTl'UlA yi;w YOItK ItOSTON AND AI,Ii POINTS KAST ami HODTI1 Kor lntorraatioa, time cards, maps nnd ticket, citl on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon on A. D. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A., IV), Morrison Cor. Third. I'ortlntiJ Orefon EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -or TIIK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains le.ivennd nre duo to nrrive nt I'ortlini .KAVK. FltOM FKls. 10, 1897. AIIB1VE. OVERLAND EX-1 lircsii, Knluiil, l!oi-c- 1 bit tl'. Auhlimil. Sac-1 I riinicnto, 0ilcii,San ! 3:.V T. M, r ijiiiuinuu, i.iijhv;, ( Los Aiibi:1os,K1 I'aso, Now Orleans ntid I Kast 'ii 10 A. M. Itoseburg nml way stu- lions fVIn Wooilburn fori I Mt.AitRol, Hllvcrlnu, I ,!... . 1,....... I S:30 A.M. 1:40 P.M Pally except fcuiidnya. ,1 vai cuiu, iiiuwil.".- Pt villt:,Sirliigliel(l nnd I Nit trot t j, except Suiidnra. TOO V M i''ml-lu iinu Wli) nL.lllluun 10.15 A. 51 f 0:20 P.M. t 8:25 P.M nitd wnyf :m A. M. jstatioiis . .. jMoMlintvlllo (way stations a it til tl:l. 1'. M. 'Daily. ( Daily, except tiunilay. DINING OAUB ON OGDKN ROUTE. PULLMAN 1IIMTKT BLKKi'KKS AND SKCOND-CLASS SLKKl'INli CARS Atlaolu'd to nil Through Trains. Through Ticket Ollluv, 131 Third street, where thioui!h tjekots to nil points In tlie Eastern St'itcs, Catimla nnd Kurope ean bo obtained tt lowed ritti.'s front .1. II. ICIIiKLAND, Ticket A?ent. All nbovo trains arrive nt mill depart from Ciiand Central Station, Fifth mid Irving streets. YAMHILL DIVISION. I'lusetiKcr Depot, foot of Jotlerson street Leave for OSW'KfiO, dailv, except 7:20 a. m.; 12;l,r), 1:1,-), 5:'Aj, BM5, S:iVi p. su (ntiil U::;o )i. in. on batnrdav only). Arrive at rnrtland nt 7:10 nnd ;30 a, m.; anil 1:30, 1:15, 0:.i.j ami 7:&Ti )i. nt. U'nve for Sheridan, week days, at 1:S0 p.m. Artlvo at 1'ortland, D::;o :t. m. Leave for AIULIK on Moiidnv, AVcilnetilnylad Kii'iay tit 1): 10 n. in. Artivo at l'ortliind, Tufi day, Thursday nnd b'aturdny at 3:05 p. m. Sunday trains for OHWKOO leave at 8:10 a. n. and latift, i: to, a:SO, 6:'Jo ii: 15 and 8 03 p. m. Ar rive nt 1'ortland ut 8:30, 10:00 n. m.j 1:80, m 0:10, ;:!.), 7:&."i p. m. It. KOLULKlt, K. P. KOREUS, Mitiiauer. Asst. O. V. A: Alt. THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-fl-WEEK EDITION. IK I'liges n wuk. lfiO Tniiiirs u Ver It etunds flrfltnmonu '"weokly" paR8" in sizo, frequeno' of publication and freshness, vuriety nml reliability of con tents. It ia practically n ilnily nt the lof price o a weokly ; nml its vast list'of subscribers, cxtendlnir to every state and territory of tho Union nml foreign coun tries, will vouch for tho. nccurucy fairness of its nows'columns. It is Hplondidly illustrated, ami amoni Its special featuree ure ft lino hurnof page, exhaustive market reports, nil the latest fashloiid for women and ft 1D series of Btories by tho urentest living WllUi Autliitny IIii), I! rot llurtu, Itrniider Aluvtliewn, Ktc. . We ofler this unequaled ijowsjmperand Tho Dnlles Twlco-a- Week Chronicle to KQthor one year for $'2.00. The regolr price of the two papers is $3.00. CmhIi Iii Your olieeks. All county warranta recistered pfior interest ceasea hii ' 1807. O. h. PiiiWrt, County Treasurer.