The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 04, 1897, Image 1

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l)c Dallco
NO 45
Cornelius N. Bliss Slated for
Interior Department.
Xho IJavIs Houro Still ;HoIi)h Out, Hut
Will rniliubly Adjourn Tomor
row or Suturilnj.
Wahhixoton, March 3. Cornelius N.
Bliss, of New York, has been tendered a
portfolio in the cabinet, and has accept
ed. He will probably be secretary of
the interior.
Bliss is willing to take the secretary
ehip of the interior, though his iriends
are strongly desirouu that he shall be
come secretary oi the navy. The naval
portfolio, however, would compel the
shifting of ex-Governor Long, of Massa
chusetts. While it is not definitely set
tied what position Bliss wiil take,
tlio probabilities are that it will be
interior department.
The make-up of the cabinet, if
fore, will be as follows :
Secretary of state, John Sherman.
Secretary of the treasurv, Lyman J.
tiage, of Illinois.
Secretary of war, Ilussel A. Alger, of
Attorney-general, Joseph McKenna, of
Postmaster-general, James A.Gary, of
Secretary of the navy. John D. Long,
of Massachusetts.
Secretary of agriculture, James Wil
son, of Iowa.
A Temporary Arrangement.
Boston, March 3. A special from
Washington says :
Major McKinley telegraphed this
morning to Governor Lone: "Your ap
pointment stands as secretary of the
navy." Long's friends have wired him
to conio to Washington at once. All
members of the cabinet are on the
ground. Cornolius N. Bliss has accepted
the secretaryship of i,he interior with
the understanding that the appointment
is not to stand if any other arrangements
can be made today ; that he shall hold
no longer than six months, and for less
time if the president shal find a substi
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening btroiiRth and
liciilthfulncss. Assures the food Hgninst ulum
nnd nil forms of udultsrncion common to the
cheap brands.
ItovAi. Bakino Powdhr Co., New Youk,
llesolntlon to Adjourn Without Bay 18
Salkm, March 3. The house met at
ll-iHO o'clock this morning, with the fol
lowing 29 members present:
Barklov, Leo
Bayer," Maxwell,
BUyeu, McAlliBter,
iJourno, Misener,
Buckman, Munkere,
Craig, Ogle,
Davis, of Umatilla Povey,
D-wie.of MultnomahRiddie,
UuBtin, Schmidtloin,
n'ry, Smith of Linn,
'H. Svindseth,
Guild, U'Ren,
Will. Whitaker,
Wowser, Yoakum,
U'Ren moved to adjourn to 7 :30 this
evening and Davis to amend to make it
7:30 tomorrow evening.
Bayer asked unanimous consent to in
troduce a resolution. The resolution
was a verbatim copy of the one adopted
by tho senate last night, the word
"house" being substituted for the word
"eenato." It declared the house dis
solved. The motion to adjourn was
withdrawn and the resolution discussed.
It was opposed by U'Kon on the ground
that members of the Benson house had
Baid the members of the temporary or
ganization would run if the absentees
came in.
Bilyeu said he would oppose the reso-,
liuion if the objeot waa to give the ab
sentees a chance to come in.
"I see the benign countenances of
some members without the bar," he
"Let them come in. They
bavon't tho manhood to do it. They are
instructed to stay out. They are
bunched together in Portland, where the
prosecuting attorney and deputies are
standing in to thwart organization. If
e get enough for organization they
roust by force of arin be wrested from
the Portland mob. Theaa outsiders
must take the responsibility, nnd the
Marion county members must answer to
Marion county. Emery moved to table
the resolution.
Hill spoke against the motion, saying :
"The members have violated their
word of honor to our sergeant. No other
way remains but brute force. We are
not here in that business. We have
seen you, Mr. Speaker, threatened with
violence on tins noor, anil tnere was a
plot to take you from your seat. The
shadow of one man has brooded like
pall over this capitol, and demoralized
this legislature, but I am opposed to
brute force."
.bmery withdrew his motion. A vote
waB then taken on the resolution to dis
solve, which was lost by 21 to 8. U'Ren
stated lie wanted more time to prepare
a resolution, and moved to adjourn till
11:30 tomorrow. Bourne amended to
adjourn to 7 :30 thi3 evening.
The amendment was carried by a vote
of 15 to 8, and the house adjourned till
Free l'llls-
Send your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits
inese nils are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
stipntion and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ions substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeloy & Houghton Druggists. (4)
Has No Intention of Deviating From
Ills Original Policy.
New Yohk, March 3. A special to the
Herald from Athens says :
M. Dinosysos, 4he archbishop of
Ballama, accompanied by three Cretan
deputies, has presented to the king a
memorial urging the union of Crete with
Greece, and begging him to pereist in his
patriotic attitude despite the pressure of
the powers. The Cretans, the memorial
pointed out, are unwilling to lay down
their arms before their desire for union
iius been accomplished. King George
replied that he was not deviating by a
hair's breadth, from the original policy
An Albanian force of 12C0 troops with
arms and ammunition which recently
reached Janina, has been sent to various
places in Macedonia and Epirus.
Eight hundred Mohammedan Alban
ians have started for E mason. The
Greek warships under Admiral Miaulis
has arrived at the Piraeus. It is offic
ially stated that the Greek troops con
centrated on the frontier number 20,000
Signed by Cleveland.
Washington, March 3. The inter
national monetary conference bill is now
a law, President Cleveland having
signed it this afternoon.
Grocers like to sell Schil
lings Best tea because it is
How different ?
Fresh-roasted good.
Not stale - roasted ordinary.
A Schllllne fit Company
Sau Francisco
f ".' . . V
Thousands of People VI mt the National
Capital.- . '
Washington, March 3. The day be
fore the inauguration opened moist and
warm. At 10 o'clock a steady diizzle set
in. Professor Moore, chief of ttie
weather bureau, predicts that the wea
ther tomorrow will be clear and cool.
The railroads continued throughout the
night and day to pour constantly grow
ing special trains into the city, and
military companies and civic organiza
tions marching through the main
streets added picturesqueness to the
The president-elect retired late last
night, but when he appeared at the
breakfast table at 8 o'clock this morn
ing he looked the picture of health and
By 9 o'clock the lobby of the Ebbitt
was crowded by persons anxious to meet
the president-elect. Many wore Ohio
badges, but while many came, few were
successful in their effort to reach the ear
of the president-elect. Senator-elect
Hanna was among the earliest callers.
At 0 :30 the president-elect descended
to the eecond floor of the hotel, where
the delegations were in waiting to make
presentations. The delegates headed by
Postmaster-General Wilson, consisted of
members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon
fraternity. The president-elect greeted
the callers with the greatest cordiality.
Taking Wilson by the hand, he ex
claimed : "I have not Been you since
the storm, last November. Come over
by the window, .where I can see you
plainly, and make sure you look as jou
did in the good old days when you were
on one side and I on another."
After reciprocating this greeting in the
same spirit, the postmaster-general pro
ceeded to make a speech in an entirely
informal way. He was charged with
the presentation of a badge, which, un
fortunately, he did not have himself.
He produced a report of the express
company and a telegram announcing the
shipment of the article. The president
elect thanked the delegation in suitable
terms and promised to wear the. badge,
if, as he remarked, there really was any
such badge, and his visitors were not
Just as the party, started away au ex
press messenger brought in haste the
delayed package. Postmaster-General
Wilson immediately opened it, assisted
by the president-elect, and disclosed a
beautiful woik of the jeweler's art,
studded thickly with diamonds. When
the ceremony was over the president
spent some time exchanging greetings
with his friends. .Soon after 10 o'clock
he returned to his private apartments to
dispose of matters requiring immediate
attention connected with the inaugural
At 10 minutes past 11 Mr. McKinley
went to pay an official visit to President
Cleveland. No one save Secretary Por
ter and Chairman Bell, of the inaugur
ation committee, accompanied tho
president-elect. They were shown di-
ectly into the official reception room of
tiie White House, where they were met
by President Cleveland and Secretary
Thurber. The meeting between incom
ing and outgoing presidents lasted only
a few minutes.
The snbjecd was naturally the wea
ther. The president has seen a special
weather report in which Chief Moore
staked his reputation on a prediction of
air weather tomorrow, and congratu
lated McKinley on the prospect.
The president-elect returned to the
Ebbitt, and in an hour, Mr. Cleveland,
following the custom, returned his call.
Thurber accompanied him to the hotel.
As he walked through the rotunda, the
presideut plainly showed that he was
suffering. His right foot was clad in a
large cloth slipper, and, although he
favored the lame foot, it was evident
that every step caused him pain. He
required no assistance, however, and
got into his, carriage with little diffi
culty, and was rapidly driven to the
Ebbitt house.
The president's call was even shorter
than that of .McKiuley, uud in a few
iniuutes he was on his way back to the
White House.
conuiltii' mm juitutltuil; tixuctly ti round In
bitblui'tf. My courte of lufetnictioim thor
oughly qualify you to tuko cuiirgo of imJ
kccii ii fciit of books. The highest roferenio
turiiUhi'd. For terms and full luformutJoii
uddrohs L. D. HUNTER,' A. O, U. W.
Temple, Forfluud, Oregon.
When a man puts
on a bad-fitting Col
lar, the Recording
Angel makes haste
to sharpen his pen-
Best 3 for 50c Collar on Earth.
These will fit And wear well, too.
NEW SPRING STYLES bpon and on sale
Cuffs, 25c pair.
New Line
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15 and 25c.
Just been opened.
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Tender babies are
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Sleep is out of the question.
Most remedies md physicians
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CUTICURA remedies
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Eczema, they would
be entitled to the grati
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They not only Curew,
A single application is often
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speedy, permanent cure.
Bi'KKov Crac Tjskatjien?. Wuna batha
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Ol'TlcutA (aimiiitmtj, i.i.U m'.M lu of Uuti.
cur.A ltc30Lve.NT I'm now Wood puritlcr).
SoM tlmiuihoiit flir urir'it. I'lirrrR 5)f.VQ & ClJEU.
Oil! p.. Hilii l'roptttn, IJitni. I'. s. A-
lluw lu ,uio IJ4I1)'. i-k.ii J)l.t.c," lire.
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n m ii
Harry Liebe,
AU work promptl)' attended to,
and werruntocl.
g A. It. GUIII.KV,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
Practices In tho State uud Federal Courts of
Oregon and Washington. jun!Al-3nic
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Opp. A. M. Williams & Co.,
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded ior Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
The Dalles, Or.