The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 03, 1897, Image 1

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    el)c Dalles
$p Ijroniclc
vol. x
NO 41
The Towers Are Blockading
Cretan Ports.
Tho w York "World Snys a Largo
l Illhu'torliiB Expedition Has Evl
dently lifft Tlmt l'ortfor Culm.
New Youk, March 2. A Herald dis
patch from Constantinople says :
All tho rumora concerning the trans
mission of a collective note by the am
bassadors accompanied by an ultimatum
from here to Greece are premature. The
ambassadors here have not even re
ceived tho terms in Which the note is to
be couched. Consequently the opinion
is that owing to tho near approach of
the Bairm festival on Thursday, the
eventual transmission could, hardly be
made before Sunday.
It is no longer doubted here that this
note will be accepted by the porte. It is
hoped that Greece by that time will also
bo induced to accept.
Tho ainbassabora continue to use their
efforts to persuade the sultan to cease,
his armament.
According to dispatches received by
tho ambassadors, incendiarism in Crete
A serious encounter took place at
Wixelaki, five miles from Canea, be
tween insurgents eupported by Greeks
and Turkish troops. The latter returned
to Canea.
Tho blockade of the entire island of
Crete, which is now maintained with
the greatest rigor by the foreign forces,
is very sensible. The want of pro
visions is fell throughout the island.
The inhabitants of Candia have asked
for tho removal ot the blockade to pro
vide themselves with provisions for one
week. The French officer commanding
the sailors debarked at Candia has asked
for instrnctionB.
Tho rowers, Ultimatum.
Nnw Youk, March 2. A Herald
special from Canea aays :
Tho admirals of the allied fleot will
send an ultimatum to the Greek war
ships to leave Cretan waters within
IS hours. The order will bo obpyed.
Marines have been landed at Suda bay.
Four Turks have been killed at Zira
raliet and ten wounded.
In consequence of the capture of the
Turkish fortress at Stavaros, near Candi
amo, by the Greek troops, the lower
classes in Candia are vorv much excited.
Italians GoIuk to the Front.
New Youk, March 2. A Herald dis
patch from Corfu saye :
Italian volunteers arrived hero and
proceeded to Athens. Among them
were Prince Alleeandro Baecauto and
Nicolai Barbateo, of Palermo. They
were cheered on their departure.
MuNHuImanM Massacred.
Paius, March 2. A dispatch to Eclaire
from Canea eaya it is reported thore
that 2000 Mussulmans intrenched in ft
fortress near Selino have all been mass
acred, and great apprehension is felt
regarding the fate of 4000 Mussulmans
besieged near Candia.
Tho Peoullur Aluueuvurs of a Strange
Nkw Yohk, March 2. The World this
morning says:
Passing coasters observed four suapi-clous-looking
craft, two tugs, a echooner
and a barge, lying off Barnegat until the
storm with tho white fuzz of anow be
came so thick as to shut off the vision.
A steamer with a single funnel, a black
hull and two masts rigged aa derricks
emerged from the gloom of the morning,
signaled tho tugs, which arrived under
fltandingly, und they presently came
"bout and tied up alongside the little
fore-and-aft sailing vessel, which in turn
was made fast to one of the tugs and had
io sail spread. Tho whole prpcoedmg
was like the start of a carefully planned
filibustering expedition for Cuba.
It was learned that Major Castrovordl,
a young and dashing Cuban patriot, who
was formerly with Maceo, dieappearod a
week ago last Sunday He went south
lo Uad an expedition from some point
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavening Htrcngth mid
lieiiltlifiilncss. Assures the food itgninst iilum
nnd nil forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
on tho coast, his friends in the Cuban
junta say. His outfit will comprise
stores, rifles and ammunition and a lew
picked men. Tho point from which he
is to sail is kept secret. No one about
the junta would say that he knew about
the arrangements for the expedition.
The tugboat Volunteer, which is tied
up ordinarily when not running about,
left the old logwood house at Green
Point. In tow of tho tug was the barge
Relief, upon whose deck crouched more
than a score of Cuban?, mostly young
men, and many, judging from appear
ances, of the adventuresome and daring
class that are always pressing the offi
cials of the junta for a chance to strike a
blow for Cuba libre.
Thus the flotilla lay until the myste
rious steamer came out of the horizon
on the southward. In addition to her
many cases of arms, etc., the schooner
is said to have had on board nine or ten
men who climbed abord the steamer.
From appearances Major Castroverdi's
$1000 expedition, headed for the mouth
of tho San Juan river, is already on its
Iu the tuute.
Washington, March 2. The senate
passed the fortifications appropriation
bill in thirty minutes. The internation
al monetary conference bill was taken
up and led to a heated criticism by
Dubois of Idaho, and Cannon of Utah.
Dubois warned his former Republican
associates the silver Republicans would
never return to them. Cannon asserted
that the next administration would-be
as though Grover Cleveland was elected
for a third term.
Stewart, of Nevada, said the choice
of Lyman J. Gage fixed the gold
standard policy upon the next
administration. Teller spoke of
the probable futility of an inter
national monetary conference. He said
President-elect McKinley by his cabinet
selections had evidently gone over to the
gold standard to stay there. The senate
concurred in the house amendments to
the international monetary conference
bill. This is the last legislative stage.
The bill now goes to the president.
Thore is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all othe diseases put
togethor, and until the laBt few years
was supposed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pronounced it
a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced
It incurable. Science has proyen catarrh
to be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrah Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, ia the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from ten
drops to u teaspoonful. It acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho
system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure, bond for
circulars and testmonials. Address,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Toledo, O.
'Sold by Druggists, 75c. i
There is no end of flavor
in Schillings Bestitz made
There is not even begin
ning of flavor in average
tea, make it how you will.
At grocers in packages.
A Schilling Company
District or Columbia nnd Naval Bills
Sent to Conference.
Washington, March 2. Tho house
was prepared for a long, hard day's
work when It met at 10 o'clock today.
The rotunda and corridors of the capitol
were thronged and the galleries crowded.
The traditional jealousy between the
house and the senate was the cause of
the resolution by Dockery, Democrat, of
Missouri, being introduced, asking for
an inquiry into tho reason why prece
dents had been ignored in the location
of the platform upon the eastern terrace
of the capitol, where McKinley will be
inaugurated, entirely in front of the
senate wing. Heretofore the platform
had been built out from the main en
trance, and neither house had cause to
feel slighted. Under tho rules the reso
lution was referred to a committee.
Richardson, Democrat, of Pennsylvania,
suggested an amendment to ascertain
what authority existed for the erec
tion of a platform any where on the
The District of Columbia and naval
appropriation bills, which came over
from the senate, were sent to the confer
ence. Hopkins, Kopuoiican, oi Illinois,
tried to got a separate vote on the senate
proposition to fix the price of armor-
plate at $300 a ton. He wanted that
amendment concurred in. He said the
Illinois Steel Company was prepared to
furnish the government with armor
plate for which we were paying $560,
for $240.
"Is that company responsible?" asked
Milnes, Republican, of Michigan.
"It has a capital atock of $40,000,000,"
replied Hopkine, "and has in it such
men o& Marshall Field, Rockefeller,
Pullman and Armour. It is one of the
Btroncest comnanies in the United.
If we could trace Dyspepsia to its
source, it would lead back to our kitch
ens. In fact, the secret of good health
is eood cookme. If well cooked, foods
are partially digested ; if poorly cooked,
they are less digestible than in their raw
Btate. If you are victim of faulty cook
ing; that is, if you suffer from Dyspep
sia, the rational cure must be looked for
in an artificially digested1 food, and a
food which will at the same time aid the
digestion of other foods. Such a prep
aration virtually reBts the tired digetive
organs, thereby restoring them to their
natural strength.
The Digestive Cordial, as prepared by
the Shakers of Mount Lebannon, is such
a preparation, and a single 10 cent bottle
will convince vou of its value. If your
druggist doesn't keep it, he will be glad
to get it through his wholesale house.
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place of
Castor Oil.
No Health Certificates.
Port Townsend, March 2. When the
Northern Pacific Railway Company's
steamer City of Kingston arrived today
from Victoria she had on aboard fifteen
Chinese who are in the country under
Deculiar circumstances. They were
shipped in, bond from Hong Kong to
Victoria via Portland. On arriving at
Victoria thev had no certificates of
health and were refused a landing.
The Captain of the City of Kingston
took them aboard without inquiring for
their papers, thinking they were bound
for tho United States.
The Quarantine officers held the
steamer for several hours, but finally
allowed her to proceed after removing
the Chinese andendjng them to Dia
mond Point quarantine station, where
they will be kept at the expense of the
Northern Pacific Railway Company,
after which the steamer will be required
to return them to British Columbia,
llucicien'o Ariucit halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruiBes, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovti
eores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or monev refunded. Price 26 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeloy and
Houghton, druggists.
Dfini iCCDIUP THUKUt by Mull by
UUn-lCCnl1l Kxpert Accountant
complete and practical; exactly ns found In
biihliW. My course of Instructions thor
oughly (iniillty you to take chargo of and
keen a hot of books. The highest reference
furnished. Kor torms und full Information
address L. D. HUNTER, A. O. U. W.
Temple, Portland, Oregon.
Best 3 for 50c Collar on Earth.
These will fit 'V.And wear well, too.
NEW SPRING STYLES optin ami on sale.
ECZEnA, "greatest of skin dis
eases, is the cause of more intense
suffering than all others combined.
Tender babies -are
among its numerous
victims. The itching,
burning, cracking,
bleeding, and scaling
of the skin and scalp
are almost beyond endurance.
Sleep is out of the question.
Most remedies and physicians
generally fail even to relieve. If
CUTICURA remedies
did no more than cure
Eczema, they would
be entitled to the grati
tude of mankind.
They not only Cure,
A single application is often
sufficient to afford instant relief,
permit rest and sleep, and point to a
speedy, permanent cure.
SrEEnr Chub Tkcatjiknt. Warm baths
with Cuticuka Soap, gcntlo application of
OUTlontA (ointment), and mild doue of Cuti.
cuiia Resolvent (the now blond purlllor).
Sold throughout l)w Mor'il. l'oftKK IJia'O Si C;itn.
Colli'., Sok- P'opilftoin, H'tmi, 1' K A
U3" lluw to Cur lli.lij'. hkm l)luc,"free.
Find Comfort
and Strength in
Cuticura naVo Plaster
Harry Liebe,
All work promptly attended to,
Hint warrutitvd.
g A. It. OVHLKV,
' Attoracv ana Counsellor at Law,
Practices In the State null Federal Courts of
Oregon uud Wiifchlngtou. Jan23-3mo
When a man puts
on a bad-fitting Col
lar, the Recording
Angel makes haste
to sharpen his pencil.
Cuffs, 25c pair.
New Line
"Club House" Ties,
15 and 25c.
Just been opened.
New York Weekly Tribune
With the close of the Presidential Campaign THE THIBUNE recognizes tha
fact that the American people are now anxious to give their attention to home and
business interests. To meet thin contiition, politlea will have far less spaco and
prominence, until another State or National occasion demauda a ronewal of tliu
ihjhtfor the principles for which THE TRIBUNE baa labored from ita inception
to the present day. and won ita ereatest victories.
Everv possible effort will bo' put forth, and money freely spent, to mako THE
WEEKLY TKIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, ntereatlng,
instructive, cntertaiuiiiK and indispensable to each member of tho family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and N. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.
Tribune Oflice, New York City, and a sample copy of Hie New ork Weekly Trib
une will be mailed to you.
Opp. A. M. Williams it Co.,
Lumber, Building Material and Boxes
Traded for Hav. Grain, Bacon, Lard, &c.
Far me and Villagers,
' Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Daughters,
All the Family.
nnutnl I'll ril Hand it to (ion. W. Best.
The Dalles, Or.